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Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted: people had to do the heavy lifting for civil rights so you crows get to caw about your success!

Let us not forget the influence and example set by the great mahatma, of whom MLK was a student.  Also the many White sympathizers who joined and financed the civil rights movement. I am not sure they taught you this in second rate Howard. 

Ghandi borrowed from Thoreau whose tract on Civil Disobedience was seminal to his work. MLK sourced both and also Tolstoy. These men were students of human life not constipated racist hacks like you. And yes, howard is indeed that nurturing environment where thinkers are incubated. You could have benefited a bit in understanding of the world, humility as a human being and most urgently your lacking in that special ingredient; wisdom.

Referencing an essay and implementing are two different animals. Indeed humans and civilizations have influenced each other over the centuries. But to suggest that Blacks alone are responsible for the civil rights gains in this country is hogwash. The fact that the administration and people of the US  were willing to listen and change is testament of the greatness of this nations where its laws and people allow for such groundbreaking transformations. 

Stupid man, the seminal questions were asked and answered eons ago. Philosophy is not incremental as science ( and science is only incremental within a paradigm). Philosophical questions remain the same. Thoreau et al re-frame the questions for their time and made them cogent for those needing to be informed.

Blacks alone highlighted their injustice from slavery to  Brown vs Board of ed. Yes, there were empathetic figures along the way but the immorality slavery and the injustice of the pre civil rights era was  best highlighted by those experiencing it through their loss of life sacrifice and demands for a new system.

Social revolutions sweep away old belief systems. They are not accommodated by the old. Every advance of civil rights redefined civil rights by wiping out old beliefs. White people did not include anyone into their beliefs. They clarified their mistaken beliefs when it was destabilized by arguments as to its lack of soundness given the stark reality of its injustices. They adopted the new and more informed and stable belief system

The whites were the ones that ended slavery, Blacks virtually played no major role in the civil war other than to be the accidentlay recepient of the freedom, a byproduct of the war.  The civil war was a struggle to preserve the union rather than to free slaves.

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted: people had to do the heavy lifting for civil rights so you crows get to caw about your success!

Let us not forget the influence and example set by the great mahatma, of whom MLK was a student.  Also the many White sympathizers who joined and financed the civil rights movement. I am not sure they taught you this in second rate Howard. 

Ghandi borrowed from Thoreau whose tract on Civil Disobedience was seminal to his work. MLK sourced both and also Tolstoy. These men were students of human life not constipated racist hacks like you. And yes, howard is indeed that nurturing environment where thinkers are incubated. You could have benefited a bit in understanding of the world, humility as a human being and most urgently your lacking in that special ingredient; wisdom.

Referencing an essay and implementing are two different animals. Indeed humans and civilizations have influenced each other over the centuries. But to suggest that Blacks alone are responsible for the civil rights gains in this country is hogwash. The fact that the administration and people of the US  were willing to listen and change is testament of the greatness of this nations where its laws and people allow for such groundbreaking transformations. 

Stupid man, the seminal questions were asked and answered eons ago. Philosophy is not incremental as science ( and science is only incremental within a paradigm). Philosophical questions remain the same. Thoreau et al re-frame the questions for their time and made them cogent for those needing to be informed.

Blacks alone highlighted their injustice from slavery to  Brown vs Board of ed. Yes, there were empathetic figures along the way but the immorality slavery and the injustice of the pre civil rights era was  best highlighted by those experiencing it through their loss of life sacrifice and demands for a new system.

Social revolutions sweep away old belief systems. They are not accommodated by the old. Every advance of civil rights redefined civil rights by wiping out old beliefs. White people did not include anyone into their beliefs. They clarified their mistaken beliefs when it was destabilized by arguments as to its lack of soundness given the stark reality of its injustices. They adopted the new and more informed and stable belief system

The whites were the ones that ended slavery, Blacks virtually played no major role in the civil war other than to be the accidentlay recepient of the freedom, a byproduct of the war.  The civil war was a struggle to preserve the union rather than to free slaves.

