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Quebec judge wouldn't hear case of woman wearing hijab

Judge Eliana Marengo is heard telling Rania El-Alloul courtroom is a secular place in audio obtained by CBC

By Steve Rukavina, CBC News Posted: Feb 26, 2015 4:28 PM ET Last Updated: Feb 26, 2015 10:15 PM ET


Rania El-Alloul says she was told by a Quebec judge to remove her headscarf immediately or apply for a postponement in order to consult a lawyer.

          Rania El-Alloul says she was told by a Quebec judge to remove her headscarf immediately or apply for a postponement in order to consult a lawyer. (CBC)         


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A Quebec judge tells a woman appearing in her Montreal courtroom she would not hear her case until she removed her hijab.

In an audio recording of the proceedings obtained by CBC News, Judge Eliana Marengo is heard telling Rania El-Alloul on Tuesday that the courtroom is a secular place, and that she is not suitably dressed.

"Hats and sunglasses for example, are not allowed.  And I don't see why scarves on the head would be either," Marengo says in the recording.  


RAW: Court audio of Quebec judge ordering woman to remove hijab3:26

"The same rules need to be applied to everyone. I will therefore not hear you if you are wearing a scarf on your head, just as I would not allow a person to appear before me wearing a hat or sunglasses on his or her head, or any other garment not suitable for a court proceeding."

El-Alloul was in court to apply to get her car back after it was seized by Quebec's automobile insurance board, the SAAQ.

'The judge should have known better. It's not the first time somebody walks into a courtroom with a religious dress'<cite class="pullquote-source">- Sameer Zuberi, Canadian Muslim Forum'</cite>

The car was seized after police stopped El-Alloul's son for driving with a suspended licence. In such cases, the board keeps the car for a month. If someone wants it back sooner, they have to appear before a Court of Quebec judge to make a request. That's what El-Alloul was trying to do Tuesday afternoon. 

When El-Alloul first appeared before Marengo, the judge asked her why she had a scarf on her head. El-Alloul replied that it was because she is a Muslim. The judge then said she would take a 30-minute recess.  

When Marengo returned, she told El-Alloul she had a choice: remove her headscarf immediately or apply for a postponement in order to consult a lawyer. El-Alloul replied that she couldn't afford a lawyer and that she didn't want to postpone the case. Marengo then adjourned the case indefinitely.

'I felt that I'm not Canadian anymore'

In an interview, El-Alloul said she couldn't believe what was happening.

"When I came the first day when I made landing in Canada, I was wearing my hijab," she recalled.  

"When I swore by God to be a good Canadian citizen I was wearing my hijab, and the judge, I shook hands with him the same day I became Canadian. I was really very happy. But what happened in court made me feel afraid. I felt that I'm not Canadian anymore."

<noscript>[&amp;lt;a href="//" target="_blank"&amp;gt;View the story "Justin Trudeau on judge refusing to hear woman in hijab" on Storify&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;]</noscript>

El-Alloul said she's speaking out because she doesn't want what happened to her to happen to any other Muslim woman.

"When she insisted I should remove my hijab, really I felt like she was talking with me as ... not a human being. I don't want this thing to happen to any other lady. This is not the work of a judge. She doesn't deserve to be a judge."

Judge Marengo did not respond to CBC's request for comment.

Annie-Claude Bergeron, spokesperson for the chief judge of the Quebec Court, said she was aware of the case, but that it's "up to the judge to apply or interpret the law the way they see it."

Rules make no reference to headscarves

During the proceeding, Judge Marengo cited Article 13 of the regulations of the Court of Quebec. That article states: "Any person appearing before the court must be suitably dressed."  

It makes no specific reference to headscarves or any other garments.

Sameer Zuberi is a board member with the Canadian Muslim Forum and a graduate of the law program at l'UniversitÉ du QuÉbec à MontrÉal. He says he's flabbergasted.

"This is really just a no-brainer," Zuberi said.

"The judge should have known better. It's not the first time somebody walks into a courtroom with a religious dress. Jews, men who wear the kippa, have been here for decades and they've certainly been involved in a courtroom setting."

