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Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:


On second thoughts you will have a major cardiac event when you see how PPP support is declining since 1997.  So in 1997 the PPP got 221k, 2001, 209k, 2006, 182k, and 2011 they won 165k.


Now how you can scream that the PPP isnt in decline beats me.




There is no question that in every election since 1997 the PPP has seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received.





1997: 161K

2001: 165K

2006: 114K

2011: 139K




Hasn't the PNC also seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received ?


Of course, in 2001, the PNC received 4K more votes than it did in 1997. And let's say the 114K votes in 2006 was an anomaly. But check out the 2011 votes---it was 139K.




Both the 2 major parties have seen declines in the total number of votes they have received since 1997.




Listen carib. It is senseless to  look at just the overall number of votes each party has gotten in each election.





* We know the PNC is a 40% party---the highest percentage of the votes they have ever received in a free and fair election was 42.3% in 1992.





53.5%---PPP in 1992

55.3%---PPP in 1997

53.0%---PPP in 2001

54.6%---PPP in 2006

48.6%---PPP in 2011





* The % the PPP received went up from 1992 from 1997--53.5 to 55.3%


* The % the PPP received went down from 1997 to 2001


* The % the PPP received went up from 2001 to 2006


* The % the PPP received went down from 2006 to 2011




You notice a trend their carib bai ?


Went up---went down---went up---went down


Do you care to guess what's next ?


What follows went down ?


That's right! Went up.hahaha


The % the PPP received in the next election will be higher than the 48.6% it received in 2011---99.99% chance it will be 50+%




PS. Don't argue numbers with the Rev again.hahahaha


cain: Keep up with the numbers Rev..




There is a 99.99% probability the PPP will get 50+% of the votes in the next election and regain the majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan made 33 MILLION overnight.

Khemraj Ramjattan is one of the most shady and unscrupulous politician in Guyana---he and Cathy Hughes would make a good pair---rotten and 'scampish'.





Rev Roly Poly Aly, tell us about your phake PHD from the Green Tea Leaves  University.

Originally Posted by redog:

Hi Rev. This is redog. As you know Rev I am now a PNC man. I hate the AFC. I pi$$ on the AFC.

I am deeply in love Rev. I am in love with Mr. Granger and the PNC. By the way Rev, I pi$$ on you too. Stop calling me a dirty PNC Indian. I hate you. You have been ignoring redog. You are scared of redog. I pi$$ on you Rev. Check me and my beloved Mr. Granger.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev is a man of character, integrity and respect and does not engage on the GNI forum with fools, idiots, morons, and vulgar people--such cretins are permanently banned.



just listen to yourself . . . any fool wearing his deep insecurities openly like this is beyond pathetic

Originally Posted by redog:

By the way rev, did I tell you how happy my newly beloved Mr. Granger was to have a man of my great intellect join the PNC ? Mr. Granger said he will choose me over Carl Greenidge to be the finance Minister. I believe Mr. Granger because he is a man of integrity. I know everybody is jealous of redog. But I pi$$ on everybody just like I pi$$ on you Reverend.




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev is a man of character, integrity and respect and does not engage on the GNI forum with fools, idiots, morons, and vulgar people--such cretins are permanently banned.



"rev' just listen to yourself . . . any fool wearing his deep insecurities openly like this is beyond pathetic

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev is a man of character, integrity and respect and does not engage on the GNI forum with fools, idiots, morons, and vulgar people--such cretins are permanently banned.



'rev' just listen to yourself . . . any fool wearing his deep insecurities openly like this is beyond pathetic

Originally Posted by Rev:


Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar is a proven winner; David Granger is a proven loser and failure. Guyana is blessed to have a leader of honor, integrity and character. Long live Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar.



rev - a mediocre 'person' doing what mediocre antimen do best on GNI . . . bray inanely and insistently in service to criminal paymasters

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redog:

rev - This is redog. Check me out. I pi$$ on you rev.

By the way rev You know I love using the word antiman----but I have a deep secret rev---don't tell anybody---or I will hate you more---Rev, right now I am having deep feelings for Mr. Granger---deep, deep feelings---Rev, have I, redog, become what I have been labeling other men.








Originally Posted by redog:

rev, this is redog. I have cussed you out on this forum. But secretly I respect you rev. You are a man of incredible wisdom. I thank rev for your thoughtfulness and the advice you gave me above. I will, indeed, see a psychiatrist. The feelings I have for Mr. Granger is overwhelming me. I feel dirty.

Anyway rev,  I am still redog, and so I still have to piss on you rev.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redog:

rev, this is redog. I have cussed you out on this forum. But secretly I respect you rev. You are a man of incredible wisdom. I thank rev for your thoughtfulness and the advice you gave me above. I will, indeed, see a psychiatrist. The feelings I have for Mr. Granger is overwhelming me. I feel dirty.

Anyway rev,  I am still redog, and so I still have to piss on you rev.




Rev Roly Poly Aly of the Green Tea Leaf University loves to be pissed on. heheheheheheh!

Originally Posted by redog:

rev, this is redog. Lemme say this to you tonight. In my next life I, redog, want to be as quick witted and whimsical as you rev.

Anyway rev, You have made fun of me and I hate you for that., I pi$$ on you Rev. But still in my next life I want to be as witty as you rev. I don't have  a sense of humor rev. That's why I am so miserable. I hate you rev.






Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redog:

rev, this is redog. Lemme say this to you tonight. In my next life I, redog, want to be as quick witted and whimsical as you rev.

Anyway rev, You have made fun of me and I hate you for that., I pi$$ on you Rev. But still in my next life I want to be as witty as you rev. I don't have  a sense of humor rev. That's why I am so miserable. I hate you rev.






Rev Roly Poly Aly, don't forget your cotton wool and vaseline again.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:


On second thoughts you will have a major cardiac event when you see how PPP support is declining since 1997.  So in 1997 the PPP got 221k, 2001, 209k, 2006, 182k, and 2011 they won 165k.


Now how you can scream that the PPP isnt in decline beats me.




There is no question that in every election since 1997 the PPP has seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received.





1997: 161K

2001: 165K

2006: 114K

2011: 139K




Hasn't the PNC also seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received ?


Of course, in 2001, the PNC received 4K more votes than it did in 1997. And let's say the 114K votes in 2006 was an anomaly. But check out the 2011 votes---it was 139K.




Both the 2 major parties have seen declines in the total number of votes they have received since 1997.




Listen carib. It is senseless to  look at just the overall number of votes each party has gotten in each election.





* We know the PNC is a 40% party---the highest percentage of the votes they have ever received in a free and fair election was 42.3% in 1992.





53.5%---PPP in 1992

55.3%---PPP in 1997

53.0%---PPP in 2001

54.6%---PPP in 2006

48.6%---PPP in 2011





* The % the PPP received went up from 1992 from 1997--53.5 to 55.3%


* The % the PPP received went down from 1997 to 2001


* The % the PPP received went up from 2001 to 2006


* The % the PPP received went down from 2006 to 2011




You notice a trend their carib bai ?


Went up---went down---went up---went down


Do you care to guess what's next ?


What follows went down ?


That's right! Went up.hahaha


The % the PPP received in the next election will be higher than the 48.6% it received in 2011---99.99% chance it will be 50+%




PS. Don't argue numbers with the Rev again.hahahaha


cain: Keep up with the numbers Rev..




There is a 99.99% probability the PPP will get 50+% of the votes in the next election and regain the majority.



Rev even you concede that in 2011 the PNC INCREASED its votes by 26k, this while the PPP continued to LOSE votes.


So why again do you insist that the PPP is guaranteed to win a majority of the votes?   If the highly charismatic Jagdeo failed when he was actively involved in campaigning in the last election, why will the very dull and boring Ramotar do better?   The PPP has been revealed to be doing NOTHINGabout its reputation for corruption since 2011.


Rev if the PPP continues to fail to turn out its voters, and its attempts to do so by raising the "bad blackman bogey" leads to even more blacks showing up to vote, tell me how again is the PPP guaranteed to get the majority.


You will be wrong the same way that you were wrong in the 2012 US presidential elections.


The fact is that Guyanese are losing interest in voting, and the PPP base is losing interest at an even faster pace.


So here is the deal rev.  True the PNC is constrained in the numbers of results that it will receive.  True the prospects of a PNC govt is remote.  But its also true that if more and more Indians stay home, or vote for third parties, and the PNC gets its base out and makes inroads into interior locations as it did last time that "41" to increase to 44%, which will be enough to deprive the PPP of 51%, depending on how well some third party does.

Last edited by Former Member



Why are some Guyanese men so consumed by homosexual thoughts ? Are these men latent homosexuals ? There are some men on GNI who cannot finish a sentence without referencing male body parts or male acts or using the word antiman ?


Why the sexual deviancy by these GNI men(redux aka redog is the chief culprit) ? Check him out.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



Why are some Guyanese men so consumed by homosexual thoughts ? Are these men latent homosexuals ? There are some men on GNI who cannot finish a sentence without referencing male body parts or male acts or using the word antiman ?


Why the sexual deviancy by these GNI men(redux aka redog is the chief culprit) ? Check him out.




ole rev, GNI antiman-in-chief purrs alluringly . . . har de har har har har har har

Originally Posted by redog:

rev: this is redog. why are you telling the world I am a latent homosexual. I piss on you rev---I hate you.


check me out rev. I feel dirty. I have feelings for mr. granger.

call me all the names you want reverend. call me a latent homosexual. but I, redog, have feelings.

I pi$$ on you rev---nobody insults redog and gets away. I hate you rev.





Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition are scared of snap elections, just a few days ago, Granger said his party is not interested in moving a no confidence motion against the govt.....

Granger is very happy being opposition leader. He knows that if an early election were to be held---he would lose again---and that would be the end of him. So in the meantime, he is happy to have the dirty PNC Indians worship him and stroke his ego.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition are scared of snap elections, just a few days ago, Granger said his party is not interested in moving a no confidence motion against the govt.....

Granger is very happy being opposition leader. He knows that if an early election were to be held---he would lose again---and that would be the end of him. So in the meantime, he is happy to have the dirty PNC Indians worship him and stroke his ego.



rev, don't u think it's better to stroke Granger's ego rather than the stroking you are doing and having done to you when u strap on the kneepads to service you-know-who and the rest . . . hmmm? Perhaps not!


btw, how's the big bt dacta search coming along?


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