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caribny posted:
Chief posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Hey Carib

I am a Muslim, and I have never being taught to kill...why don't you base your opinion on what I say vs the ones who kill?

Profound and thank you!!

Chief its your belief that Islam is a superior religion to others which traps you.  It isn't.  Muslims can be as sinful as people from other religions.

However what is unique about Islam is that in 2016 there are adherents who hold on to the Koran as their justification for murder.

You need to stop trying to fool yourself that Islam is special.  It isn't.  And the mayhem of the past month must be a nightmare to folks like you who pretend that it is.

Muslims need to address the hijacking of their religion by this narrow group of zealots. Telling us that Islam doesn't allow killing is useless. We know that Islam spread by the sword just as Christianity did, and in 2016 there exists today small numbers of people still waging this jihad.


One has to be a fool or a moron to say that their own cannot be sinful or bad. Every group has bad and good and Muslims do have thier share of bad as well.

Where we part company is that I believe that  Islam and other religions are special. The religion is good but the followers do bad things.

RiffRaff posted:


BTW, how exactly are regular Muslims supposed to stop these fellas

That is what Muslims should be figuring out rather then trying to tell us that you all are angelic folks who never sin.

Clearly a small group of Muslims hold the Koran while they commit these acts.

Who are the people who are poisoning them online, and who run the madrasahs in Pakistan where they teach small boys to hate Malala as being un Islamic because she wants an education?  And what of Saudi Arabia, a nation which does all sorts of uncivilized things in the name of Islam?

Clearly Islam is decentralized so this task will be difficult, but its necessary.

Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:


BTW, how exactly are regular Muslims supposed to stop these fellas who seem to get their inspiration online vs the mosque? If the intelligence agencies can't seem to track them with all their equipment, how can regular people keep tabs on them...some of them don't even go to the mosque, so you can't say that is where they are learning the stuff

The muslim community is not to be burdened to find terrorists. They however can use their extended communal bonds across the globe and assert through their teachings a firm vocal declaration of faith on an international scale. These terrorists should not have a home in the faith that is valid.

Exactly true and this is what I have been saying.  Yet there is resistance to this on the part of several Muslims here.  Kari even screams that to say this shows anti Muslim hatred.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

Did any one hold up a bible and scream Jesus before they shot the kids?

Crime is one thing as is insanity, but what we are talking about are people who use their religion to justify their acts.

Kari posted:

Germany was humane and invited 1 million Muslims in as refugees.


Vast majority were Muslims.  Note that Saudi Arabia did NOT want these people in, so many flee, or wish that they can flee to majority Christian lands. 

And the thanks Germany gets is...........!!!!!!  And of course no more will be allowed in.

Note that Merkel took  a major risk in this, and in fact what is happening was even predicted by those who were opposed to letting them in.

David Cameron didn't take that chance, and now we had Brexit, much of it being based on fears of having to accept refugees, or the risk of Turkey joining the EU.

So here we have it.  A few insane lunatics hold up the Koran and kill others, and make life worse for the Muslims who live in Europe!

And you don't think that Muslims should task themselves with a way to prevent these lunatics from using Islam as a shield to advance their criminal cause.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

You will never understand the difference. You are already brainwashed.

You the one who said that only Brothers can kill children...I just saying that is not, who brainwashed?

What about the OKC bombing then...

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

Did any one hold up a bible and scream Jesus before they shot the kids?

Crime is one thing as is insanity, but what we are talking about are people who use their religion to justify their acts.

Hey, Nehru say only Muslims capable of killing children...I just giving him examples of that not being so...

BTW, what difference if someone kills in religion name or not...killing is killing

IS kids killing kids in Chicago ok because they don't have a bible?

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

Germany was humane and invited 1 million Muslims in as refugees.


Vast majority were Muslims.  Note that Saudi Arabia did NOT want these people in, so many flee, or wish that they can flee to majority Christian lands. 

And the thanks Germany gets is...........!!!!!!  And of course no more will be allowed in.

