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We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.


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Originally posted by asj:The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

Mr Moderator,
We will remember this day . . . your immorality shining bright.

I trust that we will see you among the 'vigilante' volunteers in the Roger Khan brigades when the shit you are so desperately trying to ignite blows up in the face(s) of the PPP.

However, I suspect that you and your fellow cowards will be cheering from the rear in the comfort of your bedroom(s) far, far, far away in Region 11.
Originally posted by asj:

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

you is a fool,the ppp calling in the so call drugdealers vigilantes,is worse thing the ppp can do think gandger and filex is green and best.the drug dealers cannot buy these guys.the ppp want to give gandger the excuse to use the army and police againts the government.let them bring back the vigilantes,and keep in mind these two guys is all army and police.
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:55
Police on Thursday confirmed that someone fired gunshots at a tension-filled meeting Friday night by the ruling party in Victoria Village but disputed claims by the party that five persons were beaten and attempts were made to set one of them alight.

The opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on Thursday said it was β€œappalled” by the PPPC’s lies and called media reports of kerosene dousing β€œdangerous and an attempt to incite violence.” APNU prime ministerial candidate, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine urged his supporters to remain calm as the β€œheat” rises.

"We do not believe that disruption and violence are in the interest of the APNU" he added.

Several persons were held by police for questioning at the Cove and John Police Station.

The PPPC has said that one of its activists, who is a licensed firearm holder, fired shots into the air when several of his colleagues came under attack.

Police have not detained the shooter and it was not immediately clear whether any spent shells were recovered from the scene.

Police sources said stones were allegedly lobbed at the meeting but those who claimed that they were hit declined offers by police to be taken to hospital for treatment.

Investigators have also not received any reports of five persons being beaten and one of them allegedly doused with kerosene and attempts made to set him alight.

The police sources, however, confirmed that some β€œelements” who are supporters of the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) disrupted the meeting.

At least two APNU sympathizers, who were at the meeting in Victoria, confirmed that the PPPC meeting concluded prematurely and the speakers and activists left the village. One of them said the crowd became agitated when PPPC speaker, Joseph Hamilton allegedly said APNU presidential candidate, David Granger was unfit for that post.

The PPPC, for its part, has accused APNUites of using indecent language and verbally abusing ruling party associates while holding up placards of Granger.

Sometime today the police received a report through the media that persons had been beaten at the Buxton Rally held by the PPP/C at the Buxton Railway Embankment.

This is the second time in one month that the police have disputed claims by the PPPC that associates of that party have been beaten. The first such allegation was made one day after the incumbent party held a meeting in Buxton. Police, then, later said that it had received no such report though that did not mean that the incident of beating may not have occurred. The ranks on duty at the Buxton meeting had also neither seen nor received any report of beatings. Police had called on anyone who might have been the victim to report the matter to the nearest police station.

APNU called on the PPP to desist from misinforming Guyanese and the world that APNU supporters are disruptive
Originally posted by asj:

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.


Originally posted by asj:

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.


The situation is untenable. Something must be done.

APNU supporters attack PPP Victoria meeting
November 17, 2011

A PPP/C supporter was forced to fire two shots in the air to ward off a group of people clad in APNU T-shirts and carrying paraphernalia of the party that disrupted a PPP/C public meeting at Victoria, East Coast Demerara Wednesday night.
During the meeting, several party activists were assaulted and one man was doused with kerosene oil and was about to set ablaze, the PPP/C said in a statement. The meeting was held in front of the Victoria Primary School. The meeting got underway at 18:00h when the disruption began.
PPP member Joseph Hamilton was the first speaker and he began to speak at about 18:15h. There were about 150 persons gathered at the meeting, with the majority of them armed with APNU posters and other placards bearing derogatory and racist remarks regarding Hamilton and the PPP/C, a release from the PPP said.
According to the release, the crowd was shouting very loudly and chanting β€œGranger” and β€œPNC”. β€œThe noise level prevented Hamilton from being heard over the microphone and obviously affected his ability to make a proper presentation,” the release added.
According to the PPP during Hamilton’s speech, the disruptive crowd attempted to storm the stage forcing Hamilton to cut his presentation short. APNU party paraphernalia was even hurled at Hamilton during his presentation; and as he made his way to his vehicle, persons continued to hurl missiles at him and his vehicle.
Police had to intervene several times, the PPP said. Guyana Times learnt that the disruptive crowd arrived in two minibuses. The makeup of the disruptive elements were said to be female and young people. Throughout the meeting there was loud chanting by the group.
Meantime, when the second speaker, Anil Nandlall, took to the podium the APNU supporters continued with their disorderly conduct and many occasions threw their placards and posters at Nandlall while he was speaking. On several occasions, during Nandlall’s speech the crowd attempted to grab the podium causing the police to physically intervene by creating a human barricade between the crowd and Nandlall as the crowd continued their chants of β€œGranger” and β€œPNC”.
The disruption forced Nandlall to abandon his speech as well. Both Nandlall and Hamilton had to be escorted to their vehicles by PPP supporters to escape attack from the crowd, the release said. With the speakers gone, the disorderly crowd turned their wrath onto the PPP supporters and activists physically assaulting five persons. β€œThey pelt bottles, throw kero on a supporter, all kinds of things,” host of the meeting, Carl Philadelphia, told Guyana Times.
According to the PPP camp, one PPP activist was doused with kerosene oil and the crowd was going to set him on fire. At the same time, another PPP activist was pelted with a bottle that hit him in the face, and a man armed with a baseball bat then charged another PPP activist, however, this activist had a licence firearm and discharged two rounds in the air. It was only then that the crowd receded and the police intervened and took the PPP supporters and activists to the Cove and John Police Station. The matter was reported to the police who have launched an investigation.

Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

This madness by ASJ was cosigned by Albert and The Judge . . .!!
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

How are they cowards? If the Police can't do their jobs, the governmnet has to oprganised vigilantes for their own protection.

Tola, I know that yopu would like to see the PNC enacted violence again just to show that the PPP can't control the police. Enough is enough. We will not stand for it.. I don't care what you think.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
The actions of the A.P.N.U hooligans.....should be condemned by all Guyanese...

The problem is that people see PNC thugs also working for the PPP....the best thing then is to vote AFC as they seem to be the only ones not using PNC thugs.

The PNC is doing all their work so the AFC doesn't have to. They have their own thugs. Even Ramjattan threaten to beat up jagdeo...
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

whats brain damaged about that ? It was done during the British Rule and can be done again if the GPF, GDF and Govt fail to protect and defend citizens . Remember how the whole thing about Phantom Death Squad came about? Lets look at the realities :
1) People are fed up with PPP ( and PNC ).
2) PNC can never win an election when we all know Indians will always vote PPP unless something magical happens .
3) PNC can only win an election if they are able to imitimidate indians from voting .
4) More blacks and indians are coming out in open support for the AFC.
5) Right now the biggest challenge to both the PPP and PNC is the AFC so, for the PNC to take actions to deter PPP voters is WASTE of time and violence by the PNC will only convert more blacks from PNC to AFC.
Originally posted by redux:
Your contradictions are piling up Kidmost.

Depends on who is doing the piling ? :0)

Are you saying that APNU is pointing a gun at it's own head with the promotion of violence??

Yes and.......YES!

And what is this nonsense that the Roger Khan atrocity inflicted by Jagdeo on the country had precedent in colonial times?

I take it you were a sperm in the 1960's . I was referring to the indian vigilante movement who stopped PNC violence after Wismar and which movement that jacka55 Cheddi disbanded cause he was afraid it would have removed him as the indians Bhagwan . The Phantom Death Squad was a neccessity unfortunately the wrong man was used to execute it . Nevertheless an evil neccessity like it or not who gives a flying F .

Originally posted by kidmost:
. . . I was referring to the indian vigilante movement who stopped PNC violence after Wismar and which movement that jacka55 Cheddi disbanded cause he was afraid it would have removed him as the indians Bhagwan . The Phantom Death Squad was a neccessity unfortunately the wrong man was used to execute it . Nevertheless an evil neccessity like it or not who gives a flying F

Tell me all about the derring do of the fantastic "Indian vigilante movement" that stopped PNC violence between WismarI/WismarII and elections that December.

Tell me about their exploits bai . . . U did leading the brigades?

Wha happen @ Mahaicony dat Summer, eh?

You are either a very CONFUSED man or a stone cold hypocrite . . . I'll feed you your own words from earlier this year, and maybe you'll begin to understand:

Kidmost: . . . what Harripaul needs to understand is that you first need to engineer, create and foster social institutions which creates civility and social consciousness before you make every swinging DICK an armed man or woman. There must first be clean politics , honest govt and a partnership by and between the political entities , govt , private sector and the citizens . During the 60's every Babolall and Harrilall wanted to join the vigilante and become a soldier but most were denied because they were simply put A55H0LES ! AN ARMED A5SHOLE OF ANY ETHINICTY IS DANGEROUS.

