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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

There is more than one way to "skin a cyat", ask Cribj!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

Uncle Gilly;




Swami is the foremost and one of the most senior Hindu leaders.


He is not expected to be abused like this.


THUGS or no THUGS, these low flyers are getting besides themselves.


It is imperative that the Minister of Social Cohesion do her work and investigate this claim.


Why is she being paid again?


Why was she made a Minister, if not to ensure that all Guyanese feel welcome at home and to minimise these acts of racial abuses.



I condemn these act of racial intimidation by some lowflying MUD HEADS.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

Not a legal expert, but is this not assault. It was interesting that you used the word "maul". Also, are they thugs only if they "maul" him?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

Uncle Gilly;




Swami is the foremost and one of the most senior Hindu leaders.


He is not expected to be abused like this.


THUGS or no THUGS, these low flyers are getting besides themselves.


It is imperative that the Minister of Social Cohesion do her work and investigate this claim.


Why is she being paid again?


Why was she made a Minister, if not to ensure that all Guyanese feel welcome at home and to minimise these acts of racial abuses.



I condemn these act of racial intimidation by some lowflying MUD HEADS.

Kushan, as a newbie, is unfamiliar with some of the terms used here. Who is a "mud head" please define for me. I have seen it used as an invective against PPP supporters of East Indian descent. 

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

Uncle Gilly;




Swami is the foremost and one of the most senior Hindu leaders.


He is not expected to be abused like this.


THUGS or no THUGS, these low flyers are getting besides themselves.


It is imperative that the Minister of Social Cohesion do her work and investigate this claim.


Why is she being paid again?


Why was she made a Minister, if not to ensure that all Guyanese feel welcome at home and to minimise these acts of racial abuses.



I condemn these act of racial intimidation by some lowflying MUD HEADS.

Kushan, as a newbie, is unfamiliar with some of the terms used here. Who is a "mud head" please define for me. I have seen it used as an invective against PPP supporters of East Indian descent. 

The name is Kishan.


Secondly a MUD HEAD is someone who fails to think, but just conduct themselves in a low class manner and use racism as one of their tools.  It has nothing to do with one's race.  There are MUD heads in all races of Guyana.



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.

There is more than one way to "skin a cyat", ask Cribj!

Base, I have seen East Indians abuse other Indos with shouting, yelling, cuss down, cutlass and blows. There is a letter in the press right now from one Sahadeo Bates of Uitvlugt Sideline Dam, relating the verbal and physical attacks his family recently received from his Indo neighbours.

Where the Swami is concerned, he and his ilk like Baytoram and other ROARists must have known that their pre-election missives were read by Afros as well as Indos. Right here in GNI Political, the things supposedly educated people post about anti-PPP Indians and black people is truly sickening. Put your feet in the shoes of a black person who visits this BB and you would fume and fulminate in anger. IMO, Carib has been most kind and patient with his responses.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.


I am so happy I did not support the Coalition. Granger is one decent man surrounded by a Coalition of some thugs and some coolie antiman.


Which is why I inappositely support both Granger and the PPP. Guyana's collection of idiots force intelligent people into mental contortions that seem to dfy logic.


Mitwah, you are living a la la land. Religious leaders have been doing this since the birth of civilizations. Look at the leaders in the US. The Hindu scriptures are the most politicized set of works there are. Religious leaders have an obligation to speak out...especially when there are a few Indians in Guyana who are brave to do so (Swami, Shah, Bisram). You sound like an Indian hater. The same shyte you peddle here is being is peddled against Indians in places like Guyana, Suriname and Fiji. Shame on you, but pity on you, you are living in a fantasy world.   

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Mitwah, you are living a la la land. Religious leaders have been doing this since the birth of civilizations. Look at the leaders in the US. The Hindu scriptures are the most politicized set of works there are. Religious leaders have an obligation to speak out...especially when there are a few Indians in Guyana who are brave to do so (Swami, Shah, Bisram). You sound like an Indian hater. The same shyte you peddle here is being is peddled against Indians in places like Guyana, Suriname and Fiji. Shame on you, but pity on you, you are living in a fantasy world.   

He has his quorum of gully rats with him, he is not alone.