Note that Merkel took  a major risk in this, and in fact what is happening was even predicted by those who were opposed to letting them in.

David Cameron didn't take that chance, and now we had Brexit, much of it being based on fears of having to accept refugees, or the risk of Turkey joining the EU.

So here we have it.  A few insane lunatics hold up the Koran and kill others, and make life worse for the Muslims who live in Europe!

And you don't think that Muslims should task themselves with a way to prevent these lunatics from using Islam as a shield to advance their criminal cause.

I still waiting for an answer how exactly can us peaceful Muslims stop these crazies from killing...if intelligence agencies cannot stop them, we who have no such capability can stop them?

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:


BTW, how exactly are regular Muslims supposed to stop these fellas who seem to get their inspiration online vs the mosque? If the intelligence agencies can't seem to track them with all their equipment, how can regular people keep tabs on them...some of them don't even go to the mosque, so you can't say that is where they are learning the stuff

The muslim community is not to be burdened to find terrorists. They however can use their extended communal bonds across the globe and assert through their teachings a firm vocal declaration of faith on an international scale. These terrorists should not have a home in the faith that is valid.

Exactly true and this is what I have been saying.  Yet there is resistance to this on the part of several Muslims here.  Kari even screams that to say this shows anti Muslim hatred.

We have been saying that they don't belong to Islam....does that mean that they have a home in Islam? Can I stop you from being brainwashed and killing people?

RiffRaff posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:


BTW, how exactly are regular Muslims supposed to stop these fellas who seem to get their inspiration online vs the mosque? If the intelligence agencies can't seem to track them with all their equipment, how can regular people keep tabs on them...some of them don't even go to the mosque, so you can't say that is where they are learning the stuff

The muslim community is not to be burdened to find terrorists. They however can use their extended communal bonds across the globe and assert through their teachings a firm vocal declaration of faith on an international scale. These terrorists should not have a home in the faith that is valid.

Extended communal bonds? You give us too much credit. We have been saying en masse that these terrorists are not not practicsing true Islam. Most Muslims around the world have condemned these terrorists. No one gives them a home, we cannot stop them from saying they are Muslims...they have killed more Muslims than non Muslims, you think Muslims love them??


Riff you on a roll!

Could not have articulated  that any better.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

BTW, these may be white separatists

Could be. But if I was a betting person, I will bet my gold chain it is the Brothers.

Nine dead so far.  Gunman still on the loose while the city of Munich remains on lockdown.  Eyewitnesses are reporting that gunman shouted Allahu Akbar while shooting.  Nehru keep yuh gold chain.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:

Bull crap. Saddam had already killed some 300 thousand and was on the the way to draining the swamp to murder the swamp Arabs. He had also gassed the Kurd and sent them into the wilderness as refugees until the US created a no fly zone so he could not pick them off like flies.  This was all after he had just lost a war sighed a treaty. 

As for the rest of the arab world it was no less collapse of their own system of government...Islamic at that. Tunisia fell on its own and so did Libya and Egypt and Afghanistan...all because there seems to be no capacity in Islam to express itself in respect for other lives.

Why should I stop with labeling the people who are doing this and not the failure of the culture from which the come? Get it into your christianity failed to hold the christian world together because of its insular totalitarianism until it grasped its disease, so has Islam.

Christianity learned that it can splinter and still be a faith. It can have other interpretations coexisting in the same space  and still be a religion. It can by consensus achieve a universal creed through the mediation of secular rule and still be just.

Islam is cannibalizing itself because it cannot accept that the fact  there is not one Ummah but many and that there is not one version of the faith but many and that they must live with it as a conglomeration of many drinking from the same fountain but with different cups. Presently, Islam has no identity except the nebulous one often referred to pure Islam as opposed to those who kill in its name. Alas, there is no pure fount.

