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Since the results of the 2018 LGE, different folks from the AFC have given different interpretations on the AFC’s showing many of which are sad, downright deceiving, downright silly and immensely naïve.
When collected and shaped into a package it is a presentation that shows what a backward nationality we are and there are no signs that we will ever go in the direction of Singapore.
First, Mavis Nagamootoo. She gave an interview to the Stabroek News in which she attributed her and her brother’s (Prime Minister Nagamootoo) devastation in Whim to forms of PPP thuggery. This is a sad denial by Ms. Nagamootoo. Her brother won Whim in the general election of 2011, lost it in the 2015 national poll and lost it again in the 2016 LGE.
Surely the Nagamootoo family had time to reflect on what went wrong. The decisive factor in 2015 was AFC’s coalition with what Whim would see as the PNC. But why weren’t attempts made to undermine that thought and perception after 2015?
Nagamootoo became the Prime Minister, his party had 40 percent of power distribution, the PPP became the opposition. Did the PM and his party direct their efforts to converting Whim? They did not but Nagamootoo and his sister found solace for their loss in 2018 by claiming thuggery.
Secondly, there are levels of absurdities in the AFC’s explanation for its LGE 2018 status that even Trump would not mouth off. The AFC claims it did well after all. How can you be a growing party since 2006, finally ended up forming almost half the government with the second in charge of the state, the PM, coming from your party and you fail to win one, just one local government authority area (LLA) out of 88 and not see yourself as a failure?
Thirdly, the AFC asserts that it retained its traditional quota of ten percent in the 2018 LGE. That is vulgarly untrue and a colossal lie. The AFC did not run on its own in 2018 so a scientific count of its 2015 votes is lost to history. But we have the sociological count. I did that in 2016 based on GECOM’s report.
My conclusion was derived from the constituencies I assumed welcomed the AFC. My conclusion was seven percent. This was confirmed for me by a top figure in the PNC. In fact, important PNC leaders were annoyed at the AFC for failing to bring in the ten percent in 2015 that they were expected to.
Fourthly, as a supplement to number 3, why keep extolling your ten percent status when it first came in 2006, twelve years ago? Shouldn’t the world expect you to keep expanding? And why remind Guyanese that you are not moving from ten percent by your constant assertion that you won ten percent of the LGE votes in 2018?
You are forcing people to paint you as a ten percent party that can never win an election. You will make them ask themselves – why should I vote for a small party that is not growing?
Fifthly, and this is crass, unforgivable dishonestly. In shouting from rooftops that it retained its ten percent anatomy, the AFC did a nasty thing in its AFC column in the Kaieteur News last Sunday. By some stink acrobatics, it announced that that 2018 LGE results prove that the PPP’s share of votes is constantly falling since 2006. But guess what it viciously did? It provided statistics from the 2006, 2011 general elections and matched it with the PPP’s tallies in the recent 2018 LGE.
The conclusion? The PPP’s share of votes is declining. But here is where the dishonesty lies.
What the AFC writer (I know who penned that column; he is an incompetent man) did was to look at the PPP votes in 2006 and 2011 and declared that with the 2018 LGE, it showed declining percentage. The gentleman conveniently left out the PPP’s percentage in 2015. This is methodological deception.
You cannot compare the statistics of general elections, leaving out the 2015 results and compare 2006 and 2011 with the LGE in 2018. It cannot offer a reliable guide as to the PPP’s strength. How can this gentleman be so dishonest? And why is the AFC relying on him to be their analyst?
Finally, it is downright shameful for the AFC to exclaim the PPP votes are getting smaller when the AFC power has been eroded since 2006 in comparison to the PPP and PNC. The hard statistics reveal quite graphically that the PPP increased its power/popularity/strength in many LLAs since 2016. The AFC increased its strength only in Timbuktu.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Both the PPP and PNC have shown their mettle...Guyanese stuck with them...half de population will govern while the other will feel like this government does not represent their interests.

Guyana needs a Third willing to act like a power-broker to force the ruling majority party to address issues like much needed constitutional reform and the one party dominance in this banana republic. 

The AFC, as some people like myself felt, when it was launched, could play that role. But AFC has catapulted, both from pressure from the PNC (Herdmanston is not working) and the PPP, as well as by the actions of its own unprincipled leaders.

Perhaps the Amerindian party can play that role...whe dem dey?     


The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!


