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@Mitwah posted:

Never. But it keeps appearing in my searches. I think it's Chinese. I prefer the box stores. I don't even shop Amazon. I saw an ad for Fake Snakes to keep squirrels away. So far my catch and release is working.

Have a great day.

Same here โ€ฆi see the ad n the prices r crazy..soim scared tio buy from them..too good to be true??

i have seen ads that actual stores were opened??


@Lynn, picked every two days. Crop was very bountiful. 10 for seeds is good. Actually it's more than you need. Tomatoes hardly have flowers. I clipped the tops and not allowing any more blooming and removed shoots with no flowers and trimmed out some leaves to allow the air to pass thru. This will prevent rusting of the leaves. Removal of the leaves and shoots will result in bigger fruits since the extra food will go to them now. Lots of cucumbers and the karaila now bearing. I saw some flowers on the bora this morning. Bigan and peppers hardly have fruits. Seems to be a bad year.

@Mitwah posted:

Nutritious eggplant is a misunderstood veggie ... er ... fruit

@Lynn, am not planting baigan next year. Got  12 of these black beauties for $10 on sale and we made delicious Baba Ganoush for storage.

I may do the same for the Roma and San Marzano tomatoes.

Yeah we stopped because squirrels eat them out

where did u get the sale,..r they all good. I dontlike the bulk things esp in boxes as some r not good


i had the same idea for the roma tomatoes the bushel n freeze


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