El-Alloul says she would like to file a formal complaint, but she's not sure how to proceed.

Complaints against judges of the court of Quebec can be filed with the Conseil de la Magistrature du Quebec, which is responsible for supervising the conduct of judges appointed by the province.

The website of the Conseil suggests that there are many reasons someone might make a complaint, including if "a judge is impolite, aggressive or ridicules a person appearing before him or her, or if a judge becomes impatient for no reason."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This judge is absolutely right!


The courtroom has rules. She must heel to those rules which apply to everyone.


It's good to see that the whole world hasn't gone made along with these desert apes trying their darndest to drag the West into 7th century Arabia.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

In America we vote for some Judges, is the same apply in Canada?

I feel bad fuh y'all. No way that y'all can get rid of idiot judges like these.


Yea, how friggin terrible. A judge dares to impose the rules on everyone and doesn't wanna give special treatment to fullahman because it's Allah's Will.


How do Muslims survive such wanton cruelty and daily oppression at the hands of the infidels.


You poor poor people. It's like the Holocaust all over again.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yea, how friggin terrible. A judge dares to impose the rules on everyone and doesn't wanna give special treatment to fullahman because it's Allah's Will.


How do Muslims survive such wanton cruelty and daily oppression at the hands of the infidels.


You poor poor people. It's like the Holocaust all over again.

Hey bai, yuh wanna bet this judge looses her job? Canada has rules against discrimination and this is clearly one. Hatred for the ummah does not negate those rules.


I will therefore not hear you if you are wearing a scarf on your head, just as I would not allow a person to appear before me wearing a hat or sunglasses on his or her head..


Haha, what is that thing on the Judge's head, hehehe






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Originally Posted by TI:

I will therefore not hear you if you are wearing a scarf on your head, just as I would not allow a person to appear before me wearing a hat or sunglasses on his or her head..


Haha, what is that thing on the Judge's head, hehehe






What a stupid remark. This woman is wearing wig and judicial robes. The attire of judges in the Anglo-Saxon tradition for centuries.


Also, she's in Canada. That is the native style for Judges. Fullahman are coming to her country. So they must bend to her nation's laws, customs, and practices.


Not the other way around.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yea, how friggin terrible. A judge dares to impose the rules on everyone and doesn't wanna give special treatment to fullahman because it's Allah's Will.


How do Muslims survive such wanton cruelty and daily oppression at the hands of the infidels.


You poor poor people. It's like the Holocaust all over again.

Hey bai, yuh wanna bet this judge looses her job? Canada has rules against discrimination and this is clearly one. Hatred for the ummah does not negate those rules.


Hatred for the Ummah? Because someone dared to treat you goat f***ers as everyone else is treated?


The Government of Canada is run by the Conservatives. They will not fire this woman for her courage in doing her goddamn job.


Canada is in the process of breaking out the national security night stick to crack over the heads of its disloyal fifth column Muslims. Real all about it. There is a new attitude in Canadian officialdom towards you moon cultists.


Your collective rope has almost reached its end.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yea, how friggin terrible. A judge dares to impose the rules on everyone and doesn't wanna give special treatment to fullahman because it's Allah's Will.


How do Muslims survive such wanton cruelty and daily oppression at the hands of the infidels.


You poor poor people. It's like the Holocaust all over again.

Hey bai, yuh wanna bet this judge looses her job? Canada has rules against discrimination and this is clearly one. Hatred for the ummah does not negate those rules.


Hatred for the Ummah? Because someone dared to treat you goat f***ers as everyone else is treated?


The Government of Canada is run by the Conservatives. They will not fire this woman for her courage in doing her goddamn job.


Canada is in the process of breaking out the national security night stick to crack over the heads of its disloyal fifth column Muslims. Real all about it. There is a new attitude in Canadian officialdom towards you moon cultists.


Your collective rope has almost reached its end.

