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The African Guyanese community has to find a way to develop strong financial independence
April 8, 2013 Snews

Dear Editor,
The gist of Mr. Lincoln Lewis’s letter, `TUC sought dialogue with the groups in the National Assembly to arrive at a consensus position on the right to work’ is an indication that he did not understand my questions, or he is merely skirting around the issue. The intent of my letter was to get a confirmation on my brief that the quest for the return of the subvention for the Critchlow College contributed to the weak negotiating/bargaining position of the TUC.
Please see my letter, `Those fighting for the small man are also fighting to keep food on their own tables’, (March, 10th, 2013), to get an idea as to where I’m going with this. I have no quarrel with Mr. Lewis, but merely wanted to point out that a large constituency of people is affected by flawed political representation and no social and financial advice.
The African Guyanese community is in deep trouble. The community is always protesting, shot at and sometimes killed by police, with no improvement to their situation. Why is that? Their representatives in the TUC, the majority opposition and ACDA have somehow manoeuvred them into a box of irrelevance, with no obvious way out unless they are willing to recognize/accept that they are flawed in their approach and are willing/able to take the necessary steps to get out.
What is the way out? Find a strategy to develop financial relevance in the community. I can hear the exclamations, “Here Skinner go again!” Well, Skinner knows that people respect education backed with strong financial capabilities. People respect people with strong financial independence. That is not in the community, thus the disrespect and the impotence.
Do you remember Dr. Jagan’s ‘bottom of the ladder’ comment? People wanted to crucify him for that, but I paid attention. He had a message. He also said that the PNC was setting up its constituency for failure.
Do you know what he meant? I think it was that the PNC and ACDA, which followed later never taught their people financial independence. They created a dependency syndrome. From 1964 to 1992 a lot of people depended on handouts, and party affiliation – even education was not necessary. So when 1992 came around, a lot of people were left stranded.
To give a background to what brought us here, I wish to reflect. In the fifties,  there was a upper class, represented by the expatriates, who managed the sugar and bauxite industries. There was a vibrant middle class dominated by African Guyanese intellectuals – attorneys, doctors, head teachers, postmasters and such like.
There were a few African entrepreneurs/businessmen, a few Portuguese and very few Indians Guyanese. The poor were majority Indian, some Africans and Amerindians.
The Indians were poor, but they were in business. They held on to rice fields the Africans did not want. They persisted in other crops. They were the ones selling milk in our communities, in metal cans. They came in bearing baskets of greens on their heads and dropped money in the bank in paper bags while walking bare feet. Their girls did not go to school. They married early and joined their husbands in business. Only the brightest of the boys sought education. You get the picture.
1974 came along, and the African middle-class was destroyed. “How,” you ask? Well read the ‘Declaration of Sophia’ as it relates to party membership and the denouncing of the United Force “capitalist policies.” What happened is that education did not mean anything unless you were affiliated. Some intellectuals ran while some succumbed. Many who got positions were not necessarily qualified but being part of the bigger equation put them on top of the world.
Even so, our education policies, which started when Dr. Jagan built those ‘L’ shaped schools in the early sixties, and continued under the PNC, forced more Indian participation in getting an education. The girls were also forced to go to school.
By 1980, education levels between the Indians and Africans equalized. There were a lot more Indians doctors, attorneys, accountants and the like. But, there was a vast difference in the manner Indians used their education. A lot of qualified Indians started their own businesses or better yet they came in and enhanced their parents’ businesses.
African mostly went to work for government or some company. All the struggles of the seventies, eighties and early nineties did not faze the Indians. They stuck to their policy so come 1992 they were ready to launch out with the backing of a government on their side. It was embarrassing to see that come 1992 a lot of government officials did not have their own property.
So where are we today? Reflect again. Mr. Moses Bhagwan was afraid that the administration’s approach and the marginalization of Africans would be detrimental to Indians. He wrote, in his article of September 10, 2006, captioned, ‘Being Indian in Guyana: The challenges’ the following. “Indians will never prosper in Guyana if Africans become impoverished, and they will never live securely unless Africans are secure.”
No one responded to his concerns. Instead Indians accepted their casualties and dug in deep. I’ve not been in Guyana since 2008, but I am hearing fortresses are going up, while others are relegated to snatching purses and other acts.
So when Mr. Lewis is writing that, “The reason the TUC sought dialogue with the groups in the National Assembly is to arrive at a consensus position on a matter of national import, i.e. “The right and the duty to work” for Guyanese. This approach is consistent with the structure of governance, which requires involvement of stakeholders in decision- making that affects their well-being and the TUC’s responsibility under Article 149C of the Constitution.”  And also, “The National Assembly/Parliament is the nation’s highest decision-making forum and tasked with the responsibility of oversight and law making,” I ask myself, can’t he see that all those conventions are out the window? This game is about who can compete in the world of finance and capital. How to use money and power. There is no respect for the ordinary worker the TUC represents and the TUC does not seem to have the clout to swing around the outcome.
Things are quite pathetic now, but there may still be a way out of this. The TUC, ACDA and the opposition in parliament have to circle the wagons around the people they represent. Not to do battle with forces attacking, but rather it is to take some time out to learn self-independence.
There should be an organization in every city, every village, every little community, teaching financial management and wealth generation.  Look for cooperative business ventures that can be carried out in the communities. Look at struggling communities like Ituni and Kwakwani. See how we can match them with investors or get them equipped to get bank loans. Regulate Africans lands so that Joint Ventures can be done easily.
Most importantly we have to teach the importance of brotherly love in the community. That is extremely crucial. Every person should be his or her brother’s or sister’s keeper. Try to eradicate crime in the community – black on black crime, and crime, generally. There will be those who insist on their wayward ways. Isolate them, expose them. Emphasize strict work ethics – a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. Respect and support businesses in the community. And, most importantly, teach them to move away from wasteful spending and excessive partying.
People in the Diaspora also need to be part of this. Let’s pool our resources and adopt communities. I know that there is a fear to send money to people who will waste it. The community has to get rid of that attitude. Money for projects has to go to the projects. I know it will be difficult, but what other choice is there?
When our community can respect and support the businesses and other uplifting activities in their communities, when we learn to mix education with entrepreneurism, when both communities have an equal stake in the country, then there will be true peace and prosperity.
What is it going to be? Mr. Lewis wrote, “Each and every one of us has a role to play in asking, what can I do for my country and fellow man, and act in accordance.” Are we ready for this?
Yours faithfully,
F. Skinner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Can they learn from Ali Baba and the forty thieves? You are such a racist jackass, you won't be able to see the foolishness in your statement.

Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Baseman from what I understand Indians are not much better off economically than are Africans.  This is despite;  not having the legacy of slavery which made Africans afraid of risk; unwilling to cooperate with each other; having a consumption rather than an investment philosophy; and most damaging is the broken family structure a DIRECT legacy of slavery.


So tell me why did the Portuguese and Chinese indentures, who arrived with nothing more than the Indians did, do so much better? 


Why are so many Indians trapped in substance abuse, spousal brutality, suicides and other social ills, when Chinese didnt befall this? 


Why are the Saturday night drunken brawls, often ending up in Indo on Indo assaults so much a factor in rural Indo peasant life?  


Why are so many young Indo males now engaging in the SAME types of criminal behavior as their Afro counterparts.  In fcat while the Afro bandits steal from EVERY ONE, the Indo bandits steal from INDOS ONLY!!!!

We dont see Chinese or Portuguse behaving like this? 


I suggest to you that Indos have enough to worry about before they feel superior to Afros. 


Indeed Indos have fallen into a deep trap with their "ahbe pan tap" mentality, which leads too many to uncritical endorse an Indo elite which hurts rather than helps them.  A crude and vicious Indo elite callously provokes a race war, willing to offer them up as cannon fodder, this will they hire black criminals to protect themselves. Doing nothing when these same black criminals use guns that they provide to attack innocent people, many being poorer Indians.


 And of course we have the usurious rates charged to rice farmers by money landers, exploitation of small peasant farmers by the millers, and the rape  of many rural Indo girls who are trafficked instead of getting a promised job.


The problem is too many Indos, while starving as much as are the blacks who they despise, endorse continued rule by this cabal of theives.


But you see baseman, being a member of the Indo elite, will never want these issues to be discussed.   Now druggie's family benefits highly from this status quo, and no doubt exploit their employees, regardless of race.  Do you?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Can they learn from Ali Baba and the forty thieves? You are such a racist jackass, you won't be able to see the foolishness in your statement.

Indeed he ignores the fact that a high % of the crime on teh Corentyne is perpetrated by Indians who prey mainly on other Indians.  The fishermen who fear pirates (mainly Indians) will be shocked.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Can they learn from Ali Baba and the forty thieves? You are such a racist jackass, you won't be able to see the foolishness in your statement.