I agree. And my fear is that Muslims will kill off their communities like the Mayans did. I am willing to accept that those living in the Arab world may not have any other example to draw from other than the constant misery that they live in. What I am unwilling to accept is how Muslims in the West find themselves involved in those sentiments. One has to be blind to not see that the Western countries have been a greater benefactor and friend of Muslims than the Muslim world has been. If the Arabs are not willing to take in refugees and the European countries as well as North America are willing to do so, the for the love of God, show some gratitude and not go around killing innocent people. This is too much out of control.

RiffRaff posted:
caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

Did any one hold up a bible and scream Jesus before they shot the kids?

Crime is one thing as is insanity, but what we are talking about are people who use their religion to justify their acts.

Hey, Nehru say only Muslims capable of killing children...I just giving him examples of that not being so...

BTW, what difference if someone kills in religion name or not...killing is killing

IS kids killing kids in Chicago ok because they don't have a bible?

First, I NEVER said only Muslims capable of  killing children. I think I would be a fool if I did not conclude that the Germany attack was carried out by Terrorists who invoked Allah. The method and manner of the killing of children in Germany was a pattern anyone with a Pea brain will be able to point fingers to Islamic Terrorists.

Over the past ten years we have enough evidence to sway us to Islamic Terrorists when certain type of Attacks are carried out around the world.

RiffRaff posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

Germany was humane and invited 1 million Muslims in as refugees.


Vast majority were Muslims.  Note that Saudi Arabia did NOT want these people in, so many flee, or wish that they can flee to majority Christian lands. 

And the thanks Germany gets is...........!!!!!!  And of course no more will be allowed in.

Note that Merkel took  a major risk in this, and in fact what is happening was even predicted by those who were opposed to letting them in.

David Cameron didn't take that chance, and now we had Brexit, much of it being based on fears of having to accept refugees, or the risk of Turkey joining the EU.

So here we have it.  A few insane lunatics hold up the Koran and kill others, and make life worse for the Muslims who live in Europe!

And you don't think that Muslims should task themselves with a way to prevent these lunatics from using Islam as a shield to advance their Dem criminal cause.

I still waiting for an answer how exactly can us peaceful Muslims stop these crazies from killing...if intelligence agencies cannot stop them, we who have no such capability can stop them?

Dem men have a definite purpose. They read it as the end-time prophesies. Even mild mannered followers will join dem when the time comes in the West. Just from being proud of the faith. Trump cannot even stop them. The Devil has the power and ISIS doing the bidding. Trump can only fortify America, but we see the reactions of the mild mannered on here. Suh, I expect war within the camp.

America is a very dangerous place.

Pack and get ready.   

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

Did any one hold up a bible and scream Jesus before they shot the kids?

Crime is one thing as is insanity, but what we are talking about are people who use their religion to justify their acts.

Seriously though, do you think that the loved ones of those killed at Sandy would feel more pain if it was a Muslim terrorist instead of this non-Muslim shooter? If so, why?

Another thing, those kids were there for an education just like Malala seeking.

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

Brother don't like Big Macs now?

I am confident they are not your brothers. I will not be surprise if a Muslim was killed by them.

Realistically those brothers kill more Muslims than they can keep count of. Muslims must never be their friend.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

BTW, these may be white separatists

Could be. But if I was a betting person, I will bet my gold chain it is the Brothers.

Nine dead so far.  Gunman still on the loose while the city of Munich remains on lockdown.  Eyewitnesses are reporting that gunman shouted Allahu Akbar while shooting.  Nehru keep yuh gold chain.

Richard Engel, NBC International Correspondent, reported on the NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, that both the US and German governments, are operating under the notion that the 3 gunmen are from a neo-Nazi extreme right-wing group in Germany. One of the dead was reported as one of the gunmen.

I would love to know whom the "Eyewitnesses" reported that the gunman (even thought there were 3 gunmen) "shouted Allahu Akbar while shooting". I know that Donald Trump gets his news from the Internet, you know from some blogger, rather than bona fide news gathering operations, so if eyewitnesses reported on an Internet blog and he saw it, then I'd say he's a jackass. Now if any other person on the Board do the same then she or he is a jackass. Don't you - she or he - agree?


