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caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The point being that as much as you pretend to be buck and play kissy face with Cain, he comes from a breed of slave traders.  Portuguese were evil folks back in the day. I never heard of an Indian trade slaver of Afros. But yet you hate Indians like poison. 

The Portuguese who came to Guyana were starving peasants from Madeira.  And Indians did buy African slaves.  The fact that they didn't go to Africa is because the Arabs and the Persians didn't allow them.

Thanks for confirmation that Cain came from low class stock. Even his own people disown him and only govelling to Black Guyanese assures him some level of comfort

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The whites were the ones that ended slavery, Blacks virtually played no major role in the civil war other than to be the accidentlay recepient of the freedom, a byproduct of the war.  The civil war was a struggle to preserve the union rather than to free slaves.

It is to be understood that you are a very ignorant man. In fact many blacks were involved in the slave abolition movement.

In the British West Indian colonies increasing slave rebellions and the high cost of control increasingly restive slaves also contributed to emancipation.

But just now you will be telling us that the French freed the Haitians!

The role of Blacks in the abolition of slavery was minimal. Don't embellish as it is well documented in history.

caribny posted:

And this is for druggie and basemen.  This is a black woman who remigrated to Guyana and set up her business.

Note that her parents OWNED trawlers!

I am not discounting that Blacks are enterprising. What is needed is more of these type of folks, not lazyman civil servants. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The point being that as much as you pretend to be buck and play kissy face with Cain, he comes from a breed of slave traders.  Portuguese were evil folks back in the day. I never heard of an Indian trade slaver of Afros. But yet you hate Indians like poison. 

The Portuguese who came to Guyana were starving peasants from Madeira.  And Indians did buy African slaves.  The fact that they didn't go to Africa is because the Arabs and the Persians didn't allow them.

Thanks for confirmation that Cain came from low class stock. Even his own people disown him and only govelling to Black Guyanese assures him some level of comfort

Since you swam up Shit Creek you have become more stupid. At your next dr visit to try and get rid of those nasty parasites out of your ears you should also try to remove whatever yellow water stains from your teeth you may have contracted.

Drugb posted:

It is not my fault if you are considered low class among your own people. Note that CaribJ mentioned that your ancestors were starving when they were brought to Guyana. And history tells us that your kind was so weak that they had to bring in the Indians to replace you. 

And yet you screamed that these starving Madeirans invented the slave trade.

You will admit that Europeans weren't suited to work in a malaria ridden humid climate.  But for that fact that Europeans would have been doing the farming as they did in cooler climates elsewhere.

Drugb posted:

I am not discounting that Blacks are enterprising. What is needed is more of these type of folks, not lazyman civil servants. 

So there will be no police, no teachers, no nurses, no government workers.

Show me a nation with no civil service.  You cannot!

And as usual you behave like a idiot.  Scream that these jobs are "lay blackman wuk" and then wail that few Indians are involved.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

I am not discounting that Blacks are enterprising. What is needed is more of these type of folks, not lazyman civil servants. 

So there will be no police, no teachers, no nurses, no government workers.

Show me a nation with no civil service.  You cannot!

And as usual you behave like a idiot.  Scream that these jobs are "lay blackman wuk" and then wail that few Indians are involved.

In a country where Blacks are 30% of the race, why are they 99.9% of the civil service? Clearly a sign of lazymanitis. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

It is not my fault if you are considered low class among your own people. Note that CaribJ mentioned that your ancestors were starving when they were brought to Guyana. And history tells us that your kind was so weak that they had to bring in the Indians to replace you. 

And yet you screamed that these starving Madeirans invented the slave trade.

You will admit that Europeans weren't suited to work in a malaria ridden humid climate.  But for that fact that Europeans would have been doing the farming as they did in cooler climates elsewhere.

Now you are getting absurd, the man is Portuguese purportedly,  he comes from a line of slave traders, yet you rush to defend him and demonize the Indians who did you no harm. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

It is not my fault if you are considered low class among your own people. Note that CaribJ mentioned that your ancestors were starving when they were brought to Guyana. And history tells us that your kind was so weak that they had to bring in the Indians to replace you. 

And yet you screamed that these starving Madeirans invented the slave trade.

You will admit that Europeans weren't suited to work in a malaria ridden humid climate.  But for that fact that Europeans would have been doing the farming as they did in cooler climates elsewhere.

Now you are getting absurd, the man is Portuguese purportedly,  he comes from a line of slave traders, yet you rush to defend him and demonize the Indians who did you no harm. 

My last post before I block you for speaking sheer shit. You have joined the ignars such as yugi and Cobra with nonsensicals rants of nothing. You fellas post sheer shit and lots of lies and expect a discussion on such. It sure is time for me to climb out of your gutter, it just doesn't suit me.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

It is not my fault if you are considered low class among your own people. Note that CaribJ mentioned that your ancestors were starving when they were brought to Guyana. And history tells us that your kind was so weak that they had to bring in the Indians to replace you. 

And yet you screamed that these starving Madeirans invented the slave trade.

You will admit that Europeans weren't suited to work in a malaria ridden humid climate.  But for that fact that Europeans would have been doing the farming as they did in cooler climates elsewhere.

Now you are getting absurd, the man is Portuguese purportedly,  he comes from a line of slave traders, yet you rush to defend him and demonize the Indians who did you no harm. 

My last post before I block you for speaking sheer shit. You have joined the ignars such as yugi and Cobra with nonsensicals rants of nothing. You fellas post sheer shit and lots of lies and expect a discussion on such. It sure is time for me to climb out of your gutter, it just doesn't suit me.

Lighten up man, I just giving you a ribbing. Never take what is said here seriously, this is just a rum shop to talk shyte. 

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Hemant Seecharran

This fellow looks like one of your cousins Drugabee!

Nah man, try this guy. 

Image result for indian man sleeping on the job

Is that Cain?

Nan....stupid coolie people. It is the only culture that see these extreme acts as a path to muksha or Nirvana. I think it is silly. Native peoples use to create pain instances ( but mostly they smoked herbs or ate 'shrooms and licked frogs) to see visions of god and that was also stupid. This is out of this world silly.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Jamaican females far out earn Guyanese females, this because of the limitations of many Indo Guyanese females who don't arrive in NYC with relevant skills.  They are more likely to be home makers

Bibi and Alena gon cut yuh rass fyh dis!


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