Hijab-wearing woman should be allowed to testify, Harper spokesman says

Quebec Judge Eliana Marengo's refusal to hear case of woman wearing headscarf sparks widespread debate

CBC News Posted: Feb 27, 2015 1:50 PM ET Last Updated: Feb 27, 2015 5:26 PM ET


A spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper has weighed in on a Quebec Court judge's controversial decision. (REUTERS)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn't agree with a Quebec Court judge's controversial decision to refuse to hear a woman's case because she was wearing a hijab, a spokesman says.

"If someone is not covering their face, we believe they should be allowed to testify," Harper spokesman Stephen Lecce said in a one-line statement.

The comment comes following a CBC News report Thursday that Judge Eliana Marengo told a woman in a Montreal courtroom she would not hear her case until she removed her hijab.

Rania El-Alloul was in court Tuesday to apply to get her car back after it was seized by Quebec's automobile insurance board, the SAAQ, because her son had been driving with a suspended licence.

The incident has sparked widespread discussion across Canada and especially in Quebec, where the province has had a heated debate about secularism and the limits of reasonable accommodation.


Rania El-Alloul says she was told by a Quebec judge to remove her headscarf immediately or apply for a postponement in order to consult a lawyer. (CBC)

On Friday, Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair said El-Alloul should have been allowed to plead her case while wearing a headscarf.

"It's a simple matter of that person's rights as a Canadian," he said.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau also weighed in, describing the incident as "just plain wrong."

The National Council of Canadian Muslims, meanwhile, called on the Court of Quebec and the Attorney-General of Quebec to reaffirm the right of all Canadians to exercise their religious freedom in a courtroom.

"The judge's refusal to hear this woman's case because she wore a headscarf is contrary to the established constitutional rights of Canadians," Ihsaan Gardee, the group's executive director, said in a statement.

Quebec premier 'disturbed' by incident

Premier Philippe Couillard said he was troubled by the incident, but was reluctant to say outright whether he disagreed with the decision.

"I will be very careful because the judge is sovereign in her decisions, in her courtroom," Couillard told reporters in Quebec City. 

"I am a little bit disturbed by this event, I must say."

Couillard said an infringement on religious freedom is only justified in certain situations, such as when an individual needs to be identified or security is an issue.


Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard wouldn't say outright whether he disagreed with Judge Eliana Marengo's decision. (Jacques Boissinot/The Canadian Press)

​Bernard Drainville, a leadership hopeful for the Opposition Parti Québécois and the architect of the party's secular charter, said the controversy wouldn't have come about if there were clearly defined rules in the province.

"There's no clear understanding of what is permitted and what is prohibited," he said. 

Drainville's proposed charter would have required employees in the public service, such as judges, to be neutral when it comes to religion, but wouldn't require the same from average citizens. 

Haroun Bouazzi, co-president of the Association of Muslims and Arabs for a Secular Quebec, said he was "totally shocked." 

"This woman has been penalized because of her belief, which makes the state not neutral anymore," Bouazzi said.

"We are in communication with the victim and a couple of lawyers and we think judicial procedure should be started."

Court spokeswoman Annie-Claude Bergeron said Friday the judge's decision was final.

"In law, you can't revise your own ruling," Bergeron said.

Judge Marengo did not respond to requests for comment.

Bergeron said "judges will not comment on their own decisions."


So tell abee nah Shaitan, Yuh know more about Canadian provisions that the Quebec Premier or the Canadian Prime Minister?


People who hate Muslims are no different than Muslims including the likes of  ISIS who hate non-Muslims.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

So tell abee nah Shaitan, Yuh know more about Canadian provisions that the Quebec Premier or the Canadian Prime Minister?


People who hate Muslims are no different than Muslims including the likes of  ISIS who hate non-Muslims.


The Premier of Quebec waffled. He also clearly stated that the judge acted within her "sovereign" rights in the courtroom. Did you miss that part?


Also the spokesman for the Prime Minster of Canada said "If someone is not covering their face, we believe they should be allowed to testify,"


Hardly a ringing endorsement. This is a matter of law and a judge's right to impose uniform standards in her courtroom.


The beliefs of the Prime Minister of Canada's spokesmen in 2015, an election year in Canada, is of little consequence.


