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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:


On second thoughts you will have a major cardiac event when you see how PPP support is declining since 1997.  So in 1997 the PPP got 221k, 2001, 209k, 2006, 182k, and 2011 they won 165k.


Now how you can scream that the PPP isnt in decline beats me.




There is no question that in every election since 1997 the PPP has seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received.





1997: 161K

2001: 165K

2006: 114K

2011: 139K




Hasn't the PNC also seen a decline in the total number of votes it has received ?


Of course, in 2001, the PNC received 4K more votes than it did in 1997. And let's say the 114K votes in 2006 was an anomaly. But check out the 2011 votes---it was 139K.




Both the 2 major parties have seen declines in the total number of votes they have received since 1997.




Listen carib. It is senseless to  look at just the overall number of votes each party has gotten in each election.





* We know the PNC is a 40% party---the highest percentage of the votes they have ever received in a free and fair election was 42.3% in 1992.





53.5%---PPP in 1992

55.3%---PPP in 1997

53.0%---PPP in 2001

54.6%---PPP in 2006

48.6%---PPP in 2011





* The % the PPP received went up from 1992 from 1997--53.5 to 55.3%


* The % the PPP received went down from 1997 to 2001


* The % the PPP received went up from 2001 to 2006


* The % the PPP received went down from 2006 to 2011




You notice a trend their carib bai ?


Went up---went down---went up---went down


Do you care to guess what's next ?


What follows went down ?


That's right! Went up.hahaha


The % the PPP received in the next election will be higher than the 48.6% it received in 2011---99.99% chance it will be 50+%




PS. Don't argue numbers with the Rev again.hahahaha


cain: Keep up with the numbers Rev..




There is a 99.99% probability the PPP will get 50+% of the votes in the next election and regain the majority.



carib: Rev even you concede that in 2011 the PNC INCREASED its votes by 26k, this while the PPP continued to LOSE votes.


So why again do you insist that the PPP is guaranteed to win a majority of the votes?   If the highly charismatic Jagdeo failed when he was actively involved in campaigning in the last election, why will the very dull and boring Ramotar do better?   The PPP has been revealed to be doing NOTHINGabout its reputation for corruption since 2011.


Rev if the PPP continues to fail to turn out its voters, and its attempts to do so by raising the "bad blackman bogey" leads to even more blacks showing up to vote, tell me how again is the PPP guaranteed to get the majority.


You will be wrong the same way that you were wrong in the 2012 US presidential elections.


The fact is that Guyanese are losing interest in voting, and the PPP base is losing interest at an even faster pace.


So here is the deal rev.  True the PNC is constrained in the numbers of results that it will receive.  True the prospects of a PNC govt is remote.  But its also true that if more and more Indians stay home, or vote for third parties, and the PNC gets its base out and makes inroads into interior locations as it did last time that "41" to increase to 44%, which will be enough to deprive the PPP of 51%, depending on how well some third party does.

Will respond later.



Last edited by Former Member



* Regarding the PNC's 26K vote increase from 2006 to 2011----you have to admit that the 2006 election result for the PNC was an anomaly----they received only 114K votes---34% of the overall.


* But even with the 26K vote increase from 2006 to 2011---the PNC/apnu only gathered 40.83% of the votes in 2011.


* You are hoping and wishing for Indians to stay home in the next election---and for PNC supporters to come out in droves.




And maybe allah will create a miracle for your beloved PNC in the next election.




Listen carib!




If it is meant for the destructive PNC to rule Guyana again it be so.


But until that time comes---the Rev will wish the PPP all the best in leading Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member

Its becoming increasingly clear, the PP/C will emerge victorious with a majority at the next general elections in 2016, if not before, the recent defections of the AFC has left that political gathering wounded already become repair, the PNC aka APNU is a combination of political parties that cling to the PNC for political survival, together had had reached their apex, while the PPP/C was a victim of its own success. The PPP/C has shown signs of full recovery from incumbency fatigue, the Guyanese populace has grown weary of the sinister motives of the joint opposition to stagnate the country development.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its becoming increasingly clear, the PP/C will emerge victorious with a majority at the next general elections in 2016, if not before, the recent defections of the AFC has left that political gathering wounded already become repair, the PNC aka APNU is a combination of political parties that cling to the PNC for political survival, together had had reached their apex, while the PPP/C was a victim of its own success. The PPP/C has shown signs of full recovery from incumbency fatigue, the Guyanese populace has grown weary of the sinister motives of the joint opposition to stagnate the country development.