I told someone only yesterday that you can't sleep and learn something. You need to make an effort and show interest in learning. The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments. They need walk around Providence and make notes and then put it in practice.

Originally Posted by Prince:

The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments.


The problem with afros is they want things the easy way---they are not prepared to work hard---they have an entitlement mentality---everything should be gifted to them because they are black and endured slavery---these people need to catch up with the civilized world. And they need to learn this:


NOTHING WORTH Having comes easy.




Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Can they learn from Ali Baba and the forty thieves? You are such a racist jackass, you won't be able to see the foolishness in your statement.

I told someone only yesterday that you can't sleep and learn something. You need to make an effort and show interest in learning. The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments. They need walk around Providence and make notes and then put it in practice.

East Indian elites are only 5% of the Indo population. Ever wonder what the other 95% is doing?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Prince:

The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments.


The problem with afros is they want things the easy way---they are not prepared to work hard---they have an entitlement mentality---everything should be gifted to them because they are black and endured slavery---these people need to catch up with the civilized world. And they need to learn this:


NOTHING WORTH Having comes easy.




How helpful is this to the discussion?

Originally Posted by Kari:

How helpful is this to the discussion?


Rather than finding fault with my post, why don't you present your ideas on how afros can find a way to financial independence ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

How helpful is this to the discussion?


Rather than finding fault with my post, why don't you present your ideas on how afros can find a way to financial independence ?





95% of the Indo population living in poverty.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

95% of the Indo population living in poverty.



I was in Guyana late last year---most people are living well.


By the way, 50 million Americans live in poverty---they collect food stamps---there is poverty all over the world.




This is nothing new. The New Nation, organ of the PNC, carried articles like this for Afros to become better farmers and businessmen. The supporters of the PNC were interested in pocketing everything they could find instead of working like a BlackBush Farmer.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

How helpful is this to the discussion?


Rather than finding fault with my post, why don't you present your ideas on how afros can find a way to financial independence ?





The problem with afros is they want things the easy way---they are not prepared to work hard---they have an entitlement mentality---everything should be gifted to them because they are black and endured slavery

I don't agree with any of the above, and I have to repeat my question: how helpful is this?

Just answer the damn question. You scared???

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Mitwah is a Burnham Pundit. Check his Pundit certificate issued by the Maha Sabha and you will see a picture of Burnham on it.


 @BRB. Are you an elite like the REV? 5% of the Indo Guyanese population are in the elite class.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

95% of the Indo population living in poverty.



I was in Guyana late last year---most people are living well.


By the way, 50 million Americans live in poverty---they collect food stamps---there is poverty all over the world.



You are able to get Section 8 housing and collect food stamps. What is the safety net for the poor Guyanese?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons.  Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".

Can they learn from Ali Baba and the forty thieves? You are such a racist jackass, you won't be able to see the foolishness in your statement.

I told someone only yesterday that you can't sleep and learn something. You need to make an effort and show interest in learning. The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments. They need walk around Providence and make notes and then put it in practice.

East Indian elites are only 5% of the Indo population. Ever wonder what the other 95% is doing?

You stray from the point, it's the Afros who claim they are not getting what they "deserve" and blame it on Indians.  Banna, I lived in Guyana under the PNC and even then, blacks referenced Indian achievement negatively.  Afros would say that rich Indians help poor Indians, that was their excuse then.  Now, of course, they have the PPP boogie man to point fingers to.  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Kakahole Baseman, you need to get your head of your poop chute.

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Kakahole Baseman, you need to get your head of your poop chute.

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.

You are one sick racist kakahole. You are like a dog chasing parked car. I don't have to bring the PPP down. They are doing  a good job all by themselves, They don't need my help. Everytime you remove your head from your poop chute, you write kaka.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Kakahole Baseman, you need to get your head of your poop chute.

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.

You are one sick racist kakahole. You are like a dog chasing parked car. I don't have to bring the PPP down. They are doing  a good job all by themselves, They don't need my help. Everytime you remove your head from your poop chute, you write kaka.

Why don't you refute my assertions rather than spewing sewer from your mouth.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Kakahole Baseman, you need to get your head of your poop chute.

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.

You are one sick racist kakahole. You are like a dog chasing parked car. I don't have to bring the PPP down. They are doing  a good job all by themselves, They don't need my help. Everytime you remove your head from your poop chute, you write kaka.

Why don't you refute my assertions rather than spewing sewer from your mouth.

What's there to refute but your racists sentiments. Like I said get your head out of your racist poop chute.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

  Alyuh katahars like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Kakahole Baseman, you need to get your head of your poop chute.