If you parse his words a little and read the patra, you will notice that he basically gave a political answer. He's probably concerned but not enough to interfere in the Judge's decision.


P.S...I like how you moonheads always like to throw around the "hate Muslims" card. It's how you people attempt to shut down debate with your infidel opponents. Muslims want this. And to oppose them is bigoted or "racist." Grow up chap! You people are welcome to wear curtains, torture animals for the sake of halal, knock your head on concrete five times daily, pretend to speak classical Arabic, pretend to follow Muhammad's rules for caravan raiding, oppress women etc. etc.


However, you must do all these things within the framework of the law here in the infidel West. You may only oppress women insofar as the secular law permits. For example, beating a woman is no no. However, you can force her to sit in the back of the masjid while superior males sit up front.


The point is that you're free to follow your desert fairy tale as much as you wish within the bounds of the law without attempting to carve out a special protected privileged space for yourself at the expense of the public. We are not going to submit to dhimmitude.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So tell abee nah Shaitan, Yuh know more about Canadian provisions that the Quebec Premier or the Canadian Prime Minister?


People who hate Muslims are no different than Muslims including the likes of  ISIS who hate non-Muslims.


The Premier of Quebec waffled. He also clearly stated that the judge acted within her "sovereign" rights in the courtroom. Did you miss that part?


Also the spokesman for the Prime Minster of Canada said "If someone is not covering their face, we believe they should be allowed to testify,"


Hardly a ringing endorsement. This is a matter of law and a judge's right to impose uniform standards in her courtroom.


The beliefs of the Prime Minister of Canada's spokesmen in 2015, an election year in Canada, is of little consequence.


If you parse his words a little and read the patra, you will notice that he basically gave a political answer. He's probably concerned but not enough to interfere in the Judge's decision.

I certainly didn't miss that bai. I also didn't miss this. "Bernard Drainville, a leadership hopeful for the Opposition Parti Québécois and the architect of the party's secular charter, said the controversy wouldn't have come about if there were clearly defined rules in the province.

"There's no clear understanding of what is permitted and what is prohibited," he said."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...I like how you moonheads always like to throw around the "hate Muslims" card. It's how you people attempt to shut down debate with your infidel opponents. Muslims want this. And to oppose them is bigoted or "racist." Grow up chap! You people are welcome to wear curtains, torture animals for the sake of halal, knock your head on concrete five times daily, pretend to speak classical Arabic, pretend to follow Muhammad's rules for caravan raiding, oppress women etc. etc.


However, you must do all these things within the framework of the law here in the infidel West. You may only oppress women insofar as the secular law permits. For example, beating a woman is no no. However, you can force her to sit in the back of the masjid while superior males sit up front.


The point is that you're free to follow your desert fairy tale as much as you wish within the bounds of the law without attempting to carve out a special protected privileged space for yourself at the expense of the public. We are not going to submit to dhimmitude.

It was clearly hatred by that judge. A judge is supposed to be pragmatic. Be able to exercise good judgment in many different situations within the boundaries of the law of course. This judge showed very poor judgment. So says the Canadian Prime Minister and Quebec Premier.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...I like how you moonheads always like to throw around the "hate Muslims" card. It's how you people attempt to shut down debate with your infidel opponents. Muslims want this. And to oppose them is bigoted or "racist." Grow up chap! You people are welcome to wear curtains, torture animals for the sake of halal, knock your head on concrete five times daily, pretend to speak classical Arabic, pretend to follow Muhammad's rules for caravan raiding, oppress women etc. etc.


However, you must do all these things within the framework of the law here in the infidel West. You may only oppress women insofar as the secular law permits. For example, beating a woman is no no. However, you can force her to sit in the back of the masjid while superior males sit up front.


The point is that you're free to follow your desert fairy tale as much as you wish within the bounds of the law without attempting to carve out a special protected privileged space for yourself at the expense of the public. We are not going to submit to dhimmitude.

It was clearly hatred by that judge. A judge is supposed to be pragmatic. Be able to exercise good judgment in many different situations within the boundaries of the law of course. This judge showed very poor judgment. So says the Canadian Prime Minister and Quebec Premier.