The AFC was too eager and bitter to take revenge on the PPP. They sacrificed the nation along with their principles to remove the PPP from office. Well, they have to deal with the PNC now. Even though they were given 40% of the government they had zero say in decision-making.  Let Naga and Ramjattan keep up the good propaganda work they are doing the young Kabakas. They can seek the advice of Carib if they run out of ideas to bash Indos and the PPP. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The AFC was too eager and bitter to take revenge on the PPP. They sacrificed the nation along with their principles to remove the PPP from office. Well, they have to deal with the PNC now. Even though they were given 40% of the government they had zero say in decision-making.  Let Naga and Ramjattan keep up the good propaganda work they are doing the young Kabakas. They can seek the advice of Carib if they run out of ideas to bash Indos and the PPP. 

I don’t have an issue with that statement.  

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Both the PPP and PNC have shown their mettle...Guyanese stuck with them...half de population will govern while the other will feel like this government does not represent their interests.

Guyana needs a Third willing to act like a power-broker to force the ruling majority party to address issues like much needed constitutional reform and the one party dominance in this banana republic. 

The AFC, as some people like myself felt, when it was launched, could play that role. But AFC has catapulted, both from pressure from the PNC (Herdmanston is not working) and the PPP, as well as by the actions of its own unprincipled leaders.

Perhaps the Amerindian party can play that role...whe dem dey?     

Totally agree, good to see a balanced and well thought out post.

Baseman posted:

The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!

AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position and become much more independent. 

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!

AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position. 


...15%, according to Kissoon, is definitely not achievable...

"guarantee PPP government for life"...not sure I follow the logic sane PNC party is going to allow this to happen...given past history.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!

AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position. 


...15%, according to Kissoon, is definitely not achievable...

"guarantee PPP government for life"...not sure I follow the logic sane PNC party is going to allow this to happen...given past history.

I'm talking about absolute maximum when I say 15%. 

This is Guyana we're talking about. Blacks will vote PNC and Indians will vote PPP. Given that Indians have more numbers by population, it translates to more votes. Split the opposition to the PPP with the AFC and PPP wins every time. It's no rocket science. It's also not healthy for democracy if one party always wins.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!

AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position. 


...15%, according to Kissoon, is definitely not achievable...

"guarantee PPP government for life"...not sure I follow the logic sane PNC party is going to allow this to happen...given past history.

Mars rass spinning he wheels!!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

The AFC exposed the racist underbelly which runs through Guyana.  It did not create nor was it part of the problem.   Had they stuck to their guns and remained independent, they would have been more impactful!!

AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position. 


...15%, according to Kissoon, is definitely not achievable...

"guarantee PPP government for life"...not sure I follow the logic sane PNC party is going to allow this to happen...given past history.

Mars rass spinning he wheels!!

Wheels need to spin in order to move ahead.

Unlike you with your wheels not moving at all.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:


AFC can get a maximum of 15% of the vote in the General Elections. The only impact they would have as an independent party is to split the opposition vote and guarantee PPP government for life. They are useless in that role. They can become a player if they merge with one of the other larger parties. If the constitution is changed to allow post elections mergers, they would have a much greater bargaining position. 


...15%, according to Kissoon, is definitely not achievable...

"guarantee PPP government for life"...not sure I follow the logic sane PNC party is going to allow this to happen...given past history.

Mars rass spinning he wheels!!

Wheels need to spin in order to move ahead.

Unlike you with your wheels not moving at all.

Nah seh suh bai.  Mi moving, sometimes me gah fuh move back lil fuh move forward nuff!!

VishMahabir posted:

When he is not occupied with buggery and thuggery...otherwise...A fairly good analysis of the AFC...from a person on the ground...not an armchair pontificating intellectual - VM

Banna, what shit yuh talking? Freddie is the epitome of a "armchair pontificating...." person. And I wouldn't associate the word "intellectual" with Kissoon.

a. Intellectual? Where's his thesis? What's his academic qualifications (and we ain't talking about "honorary" arite?).

b. Did he ever have a "real" job other than talking shit in a classroom and writing shit in a paper? did he ever accomplish anything? run a business? practice a skill?

Folks on GNI have accomplished more academically and in REAL life than Freddie. All the man does is talk shit all day, just like we do on GNI. And yes, you are right - he is on the ground. And that is all that can be said about him.

Iguana posted:
Mars posted:

Wheels need to spin in order to move ahead.

Unlike you with your wheels not moving at all.

He not moving, but he spinning. He like spin plenty.