Of course with the society in flames and eminent collapse of it  at their doorsteps, it is reasonable to conclude intervention to salvage the state could be seen as "whites" intervention to free slaves...rational or not...but  it? You answered it yourself in your last sentence. Slave economics is burdensome and injurious to the soul and it inevitably precipitates collapse of the top heavy system. Check the collapse of athens, Egypt, Rome. Keeping hostiles in the house does not make for easy sleeping.

Drugb posted:

Nonsense, Blacks did not do this alone,

Blacks initiated the actions and they took the greatest risks.  They were responsible for the tactics and the bulk of the planning. The fact that they received some financing from some guilt ridden whites does NOT detract from the fact that this was action spear headed by blacks.

The help from whites was also when blacks showed the horrendousness of Jim  Crow in the South and made the images of brutality available on every TV across the length and breadth of the USA. When fire hoses and dogs were put on protestors I don't recall seeing whites involved.

The white role was SUPPORTIVE. Had the blacks been sniveling Uncle Tome a "black" man like you would NOT have been allowed to migrate to the USA.

Go pick up a book and learn something! 

Drugb posted:

The whites were the ones that ended slavery, Blacks virtually played no major role in the civil war other than to be the accidentlay recepient of the freedom, a byproduct of the war.  The civil war was a struggle to preserve the union rather than to free slaves.

It is to be understood that you are a very ignorant man. In fact many blacks were involved in the slave abolition movement.

In the British West Indian colonies increasing slave rebellions and the high cost of control increasingly restive slaves also contributed to emancipation.

But just now you will be telling us that the French freed the Haitians!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all go fight the Whiteman about slavery and leave the other peaceful groups to live their lives.  

Amazingly you don't even have the manners to thank blacks for leading the Civil Rights movement that let "blacks" like you migrate to the USA.

Did you think that it was a coincidence that the migration of non whites to the USA accelerated just as the Civil Rights movement had its successes?

You see this is why people don't like Indians.  Its this selfish and racist mentality that pours out of too many of you, with the rest of the Indian population saying NOTHING!

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all go fight the Whiteman about slavery and leave the other peaceful groups to live their lives.  

Amazingly you don't even have the manners to thank blacks for leading the Civil Rights movement that let "blacks" like you migrate to the USA.

Did you think that it was a coincidence that the migration of non whites to the USA accelerated just as the Civil Rights movement had its successes?

You see this is why people don't like Indians.  Its this selfish and racist mentality that pours out of too many of you, with the rest of the Indian population saying NOTHING!

I'm not referring to decent and responsible black people.  i'm referring to black nationalists like you who look at everything through your racial lens and come with BS all the time.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:


They worship me for sure however they are not pathetic and not afflicted with the lazyman bug that many of your brothers have embraced. 

No I don't. In fact you used to boast about how they worship you and how your advice was so precious to these losers.  And here you do so again.

Its interesting that Caribbean blacks in NYC are known to be people with 2 and 3 jobs.  Guyanese blacks being no exception to this stereotype.  In fact Caribbean black women have the HIGHEST levels of labor force participation of any group of women in NYC and Caribbean black men are just as likely to seek work or to be working as is the case with any other group.

But you make an excellent case for being called a racist, so continue.


Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

Most young people do not care to own a home. A home used to be a means to wealth accumulation but these days people do not hold on to the same job for more than a couple of years and are always on the move. Many also are shackled to high student loans and cannot take advantage of the low interest rates. Inventory is high but others who want to buy are not able to make the credit limit even though interest is low. Renting also comes with less burden and one can move to areas downtown where they cannot afford to buy where they can rent.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all go fight the Whiteman about slavery and leave the other peaceful groups to live their lives.  

Carib and the the critics of slavery should not blame the white man. It was the chiefs in the African countries who captured the their own people and sold them into slavery. There was a demand for a commodity and the Tribal Chiefs supplied the goods. They should go to Africa and find out who did it.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

The same can be said for any ethnic group so what's your point? Some want to work hard, some not so hard, some want to own a home and some don't.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

The same can be said for any ethnic group so what's your point? Some want to work hard, some not so hard, some want to own a home and some don't.

I guess they must be like some Guyanese Indians.  Every single penny must be used to pay the mortgage so the entire extended family must be squeezed up.  Thanks to the bogus mortgages which Ed Ahmad got for them.

Or they become slum lords crowding people into basements. Again in a struggle to pay the mortgage.