Well praise be to Allah then that the Prime Minister and the Premier as two politicians will not be able to bend the judiciary to it's will. This ain't Sharia-compliant Iran where that kinda thing is permitted.


"Clearly hatred by that judge"? You know this for a fact? Because someone told a Muslim "no", that is "clearly hatred"?


Do you have any children chap? Do you "clearly hate" them when you often times say "no" to their unreasonable demands on you?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So tell abee nah Shaitan, Yuh know more about Canadian provisions that the Quebec Premier or the Canadian Prime Minister?


People who hate Muslims are no different than Muslims including the likes of  ISIS who hate non-Muslims.


The Premier of Quebec waffled. He also clearly stated that the judge acted within her "sovereign" rights in the courtroom. Did you miss that part?


Also the spokesman for the Prime Minster of Canada said "If someone is not covering their face, we believe they should be allowed to testify,"


Hardly a ringing endorsement. This is a matter of law and a judge's right to impose uniform standards in her courtroom.


The beliefs of the Prime Minister of Canada's spokesmen in 2015, an election year in Canada, is of little consequence.


If you parse his words a little and read the patra, you will notice that he basically gave a political answer. He's probably concerned but not enough to interfere in the Judge's decision.

I certainly didn't miss that bai. I also didn't miss this. "Bernard Drainville, a leadership hopeful for the Opposition Parti Québécois and the architect of the party's secular charter, said the controversy wouldn't have come about if there were clearly defined rules in the province.

"There's no clear understanding of what is permitted and what is prohibited," he said."


It is long accepted practice that individual Judges may supplement the rules of the court with clarifications for their own individual courtroom.


There is a general rule about head coverings. She interpreted that rule to forbid hijabs. Perfectly within the law and her authority as judge.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do you have any children chap? Do you "clearly hate" them when you often times say "no" to their unreasonable demands on you?

Fortunately neither of my kids make unreasonable demands on me. They don't even make demands. They ask properly for what they want and either accept my suggestions or respectfully advocate their position. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do you have any children chap? Do you "clearly hate" them when you often times say "no" to their unreasonable demands on you?

Fortunately neither of my kids make unreasonable demands on me. They don't even make demands. They ask properly for what they want and either accept my suggestions or respectfully advocate their position. 


Muslims are Western society's misbehaving children. They can't take a no without throwing the odd tantrum and screaming about how their parent is being unfair and a big meanie who just "hates" them.


That's how Muslims are seen now. The modern world's violent children.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do you have any children chap? Do you "clearly hate" them when you often times say "no" to their unreasonable demands on you?

Fortunately neither of my kids make unreasonable demands on me. They don't even make demands. They ask properly for what they want and either accept my suggestions or respectfully advocate their position. 


Muslims are Western society's misbehaving children. They can't take a no without throwing the odd tantrum and screaming about how their parent is being unfair and a big meanie who just "hates" them.


That's how Muslims are seen now. The modern world's violent children.

I seriously don't live my life to please others bai especially people who I determine are preoccupied with their hatred. That includes Muslims who are hateful. You spend way too much time sucking up to people. It is a second class citizen mentality that can enslave you without you even realizing it. I can't allow myself or my kids to succumb to that bai. Fortunately they don't see themselves any less than their fellow US citizens. Yes, they were born here.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do you have any children chap? Do you "clearly hate" them when you often times say "no" to their unreasonable demands on you?

Fortunately neither of my kids make unreasonable demands on me. They don't even make demands. They ask properly for what they want and either accept my suggestions or respectfully advocate their position. 


Muslims are Western society's misbehaving children. They can't take a no without throwing the odd tantrum and screaming about how their parent is being unfair and a big meanie who just "hates" them.


That's how Muslims are seen now. The modern world's violent children.

I seriously don't live my life to please others bai especially people who I determine are preoccupied with their hatred. That includes Muslims who are hateful. You spend way too much time sucking up to people. It is a second class citizen mentality that can enslave you without you even realizing it. I can't allow myself or my kids to succumb to that bai. Fortunately they don't see themselves any less than their fellow US citizens. Yes, they were born here.