Gwana, yuh spinning yuh tail nuff these days mi notice!!

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The AFC was too eager and bitter to take revenge on the PPP. They sacrificed the nation along with their principles to remove the PPP from office. Well, they have to deal with the PNC now. Even though they were given 40% of the government they had zero say in decision-making.  Let Naga and Ramjattan keep up the good propaganda work they are doing the young Kabakas. They can seek the advice of Carib if they run out of ideas to bash Indos and the PPP. 

I don’t have an issue with that statement.  

Are both of you for real ? Guyana was destined to be ruled by the PPP forever.No wonder the PPP government became power drunk.

Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

As usual, you missing the big picture. I will explain slowly, the KFC Namakaram Crabdaags had the chance to make Guyana better in many ways. They said and should have used their  position to ensure Fairness, Equity, Transparence  and all dem good things INSTEAD like real Namakaram Crabdaags they took care of themselves and said FRIG the Guyanese people. There is more and if you need a lesson on the Topic PM me for more.

Nehru posted:

Only a Mud Heah would even think that a Country is destined to be rule by any particular Party. Talk about being really DOTISH!!!

I am sure you preferred the PPP to be in government currently.

Nehru posted:

Only a Mud Heah would even think that a Country is destined to be rule by any particular Party. Talk about being really DOTISH!!!

Nehru Bhai, Plaster you mantra on the AFC! AFC gone fuh channa!!! AFC needs divine intervention to be relevant again. Their night bus broke down for good.

Nehru posted:

As usual, you missing the big picture. I will explain slowly, the KFC Namakaram Crabdaags had the chance to make Guyana better in many ways. They said and should have used their  position to ensure Fairness, Equity, Transparence  and all dem good things INSTEAD like real Namakaram Crabdaags they took care of themselves and said FRIG the Guyanese people. There is more and if you need a lesson on the Topic PM me for more.

This is some funny shit coming from a PPP man.

a. According to you, the PPP led Guyana to the promised land in 23 years. Guyana was going to de moon, life was great, fairness to everyone, honesty abounding. So how could the AFC make Guyana "better in many ways....ensure fairness, equity, transparence and all dem good things" if all dem thing existed already compliments of the PPP?

b. And the PPP didn't take care of themselves? Pradoville, spermgate, fat man son and he cable to nowhere, fip and he road to nowhere etc? The AFC did the same thing yuh boys in the PPP did.

What you accuse the AFC of, as true as it may be, is EVIDENT in the CROOKS you support and  carry water for! Thus your entire post reeks of hypocrisy and befuddled, doofus style thinking!

Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

When he is not occupied with buggery and thuggery...otherwise...A fairly good analysis of the AFC...from a person on the ground...not an armchair pontificating intellectual - VM

Banna, what shit yuh talking? Freddie is the epitome of a "armchair pontificating...." person. And I wouldn't associate the word "intellectual" with Kissoon.

a. Intellectual? Where's his thesis? What's his academic qualifications (and we ain't talking about "honorary" arite?).

b. Did he ever have a "real" job other than talking shit in a classroom and writing shit in a paper? did he ever accomplish anything? run a business? practice a skill?

Folks on GNI have accomplished more academically and in REAL life than Freddie. All the man does is talk shit all day, just like we do on GNI. And yes, you are right - he is on the ground. And that is all that can be said about him.


Marning bro...

Like you don’t sleep been up all nite hissin with you self...not to mention dogtailin me.

Re: Freddie

I don’t know who are the intellectuals here or who you know here

(at least you don’t sound like wan a dem intellectual more like a cuss bird if you ask me  ).

At least de man gat experience with institutional memory...

Give de man Freddie his jacket...he is on the ground, he knows the ins and outs, the nuances, the idiosyncrasies, the little details, he has access to info from people in and out of government who complain and share info with him all de time as a reporter...and he likes to remind us he is a trained (sociologist or political scientist?? of the 2). When he is not talking about buggering and miasma, he can be quite least for a person like myself who don’t know as much as some of you here....most of y’all don’t have dat kind of “qualification” man is still a shaper of politics in Guyana.

How many a dem “intellectual type” here can compete with Freddie?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The AFC was too eager and bitter to take revenge on the PPP. They sacrificed the nation along with their principles to remove the PPP from office. Well, they have to deal with the PNC now. Even though they were given 40% of the government they had zero say in decision-making.  Let Naga and Ramjattan keep up the good propaganda work they are doing the young Kabakas. They can seek the advice of Carib if they run out of ideas to bash Indos and the PPP. 