Originally Posted by Zed:

Kushan, as a newbie, is unfamiliar with some of the terms used here. Who is a "mud head" please define for me. I have seen it used as an invective against PPP supporters of East Indian descent. 

This mudhead invective you refer to was introduced here by the very INDIAN  poster Shaitan to reference INDIANS. It is not used by 'black man', so let's be clear about that. You may also note the racist invectives aimed at afro guyanese with impunity by Ramakant, Cobra, Prashad, Baseman, Yugi, and other indian posters here. 


As I post there are over 250 visitors to this forum who must be appalled at the absolutely racist bile emanating from Indian posters here who seek "victim" status in Guyana. Poster Caribny can inform you of caribbean forums that flag GNI as a hate speech site. You would be hard pressed to find some of the stuff posted here by Indians about black folks on some KKK sites.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

He was asked if and why he support the PPP. These were thugs hounding him because he had written a number of letters to the press.

Vish, the Swami reportedly said those guys were "shouting and yelling" at him. If they were thugs, they would have mauled him physically.


Well praise Shri Ram that he was only abused and insulted like a dog and not beaten like a dog.


Is this what you AFC Indians are down to now? Excusing anti-Indian abuse.


You people are a disgrace.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Zed:

Kushan, as a newbie, is unfamiliar with some of the terms used here. Who is a "mud head" please define for me. I have seen it used as an invective against PPP supporters of East Indian descent. 

This mudhead invective you refer to was introduced here by the very INDIAN  poster Shaitan to reference INDIANS. It is not used by 'black man', so let's be clear about that. You may also note the racist invectives aimed at afro guyanese with impunity by Ramakant, Cobra, Prashad, Baseman, Yugi, and other indian posters here. 


As I post there are over 250 visitors to this forum who must be appalled at the absolutely racist bile emanating from Indian posters here who seek "victim" status in Guyana. Poster Caribny can inform you of caribbean forums that flag GNI as a hate speech site.

Cde Caribj is the chief bottle washer with his overt and sublime anti-Indian racism.  I still remember the glee in the postings in the first half of the 2000's when Indians were "canon fodder" for the politically sponsored terrorism being mieted out in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Fluck you and your Hindutwatwa friends. Swami has no bizness pilticizing the religion. Who vex, vex.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Fluck you and your Hindutwatwa friends. Swami has no bizness pilticizing the religion. Who vex, vex.


So some random PNC thugs should bax he sk**t because of his political opinions?


The PNC did nuff mental damage to ayuh rass. The ting is now internalized.


Ayuh expect to be beaten when the PNC seh ayuh steppin outta line.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

This is utter disrespect to a person whose had dedicated his life for the uplifting of all.


Would the "Goons" go after a Mulvi or a Pastor in this manner.


This is the sort of disrespect our community in Guyana will be faced with in this "other" government.

Remember, Hitler's most brutal guards of the ghettos were Jews.  For them was self preservation/survival, which did not end well for them.  For our own katahar league, it about "curry-favoring" hoping to join, even the bottom rung, of the new 1% league, not about survival.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.





I can live with that description.

Look, de Swami ent get any kick and cuff, just some verbal roughup. He is making a mountain out of a molehill. I got worse than that when I was a PPP activist but I didn't run to the MIRROR as he ran to GUYANA TIMES.

Another consideration: The Swami has multiple university degrees. Did he expect those black guys to argue like university people do? I presume their academic level was lower than the Swami's.

In politics, you have to grow a thick hide.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.





I can live with that description.

Look, de Swami ent get any kick and cuff, just some verbal roughup. He is making a mountain out of a molehill. I got worse than that when I was a PPP activist but I didn't run to the MIRROR as he ran to GUYANA TIMES.

Another consideration: The Swami has multiple university degrees. Did he expect those black guys to argue like university people do? I presume their academic level was lower than the Swami's.

In politics, you have to grow a thick hide.

Not sure what you getting at here?  So we must accept bullyism, verbal abuse as the more "humane" norm?  We should be happy that the thugs don't put Indians in cast and stitches, is this what you saying?  Bai, I still have to figure out the mental state which allows one to succumb to that level of the "norm".

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.





I can live with that description.

Look, de Swami ent get any kick and cuff, just some verbal roughup. He is making a mountain out of a molehill. I got worse than that when I was a PPP activist but I didn't run to the MIRROR as he ran to GUYANA TIMES.