Here we go again. Attempting to to say my criticisms are invalid because I have a "second class citizen mentality" and I'm sucking up to people.


I assure you my views are the minority opinion in NYC. I live in a liberal Democrat run city. Not Mobile, Alabama.


Is it beyond your imagination that I happen to really appreciate the secular godless nature of the American system?


And FYI, I happen to have a whole lot of scorn for Christians as well. They get a free pass often times because they're not burning people alive in 2015. The worst the do in the name of Christ is the odd petition to deny gays equal rights.


Whatever I say is what I truly believe. I truly believe you mudheads are helping to set the world back.


That some redneck racist in Alabama may agree with some of arguments is not my concern. It does nothing to void them.


Bai, if you really think that Muslim children are western society's misbehaving children, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Since I know that you have a sound mind, I have no choice but to conclude that you hang in people like Michelle Backman's crouds. I don't see it that way. Last year when my son was in the 5th grade, he received a certificate from Obama because he got a perfect score on two of his subjects at his FCAT testing and missed the third subject by one point. He completed elementary school never missing the honor roll and now that he is in his first year at middle school, he is rocking a 4.0 GPA making both honor rolls so far. Now you may be comfortable with the comment that Muslim kids are western society's misbehaving kids but I don't see that in the ones closest to me so I don't share your admissions.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai, if you really think that Muslim children are western society's misbehaving children, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Since I know that you have a sound mind, I have no choice but to conclude that you hang in people like Michelle Backman's crouds. I don't see it that way. Last year when my son was in the 5th grade, he received a certificate from Obama because he got a perfect score on two of his subjects at his FCAT testing and missed the third subject by one point. He completed elementary school never missing the honor roll and now that he is in his first year at middle school, he is rocking a 4.0 GPA making both honor rolls so far. Now you may be comfortable with the comment that Muslim kids are western society's misbehaving kids but I don't see that in the ones closest to me so I don't share your admissions.


Re-read my remarks again.


I wasn't talking about Muslim children. I was talking about Muslim adults.


Muslim adults are Western society's misbehaving children.


FYI...I don't run with any ideological crowd. Bachman or whosoever you imagine I do. I run alone. I am guided by facts and reason. Sometimes facts and reason will agree with the right wing. Sometimes the left wing. Sometimes neither. But I will follow them to their destination.


That I am in fact guided solely by facts and reason leads me to put aside even the most cherished of beliefs when they do not withstand scrutiny. Like how I am no longer a Christian.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai, if you really think that Muslim children are western society's misbehaving children, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Since I know that you have a sound mind, I have no choice but to conclude that you hang in people like Michelle Backman's crouds. I don't see it that way. Last year when my son was in the 5th grade, he received a certificate from Obama because he got a perfect score on two of his subjects at his FCAT testing and missed the third subject by one point. He completed elementary school never missing the honor roll and now that he is in his first year at middle school, he is rocking a 4.0 GPA making both honor rolls so far. Now you may be comfortable with the comment that Muslim kids are western society's misbehaving kids but I don't see that in the ones closest to me so I don't share your admissions.


Re-read my remarks again.


I wasn't talking about Muslim children. I was talking about Muslim adults.


Muslim adults are Western society's misbehaving children.


FYI...I don't run with any ideological crowd. Bachman or whosoever you imagine I do. I run alone. I am guided by facts and reason. Sometimes facts and reason will agree with the right wing. Sometimes the left wing. Sometimes neither. But I will follow them to their destination.


That I am in fact guided solely by facts and reason leads me to put aside even the most cherished of beliefs when they do not withstand scrutiny. Like how I am no longer a Christian.

Bai, I don't know how yuh managed to label an adult a child.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai, if you really think that Muslim children are western society's misbehaving children, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Since I know that you have a sound mind, I have no choice but to conclude that you hang in people like Michelle Backman's crouds. I don't see it that way. Last year when my son was in the 5th grade, he received a certificate from Obama because he got a perfect score on two of his subjects at his FCAT testing and missed the third subject by one point. He completed elementary school never missing the honor roll and now that he is in his first year at middle school, he is rocking a 4.0 GPA making both honor rolls so far. Now you may be comfortable with the comment that Muslim kids are western society's misbehaving kids but I don't see that in the ones closest to me so I don't share your admissions.