I find the screams of security guard interesting given that this is also a job performed by Guyanese Indian men, while their wives work as home attendants.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Carib and the the critics of slavery should not blame the white man. It was the chiefs in the African countries who captured the their own people and sold them into slavery. There was a demand for a commodity and the Tribal Chiefs supplied the goods. They should go to Africa and find out who did it.

Let me correct you. Crooks from YOUR Indian villages fooled your ancestors about gold on the ground in distant Demerara. Enticed them on board, and when they arrived they became semi slaves, and in fact their logeys were actually former slave housing.

I also suggest that you learn about Africa.  NO chief sold his own people into slavery. He sold captives from other ethnic groups into slavery. Selling the strongest men and women from their own kingdoms would have been stupid, as it would have rendered them weaker and therefore more vulnerable to conquest by neighboring entities.

In addition slavery in Africa was different to what happened in the Americas.  Slaves didn't pass on their status of slaves to the next generation, and in fact their children became fully accepted members of the group into which they were born.  The legacy of slavery was so violent that its impact exists even up to today.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

The same can be said for any ethnic group so what's your point? Some want to work hard, some not so hard, some want to own a home and some don't.

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

Most young people do not care to own a home. A home used to be a means to wealth accumulation but these days people do not hold on to the same job for more than a couple of years and are always on the move. Many also are shackled to high student loans and cannot take advantage of the low interest rates. Inventory is high but others who want to buy are not able to make the credit limit even though interest is low. Renting also comes with less burden and one can move to areas downtown where they cannot afford to buy where they can rent.

Guyanese people still buy homes despite all the negative factors.  They work hard and make the sacrifices that it requires. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib,  A lot of Guyanese brothers live in apartments in Brooklyn and have no intention of owning a home or take the stress of two jobs.  As a matter of fact, many of them look for watchman and security work at hospitals, banks, and buildings where they don't have to sweat. On the contrary, they are many hardworking Guyanese blacks who are making it or have made it. 

The same can be said for any ethnic group so what's your point? Some want to work hard, some not so hard, some want to own a home and some don't.

Generally speaking, Indo-Guyanese are more likely to toil and sacrifice for that home than an Afro-Guyanese. There is nothing racial about this. Indians from Guyana have a high savings rate and I would bet that its better than Afro-Guyanese living here.

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The whites were the ones that ended slavery, Blacks virtually played no major role in the civil war other than to be the accidentlay recepient of the freedom, a byproduct of the war.  The civil war was a struggle to preserve the union rather than to free slaves.

It is to be understood that you are a very ignorant man. In fact many blacks were involved in the slave abolition movement.

In the British West Indian colonies increasing slave rebellions and the high cost of control increasingly restive slaves also contributed to emancipation.

But just now you will be telling us that the French freed the Haitians!

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Nonsense, Blacks did not do this alone,

Blacks initiated the actions and they took the greatest risks.  They were responsible for the tactics and the bulk of the planning. The fact that they received some financing from some guilt ridden whites does NOT detract from the fact that this was action spear headed by blacks.

The help from whites was also when blacks showed the horrendousness of Jim  Crow in the South and made the images of brutality available on every TV across the length and breadth of the USA. When fire hoses and dogs were put on protestors I don't recall seeing whites involved.

The white role was SUPPORTIVE. Had the blacks been sniveling Uncle Tome a "black" man like you would NOT have been allowed to migrate to the USA.

Go pick up a book and learn something! 

I am not discounting Black contribution to the civil rights movement, however others also helped. If the whites did not face a moral delima, you would still be in chains and I would be your overseer. 

Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

cain posted:
Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

Dumbo, remember the mahatma, a lil collie brought down the British empire. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

But that aside, let us not forget that you and your kind were slave traders too.  In fact the Portuguese were the first to start the slave trade in modern history. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

Dumbo, remember the mahatma, a lil collie brought down the British empire. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

But that aside, let us not forget that you and your kind were slave traders too.  In fact the Portuguese were the first to start the slave trade in modern history. 

Now that I see some bad attitudes from some of you dutty rass here all I gotta say is too bad they didn't use double strength chains pon some o' yall.

