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So the Rev was was walking up 7th Avenue in NYC yesterday---it's summer in October in New York folks---no coat---jeans and short sleeve shirt


Anyway, as I was passing this McDonald's, I see this lovely old couple walking out the store smiling and licking away at a vanilla McDonald's ice cream cone.


Now, the Rev has been watching his sugar intake and hasn't had an ice cream cone in a while.


But all off a sudden I felt the urge to have a McDonald's ice cream cone, so after I walked a block----I turned back----I was off to McDonalds.hahahaha



Last edited by Former Member



How many of you have ever had a McDonald's ice cream cone ?


OK! When you get a chance---have your kids or grandkids take you to McDonalds's and splurge on a vanilla ice cream cone.


It will put a hole in your pocked---it's a huge $1.09----but believe you me---it's worth


Please report back to this thread after you've had that McDonald's ice cream cone.


Lemme know how scrumptious and delicious it was.







Originally Posted by alena06:
Havent had one of mcdonalds cone in a while....last one i had was carvel, usually share half with hubby..

Rev u ever try the triple chocolate meltdown from applebees....brownie topped with icecream....

To be honest alena, the Rev did a physical earlier this year---everything was perfect except the triglyceride level---it was a tad high---so I cut back on drastically on sugar---no goodies like that triple chocolate meltdown .




I was turned on after seeing that lovely old couple licking away on the McDonald's ice cream cone.hahaha


Anyway, when the Rev's trygliceride level returns to normal---I'll check out the triple at applebees.


In the meantime alena---you and hubby and that bright kid of yours---treat yourselves to this:



You'll definitely have a smile on your face after the first lick---you may even remember the Rev urging you to try it.hahaha



Originally Posted by seignet:

Nice, but make my sugar surge with slight giddiness of the head.



Have the young lady below teach you how to savor a Mc Donald's ice caram cone:



You see that seigy ? She's in another


Her eyes are closed and she's thinking to herself:




You have to lick it Seigy---savor it---slowly---if you devour it like you're feasting on a filet mignon---then you'll experience that giddiness you mentioned.


So when you get the chance seignet, head off to McDonald's.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nice, but make my sugar surge with slight giddiness of the head.



Have the young lady below teach you how to savor a Mc Donald's ice caram cone:



You see that seigy ? She's in another


Her eyes are closed and she's thinking to herself:




You have to lick it Seigy---savor it---slowly---if you devour it like you're feasting on a filet mignon---then you'll experience that giddiness you mentioned.


So when you get the chance seignet, head off to McDonald's.




I gwieing now to buy one and immitate the licking the young lady doing. 

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

In Jersey I spend a whopping 25 cents on a MCDonald cone. Yes, sir. you say right. a quarter.

Good Jesus Lord!


Brudda, Is that true ? A McDonald's ice cream cone is 77% cheaper in New Jersey than in Manhattan ?


Damn! The Rev may have move to New Jersey.hahahaha


By the way Brudda, did you know that New Jersey is the state with the best University in the world ?


Anyway, the New Jersey Giants losing 19-7 as I type----the Rev may soon have to disown the giants---when they start winning again I'll call them the New York Giants again.hahahahaha


Lemme go post some more music as I watch the Eagles murder the New Jersey giants.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nice, but make my sugar surge with slight giddiness of the head.



Have the young lady below teach you how to savor a Mc Donald's ice caram cone:



You see that seigy ? She's in another


Her eyes are closed and she's thinking to herself:




You have to lick it Seigy---savor it---slowly---if you devour it like you're feasting on a filet mignon---then you'll experience that giddiness you mentioned.


So when you get the chance seignet, head off to McDonald's.




LOL! Rev going down on Kwamee.

Originally Posted by chameli:

ahhhhh yes indeed, we love the vanilla MacD icecream cone...I mostly enjoy the cone

we had that delish cone about a mth ago...sat on the front porch and licked it up...yummmmm



I see you and the Rev have similar taste buds.




You must clearly be a woman of exquisite and discerning taste.



Originally Posted by chameli:

lol...I am just a woman who loooooooves her food (as is obvious when ppl meet me) lol

foodie me



Your sincerity regarding your love of food rings out loud and clear---I can hear it all the way in New York


I am sure you agree 100% with George Bernard Shaw who once said, "there is no love sincerer than the love of food."




Just like fat gives food flavor---a few extra pounds gives a woman lovingness and sweetness.






Originally Posted by ksazma:

I stopped splurging on ice cream some seven years ago when I improved my diet.


My favorite


2 questions for ksazma:


1. How many pounds have you shed since you stopped splurging on ice cream ?


2. You said Breyers was your favorite---ever tried this:




Anyway, you are allowed to cheat once---it wont kill you or make you put on that 50 pounds you lost over the past year.


Go try that Mc Donalds cone.



