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Roman Catholic Church calls for Granger-Jagdeo talks to heal Guyana


The Roman Catholic Church’s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

The Roman Catholic Church in Guyana  has called on President David Granger and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo to meet urgently to map a plan of action aimed at healing the nation.

The Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) of the Roman Catholic Church expressed concern that a range of issues, which have surfaced during the past 18 months, threaten reconciliation and trust mainly at the political level and suggest “that the nation is on the wrong path.”

The Roman Catholic Church said the onus is squarely on the shoulders of Guyana’s political leaders to address this situation comprehensively aimed at achieving peaceful coexistence.

“JPC calls on the President and Leader of the Opposition to engage each other and agree on a programme of healing that will relieve the nation of its pain and lead us to the promised land of trust in each other.  JPC believes this programme of healing must include constitutional and political party reform, and improved social cohesion and ethnic relations,” the JPC said in a statement.

Granger and Jagdeo have publicly stated in recent weeks that they are willing to meet with each other to help move Guyana forward, but so far there is no word whether the two have formally indicated such a desire in writing or by telephone.

The RC Church’s societal watchdog listed several issues that have caused concern. They are the Hamilton Green Pension Bill 2016, the Durban Park accountability scandal, the  controversial rental of a pharmaceutical “bond”, audit reports, including on Pradoville 2 and other allegations of the misuse of state resources for partisan and/or personal gain, massive salary increases for ministers and others, “Baishanlin-gate”, the melting down of Guysuco and the manner in which the Rodney Commission was initiated and concluded.

“Given the amount of taxpayer funds being spent on political, justice, security and other public systems, Guyana’s levels of suicide, migration, violence and corruption suggest a massive failure on the part of our leaders,” the JPC added. “Our people are weary of the scandals and growing in skepticism of political processes and our leaders.”

The JPC urged all People of Faith to pray for Guyana and its leaders and refrain from participating in divisive acts. “We further urge that citizens, as voters and children of God, refuse to participate in political efforts to further divide us and hold political leaders more accountable for their performance on our behalf,” the Roman Catholic Church organisation said.

Also of grave concern to the Roman Catholic Church is the tone of parliamentary debates, calling the behaviour of  lawmakers “undignified and unproductive” in conducting the people’s business. “While Parliamentarians are obliged to listen and represent the views of their constituents, the inability to reconcile differences across the aisle serves to further alienate and frustrate the People,” the JPC added.

In 2014, the JPC  undertook research into Guyanese Catholic views on justice and peace in Guyana, views the Church believes are shared by Guyanese at large.  Key among those views, released in November 2015, is that Guyana suffers increased levels of injustice and violence as a result of our inability to reconcile from earlier pain, inclusive of political and social pain.  An obvious symptom of our brokenness is a reduced level of socio-political trust.

The JPC of the Roman Catholic Church said: “At this time of Advent, when Christians celebrate the desire for a new era in mankind’s relationship with God and each other through the birth of Jesus, we know the Holy Spirit will be with us to help in these difficult times.  This hope for a new tomorrow is not unique to Christianity.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is nothing to talk about, or to heal. The PPP has had 25 years to do any healing but they increased tensions instead. Jagdeo demonstrated that he is incapable of anything. Failed marriage, failed economic plans, failed racist.


People like Jagdeo do not deserve any sympathy. I even challenge the notion that he is the leader of the PPP. He seized power again when Donald lost the election. Jagdeo used race as an excuse to silence everyone else. He needs to be removed before any talks can begin.

Mr.T posted:

People like Jagdeo do not deserve any sympathy. I even challenge the notion that he is the leader of the PPP. He seized power again when Donald lost the election. Jagdeo used race as an excuse to silence everyone else. He needs to be removed before any talks can begin.

Shut yuh rass.  This is exactly why nothing happens.  BJ is the man on the other side.  He is [arguable] more powerful than Granger.  The path to unity and reconciliation lies in the hands of BJ.  Granger just have to reach across!


The Roman Catholic Church interests are not at stake here. How many Guyanese East Indian people are Catholic? This is clearly an anti-koolie racist gang that now rules over our East Indian Brothers and Sisters in Guyana. A racist anti-koolie regime that has at its heart the hardcore ideology of anti-koolie racism. The holiday season is upon us. God bless the many East Indian Brothers and Sisters who lost their jobs and their daily bread because of their race by this racist anti-koolie gang that now rules over them. East Indian people of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana must have their own independent sovereign country. That is the only way they are going to be free from anti-koolie racist hate.