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

Dumbo, remember the mahatma, a lil collie brought down the British empire. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

But that aside, let us not forget that you and your kind were slave traders too.  In fact the Portuguese were the first to start the slave trade in modern history. 

The British empire was run by third rate British scalawags because the proper english gentlemen never left home. some 300k of these half wits conquered the world and subjugated over a billion people and held them in servitude for over two centuries.  Even now we cannot surpass what these half wits left behind in infrastructure, organization, and in cultural imprinting.

The Portuguese was not the first to develop the African slave trade. It  existed as an Arab project for close to  a thousand years before the Portuguese. They extracted more slaves from india, China,  and much of Africa than came west. And much worse, they did not let these slaves procreate so we do not find any surviving peoples as we do in the west.

cain posted:

Now that I see some bad attitudes from some of you dutty rass here all I gotta say is too bad they didn't use double strength chains pon some o' yall.

Please note that Portuguese in Guyana are the lowest class of your kind. In fact people from Portugal disown you folks. Imagine you had to be brought in chains to replace slave labor. 

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

Dumbo, remember the mahatma, a lil collie brought down the British empire. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

But that aside, let us not forget that you and your kind were slave traders too.  In fact the Portuguese were the first to start the slave trade in modern history. 

The British empire was run by third rate British scalawags because the proper english gentlemen never left home. some 300k of these half wits conquered the world and subjugated over a billion people and held them in servitude for over two centuries.  Even now we cannot surpass what these half wits left behind in infrastructure, organization, and in cultural imprinting.

The Portuguese was not the first to develop the African slave trade. It  existed as an Arab project for close to  a thousand years before the Portuguese. They extracted more slaves from india, China,  and much of Africa than came west. And much worse, they did not let these slaves procreate so we do not find any surviving peoples as we do in the west.

The point being that as much as you pretend to be buck and play kissy face with Cain, he comes from a breed of slave traders.  Portuguese were evil folks back in the day. I never heard of an Indian trade slaver of Afros. But yet you hate Indians like poison. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

I was referring to the US. In fact the freedom of the Hatians turned out to be a disaster as we see it being the armpit of the Caribbean for decades. 

It was not rebellions that goaded the British to end slavery but rather economic factors as well as the industrial revolution which made slave labor on plantations obsolete. 

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

Yeh right, they sat on their hands like a buncha ayou coolie WOS and complain like a buncha antimen, nuh baie?

Dumbo, remember the mahatma, a lil collie brought down the British empire. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

But that aside, let us not forget that you and your kind were slave traders too.  In fact the Portuguese were the first to start the slave trade in modern history. 

The British empire was run by third rate British scalawags because the proper english gentlemen never left home. some 300k of these half wits conquered the world and subjugated over a billion people and held them in servitude for over two centuries.  Even now we cannot surpass what these half wits left behind in infrastructure, organization, and in cultural imprinting.

The Portuguese was not the first to develop the African slave trade. It  existed as an Arab project for close to  a thousand years before the Portuguese. They extracted more slaves from india, China,  and much of Africa than came west. And much worse, they did not let these slaves procreate so we do not find any surviving peoples as we do in the west.

The point being that as much as you pretend to be buck and play kissy face with Cain, he comes from a breed of slave traders.  Portuguese were evil folks back in the day. I never heard of an Indian trade slaver of Afros. But yet you hate Indians like poison. 

Everyone can look into their ancestry and find human dredges. My daughters mother is from Goa and she is indian and Portuguese but thinks herself Portuguese and after listening to her extolling the virtues of her ancestry ( on both sides) I would be hard pressed to take sides if it were possible. In any event my comments were African slave trade was not initiated by the Portuguese. They came on the scene a thousand years later. It started with the Arabs.

I may not have heard of indian slavers trading in African slaves but I am the last you would convince that Indians are virtuous and beyond reproach compared to all peoples given your ancestors and mine were slaves to a caste system for eons and they might as well have been slaves. I cannot hate my kin and my heritage.I can hate (laugh is more of the case)  the retro skunk racist supremacists like you and the lot here that chime of your virtues when you have not color, or intellect or any pedigree to speak of and hold your odious views out of a bilious visceral hate. You folks are such cartoonist bigots one do not see you as people but as avatars for the nasty and brutish. Indians you are not. Those would be real people

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Generally speaking, Indo-Guyanese are more likely to toil and sacrifice for that home than an Afro-Guyanese. There is nothing racial about this. Indians from Guyana have a high savings rate and I would bet that its better than Afro-Guyanese living here.