I'll deal with your two facedness re David Granger/PNC later [gotta check the old threads]


Police defend performance at Victoria meeting
By Stabroek editor November 18, 2011

The police today defended their performance at Wednesday’s PPP meeting at Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara during which several PPP supporters said they were attacked by persons professing support for the APNU.

Several of the PPP supporters appeared at a PPP press conference the following day and criticised the police handling of the situation. The police today replied to these criticisms.

A statement from the force said β€œRelative to statements made by Clifton Harris at a press conference hosted by the PPP/C yesterday Thursday November 17, 2011, excerpts of which were published in the print media today, to the effect that he and four other PPP/C supporters were harassed by police ranks at the Cove and John Police Station on Wednesday November 16, 2011, the Guyana Police Force categorically denies that any police rank harassed any of the five persons as claimed.

β€œQuite to the contrary, the police provided protective security for the five PPP/C supporters who had been allegedly attacked by supporters of another political party after a political meeting at Victoria Village, ECD, on Wednesday November 16, 2011.

β€œThe police protected them by removing them from the scene and escorting them to the Cove and John Police Station where their reports were taken and they were requested to provide information that may lead to the arrest of their alleged assailants.

β€œThis professional action of the police has been substantiated by Patricia Johnson, another of the persons appearing at the press conference, who is quoted as saying that she was rescued by a policewoman who placed her in a police vehicle.

β€œBased on the information provided, that very night police ranks went in search of the identified assailants and this continues to be done, though efforts have been unsuccessful so far.”


β€œBased on the information provided, that very night police ranks went in search of the identified assailants and this continues to be done, though efforts have been unsuccessful so far.”

Kiss finding the identified assailants "Goodbye"

Simple answer "Kith and Kin"

You just convicted Jagdeo by confirming that Jagdeo recruited Roger Khan. I'm sure the FBI will want to talk to you now.
Originally posted by asj:

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

Originally posted by Bruddaman:
You just convicted Jagdeo by confirming that Jagdeo recruited Roger Khan. I'm sure the FBI will want to talk to you now.
Originally posted by asj:

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.


Bruds, by saying "I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan."
The above does not mean what you are suggesting. Wink

Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

whats brain damaged about that ? It was done during the British Rule and can be done again if the GPF, GDF and Govt fail to protect and defend citizens . Remember how the whole thing about Phantom Death Squad came about? Lets look at the realities :
1) People are fed up with PPP ( and PNC ).
2) PNC can never win an election when we all know Indians will always vote PPP unless something magical happens .
3) PNC can only win an election if they are able to imitimidate indians from voting .
4) More blacks and indians are coming out in open support for the AFC.
5) Right now the biggest challenge to both the PPP and PNC is the AFC so, for the PNC to take actions to deter PPP voters is WASTE of time and violence by the PNC will only convert more blacks from PNC to AFC.

Banna, why should Indians vote for the PPP after all they did to the Indians from 1964 to 1992. You were taking orders from them and allowing indian girls to be raped and then you turned back nd cussed all the indians. You have no shame, brotherinlaw...
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

whats brain damaged about that ? It was done during the British Rule and can be done again if the GPF, GDF and Govt fail to protect and defend citizens . Remember how the whole thing about Phantom Death Squad came about? Lets look at the realities :
1) People are fed up with PPP ( and PNC ).
2) PNC can never win an election when we all know Indians will always vote PPP unless something magical happens .
3) PNC can only win an election if they are able to imitimidate indians from voting .
4) More blacks and indians are coming out in open support for the AFC.
5) Right now the biggest challenge to both the PPP and PNC is the AFC so, for the PNC to take actions to deter PPP voters is WASTE of time and violence by the PNC will only convert more blacks from PNC to AFC.

Banna, why should Indians vote for the PPP after all they did to the Indians from 1964 to 1992. You were taking orders from them and allowing indian girls to be raped and then you turned back nd cussed all the indians. You have no shame, brotherinlaw...

Dude your responses are rife with ignorance and stupidity and I am not your f'ing brother in law dont try to f'ing embarrass me that we are related that way.

By the 1970's with the rising opposition from Rodney and the WPA the army and police role in PNC anti PPP ( which meant anti indian ) actions were conducted by organizations the PNC had to create and use outside the GPF and GDF as more and more officers of these two entities were turning against the PNC and in favor of the WPA . The main antagonists the PNC recruited and used was the House Of Israel . Why do you think Burnham started reshuffling the senior rank and file of the GPF and GDF.

You echo old PPP mantras and make yourself as a55. Maybe if pu55ies like you joined the armed services you may have more balance in them today but most of you PPP guys were pu55ies back then and still are to this day.
Don't throw blame on us for the hooliganism of the PNC which you were a part of.

