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For you folks, the show returns Feb 15th.

Two significant "twists" have been added to this season. Unlike previous seasons where tribes lived at separate camp sites, the two tribes will be living at the same camp together. While the concept of two tribes living at the same camp also appeared in Survivor: Thailand, Survivor: Palau, and Survivor: Fiji, this is the first time it was employed at the beginning of the game for an indefinite amount of time.

The two tribes will also be divided into men and women, which was previously done in Survivor: The Amazon, Survivor: Vanuatu and Survivor: Panama.

The second twist involves the hidden immunity idols. If a castaway finds the idol for their tribe, they can use it for themselves. But if they find the idol for the other tribe, they have to give it to someone on the other tribe

The Redemption Island concept from the previous two seasons will not return for this season, but, according to Jeff Probst in an interview with Entertainment Weekly's Dalton Ross, may return again in the future.

Probst also stated that "Do-It-Yourself" challenges (challenges that would be conducted without the host's supervision) will be conducted at random points during the game.

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Originally posted by Villagebelle:
-a hilarious oh so gay guy
-a bulky 'little man'
-a couple of 'hemen' who swear not to let the pretty girls lead them astray
-an injured player who had to leave the show after only three days
-cat fight amongst the women already

yep....survivor 'one world' should be fun Smile

VG - agreed with all of the above...

I think the 2 level head on the women side

Sabrina Thompson(she is from Brooklyn)
Nina Acosta Retired LAPD Officer

Goooooo Women!!!!

back-to-back win.....even though those city-bred women had a hard time with the storm.


that immunity challenge.....was nail-biting at the end!!


things heating up!!


Matt did not see that coming.....blind-side!!!


Colton is such a...a...a........Girl!!


looks like he/she and Bill will have it out next week!


Hopefully that would give them enough sense to stop all the whining and get down to business! They cando it if they just work together! As for the guys...yep I just don't like Matt...and I am sure the rest of the guys were a bit uncomfortable with him around. Tenseeeee....Yep..last night was good! Not liking Katt and C right now ..want them to go!


double Wow!!


IMO....dumb move on the men's part....going voluntarily to tribal council

and for what reason.....because Colton did not like Bill!!!


plus.....Colton is starting to annoy me.....especially that smug smile that he is starting to wear all the time.

i think he has his own agenda in this game.....get some fame for making big moves (such as the tribal last night)

if he keeps it up he will go the same way as the other 'leaders'!


gooooooo women!!


Saw the last half hour... man like how Tarzon said they had a traitor - Lief - on their team & voted Bill off   Kudos to Trazon for putting Jeff in his place about "race".  Jeff is a "Shit Stirrer".  His questions at tribal meeting usually sway votes too.

Guys remember Colton has the immunity idol found by the other team.


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