From the heavy spending in RH bars I doubt that.  Indians actually spend more on entertainment, and they spend at least as much on clothes.  This is both in NYC and Guyana. Their incomes in NYC at least are comparable.

Guyanese are LESS likely to be self employed than Jamaicans. The gap is so significant that even if no Afro Guyanese was self employed the rate for Indo Guyanese will NOT be higher than is the case for Jamaicans.

Indo Guyanese in NYC are mainly employees.  A small, but highly visible group are business owners.

Stop repeating long outdated myths.  That "thrifty Indian" was two generations ago.

The big difference is family structure.  Most Indo Carib households are married couple. Many Afro Carib homes are female headed. Indo Caribs are also more likely to have adult kids in the home. Afro Carib kids are more likely to leave their parent's house ASAP.

So there are more income earners in a typical Indo household to pay off the mortgage.

Despite this Jamaican households have median incomes only slightly lower than Guyanese, meaning that Jamaicans as individuals earn more. Jamaican females far out earn Guyanese females, this because of the limitations of many Indo Guyanese females who don't arrive in NYC with relevant skills.  They are more likely to be home makers

It is just your blatant racism to suggest that Afro Carib people don't have a desire to own homes.  In fact they are as likely as the average NYer to be home owners, despite being immigrants.  This applies even to Haitians, who enter the city with language difficulties, so encounter more difficulties in generating higher incomes.

It is also your bigotry to suggest that Afro Carib people don't have a strong work ethic.  In fact a big problem is that too many work long hours, so don't have as much time to devote to their kids as they should. Indo Caribs have the same problem too, so don't say otherwise.


From the heavy spending in RH bars I doubt that.  Indians actually spend more on entertainment, and they spend at least as much on clothes.  This is both in NYC and Guyana. Their incomes in NYC at least are comparable.


This is not true at all even though the stereotype does suggest so.  Most bars in Richmond Hill are struggling, especially since the collapse of the real estate market. The number of Guyanese drinking in bars are relatively low to the population. The same cannot be said about people living in their home country like Guyana.  Guyanese tend to get more disciplined when they get here. Most of them limit their spending on entertainment to achieve the goal of home ownership.  When that is accomplished spending on other things like vacation, new cars, and dining in good restaurants commence.  They are pretty smart with saving that penny. Just ask Stormy how he own them apartment buildings he boasted about.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

Blacks did not fight for their freedom, it came with the natural course of a changing economic and political landscape. 

I guess that you never heard of Cuffy, Acabre, and many other slaves in Guyana who led rebellions.  There is a movie now that describes a US slave revolt, so in the USA to claim that there was no resistance is pure bullshyte.

Do you know that France, the USA, and the UK forced Haiti to compensate France for the loss of value of their slaves, and that the last payment was made DURING your lifetime.

Do you know that these same countries refused to trade with Haiti after it won its independence, so that the gov't had few revenues.

Do you know that when Haiti was unable to pay its "debt" to France it was blockaded.

The result was that Haitians were over taxed in order for the government to have revenues to compensate France.  The result was that peasants had to over plant very steep slopes so that the country has suffered deep erosion.

But continue to peddle your racist nonsense.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:



This is not true at all even though the stereotype does suggest so.  Most bars in Richmond Hill are struggling, especially since the collapse of the real estate market. .

Yes many Indians were adversely impacted by being conned into buying homes that they couldn't afford.

Also your ego suggests that you need to believe that blacks are spendthrift.  If that is what you need to like who you are feel free.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Carib and the the critics of slavery should not blame the white man. It was the chiefs in the African countries who captured the their own people and sold them into slavery. There was a demand for a commodity and the Tribal Chiefs supplied the goods. They should go to Africa and find out who did it.

Let me correct you. Crooks from YOUR Indian villages fooled your ancestors about gold on the ground in distant Demerara. Enticed them on board, and when they arrived they became semi slaves, and in fact their logeys were actually former slave housing.