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

People like Jagdeo do not deserve any sympathy. I even challenge the notion that he is the leader of the PPP. He seized power again when Donald lost the election. Jagdeo used race as an excuse to silence everyone else. He needs to be removed before any talks can begin.

Shut yuh rass.  This is exactly why nothing happens.  BJ is the man on the other side.  He is [arguable] more powerful than Granger.  The path to unity and reconciliation lies in the hands of BJ.  Granger just have to reach across!

Like he Shut he rass fo real and disappear in he hole.  

Pointblank posted:

Granger has been calling on jagdeo and the ppp to do that since the PPP lost he election.

Jagdeo always refused


The impetus for any kind of change and racial reconciliation must come from the government in power.... not the opposition. This is like telling the Native Americans in America that the task of reconciliation is upon them and they have to take the initiative. It is the government in power that must take the initiative and create a genuine plan to move the nation forward.

Yes,  Jagan and the PPP failed to do so when they had the chance. But now the Granger government has failed to do so. The Minister for Social Cohesion is a sham and Amna Ally is an idiot. She knows shyte about social cohesion.

The reality is that power-sharing and efforts to build a coalition government that reflect the interests of all Guyanese is not going to happen under this government. Granger is a Burnhamite and even if he wanted to reach out to the PPP, it is all going to be rhetoric. The PNC racists and Black nationalists will not allow this to happen. When was the last time you hear this government talk about balancing the police and army (the PPP give us this bullshit that Indians did not want to join the army and police, but things are different now).?

The reality is that neither the PNC or PNC want racial cohesion...they thrive on racial division...and you blaming one side of the equasion makes you a knucklehead. 

VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

Granger has been calling on jagdeo and the ppp to do that since the PPP lost he election.

Jagdeo always refused


The reality is that power-sharing and efforts to build a coalition government that reflect the interests of all Guyanese is not going to happen under this government. Granger is a Burnhamite and even if he wanted to reach out to the PPP, it is all going to be rhetoric. The PNC racists and Black nationalists will not allow this to happen. When was the last time you hear this government talk about balancing the police and army (the PPP give us this bullshit that Indians did not want to join the army and police, but things are different now).?

Banna,make your mind up the whole paragraph is nonsense,I am amazed at the highlighted.

How old is the current Gov't ?

Knucklehead may be pointing in your direction.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does the Roman Catholic Church know who killed Father Darke?

Some of the HOI fellas are at Freedom House,make some inquiries there.

I don't need to make inquiries.  I know the answer.  That question was for the benefit of people like you who pretend that you don't know the truth.

Bibi Haniffa
Pointblank posted:

read and understand granger in in the Govt not the opposition.


The govt cannot force indians to join the police force.

The initiative has to come from the government. Granger being in government has to make that move....but they are not serious about working with the PPP, just as much as the PPP dislikes the Granger government. 

Stop making excuse for Indians not wanting to join the force. More of them are doing it today....the govt has to create the incentives for them to do so. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does the Roman Catholic Church know who killed Father Darke?

Some of the HOI fellas are at Freedom House,make some inquiries there.

I don't need to make inquiries.  I know the answer.  That question was for the benefit of people like you who pretend that you don't know the truth.

I know the truth,Freedom House embraced the HOI crew.

refresh your memory

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

Granger has been calling on jagdeo and the ppp to do that since the PPP lost he election.

Jagdeo always refused


The reality is that power-sharing and efforts to build a coalition government that reflect the interests of all Guyanese is not going to happen under this government. Granger is a Burnhamite and even if he wanted to reach out to the PPP, it is all going to be rhetoric. The PNC racists and Black nationalists will not allow this to happen. When was the last time you hear this government talk about balancing the police and army (the PPP give us this bullshit that Indians did not want to join the army and police, but things are different now).?

Banna,make your mind up the whole paragraph is nonsense,I am amazed at the highlighted.

How old is the current Gov't ?

Knucklehead may be pointing in your direction.

Why are you amazed at the highlighted?. I expected that kind of response from Carib.

The Catholic Church can talk all they want, the PNC and PPP have fundamentally different views on how to address the issues they mentioned that are a concern for them. The only possible way for the country to heal and for the leadership to work together is if they agree to do so and if they agree on the solutions. They will both give lip service. 

Guyana is a racially broken country that benefits whoever is in charge. As far as I can tell, there is no solution in sight. What we need is a national unity government run by people who are not tainted by the politics of the past. There is need for as government that will honestly address the real issues that divide Guyana.

