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I am rooting for Denise and Malcolm too....both of them are so nice and likeable......and strong players!


really hope one of them win this 


both of them blended right in with their new much so that only one person suggested that Denise be voted off cause she was the newbie.  that person got voted off herself 


Bye bye Katie 


no great loss there!


and I agree Amral - both Malcolm and Denise will be at risk because of their strength at challenges.


but i am hoping that they will make it to the merge and then they will have the change to form other/different alliances.


I would really like to see the two of them go to the very end.


I can't remember the last time I like any survivor contestants as much as I like these I am rooting for them!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, since when you get into the habit to watch survivor? Well, it's obvious that RC is the one that seduced your involvement. Did you like last week immunity challenge? It's more like a mud wrestling and a big wash off after.

Since RC came aboard. Now my RC is gone, to hell with Survivor.

Nehru Penner!!


i am so glad it was him and not Denise!!


I am liking the openess tribal council about who like who and who don't like who.


cracked me up when Penner yelled out Denise's name as he was writing it!


could not believe when Abi won the first half of the game she participated in very few of the challenges.


when is the finale Amral?


should be coming up soon.


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