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Goodby Abi - your departure was long overdue.


Was looking good for her for a while there.....then at tribal council she calls Skupin a fool and not once but twice she called him a moron


sealed her fate!!


I won't mind so much now if i don't get to see the finale because i will be happy when any one of the four remaining wins the mil......i like all four of them, but am still rooting for Malcolm - he played an awsome game!!!



Originally Posted by Amral:

well the season ended, hope VB got to see it from Ja land. Felt bad for Malcom. But it looks like he might be back sometime in the future. Next season looks like fans vs some returning players.


Nehru RC had her legs crossed all night bai. And Jeff had to keep his tongue in his mouth when Dawson laid one on him.

I sawe that. Jeff is a lucky Dog. I was grateful for the Clips of RC from the past.


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