There are unconfirmed reports that at least one gunman in the Munich, Germany shooting spree may have been targeting foreigners or immigrants. Were the three gunmen in Munich Neo Nazis? There are conflicting reports on the shooters’ motives and backgrounds; CNN says police are calling it a terrorist attack and that a witness heard a gunman shout, “Allahu Akbar” before shooting children in the face, but The Sun says German police have not yet linked the shooting spree to Islamic fundamentalism.


Contrary to the “Allahu Akbar” report, media reports said one of the gunmen may have shouted “Ich bin Deutscher” (“I am German”) on a video as bystanders shouted at him from a nearby rooftop. Reddit has posted a translation of the German in the unconfirmed video. CNN says it is analyzing the rooftop video and that the purported gunman talks about medical treatment and says he was a German.


However, the eyewitness who spoke to CNN says she heard a gunman shout, “Allahu Akbar” as he shot children in the face.


CNN reported woman named Lauretta told CNN she was in the McDonalds near the mall when a gun emerged from the bathroom and started shooting. She told CNN’s Dugald McConnell: “I come out of the toilet and I hear like an alarm, boom, boom, boom. He’s killing the children (â€Ķ) The children were sitting to eat. They can’t run.” The man yelled “Allahu akbar!” she said, according to CNN.

German police were saying the shooting looked like a terrorist attack, CNN said.

CBS News also reported that police were calling the attack “suspected terrorism.”

Those accounts conflict with earlier reports in British media that at least one of the gunmen may have shouted anti-foreigner sentiments. The Daily Mirror had reported: “Taxi driver says #Munich shooter “was not foreign.'” That report came originally from German media, Daily Mirror said, and remains unconfirmed:

The Daily Mirror also reported that one of the Munich gunman “shouted ‘f***ing foreigners’ before firing shots.'” The attack started at a Munich, Germany shopping mall in Bavaria, before moving to a local McDonalds; the gunmen were at large hours after the shooting started and police in Germany had launched a major manhunt, although CBS News reported one has shot himself. Police say there were three gunmen and at least nine people are dead, although one of those may be a shooter. The Sun points out that the attack occurred on the anniversary of the 2011 mass shooting by Norwegian far-right killer Anders Breivik.

By Jessica McBride of


Headline from Britain's Telegraph

Munich shooting: Gunman targeted children outside McDonald's restaurant in shopping centre rampage - as footage emerges of suspect cursing foreigners on fifth anniversary of Anders Breivik attack

  • Gunman in Munich opens fire at a McDonald's by Olympia shopping centre
  • Children targeted in attack
  • Police describe shooting as terrorism
  • Police hunt three gunmen, believed to still be in Munich
  • Nine confirmed dead, at least 10 injured
  • Unconfirmed reports that there could be shootings in city centre
  • Islamic State supporters celebrate on social media

At least eight people were confirmed dead on Friday night after one or more gunmen opened fire on a McDonald’s restaurant in Munich, Justin Huggler and Peter Foster report.

A gunman was filmed shooting at children outside the restaurant before continuing his rampage in an adjoining shopping centre.

The attack initially raised fears of another Paris-style Isil-inspired attack, but signs then emerged that a far-Right group may have been responsible after video footage appeared to show one gunman shouting “I am German”.

The authorities were unable to identify the attackers or confirm how many there were.

Witnesses described seeing three gunmen armed with rifles or shotguns, but the Bavarian government later said they believed there may only have been one shooter.

German media reported a 15-year-old girl was among those killed in the attack, which took place at the Olympia Einkaufszentrum (OEZ) shopping centre near the Olympic stadium in the northwest of the city at around 5.50pm local time.

Late on Friday night police found the body of a ninth man they believe may have been among the attackers, but much of the city remained under lockdown with all public transport halted and residents asked to stay indoors for their own safety.

Police said they did not believe the attack was the work of an Islamist group. Witnesses reported one gunman shouting “f------ foreigners” and “f------ Turks”.

Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, warned Britons in Munich to "stay indoors" and said he was “shocked and appalled”.

