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Do you think the Carter Center had secret discussion with Granger not to approve Jagdeo's list of candidates?

Carter Center said not long ago that government should not play any part in chose a chairman for GECOM, and the song that sings that Granger may lose the 2020 election due to his bad performance may make big brothers uneasy to deal with the idea that Jagdeo may be back at the helm.


A full-fledged war of attrition is on in Guyana.  The PNC intends to strong-arm their way again knowing that oil will come and the productive Indian sector of the economy will become less important!  They will squeeze sugar and ethnically cleanse Guyana to the point where Indians lose the numerical critical mass!  The US also wants this as they will control the PNC easier than the PPP.

The aim now is to use any and every instrument of torture to make the lives of Indians difficult and unbearable that they leave.  The PPP had returned Guyana to the state where people came to the US and preferred to return home as life was better there.  This is not in the interest of the PNC!  The PNC (like Caribj) believe Guyana belongs to them and Indians are simply occupiers!

2015 marked the end of any Indian-dominated party ruling Guyana.  The PPP will be relegated to fighting "civil-rights" type battles but not become a national player.  That is now, as Adel said so eloquently, water under the bridge:


President David Granger today rejected the second list of nominees for chairmanship of the Guyana Elections Commission as provided by the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo.
The second list comprised retired justices BS Roy and William Ramlal, attorneys Oneidge Walrond-Allicock, Nadia Sagar and Kashir Khan and businessman Gerry Gouveia. The first list comprised Chartered accountant Christopher Ram, governance specialist Lawrence Lachmansingh, business executives Ramesh Dookhoo and Norman McLean, author Ryhaan Shah and historian, Professor James Rose.

A statement from the Opposition Leader follows:

Today, the 2 day of June 2017, the Leader of the Opposition received a letter from President David Granger informing him that the list of six persons, which the Leader of the Opposition submitted to the President on 2nd May 2017, for appointment of a Chairman of the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM), in accordance with Article 161 (2) of the Constitution, is “unacceptable”.

Significantly, the letter does not indicate what next steps, if any the President requires to be taken.

This letter was received a few hours after the Leader of the Opposition concluded a press conference, at which he was critical of the President’s overall approach to this issue, which he considers to be of fundamental national importance.

The Leader of the Opposition notes with deep concern the cavalier and callous manner in which the President continues to express no confidence in and denigrate the professional reputation, integrity and competence of Guyanese of high calibre who have rendered sterling contributions to the development of our country and in service to our people and who have distinguished themselves in their individual endeavours and pursuits.

We reiterate our apprehension that the President is bent on unilaterally selecting a person of his choice in violation of the letter and spirit of Article 161 (2) of the Constitution and indeed, the Carter Formula. The Leader of the Opposition hereby assures that should the President proceed along this unconstitutional, undemocratic and diabolical path there will be litigation and other consequences for which the President will be responsible.

Amral posted:

Time for Granger to go the way Walter Rodney went. I admit I thought he would have really brought some change to the country. But with each passing action he has proven to be just as corrupted.

I never held out much hope in him.  He was one of Burnham henchmen.  Granger is part of a larger machinery extending deep into the racists (Caribj clansmen) in Brooklyn and the US.  Their aim is to recreate their Afro-homeland in Guyana.  Coolies have no place in leadership!

Alyuh need to read what Caribj writes here.  He is the smoke signal!


Grainjaw's rejection of the Opposition Leader's second list is not unexpected but still horrendous in its implication. He did not invite Jagdeo to submit a third list. Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that Grainjaw intends to undermine the democratic process and revert to Burnhamite-style rigging. I'm curious to know the AFC leadership's opinion on this development. Their silence would be interpreted as their endorsement of Grainjaw's dirty plan. In which case I shall vehemently oppose those AFC leaders individually and collectively. I'm totally against the rigging of national elections. The process starts with whom Grainjaw wants to be GECOM Headman. NO APOLOGY.