Another consideration: The Swami has multiple university degrees. Did he expect those black guys to argue like university people do? I presume their academic level was lower than the Swami's.

In politics, you have to grow a thick hide.


Precisely why no one respects Hindus. Who can respect a people who have no self-respect?


I am now convinced the word "Hindu" some shorthand fuh Antiman.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.





I can live with that description.

Look, de Swami ent get any kick and cuff, just some verbal roughup. He is making a mountain out of a molehill. I got worse than that when I was a PPP activist but I didn't run to the MIRROR as he ran to GUYANA TIMES.

Another consideration: The Swami has multiple university degrees. Did he expect those black guys to argue like university people do? I presume their academic level was lower than the Swami's.

In politics, you have to grow a thick hide.

Not sure what you getting at here?  So we must accept bullyism, verbal abuse as the more "humane" norm?  We should be happy that the thugs don't put Indians in cast and stitches, is this what you saying?  Bai, I still have to figure out the mental state which allows one to succumb to that level of the "norm".

Base, you don't have to accept anything. Is an Indian victim of Afro bullyism and verbal abuse different from an Indian victim of Indian bullyism and verbal abuse?

Indians are verbally abusing and bullying fellow Indians every day in Guyana and in this forum, even on this very thread. Say it ain't so.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no sympathy for the Swami. He should not have politicized the religion. Reep did and enjoyed a front row seat in the PPP regime.


Go F yourself chap!.


You low level coolie crab daag somehow think that a man should be abused for his political inclinations. This is why the AFC coolie low lifes will never get major party status ever.


You all can justify any outrage against an Indian so long as it's politically in tune with your views. Same Jagan shyte, new latrine.

Hehe, like our "learned" professor saying PPP, and by extension Indians, got the reception they deserved back in 1992.  It seem the PPP was already seen to "committed lots of sins" in their eyes so punishment was just "front-loaded".


Coolie people must get punished for supporting the PPP. As in literally punished. That I can almost understand from non-Indians but now we have legions of AFC coolie crab daags who in order to "fit in" with their PNC peers now have to rubbish Indians as the price of admission to the outer courtyard.


I can't believe grown men like Mitwah think that Indians must be treated like daags for their political opinion.


Even wan erstwhile sensible Gilbakka has bought into this.





I can live with that description.

Look, de Swami ent get any kick and cuff, just some verbal roughup. He is making a mountain out of a molehill. I got worse than that when I was a PPP activist but I didn't run to the MIRROR as he ran to GUYANA TIMES.

Another consideration: The Swami has multiple university degrees. Did he expect those black guys to argue like university people do? I presume their academic level was lower than the Swami's.

In politics, you have to grow a thick hide.

Not sure what you getting at here?  So we must accept bullyism, verbal abuse as the more "humane" norm?  We should be happy that the thugs don't put Indians in cast and stitches, is this what you saying?  Bai, I still have to figure out the mental state which allows one to succumb to that level of the "norm".

Base, you don't have to accept anything. Is an Indian victim of Afro bullyism and verbal abuse different from an Indian victim of Indian bullyism and verbal abuse?

Indians are verbally abusing and bullying fellow Indians every day in Guyana and in this forum, even on this very thread. Say it ain't so.


You don't have the decency chap to just say that it is wrong under any circumstance to abuse verbally or otherwise someone because of their political opinions especially a Swami?


Can some coolies or anyone else "rough up" the Anglican Bishop of Guyana? Or is the Swami not part of a European religious hierarchy so he doesn't count?


You shock me actually. I see the PPP is gonna be retaining its support base because the AFC is composed of Indians who are at home in the Hammie Green wing of the PNC.

Originally Posted by Django:

PPP/C post a piece of crap on their Facebook,Swami

should have stand his ground and answer the bad

black guys,he is no weakling and i am sure they

wouldn't physically harm him.Policemen are always

around that area.




Civilized people the world over consider certain persons sacrosanct. Priests, diplomats, medics etc. etc.


Only cretins would think that priests are fair game and must be forced to defend themselves against thugs.


Guyana is such a low breed collection of barbarous tribes. And the semi-literate spend their time excusing the behavior of the barbarians.


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