“My thoughts are with those injured and the families of those killed,” Mr Johnson said, “We stand ready to assist our friends in Germany. Our travel advice to UK nationals in the area tonight is to stay indoors and follow the advice of the local authorities.”

The first shots were reportedly fired in Hanauer Street, west of the Olympic park, before the gunmen then moved to the shopping centre. 

There were multiple reports of further shootings in other parts of the city but police were unable to confirm any of them, and said they were likely to be false alarms.

The authorities took the rare step of asking everyone in the city of 1.4m peopleto stay indoors, and asked those who were far from their homes to seek shelter in nearby buildings.

As news of the attacks spread across social media, Munich police issued a city-wide citizens’ alert. “Attention – avoid the neighbourhood around the OEZ. Stay in your homes. Leave the street,” it said.


What all this is saying is wait until we get the facts before pouring out our prejudices.

If this was ISIS or ISIS-inspired the gunmen would not have run away and they would have left indelible evidence that they were ISIS-inspired. The city is in a lock down as two of the gunmen are on the loose. Does this sound like ISIS?

If this is neo-Nazis then Trump better rethink not denouncing KKK who are supporting him, and he better watch his nationalistic socialist rhetoric. He's anti-globalism, America first, wants to keep outsiders out, want to stop American free trade, wants to pull out of NATO, etc.

Lesson here though is the likes of Bibibski and Alluh Akbar. One of the gunman yelled effing Turks when he started shooting at children on the 5th anniversary of the Norwegian killings.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

CNN reporting.  Is there a reason why you are defending this horrendous act??

My entire commentary has nothing to do with defending murderers. You know that.

You also know this is to call you out on your bigotry. I have not yet seen an apology from you. Your first response is "CNN reporting.  Is there a reason why you are defending this horrendous act??". Have you denounced the 3 killers (one dead) who all credible world-wide news agencies are reporting as right-wing neo-Nazis? Have you used smart thinking to see that the gunment ran away, unlike ISIS terrorists. This was a run-n-gun attack.


If this was ISIS terrorism this thread would have been busy. The usual suspects are quiet in this dastardly terrorist act by 3 killers whose affiliations and motives are still under wraps by the authorities.

Our roving journalists and analysts with their Islamic terrorism tirades are strangely quiet. Any one who kills in te name of anyhting - religion, politics, crimes of passion - must be condemned.

RiffRaff posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Shooting Children sitting down having a big Mac can only point to the brothers.

like the 26 in Sandy Hook?

That banna was mad..

you think IS sane?

What about OKC bombing then...lots of children died

Of course they are sane. These were the same people running Iraq at its head. Some 12 thousand are foreign fighters. What is morbid is their apocalyptic theology born out of their interpretation of Islam as handed down by their Mullah. They were traditional Sunnis as are Guyanese who added this poison cherry to top off their faith.

OKC bombing were from a mixture of sovereign citizen militias and KKK racist Christians. They are also not mad people but individuals with a twisted philosophy.

Kari posted:

If this was ISIS terrorism this thread would have been busy. The usual suspects are quiet in this dastardly terrorist act by 3 killers whose affiliations and motives are still under wraps by the authorities.

Our roving journalists and analysts with their Islamic terrorism tirades are strangely quiet. Any one who kills in te name of anyhting - religion, politics, crimes of passion - must be condemned.

you are and should be relieved that this is the exception to the rule but it does not mean t he foundation elements for the rule that drives the immediate compelling conclusion that it may be a consequence of Islamic terrorism askew.

In short order the probabliity is close to a hundred that we will hear of them before the summer is gone perpetrating a similar act and then the vociferous protestations would be for nought.

If this fellow is a neo nazi and he hate Turks then his pathology is similarly grounded; in the obsessive hate for a people except his is not a mass movement but a fringe group.

There are not 2 billion neo Nazis out there into whose rank he can melt and from whose belly he can manifest as a killer. He is the occasional wart on the ass of society and not a diseased limb as ISIS is to corporate Islam.


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