I have been beating my chest with this mantra even before Granger took control in Guyana in a rigged election. I cursed many that supported the coalition government. I made bad friendship with many, knowing that history will repeat itself worse than Burnham's era. And here we have it, bold, brave and in your face with no regard for fairness. PNC policy is like it or not, we will have it our way. 




Gilbakka posted:

Grainjaw's rejection of the Opposition Leader's second list is not unexpected but still horrendous in its implication. He did not invite Jagdeo to submit a third list. Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that Grainjaw intends to undermine the democratic process and revert to Burnhamite-style rigging. I'm curious to know the AFC leadership's opinion on this development. Their silence would be interpreted as their endorsement of Grainjaw's dirty plan. In which case I shall vehemently oppose those AFC leaders individually and collectively. I'm totally against the rigging of national elections. The process starts with whom Grainjaw wants to be GECOM Headman. NO APOLOGY.

Well, you were backing the PNC and now the train hit you, you say, if only me bin know!  You need to go back and fight against PNC rigging, the same rigging which caused us all to run away and forfeit lives and dreams.

All of you who sat 3,000 miles way and support these despots deserve no forgiveness, apology or no apology!


The PNC has always wanted to be a lone party of dominance. They became APNU to show the public that they are an inclusive party. The AFC joined them and they won with one seat only. PNC is pushing to become a lone party once against. AFC is no hope for anything at this junction. Whatever they have to say will fall on deaf ears. Their action in Parliament speaks volume. The joy ride pays off handsomely. Take Moses Nagamootoo for example. What has he done or said that could have saved the sugar workers plight? Everything he once stood for, he is totally against it now. Ramjattan is useless until he get kicked to the curb by the PNC. 


“Every member of the list suggested must conform to the criteriaâ€Ķ”- Granger, as he calls on Jagdeo to produce third list of nominees for GECOM Chairman


FLASH BACK: Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo meeting with President David Granger.

President David Granger said that Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo must submit a list that matches the criteria set out in keeping with Article 161 (2) of the Constitution of Guyana for the selection of a ‘fit and proper’ person to fill the post of Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

The Head of State made these remarks Friday night in an interview with the Press and Publicity Unit of the Ministry of the Presidency and made it clear that the list must include six persons, who are all qualified so that the choice is not limited.

“Every member of the list suggested must conform to the criteria and you cannot put on the list, a person who does not conformâ€Ķ I must be given a choice.  I don’t believe that the second list gave me the range of choice that the people of Guyana deserve,” he said.  The Leader of the Opposition must now submit a third list to the Head of State.  “Nothing is ever settled until it is settled right and he has to get it right,” the President was quoted as saying.

The latest list that the President has deemed “unacceptable” is made up of Retired Justice of Appeal B.S Roy,  Retired Justice William Ramlall;  Attorney-at-law and a former Magistrate, Ms. Oneidge Walrond-Allicock; Attorney-at-Law, Kashir Khan;  Attorney-at-law, Nadia Sagar and businessman, Gerald Gouveia.

This is the second list that the President has had cause to reject on the grounds that it is not unacceptable and falls short of the Constitutional requirements, adding that he is convinced that the Leader of the Opposition is capable of coming up with a suitable list.  President Granger said, “I’m prepared to work with the Leader of the Opposition for as long as it takes to have somebody selected who fits the criteria, satisfies the Constitution and is one that the people of Guyana could be happy with.  I’m prepared to work with the Leader of the Opposition for as long as it takes, but I’m not going to give the people of Guyana the appointment of a person, who is not fit and proper in accordance with the Constitution or criteria, which have been laid out.”  In addition to the constitution, the President has said that “that person will not be an activist in any form (gender, racial, religious etc)” and “that person should not have any political affiliation or should not belong to any political party in any form, apparent or hidden.”