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.

You are one sick racist kakahole. You are like a dog chasing parked car. I don't have to bring the PPP down. They are doing  a good job all by themselves, They don't need my help. Everytime you remove your head from your poop chute, you write kaka.

Why don't you refute my assertions rather than spewing sewer from your mouth.

What's there to refute but your racists sentiments. Like I said get your head out of your racist poop chute.

The CIA promised Afros moh powah fast and furious and they will get their utopia.  So the beat up, loot and killed Indians, then they got Burnham and ended up worse off that when they started out.  Then Hoyte promised them resurrection via moh fyah slo fyah, once again against Indians.  Backed by the Buxton FF's they played that hand and got burned.  Now you katahars promise them free electricity, high salaries and deliverance from the evil (Indians) of the PPP.  Once again, this play will end of in the scrap heap, along with the lot of you.


You guys are not friends of the Afros, just playing them like the CIA did, like Burnham did and like Hoyte did.  You are just a smiling snake.


This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Well said Mr. BGurd!



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Dump the negroes. Guyana's election is all about race and trust. PNC is a party of terrorists just waiting to burn the Indian business down. Stop sellling them matches. Let them walk with references when they go to the store to buy matches.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Dump the negroes. Guyana's election is all about race and trust. PNC is a party of terrorists just waiting to burn the Indian business down. Stop sellling them matches. Let them walk with references when they go to the store to buy matches.

skeldon_man being mas "aggressive" via keyboard towards dem "negroes" deh . . . getting his frisson on . . . de tingle reaching all the way to dat special place


This Board has degenerated to new lows - a whole bunch of racist stuff here. My God!



I don't think the Founders of this Board envisioned this when they provided this facility for Guyanese in the Diaspora to vent.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Feeling of entitlement is the crux of the Guyanese Afro problem for generations.  This perpetuates dependency and leave them exposed to decisions not under their control.  So without any other option, they revert to looting, burning, stealing, etc to mitigate.  You katahars need to realize, what you are doing is selfish, asinine and cruel to the Afros.  Just look at the islands, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, etc how how Afros overcome and thrive.  It is because they have only themselves to work with.  Guyanese Afros need to remove this entitlement from their heads.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Feeling of entitlement is the crux of the Guyanese Afro problem for generations.  This perpetuates dependency and leave them exposed to decisions not under their control.  So without any other option, they revert to looting, burning, stealing, etc to mitigate.  You katahars need to realize, what you are doing is selfish, asinine and cruel to the Afros.  Just look at the islands, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, etc how how Afros overcome and thrive.  It is because they have only themselves to work with.  Guyanese Afros need to remove this entitlement from their heads.

Afros in Guyana feel that they are marginalized. This suppression is building up like pressure in the "Pressure Pot"  and can explode anytime. No?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Feeling of entitlement is the crux of the Guyanese Afro problem for generations.  This perpetuates dependency and leave them exposed to decisions not under their control.  So without any other option, they revert to looting, burning, stealing, etc to mitigate.  You katahars need to realize, what you are doing is selfish, asinine and cruel to the Afros.  Just look at the islands, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, etc how how Afros overcome and thrive.  It is because they have only themselves to work with.  Guyanese Afros need to remove this entitlement from their heads.

Afros in Guyana feel that they are marginalized. This suppression is building up like pressure in the "Pressure Pot"  and can explode anytime. No?

With the race hate mongers here, if many of the afros were to read this site, they surely will.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Prince:

The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments.


The problem with afros is they want things the easy way---they are not prepared to work hard---they have an entitlement mentality---everything should be gifted to them because they are black and endured slavery---these people need to catch up with the civilized world. And they need to learn this:


NOTHING WORTH Having comes easy.




The African Guyanese community is in deep trouble. The community is always protesting, shot at and sometimes killed by police, with no improvement to their situation. Why is that? Their representatives in the TUC, the majority opposition and ACDA have somehow manoeuvred them into a box of irrelevance, with no obvious way out unless they are willing to recognize/accept that they are flawed in their approach and are willing/able to take the necessary steps to get out.
What is the way out? Find a strategy to develop financial relevance in the community.


What say you Rev?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Afros in Guyana feel that they are marginalized.


As long as Guyana is led by an East Indian, the majority of afros will feel marginalized.


Guyanese afros are the most ungrateful and unthankful people on this planet---no matter what the PPP does for them---these thankless souls would prefer a black leader, even if that means they would live in squalor, eat grass, and drink polluted water.




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