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* Take a Look at all the married people you know.


* Ignore all couples who are in bad marriages.


* For the rest---they all fall into 2 categories.


* They either have GOOD marriages or GREAT Marriages.




* If a marriage ain't great then it's good.




* How many married couples have GREAT MARRIAGES ?





Originally Posted by shanazb:

you have to shut up some times . And always be nice to the inlaws .

and also let them know how you feels when they are in a good mood . when ever that is lol .

Do let little things pass just be happy with life and your family .

enjoy  each other . Do find time for each other .

love is simply beautiful by being what it is .



* You absolutely, positively deserve to be in a great marriage.


* That was a very mature and intelligent post.


* I was quite impressed.



Originally Posted by chameli:

i am not too sure what other folks consider "dirty sex" btwn two ppl who care about each other should never be considered to be 'dirty'


maybe it is when a man/ woman  leaves his partner at home with the kids and slip the chain lock off looking for  a 'piece' at another persons door

maybe they should invite the other person to their door and lets call it kinky sex or dirty sex

Last edited by Former Member

In my opinion, there is a difference between sex and intimacy. Intimacy is that which people experience when they have very strong feelings for each other. While still a sexual act, it does not reach the level of dirty because the neutron generated are more of a loving nature. Nothing can replace that. Not even dirty sex.


But humans are complicated creatures and like things to get complicated at times. The books we read as well as the movies/messages we receive impress on us that there is a very exciting side to our sex lives but to get there we have to make things a bit dirty. Not having an affair per say although affairs are primarily to satisfy that fantasy. The smart couples replaces that activity with simulations of affairs. They go on a trip and pretend to reach each other for the first time and make believe that they are having a one night stand. As strange as that may sound, it fills the void usually created by everyday mundane things that separate us from our animalistic side. And when it is all over, they are able to return to their everyday life which includes that intimate feature free from the inclusion of others who can set them apart.


Necessary? I don't know. Commonly utilized? I believe so.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by chameli:


to EACH HIS OWN...IF THAT IS YOUR STYLE, then so be it...who am i to judge

i am just trying to understand what is kinky sex and dirty sex i wonder if both combine can be intimacy 

Sorry fuh yuh bai if at yuh age yuh doan kno.

hey its Saturday and i just fooling around too cool to go out side

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by chameli:


to EACH HIS OWN...IF THAT IS YOUR STYLE, then so be it...who am i to judge

i am just trying to understand what is kinky sex and dirty sex i wonder if both combine can be intimacy 

Sorry fuh yuh bai if at yuh age yuh doan kno.

hey its Saturday and i just fooling around too cool to go out side

Then guh do some laundry or something nuh. Strange as it may sound, helping de wife with de laundry is an act of intimacy. Now I can understand why some prefer de dirty sex option.





* The Rev will try to ease your bafflement.


* First of all. "Dirty" is not to be interpreted literally---it's to be interpreted figuratively.


* NOW---the authors said in the book listed above that







* A husband and wife  who are totally uninhibited when it comes to sex---they have no hang ups---they are not uptight about sex--they are both open when it comes to expressing their sexual needs, desires, and expectations---they both have strong sexual appetites---the sex between such a couple will be exciting, steamy, sensual, stimulating, animalistic---sex between uninhibited couples is full of PASSION.


* Are you folks now getting the message what DIRTY SEX is all about ? Or does the Rev have to go into greater details ?


* Look! If you bundle all the marriages that are either GOOD or GREAT----90% of those marriages are GOOD---only 10% are GREAT.


* That's the way it is. It is rare for a married couple to have a GREAT MARRIAGE.


* Consider yourself blessed if you are in a good marriage.







Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by chameli:

i am not too sure what other folks consider "dirty sex" btwn two ppl who care about each other should never be considered to be 'dirty'




* Read the post above---"DIRTY" is used figuratively not literally.




* When you are with the one you love---when you are in an emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and satisfying relationship---the physical part is merely icing on the cake.


* People in GOOD MARRIAGES will totally agree with that.


* But People in great marriages want a little more than "icing on the cake"----they want the whole cake.hahahahahahaha




This is worth revisiting. Many of us have been married (hopefully to the same person) now for many  many years. I lost my wife (this year marks 10 years) had she still been alive we would have been married now 38 years.

We did have our ups and downs and I had my fair share of dog house treatments. Lol.

But I think our togetherness lasted due to several factors. She never tried to change me or my my habits and I never tried to change her. She knew I was never into religion and that I will have a few drinks now and again. I knew that she was more religious and we both respected that with each other.

We knew that our love for each other was not a teenage romance but it was by pure chance that we got to know each other.

We tolerated each other habits and often will make fun of each other.  Yes I have had days where she will barely speak with me, but at the same time she never neglected the home or to have meals for me or the children.

The marriage was perfect in its own way.

I still miss her and still love her, Jan 3rd will be her birthday.

Last edited by Amral

Is there such a thing as a great marriage?

If there is, I don't know that there is a single "key" that makes it so.

Different things work for different folks.

What is working for my 48+ years of marriage may not be be the same things that work for others.

I can honestly say that in our 'senior years' we are even more connected, caring, respectful and loving of each other. We have less disagreements and when we do, they are less 'heated'. 

Important.....we still make each other laugh a lot!

@Amral posted:

This is worth revisiting. Many of us have been married (hopefully to the same person) now for many  many years. I lost my wife (this year marks 10 years) had she still been alive we would have been married now 38 years.

We did have our ups and downs and I had my fair share of dog house treatments. Lol.

But I think our togetherness lasted due to several factors. She never tried to change me or my my habits and I never tried to change her. She knew I was never into religion and that I will have a few drinks now and again. I knew that she was more religious and we both respected that with each other.

We knew that our love for each other was not a teenage romance but it was by pure chance that we got to know each other.

We tolerated each other habits and often will make fun of each other.  Yes I have had days where she will barely speak with me, but at the same time she never neglected the home or to have meals for me or the children.

The marriage was perfect in its own way.

I still miss her and still love her, Jan 3rd will be her birthday.

Wow..I rem whn yr wife died but i cant believe it has been 110!!

April will b our 40th anniversary

been thru ups n downs..even thought of quitting  a few times at the beginning.

the kid camen we worked on making it work

then another kid came n it got better

we have raised 2 successful gal pickney..

it takes work..compromises n humility.  Mutual respect

communication is the biggest thing n RESPECT (for each other)

It is  a ‘give n take’ thing..always a win-win whn we give a take

like is a 2-way street ..

Hats off to those who have a GREAT marriage..

i would say ti stay together for 40 a GOOD one!

Take the good with the bad !!

It is a journey n not a sprint raceâ€Ķ

til death do us part!!

@Amral posted:

40 years is indeed excellent, hope you both are still around for the 50th, that will be a big celebration. July marks 10 years also since Chami lost her husband. We were just under 3 months apart

I rem Maa died shortly after Cham’s hubby )..Aug 17, 2014

well as long as we r alive in 10 yrs, we will celebrate the 50th whn we r both 75 yrs young!


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