And don't be afraid to lick it----only guys who have doubts about their sexuality refuse to lick an ice cream cone.hahahaha








Breyers isn't my favorite. French Vanilla is. I just posted that because it was French Vanilla. When I first went on my diet, I lost 43 lbs. I have gained a few back but still pretty much look close to what I did when I lost that weight. I had my surgery and lost about 20 lbs but that was mostly because I hated the hospital food and spent nearly two weeks in there. If I stick to the diet the doctor wants for me, I will die of starvation. So I cheat a lil bit but not too much. Don't want to get caught ......... having to go back to the hospital.  Ice cream I can do without to make up for the other ways I am forced to cheat on my diet. But I miss it like hell since I loooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee ice cream.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Rev, Breyers isn't my favorite. French Vanilla is. I just posted that because it was French Vanilla. When I first went on my diet, I lost 43 lbs.

I loooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee ice cream.  




* First of all congrats on losing those 43 pounds.


* Second hope your health is doing good.


* Third, that McDonald's ice cream cone is only 150 calories---but the bad news is it's loaded with sugar---18 grams---so if you have issues with sugar---stick to your doctor's orders---no ice cream.


Listen! The Rev has been watching his sugar intake also----but we are all  entitled to cheat once in a while----cheating is good----it reinvigorates us.



Originally Posted by Villagebelle:

OMG and no joke.....but the Mcdonalds ice cream is my favourite!!


during my recent recuperation ....hubby treated me to one, each of the three weeks I was at home!!


made me feel better than any medication!!






The medication comment made me laugh.


Hope you are back to being 100% healthy.


Glad to know you and chami have experienced the joys of this simple pleasure:




Originally Posted by Riya:

I can honestly say I never had a McDonald ice cream before.


not an ice cream fan, I'm more into gelatos. Haagen Daz sea salt Carmel is to die for.

Well Miss Riya, if you want your kids to perceive you as a cool Mom---just say to them this coming weekend:


"Hey kids, guess what ? Wanna go to McDonald's. I'm treating myself to a McDonalds's ice cream cone---I'll treat you guys also.



RE: Haagen Daz sea salt Carmel is to die for.


I know whenever the first lady has the Haagen Dazs Dulce de leche caramel---she'd always say:


"This is soooooooo gooooood. It's better than an orgasm."hahahaha




Anyway riya--take it from the Rev---a man of exquisite taste---the McDonald's ice cream cone ain't as orgasmic as the first lady describes her beloved  Dulce---but it's quite soothing---ask chami and villagebelle---it always soothes and pleases their hearts---and it's only $1.09.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Riya:


...I was referring to Haagen Dazs sea salt Carmel gelato. If your wife loves the dulce de leche, she will scream in delight for the gelato




The Rev might get jealous. She already says the Dulce is better than an orgasm. I shudder to think what she'll say about the gelato.hahaha



Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Rev:
[]----but we are all  entitled to cheat once in a while----cheating is good----it reinvigorates us.



out of context...this does not look good



The Rev would like to know what's brewing in that fertile mind of yours on this lovely Tuesday afternoon---what exactly are you thinking about ?


When Rev mentions "cheating" and how it helps to "reinvigorate" us---he is being 100% pure in his thoughts---I am talking strictly ice cream.hahahahaha



ha ha ha ha ha




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by chameli:

okay then Rev...I trust that there was no ambiguity intent in that statement



TRUST is a huge word my dear. And I am sure your Mom taught you, "never trust words. Trust actions."



A long time ago, I wrote a few words on the daily quote thread about trust. I recall writing something about broken trust is like a tsunami on a sand castle. I ought find it and repost it here.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by chameli:

okay then Rev...I trust that there was no ambiguity intent in that statement



TRUST is a huge word my dear. And I am sure your Mom taught you, "never trust words. Trust actions."



Mom did not know better and you less. Actions do not spontaneously rise from the aether. They arise because someone formulated the instructions in some human language ie someone first used words to initiate the process.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

TRUST is a huge word my dear. And I am sure your Mom taught you, "never trust words. Trust actions."


Danyael: Mom did not know better and you less. Actions do not spontaneously rise from the aether. They arise because someone formulated the instructions in some human language ie someone first used words to initiate the process.



The Rev is not the least surprised that you took umbrage at the statement:


"Never Trust words. Trust actions."


You see Danyael, you are a man of many words---you preach words, morning, noon and night----and now you are being told--A man of words ought not be trusted.hahaha





You delved in your statement above on how actions arise.


Listen Danyael. Forget about how actions arise---the truth is:


A person's ACTIONS will tell you everything you need to know---WORDS lie.


And that's why I said---never trust words; trust actions.


There is that old true saying: "Action speaks louder than words--so believe what you see and forget what you heard.





Remember when you were a fat slob Danyael ?


Back then you TALKED a lot about wanting to lose weight----well, talk is cheap.


It's only when you took ACTION----started exercising, biking, walking etc----it's only when you took ACTION that you became fit and trim.




A person's ACTIONS will tell you everything you need to know---WORDS lie.




PS. By the way Danyael---you ever had a McDonald's ice cream cone ? If not--what's the best ice cream you ever had ?






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Originally Posted by Miraver:

Blue Belle vanilla is a constant in my freezer. Ice cream cones have real estate in my pantry. 




I have never had the Blue Belle brand.


This is how it's described:


"Our most popular ice cream and with good reason. It's rich, homemade tasting vanilla ice cream with a special hand-cranked flavor that's the best in the country."


Hmmm! Best in the country ? I'll have to try that out sometime.




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