I also suggest that you learn about Africa.  NO chief sold his own people into slavery. He sold captives from other ethnic groups into slavery. Selling the strongest men and women from their own kingdoms would have been stupid, as it would have rendered them weaker and therefore more vulnerable to conquest by neighboring entities.

In addition slavery in Africa was different to what happened in the Americas.  Slaves didn't pass on their status of slaves to the next generation, and in fact their children became fully accepted members of the group into which they were born.  The legacy of slavery was so violent that its impact exists even up to today.

Because you don't want to own a slave, you should not tell anyone he or she cannot own a slave. Look at Granager: He has two. One he he calls Moe and the other he calls Prak.

Stormborn posted:

I may not have heard of indian slavers trading in African slaves but I am the last you would convince that Indians are virtuous and beyond reproach

Indians happily purchased African slaves from the Arabs.  Just as they happily fooled low caste people onto boats to Demerara where they lived only marginally better off than did the former slaves who they replaced.

This Indo KKK section are truly entertaining.

skeldon_man posted:

Because you don't want to own a slave, you should not tell anyone he or she cannot own a slave. Look at Granager: He has two. One he he calls Moe and the other he calls Prak.

And Jagdeo has one called Sam Hinds, who is still sitting on his hind legs and waving his tail, awaiting his owner to tell him to "go fetch". Such a little slavish dog Sam is, letting a little boy order him around.

No wonder when he goes to his hometown the people there boo him.

Drugb posted:

The point being that as much as you pretend to be buck and play kissy face with Cain, he comes from a breed of slave traders.  Portuguese were evil folks back in the day. I never heard of an Indian trade slaver of Afros. But yet you hate Indians like poison. 

The Portuguese who came to Guyana were starving peasants from Madeira.  And Indians did buy African slaves.  The fact that they didn't go to Africa is because the Arabs and the Persians didn't allow them.

Drugb posted:

I am not discounting Black contribution to the civil rights movement, however others also helped. If the whites did not face a moral delima, you would still be in chains and I would be your overseer. 

You painted black Americans as pathetic people who did nothing to improve their lives and who ought to thank whites for the progress that was made.

In fact had blacks groveled to whites as you always do YOU would be sitting at the back of a bus. Even Jagdeo, who hates blacks as much as you do, concedes that in the USA he is "black".

Drugb posted:

. And a lil collie short man brought the PNC to their knees in Guyana, he had them shivering in fear.

Oh so now Roger Khan is no longer with the PNC?  Decide your story and then stick to it.

Any way who ever hates RK now is laughing as he gets buggered every night by his jail husband.  The man was gang raped, and so has had to get protection to prevent a reoccurrence.

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Now that I see some bad attitudes from some of you dutty rass here all I gotta say is too bad they didn't use double strength chains pon some o' yall.

Please note that Portuguese in Guyana are the lowest class of your kind. In fact people from Portugal disown you folks. Imagine you had to be brought in chains to replace slave labor. 

It is obvious by your posts you are ignorant of fact and can be dangerous to yourself as well as others. I still maintain your ignorant kind should have been kept in chains until you've caught up to evolution.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Now that I see some bad attitudes from some of you dutty rass here all I gotta say is too bad they didn't use double strength chains pon some o' yall.

Please note that Portuguese in Guyana are the lowest class of your kind. In fact people from Portugal disown you folks. Imagine you had to be brought in chains to replace slave labor. 

It is obvious by your posts you are ignorant of fact and can be dangerous to yourself as well as others. I still maintain your ignorant kind should have been kept in chains until you've caught up to evolution.

It is not my fault if you are considered low class among your own people. Note that CaribJ mentioned that your ancestors were starving when they were brought to Guyana. And history tells us that your kind was so weak that they had to bring in the Indians to replace you. 

caribny posted: 

You painted black Americans as pathetic people who did nothing to improve their lives and who ought to thank whites for the progress that was made.

In fact had blacks groveled to whites as you always do YOU would be sitting at the back of a bus. Even Jagdeo, who hates blacks as much as you do, concedes that in the USA he is "black".

This is incorrect, I am stating a fact that Blacks did not acheive civil rights alone, they had help.


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