The Damaged was already done. Shuffling army personels didn't make a difference. Blacks continued to harrass Indians girls in national service and in the streets of georgetown...
Indians were forced to join the PNC to obtain jobs for survival. Indians were hired by the PNC and a blackman was assigned to each one of them to ensure they do what was required of them all in the name of the PNC government and people of Guyana.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

The people calls on the Police to do their job.......and if they cannot then, vigilantes will have to be recruited. I am sure that we do not want to go back to the days of Roger Khan.

HOLY SH!T...a statement like that and you people want to continue to rule Guyana ? Man, you people are a bunch of friggin brain damaged cowards.

A$$whole like you are simply losers. The PPP/C will rule Guyana again, and a moron like you will still be babling piss all the time, and trying and begging the Guyana Govt to come here every so often to clean shit....because people like you, enjoy cleaning shit. People like you would stand by and do nothing whilst APNU/AFC unleash their hooliganism.

asj, explain this, because as you say,

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria (Quote)

Media ejected from Joint Services’ Appreciation Day for Jagdeo
November 18, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Members of the media were persona non grata at yesterday’s discipline services Appreciation Day ceremony for Commander-in-chief, President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The function was held at the Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary and was attended by heads of the various Law Enforcement agencies.

In attendance and among the top ranking officers of the Guyana Defence Force, were Chief-of-Staff, Commodore Gary Best; Police Commissioner, Henry Greene; Guyana Fire Service Chief, Marlon Gentle and Head of the Guyana Prison Service, Dale Erskine.

This ceremony comes days before the Disciplined Services Forces cast their ballot and less than two weeks before a new Commander-in-Chief is elected.

About 30 minutes into the ceremony, after the Fire Chief completed his presentation, and while Erskine was delivering his remarks, the media was asked to leave by Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Police Force, Ivelaw Whittaker. Prior to the expulsion, Whittaker inquired from journalists which media houses they were representing. Present were reporters from the Kaieteur News and the Guyana Times. He left and returned to where the media were seated and informed them that they had not been invited.
Originally posted by cain:
asj, explain this, because as you say,

We have seen so far that with all the modern conveniences that have been accorded the Police......yet they were toothless to take actions in

1) Buxton
2) UG
3) Victoria (Quote)

Media ejected from Joint Services’ Appreciation Day for Jagdeo
November 18, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Members of the media were persona non grata at yesterday’s discipline services Appreciation Day ceremony for Commander-in-chief, President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The function was held at the Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary and was attended by heads of the various Law Enforcement agencies.

In attendance and among the top ranking officers of the Guyana Defence Force, were Chief-of-Staff, Commodore Gary Best; Police Commissioner, Henry Greene; Guyana Fire Service Chief, Marlon Gentle and Head of the Guyana Prison Service, Dale Erskine.

This ceremony comes days before the Disciplined Services Forces cast their ballot and less than two weeks before a new Commander-in-Chief is elected.

About 30 minutes into the ceremony, after the Fire Chief completed his presentation, and while Erskine was delivering his remarks, the media was asked to leave by Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Police Force, Ivelaw Whittaker. Prior to the expulsion, Whittaker inquired from journalists which media houses they were representing. Present were reporters from the Kaieteur News and the Guyana Times. He left and returned to where the media were seated and informed them that they had not been invited.

Cain, the two story are different, however I feel that simply if you are not invited then do not attend. Does not mean that the entire media personnel should attend, or should they?

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Don't throw blame on us for the hooliganism of the PNC which you were a part of.

Rama who do you blame for the wave of crimes against indians since the PPP in POWA ? man you gets in office and cant control shyte whats the use ? lame a55 mofos !

The Damaged was already done. Shuffling army personels didn't make a difference.

Damage caused by PPP Dynamic Inaction and the Cowardice of the East Indians !

Blacks continued to harrass Indians girls in national service and in the streets of georgetown...

Rama as far as I know more indian men were harrassed in the streets than indian girls . Be honest man- you pitiful guys always hide behind your women. FACT IS FEW INDIAN WOMEN FACE HARRASSMENT AND MORE INDIAN MEN DID ! I used to have to defend you pu55ies at hirecar parks cause none others wanted to come to their aid. in fact more black women defended indian men from harassment ..yuh head still jup yuh batty of what ?

Indians were forced to join the PNC to obtain jobs for survival. Indians were hired by the PNC and a blackman was assigned to each one of them to ensure they do what was required of them all in the name of the PNC government and people of Guyana.

Indians were pressured into jloining the pnc no doubt ..its just like the ppp today show ppp support and yuh get govt contracts same sh1t different crook

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