The Catholic Church may find itself in a Christmas spirit, but they are neither offering any real solution to the problem...which is the racial division of the country.


Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

Granger has been calling on jagdeo and the ppp to do that since the PPP lost he election.

Jagdeo always refused


The reality is that power-sharing and efforts to build a coalition government that reflect the interests of all Guyanese is not going to happen under this government. Granger is a Burnhamite and even if he wanted to reach out to the PPP, it is all going to be rhetoric. The PNC racists and Black nationalists will not allow this to happen. When was the last time you hear this government talk about balancing the police and army (the PPP give us this bullshit that Indians did not want to join the army and police, but things are different now).?

Banna,make your mind up the whole paragraph is nonsense,I am amazed at the highlighted.

How old is the current Gov't ?

Knucklehead may be pointing in your direction.

Django would you go back and join the police or army, if not would you like your children, brother or sister do same.  

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does the Roman Catholic Church know who killed Father Darke?

Some of the HOI fellas are at Freedom House,make some inquiries there.

Quote your source,and facts. Don't use this board for spreading your LIES.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does the Roman Catholic Church know who killed Father Darke?

Some of the HOI fellas are at Freedom House,make some inquiries there.

I don't need to make inquiries.  I know the answer.  That question was for the benefit of people like you who pretend that you don't know the truth.

I know the truth,Freedom House embraced the HOI crew.

refresh your memory


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

I know the truth,Freedom House embraced the HOI crew.

refresh your memory


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Not only the president, but his clan are anti-Indian racists to varying degrees!

Django will miss that, it fits with his personal predisposition!


THE PPP sole purpose to destabilize the present government, don't be NICE. The PNC when in opposition did not cooperate with the government, their purpose was to make the PPP fail.Why change NOW ,continue the PNC play book.I say let the ship sink, don't jump on board with the PNC.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Vish,me thinks he is a changed person,one can redeem himself.

What kinda nonsense am I reading here? Please educate us as to exactly when Granger redeem himself.  And when you done, go and beg God for forgiveness.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

I know the truth,Freedom House embraced the HOI crew.

refresh your memory


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Not only the president, but his clan are anti-Indian racists to varying degrees!

Django will miss that, it fits with his personal predisposition!

Not true,there are spaces for all of us,why should we discriminate against each other,are we not humans ??

In the political arena lots of mudslinging does take place to attract the gullible.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Vish,me thinks he is a changed person,one can redeem himself.

Well, he has not shown that willingness as yet. I will give him credit when he does.

By the way, I read somewhere where Granger was in a commission that called for balanced army. Will try and find the article.

VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

read and understand granger in in the Govt not the opposition.


The govt cannot force indians to join the police force.

The initiative has to come from the government. Granger being in government has to make that move....but they are not serious about working with the PPP, just as much as the PPP dislikes the Granger government. 

Stop making excuse for Indians not wanting to join the force. More of them are doing it today....the govt has to create the incentives for them to do so. 

Correct Vish.  There are no incentives for Indians to join the armed services.  I know a few Muslims who joined and left.  Even their dietary requirements were not met.  They are served pork to eat in the forces when the government knows fully well that their religion doesn't allow that.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

I know the truth,Freedom House embraced the HOI crew.

refresh your memory


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Not only the president, but his clan are anti-Indian racists to varying degrees!

Django will miss that, it fits with his personal predisposition!

Not true,there are spaces for all of us,why should we discriminate against each other,are we not humans ??

In the political arena lots of mudslinging does take place to attract the gullible.


You sound like you retreating brother...these boys seem too much you you eh? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Vish,me thinks he is a changed person,one can redeem himself.

What kinda nonsense am I reading here? Please educate us as to exactly when Granger redeem himself.  And when you done, go and beg God for forgiveness.

Unfortunately dunno if there is an existence, from a Scientific view i am still exploring that reality.

I also have nothing against the believers,to each his own.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Like you miss the one from wikileaks that said Granger was an antiIndian racist?

Vish,me thinks he is a changed person,one can redeem himself.

What kinda nonsense am I reading here? Please educate us as to exactly when Granger redeem himself.  And when you done, go and beg God for forgiveness.

This clown Django, the racists who is from a racist clan is redeemed.  Django, you are anti-Indian Caribj #2!

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

So we have agreed then that  only ethnic cleansing will solve the problem. Correct?

Knucklehead, like you jest woke up?

Did you read from top to bottom?

He suffers from ADD, he never got to the bottom!


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