PPPsupporters willstay home, enraged by the blatant disrespect that the PPP ha sfor them.  The others will vote.  PPP gets 45% of the votes.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I feel like a rap:

Mitwah is sitting in Burnham's lap

And he calls Burnham his pap

Mitwaah got shocked when TK defect

He had no time to reflect

So he keep mouthing the usual fruity fruity


Burnham, Hoyte and Granger is their murti

They trying to be smart like a fox

we can't wait for the next ballot box!






Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I feel like a rap:

Mitwah is sitting in Burnham's lap

And he calls Burnham his pap

Mitwaah got shocked when TK defect

He had no time to reflect

So he keep mouthing the usual fruity fruity


Burnham, Hoyte and Granger is their murti

They trying to be smart like a fox

we can't wait for the next ballot box!






You are a self righteous bitch. Mother Durga have given me the Shakti to deal with you and the antiman Rev.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I feel like a rap:

Mitwah is sitting in Burnham's lap

And he calls Burnham his pap

Mitwaah got shocked when TK defect

He had no time to reflect

So he keep mouthing the usual fruity fruity


Burnham, Hoyte and Granger is their murti

They trying to be smart like a fox

we can't wait for the next ballot box!



ha ha ha ha ha


Excellent! Excellent job Mr. Sugrim.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The truth has a sense of revealing itself, the defections and disintegration of the AFC is testimony to that fact....the AFC lies are catching up with them.

Go lick butta from Kwamee BT.

As I said you lack debating skills.

Gaandu bhai, I don't debate with drunks.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC does not want a snap election, because they will lose their parliamentary edge they have with a combined opposition over the PPP.

Raphael Trotman 's political career will be over and Mitwah will continue down the path of destruction with his drug habbits.


It is a logical conclusion that if the PPP were convinced they can win they would call an election. As it is the joint opposition is unraveling all their crooked scams.


Attacking individuals wont make the PPP clean. To a man and woman they are dirty, rotten scoundrels. On their own they will never arrive at a cathartic moment. They need to be pushed to a cleansing.


Left alone they will rape and pillage our nation into a new Haiti. As it is we are just beating them by a few points as the poorest nation in this hemisphere despite our great natural bounties. The PPP as currently formulated is a curse.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
 Left alone they will rape and pillage our nation into a new Haiti.

Hogwash! Total hogwash from you Danyael.


* It was your beloved PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


* Over the past 21 years the PPP has gotten Guyana back on track.


* The private sectors is extremely pleased with the leadership of the PPP.


* It's only the crooks and the swindlers in the AFC and PNC who are complaining and blaming.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
 Left alone they will rape and pillage our nation into a new Haiti.

Hogwash! Total hogwash from you Danyael.


* It was your beloved PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.

Correct! Now the PPP says "dem do it, so will we" you and the other dumb PPP apologists get reamed....while enjoying it.


* Over the past 21 years the PPP has gotten Guyana back on track.

You meant "the PPP has got a lot of people backtracking" didn't you?


* The private sectors is extremely pleased with the leadership of the PPP.




* It's only the crooks and the swindlers in the AFC and PNC who are complaining and blaming.


So you call the poor working class "crooks and swindlers" now eh?










Originally Posted by Conscience:

A majority awaits the PPP/C at the next general and region elections in 2016, if not before.

I know the lot of you are quaking at the prospect of elections. They young people are not receptive to scare tactics and they see the rise of a class of leeches among them. They are not coming your way. Note, swag did not sway the Amerindians and now they have more reasons to detest you skunks. The knee benders, Yvette and Sukai has as much credibility among them as a morabana. The Oreallans want very much to stick it to you as well. The PPP might win because of the stunted awareness and profound hatred of black people among its loyal sheep but it will fall below that crucial 40% threshold. Then you will be bones for the picking.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramakant you are a drunk. I won't argue with a drunk.

Who is arguing? I am just telling as it is..

Don't sweat the small stuff. You don't seam to know the difference between water and wine..

You drank my piss and think it was water.

This is definitely going to advance the debate on democracy in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramakant you are a drunk. I won't argue with a drunk.

Who is arguing? I am just telling as it is..

Don't sweat the small stuff. You don't seam to know the difference between water and wine..

You drank my piss and think it was water.

This is definitely going to advance the debate on democracy in Guyana.

Ronnie, who is   "Alex The Great"  ?


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