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Django posted:
Nehru posted:


new bunny energizer in the bullhorn eh bhai

He is just a wind up toy with pre set phrases encoded on a mechanical drum hence the limited range.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

These [PNC] clowns are not visionary, pure lazy lap-dogs who thrive on swill, spill and left overs!!  When this is absent, they try lil loot!!  I believe some of the AFC [and PNC] people understand, but they are "crumb-catchers".  They sit in the corner and bark at the egging of "his master's voice", then they hide their poker faces under their paws and await the next call to paws!!


Clearly the words of a base creatures. Somehow you have the aptitude to judge, decide and make categorical statements on the intellect of others. That ignorance coming from that racist cesspool of a mind is not unexpected. What do you think everyone under jagdeo were if no lapdogs? Even Ramotar had Jagdeo on his back. Jagdeo being adroit with the con was able to run rough shod over the lot so much that even when he is gone they do not think for themselves. With all of those yes men and women on the job it is little surprise we were over run by shysters and crooks from druglords to money launderers and smugglers all poisoning the social fabric of the state.

Yea, yea, we know Stormsta!!  Where did I refer to race?  I mean, I admire every race for their accomplishments.  There are people of all races in Guyana to be admired.

But there is that vast swathe of PNC hordes who have cultivated an entitlement and finger-pointing herd mentality.  They have built little and destroyed much.

This has been the perennial yolk and albatross which has stymied and weighed on progress and development in Guyana throughout it's independent history!!

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

Naah! Dem found severe structural defects in the complex that the PPP was building in region 8. Can you name the complex?

They should have employed you to audit the inspectors!!

You don't seem busy. You have to admit that a 60% failure rate is not acceptable.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

Naah! Dem found severe structural defects in the complex that the PPP was building in region 8. Can you name the complex?

They should have employed you to audit the inspectors!!

You don't seem busy. You have to admit that a 60% failure rate is not acceptable.

Well, look who talking!!  Actually my night duties keeps me very busy!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Like Base said, with the narrow-minded, tunnel-visioned thinking that you have you can only afford to swing from the trees.

The PPP guys are forward thinking, business developers, that is why they left a full Treasury for you all to pi$$ away and keep party.

ATTENTION BASEMAN: You are a bad influence on Bibi. Cut out your derogatory adjectives and she will refine her verbs.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

These [PNC] clowns are not visionary, pure lazy lap-dogs who thrive on swill, spill and left overs!!  When this is absent, they try lil loot!!  I believe some of the AFC [and PNC] people understand, but they are "crumb-catchers".  They sit in the corner and bark at the egging of "his master's voice", then they hide their poker faces under their paws and await the next call to paws!!


Clearly the words of a base creatures. Somehow you have the aptitude to judge, decide and make categorical statements on the intellect of others. That ignorance coming from that racist cesspool of a mind is not unexpected. What do you think everyone under jagdeo were if no lapdogs? Even Ramotar had Jagdeo on his back. Jagdeo being adroit with the con was able to run rough shod over the lot so much that even when he is gone they do not think for themselves. With all of those yes men and women on the job it is little surprise we were over run by shysters and crooks from druglords to money launderers and smugglers all poisoning the social fabric of the state.

Yea, yea, we know Stormsta!!  Where did I refer to race?  I mean, I admire every race for their accomplishments.  There are people of all races in Guyana to be admired.

But there is that vast swathe of PNC hordes who have cultivated an entitlement and finger-pointing herd mentality.  They have built little and destroyed much.

This has been the perennial yolk and albatross which has stymied and weighed on progress and development in Guyana throughout it's independent history!!

I guess you are facile enough to miss the operant code words that imply lesser than. You never speak to facts or issues. You are like that loud mouth Trump, " I will be the best, better than you have seen" and always empty of facts.

The OP is you gloating at the use of something the PPP build and inferring from that it was a wise choice that even the feral minds of the PNC can appreciate its worth.

You missed the fact it was a conjob from the beginning with all its parts secret and use of state assets co opted to  facilitate the build out where even guyanese workers could not be seen fit to drive nails. It was a complete misuse of state funds and intended to line the pocket of some PPP crony.


Don't derail this thread.  It was dedicated to the PNC/AFC hypocritical critters!!

That Bibi has been throwing punches from day one, not sure what baseman has to do with it.  She seems sure-footed with her own will power and mind!

But, I respect Gilly and will heed his words of wisdom!!  He seem to have the ability to see through "no-parallax"!!

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Under the watch of Ganga Persaud and Priya and the PPP/C,

Students of Kato Primary carrying the logs to be used for cooking, from beyond the far reaching Paramakatoi Mountains.

This was an endurance PE exercise.

Skelly, this bring back memories of childhood days how we use to fetch firewood and water for our homes.

Stormborn posted:

....I guess you are facile enough to miss the operant code words that imply lesser than. You never speak to facts or issues. You are like that loud mouth Trump, ".....

Baseman speaks to the facts and issues as he sees it, you just chose not to.  As they say, one man's meat in another man's poison!!

On Trump, leh we gi jack he jacket, at least he builds and is not a loser!!  He organizes large projects and make them happen and not failing communities.

But everyone has his/her role, just not at the top!!

Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

It's not Armani.  It's Brooks Brothers!

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

Yes, you prefer them wearing platted plantain leaf suit!!

Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:

Don't derail this thread.  It was dedicated to the PNC/AFC hypocritical critters!!

But, I respect Gilly and will heed his words of wisdom!!  He seem to have the ability to see through "no-parallax"!!

Sorry for the forced entry, man. Carry on.

Sorry Gilly, on the "derail", that was for bhai Mitwahji.  You can always intervene!!

baseman posted:

Don't derail this thread.  It was dedicated to the PNC/AFC hypocritical critters!!

That Bibi has been throwing punches from day one, not sure what baseman has to do with it.  She seems sure-footed with her own will power and mind!

But, I respect Gilly and will heed his words of wisdom!!  He seem to have the ability to see through "no-parallax"!!

Where are the hypocrites again? Are you not the craven fellow posting what is definitively the monument to PPP corruption ( a half step behind the Skeldon plant), the Marriott as an example of their wise choices?

And quit using phrases you do not understand. What the hell is the ability to see through no parallax? 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Under the watch of Ganga Persaud and Priya and the PPP/C,

Students of Kato Primary carrying the logs to be used for cooking, from beyond the far reaching Paramakatoi Mountains.

This was an endurance PE exercise.

Skelly, this bring back memories of childhood days how we use to fetch firewood and water for our homes.

Hmmmm.  Finally getting my answer to that question.  You can take a man out of the "...........", but you cannot take the "............." out of the man.  Instinctive, inherent behavior which results from jealousy of others who show progress in their lives.

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

Don't derail this thread.  It was dedicated to the PNC/AFC hypocritical critters!!

That Bibi has been throwing punches from day one, not sure what baseman has to do with it.  She seems sure-footed with her own will power and mind!

But, I respect Gilly and will heed his words of wisdom!!  He seem to have the ability to see through "no-parallax"!!


.... What the hell is the ability to see through no parallax? 

In contrast to you, cannot see the train coming straight at you!!!

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

Yes, you prefer them wearing platted plantain leaf suit!!

That's a racist statement. But then you are myopic.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

Yes, you prefer them wearing platted plantain leaf suit!!


again the ignorant retort relying on that reptilian portion of your brain. I doubt it has much of the necessary cerebrum mass to actually progress beyond that point.
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

Don't derail this thread.  It was dedicated to the PNC/AFC hypocritical critters!!

That Bibi has been throwing punches from day one, not sure what baseman has to do with it.  She seems sure-footed with her own will power and mind!

But, I respect Gilly and will heed his words of wisdom!!  He seem to have the ability to see through "no-parallax"!!


.... What the hell is the ability to see through no parallax? 

In contrast to you, cannot see the train coming straight at you!!!

It is a stupid comment from one ignorant of what the term means. Get it you do not see through it. It is a term for lining up objects to gauge their real position. It is what they teach you in third form physics.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Under the watch of Ganga Persaud and Priya and the PPP/C,

Students of Kato Primary carrying the logs to be used for cooking, from beyond the far reaching Paramakatoi Mountains.

This was an endurance PE exercise.

Skelly, this bring back memories of childhood days how we use to fetch firewood and water for our homes.

Hmmmm.  Finally getting my answer to that question.  You can take a man out of the "...........", but you cannot take the "............." out of the man.  Instinctive, inherent behavior which results from jealousy of others who show progress in their lives.

To the contrary. The imagery is exactly what it is; indiscriminate use of amerindian children as child laborers because the PPP failed to supply what is routine elsewhere. The compulsion to pretensions of having achieved and somehow that makes others jealous of you is a disease with you. In the Greek tragedies it would be termed your hubris. Hope it does not bring you down underfoot before a cathartic moment is reached and you recognize it for the disease it is. Makes you look cheap and shallow and overwhelms whatever useful parts exists.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

Yes, you prefer them wearing platted plantain leaf suit!!

That's a racist statement. But then you are myopic.

What's to racist about plantain leaf suits.  Take a look!!

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:


.... What the hell is the ability to see through no parallax? 

In contrast to you, cannot see the train coming straight at you!!!

..... Get it you do not see through it. .

I see you "get it"!!!

dont harmonize your error  with missus of  my words. It makes a silly mistake look worse.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

..... Get it you do not see through it. .

I see you "get it"!!!

dont harmonize your error  with missus of  my words. It makes a silly mistake look worse.

I believe you are lost in your own Stardumb!!

You misuse a concept and I am lost! It is not unexpected. This thread started with you trying to sell us a bridge.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

..... Get it you do not see through it. .

I see you "get it"!!!

dont harmonize your error  with missus of  my words. It makes a silly mistake look worse.

I believe you are lost in your own Stardumb!!

....This thread started with you trying to sell us a bridge.

Which one, Demerara, Berbice or Takatu!!

Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

How many Armani suits can the big salary increases that the PNC boys gave themselves buy....quite a few that they can wear to STARBUCKS when they go for coffee

alena06 posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

Modus Operandi of the Coalition - 'spoat', splurge, useless audits!!!

the same refrain....of course missing that is exactly what the crooks in the ppp did and where the extravagance of Armani on shoulders that never before wore an off the rack suit missed you completely.

How many Armani suits can the big salary increases that the PNC boys gave themselves buy....quite a few that they can wear to STARBUCKS when they go for coffee

Wah happen deh Alena, you pissed of because it's not called StarCoolies?


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