Re-read my remarks again.


I wasn't talking about Muslim children. I was talking about Muslim adults.


Muslim adults are Western society's misbehaving children.


FYI...I don't run with any ideological crowd. Bachman or whosoever you imagine I do. I run alone. I am guided by facts and reason. Sometimes facts and reason will agree with the right wing. Sometimes the left wing. Sometimes neither. But I will follow them to their destination.


That I am in fact guided solely by facts and reason leads me to put aside even the most cherished of beliefs when they do not withstand scrutiny. Like how I am no longer a Christian.

Bai, I don't know how yuh managed to label an adult a child.


Muslims are in fact viewed as children and are treated as such.


Do you think Europeans and Americans think it isn't childlike when you moon cultists riot about cartoons?


Or burn American flags in your foreign desert hellholes as if that will remotely affect us?


You people being treated as lessor beings. A childlike race driven by emotions incapable of reason.


That many of your childish "Islamic" demands are accommodated is not testimony to your religion's "strength" or Western cowardice but largely an unspoken white policy of patronizing you people since you're all so damn inferior. You're all being patronized in the hope that one day you all might grow up and come sit at the adult table of human civilization.


Were I a Muslim, I would be terribly insulted by the white European attitude towards me and my fellow adherents.


You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oh Kaz I tink u losin here banna and Iman cyant help but I gonna make sure it's fair. I'll stay out

Cain, part of what makes us Canadians are politeness, compassion and tolerance. I take pride in being Canadian and wear it proudly, we truly live in the greatest country in the word and must protect what we have from ALL extremists.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oh Kaz I tink u losin here banna and Iman cyant help but I gonna make sure it's fair. I'll stay out

Cain, part of what makes us Canadians are politeness, compassion and tolerance. I take pride in being Canadian and wear it proudly, we truly live in the greatest country in the word and must protect what we have from ALL extremists.

I thought you're South of us. You in T.O?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oh Kaz I tink u losin here banna and Iman cyant help but I gonna make sure it's fair. I'll stay out

Cain, part of what makes us Canadians are politeness, compassion and tolerance. I take pride in being Canadian and wear it proudly, we truly live in the greatest country in the word and must protect what we have from ALL extremists.

I thought you're South of us. You in T.O?

Yes, well to be precise about 20 minutes north of Tdot.



The Prime Minister’s Office has condemned the news that a Quebec Court judge refused to hear a case because the complainant was wearing a Muslim head scarf.

“If someone is not covering their face, we believe they should be allowed to testify,” said the Prime Minister’s spokesperson.

When the news broke, Justin Trudeau, the Liberal leader, called the incident “unacceptable.”

“All Canadians deserve to have their rights protected, especially in a court of law. Let’s remember who we are,” he wrote on Twitter.


Tom Mulcair was asked his opinion as he toured a childcare centre in Toronto Friday. “I think the judge in this case made a mistake and I expect this individual to be given a full and proper hearing in short order.”





GNI know more about Canada rules than the PM Of the country.

he getting impeached for this pro Islamic rant ?





There is a general rule about head coverings. She interpreted that rule to forbid hijabs. Perfectly within the law and her authority as judge.


what general rule?

the rule is modest dress.

as a matter of fact, women used to show respect in British courts by wearing a church hat at one time, and men take off their hats.


The fact is the judge is a religious bigot. Let's see how she gets out of this one.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

Oh Kaz I tink u losin here banna and Iman cyant help but I gonna make sure it's fair. I'll stay out

Bai Cain, if yuh recheck, yuh didn't stay out. I don't know why you think I am losin here since you didn't elaborate. I don't know about Canadian law but somehow the two leaders of Canada think that the judge misjudged this situation which is what I pointed out in my first post on this topic. Anyway, I am glad you chose to stay out.


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