I don’t have an issue with that statement.  

Are both of you for real ? Guyana was destined to be ruled by the PPP forever.No wonder the PPP government became power drunk.

So long as the alternative is the PNC you can guarantee the PPP will be the favorite of the people.  The PNC is not a democratic party.  The PNC is a party that superficially assimilates Indos in the upper ranks while using their goons to brutalize  Indos regardless of who they are.  I want you Mr. Django to put yourself in the presence of a rioting PNC mob and see if they will spare you. They will bust your ass and ask questions later.

I witnessed Vincent Teekah running for his life from PNC Thugs.  Moses Nagamotoo was kicked out of the VIP area at the airport in 1992 and Hamilton Green was accommodated and allowed to walk through a back entrance to board a flight to Barbados.  Please remind the PM about this incident. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

When he is not occupied with buggery and thuggery...otherwise...A fairly good analysis of the AFC...from a person on the ground...not an armchair pontificating intellectual - VM

Folks on GNI have accomplished more academically and in REAL life than Freddie. All the man does is talk shit all day, just like we do on GNI. 

Speak for your lonesome self banna...I long suspected that of you...good to see you making a self admission....


Huh? What dat badminded and nasty mind colummis know? AFC should run alone and get 5 seat. PPP will win but AFC rebuild dem party. Let we see if dem prestige and prado loving political prostitutes will withdraw fram de govt. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

So long as the alternative is the PNC you can guarantee the PPP will be the favorite of the people.  The PNC is not a democratic party.  The PNC is a party that superficially assimilates Indos in the upper ranks while using their goons to brutalize  Indos regardless of who they are.  I want you Mr. Django to put yourself in the presence of a rioting PNC mob and see if they will spare you. They will bust your ass and ask questions later.

I witnessed Vincent Teekah running for his life from PNC Thugs.  Moses Nagamotoo was kicked out of the VIP area at the airport in 1992 and Hamilton Green was accommodated and allowed to walk through a back entrance to board a flight to Barbados.  Please remind the PM about this incident. 

Unfortunately you are living in the past and don't seem to understand Guyana have moved on to be a more Democratic Country since 1992, with help from other Countries.Times have changed, focus on modern day, the PPP don't have the numbers of supporters for their favorite party to be in government.

The population dynamics of the country have changed tremendously, closer look should be taken on statistics of the change, then one can ascertain which party or parties are favorites.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am patiently waiting for DJango to say that Freddie K. didn't get what he wanted from the government hence his disenchantment. Freddie knows how juk everybody.

You will have a long wait, Django not bad minded. Freddie can continue preaching.

Surprisingly Freedie is alyuh boy now, seems alyuh forget what the PPP has done to him.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am patiently waiting for DJango to say that Freddie K. didn't get what he wanted from the government hence his disenchantment. Freddie knows how juk everybody.

You will have a long wait, Django not bad minded. Freddie can continue preaching.

Surprisingly Freedie is alyuh boy now, seems alyuh forget what the PPP has done to him.

Freddie is not my boy. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am patiently waiting for DJango to say that Freddie K. didn't get what he wanted from the government hence his disenchantment. Freddie knows how juk everybody.

You will have a long wait, Django not bad minded. Freddie can continue preaching.

Surprisingly Freedie is alyuh boy now, seems alyuh forget what the PPP has done to him.

Freddie is not my boy. 

Ok boss.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

So long as the alternative is the PNC you can guarantee the PPP will be the favorite of the people.  The PNC is not a democratic party.  The PNC is a party that superficially assimilates Indos in the upper ranks while using their goons to brutalize  Indos regardless of who they are.  I want you Mr. Django to put yourself in the presence of a rioting PNC mob and see if they will spare you. They will bust your ass and ask questions later.

I witnessed Vincent Teekah running for his life from PNC Thugs.  Moses Nagamotoo was kicked out of the VIP area at the airport in 1992 and Hamilton Green was accommodated and allowed to walk through a back entrance to board a flight to Barbados.  Please remind the PM about this incident. 

Unfortunately you are living in the past and don't seem to understand Guyana have moved on to be a more Democratic Country since 1992, with help from other Countries.Times have changed, focus on modern day, the PPP don't have the numbers of supporters for their favorite party to be in government.

The population dynamics of the country have changed tremendously, closer look should be taken on statistics of the change, then one can ascertain which party or parties are favorites.

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

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