Noting that a Chairman needs to be appointed as Local Government Elections (LGE) are imminent and in preparation for General Elections, President Granger said, “The Leader of the Opposition must do what the Constitution requires him to doâ€Ķ and he has not done that as yet.”

Earlier Friday, Jagdeo had noted that “significantly, the letter does not indicate what next steps, if any the President requires to be taken.”

The Opposition Leader suggested that the President appeared bent on unilaterally selecting a person of his choice in violation of the letter and spirit of Article 161 (2) of the Constitution and indeed, the Carter Formula. Jagdeo warned that, “the Leader of the Opposition hereby assures that should the President proceed along this unconstitutional, undemocratic and diabolical path there will be litigation and other consequences for which the President will be responsible.”

After the first list had been rejected on Constitutional grounds, the Head of State and Mr. Jagdeo engaged in a period of consultations, with legal representatives from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) meeting with the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams to ensure that there was a clear understanding of the requirements.  President Granger then provided clear criteria in anticipation of the submission of a new list.

“We examined the qualifications very closely and in the end it was clear that the list as a whole did not conform to the criteria as laid down in the Constitution or the list of criteria, which was establishedâ€Ķ  I expect that he would go back to the drawing board and produce a list, which conforms to those criteria.  I’m quite serious. It’s an important appointment and I think it must be taken seriously,” he said.

The first list which was submitted in  December 2015 included Major General (retired) Norman Mc Lean, Attorney and Political Analyst, Mr. Christopher Ram, Former Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Mr. Ramesh Dookhoo, Peace and Governance Consultant, Mr. Lawrence Lachmansingh, Businesswoman, Ms. Rhyaan Shah and Professor Dr. James Rose.

Article 161 (2) of the Constitution of Guyana:

(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Leader of the Opposition after meaningful consultation with the non-governmental political partied represented in the National Assembly.

Zed posted:

Is Django trying to defend the indefensible? Granger is playing games with a definite end game in mind. Only the blind and brain dead cannot understand what that end game is.

Am I ??,may i ask what are you insinuating.

Take a look the names of two lists are below,do you support the lists ??


List of names provided by Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo for GECOM Chairman

The second list.

BS Roy -Retired Justice

William Ramlall- Retired Justice

Oneidge Walrond-Allicock-Attorney

Nadia Sagar - Attorney

Kashir Khan- Attorney

Gerry Gouveia-Businessman

First list comprised

Christopher Ram-Chartered accountant.

Lawrence Lachmansingh-Governance Specialist.

Ramesh Dookhoo-Business Executives

Norman McLean-Business Executives

Ryhaan Shah-Author

Professor James Rose- Historian

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What do you mean?  Because there are no Retired Army Man on there?  McLean and Goveia were GDF guys.  They can easily qualify.

Maybe Jagdeo thinks he got it right and can outsmart the Brigadier,unfortunately a tedious job is ahead to find that perfect person to fill the GECOM Chair.

That happens when a country two major ethnicity is divided by a thin line and elections are race based.

Django posted:

Maybe Jagdeo thinks he got it right and can outsmart the Brigadier,unfortunately a tedious job is ahead to find that perfect person to fill the GECOM Chair.

That happens when a country two major ethnicity is divided by a thin line and elections are race based.

Why don't you stop smelling that stench of the slop can and think straight. This is a ploy to delay the elections so that oil money can come and rescue the nation from the mismanagement of this jackass administration. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Maybe Jagdeo thinks he got it right and can outsmart the Brigadier,unfortunately a tedious job is ahead to find that perfect person to fill the GECOM Chair.

That happens when a country two major ethnicity is divided by a thin line and elections are race based.

Why don't you stop smelling that stench of the slop can and think straight. This is a ploy to delay the elections so that oil money can come and rescue the nation from the mismanagement of this jackass administration. 

Looks like today Piss Pot sniffing is extremely potent.

ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Grainjaw's rejection of the Opposition Leader's second list is not unexpected but still horrendous in its implication. He did not invite Jagdeo to submit a third list. Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that Grainjaw intends to undermine the democratic process and revert to Burnhamite-style rigging. I'm curious to know the AFC leadership's opinion on this development. Their silence would be interpreted as their endorsement of Grainjaw's dirty plan. In which case I shall vehemently oppose those AFC leaders individually and collectively. I'm totally against the rigging of national elections. The process starts with whom Grainjaw wants to be GECOM Headman. NO APOLOGY.

Well, you were backing the PNC and now the train hit you, you say, if only me bin know!  You need to go back and fight against PNC rigging, the same rigging which caused us all to run away and forfeit lives and dreams.

All of you who sat 3,000 miles way and support these despots deserve no forgiveness, apology or no apology!

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

cain posted:

That is why I get pissed at these guys. Instead of being onside when we speak against the govt, they try placing blame.."is yall PNC people who help put them in" I won't give em the chance...whatever Granger does is aright by me, screw em.

Then take your blows like a man and stop the whining like a bytch. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

i did not vote for no party what i did was make sure the ppp get out of power now i will like to see them in jail.if the pnc fail the nation some party will come along to replace them and if its the ppp i hope they do so with better human being than the last set 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

Bai, I always thought you read my posts with a proverbial fine-teeth comb. I had stated I voted in 1973, 1980, 1985 and 1992, every time PPP.

Supporting and voting are two different tars: one is moutar, the other is guitar.

Now, I wanna bet that none of you pro-PPP posters here ever voted 4 times for the PPP as I did. Not even baseshit.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

 I had stated I voted in 1973, 1980, 1985 and 1992, every time PPP.

You voted more times,I voted in 1992 for the PPP,never voted in the other elections when reached voting age,I considered it useless the despot Burnham cast my vote.

warrior posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

i did not vote for no party what i did was make sure the ppp get out of power now i will like to see them in jail.if the pnc fail the nation some party will come along to replace them and if its the ppp i hope they do so with better human being than the last set 

That don't make sense warrior, unless you vote PNC, how else can you ensure PPP out of power? Lie you tek us fuh jackasses like granger?

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

Bai, I always thought you read my posts with a proverbial fine-teeth comb. I had stated I voted in 1973, 1980, 1985 and 1992, every time PPP.

Supporting and voting are two different tars: one is moutar, the other is guitar.

Now, I wanna bet that none of you pro-PPP posters here ever voted 4 times for the PPP as I did. Not even baseshit.

Bai, I only voted in America fuh de fuss time.  The PPP I see as the lesser of the two evils. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You should renew your passport, get an ID and vote in 2020, like how all dem PNC people in Brooklyn voted.  Chartered Fly Jamaica flights took them to Guyana to vote in 2015.

Maybe I'm reading you the wrong way, but I assume "You" is directed at Django. Never will I vote for PNC and now I regard AFC as Mrs PNC, so she will never get my vote either.

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Well, I'll tell you something, baseman. In utmost sincerity I had expressed regret in supporting APNU+AFC. Last night I expressed my feelings honestly and bluntly.

But, having regard to your statement here, I would be out of my frigging mind to associate with the party you represent. Don't tell me what I need to do. NO APOLOGY.

Bai did you actually vote pnc? I don't think so, all you did was moral support. In fact only Warrior vote for them, not even cain. 

Bai, I always thought you read my posts with a proverbial fine-teeth comb. I had stated I voted in 1973, 1980, 1985 and 1992, every time PPP.

Supporting and voting are two different tars: one is moutar, the other is guitar.

Now, I wanna bet that none of you pro-PPP posters here ever voted 4 times for the PPP as I did. Not even baseshit.

Bai, I only voted in America fuh de fuss time.  The PPP I see as the lesser of the two evils. 

when the ppp was in power what you do to correct the evil or you trow more fuel on the fire 


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