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December 23 2018


Dear Editor,

I applaud the stance taken by Charrandas Persaud. Every Guyanese who cares about democracy and the future of Guyana should embrace Charrandas Persaud as a Guyanese hero.

I am not a member of any political party but I voted for the PPP. I was disillusioned by the PPP and welcomed them being booted from government even though I voted for them. I was willing to give the AFC a chance but I am completely disgusted with their incompetence. Along with the PNC, they are worse than the PPP.

But make no mistake. The PPP is still not acceptable with its current leadership. Bharrat Jagdeo must go. Irfaan Ali, Anil Nandlall, Manickchand, Ramson, Seeraj, Dharamlall, Croal, and Lumumba must all go to allow the PPP to breathe and redeem itself.

If the PPP does not field a candidate that is decent and honest, then I urge all Guyanese to be like Charrandas Persaud and take a principled stance. Do not vote for anyone the next general elections.

Yours faithfully,

Harrish Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Leonora posted:

Happy Sunday, guys. Please practice saying President Mohabir Anil Nandlall.  

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

Leonora posted:

Happy Sunday, guys. Please practice saying President Mohabir Anil Nandlall.  

You and your PNC crew can continue cussing him here on GNI.  You are doing a great job.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

December 23 2018

If the PPP does not field a candidate that is decent and honest, then I urge all Guyanese to be like Charrandas Persaud and take a principled stance. Do not vote for anyone the next general elections.

Yours faithfully,

Harrish Singh

Comrade bai, do vote means the PNC wins!  Which you prefer, PPP or PNC?

Last edited by Former Member
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Last edited by Django
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Who cares what you think?  Double dipping seems to be your forte.  No one trusts you.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

Happy Sunday, guys. Please practice saying President Mohabir Anil Nandlall.  

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

Anil is a nice boi, but is he BJ's choice?

Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Gentlemen, it's all about OIL. Get with the program.  

Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

Happy Sunday, guys. Please practice saying President Mohabir Anil Nandlall.  

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

After listening to nandalal the Chat-3 in normal circumstance he has been measured and found wanting.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

Anil is a nice boi, but is he BJ's choice?

I think he would be strongly supported by any Guyanese voter who is not a die hard PNC voter. Even the AFC dudes may vote for him. BJ is currently very effective in putting lash on the PNC but should Nandlall become President, BJ would not be needed as Nandlall is mentally strong also and he would also be able to put lash on the PNC. The PNC dudes are hapless.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

After anointing Anil, maybe Bharrat will marry Queenie, they'll enjoy the Oil money and live happily after. There, all problems solved.   

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

Happy Sunday, guys. Please practice saying President Mohabir Anil Nandlall.  

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

After listening to nandalal the Chat-3 in normal circumstance he has been measured and found wanting.

Every politician in Guyana is somewhat wanting. However, he has more finesse than all the others so would stand out in the crowd. He is also young so voters would not worry that he would quickly become unable and unfit like old man Patterson (not that he is President) did. The PNC crew are still holding on to old style PNC inclinations which was immediately identified in 2015 when they reinstituted the multiple vice president positions of Burnham yore.

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Gentlemen, it's all about OIL. Get with the program.  

Oil has staying power. Everyone craves it. Unfortunately the Coalition government has already done a miserable job by not maximizing their return on it. 

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

After anointing Anil, maybe Bharrat will marry Queenie, they'll enjoy the Oil money and live happily after. There, all problems solved.   

Bharrat has a happy family.  Go and worry about your shitty life and leave him alone.  How is your girl Volda doing?  You have other things to worry about. PNC needs you more now than ever.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

 How so,

just want know what would have been Cheddi Jagan position in the PPP.

Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

A very good marning Django, thanks for saying President Bharrat Jagdeo. 


Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

 How so,

just want know what would have been Cheddi Jagan position in the PPP.

Irrelevant, How about Dr WR and the WPA?  How about LFSB and the current PNC? 

All irrelevant and an exercise in nothingness!

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

 How so,

just want know what would have been Cheddi Jagan position in the PPP.

Cheddi dead and gone.  This time nah Laaaang time.  A new day has come.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

The late great Cheddi Jagan was not power hungry !  in 1997 he stated that he would have stepped aside and allow a new leader to grow.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

Anil is a nice boi, but is he BJ's choice?

I think he would be strongly supported by any Guyanese voter who is not a die hard PNC voter.

Obviously most supporter of their Political Party are die hards.

Even the AFC dudes may vote for him. BJ is currently very effective in putting lash on the PNC but should Nandlall become President, BJ would not be needed as Nandlall is mentally strong also and he would also be able to put lash on the PNC. The PNC dudes are hapless.

Due to your dislike, (you stated that) every thing will be negative towards the PNC

Any way bhai, to each his own.It's your right.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

 How so,

just want know what would have been Cheddi Jagan position in the PPP.

If Jagan was alive today and the PPP needed him to broaden their base or attract voters, Jagan would be out there just like Jagdeo strongly advocating for the party and candidates. President Obama campaigned for Democrats this year breaking from long standing traditions of former presidents being so active in campaign. Why did he do it? Because the Democratic party was demolished in 2016 and without a strong and convincing voice. Ramotar had reduced the PPP to basically a laughing stock so Jagdeo was needed to revive it and revive it he did. The moment he stood up in the Assembly and looked those PNC dudes in the eye and said "I am not afraid of you", they and their supporters began shaking in their boots and they are still shaking in their boot even now. None of those MPs including Nagamootoo were prepared for a defector and as such they all went into cardiac arrest. Listen to Rajkoonarie's pathetic wails. I would have felt sorry for her but she was on the wrong side of history.

comrade posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

The late great Cheddi Jagan was not power hungry !  in 1997 he stated that he would have stepped aside and allow a new leader to grow.

Thanks for the answer, that's also my thoughts.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

Irrelevant, he done dead and gone.  Problem, BJ young, not married, no kids, nothing else to do with his life!

 How so,

just want know what would have been Cheddi Jagan position in the PPP.

If Jagan was alive today and the PPP needed him to broaden their base or attract voters, Jagan would be out there just like Jagdeo strongly advocating for the party and candidates.


see Comrade post. He is the second person i have asked that question, both gave the same answer.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Who cares what you think?  Double dipping seems to be your forte.  No one trusts you.

There are many who welcome my commentaries on the Guyanese political scene. I have been on the scene since the very early 1960's and have seen it all. It will do you well to stop your silly comments on subjects you are not familiar with but listen and learn.

As far as double dipping , have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately ?  If you do you would have seen ample proof of " double dipping "  lol

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I think Nandlall will make a good/effective president. He is smart, young, witty and has sense of humor. 

Anil is a nice boi, but is he BJ's choice?

I think he would be strongly supported by any Guyanese voter who is not a die hard PNC voter.

Obviously most supporter of their Political Party are die hards.

Even the AFC dudes may vote for him. BJ is currently very effective in putting lash on the PNC but should Nandlall become President, BJ would not be needed as Nandlall is mentally strong also and he would also be able to put lash on the PNC. The PNC dudes are hapless.

Due to your dislike, (you stated that) every thing will be negative towards the PNC

Any way bhai, to each his own.It's your right.

I agree with your two points Django. My first would be classified by Vishmahabir as redundant. And you are right. I can never support the PNC. I did like the AFC's role in 2010 and 2011 though because I thought it provided a check for the PPP and PNC. Unfortunately the AFC squandered their goodwill when they became an auxiliary of the PNC. Charandas stated that the AFC had become a rubber stamp for the PNC.

Lastly, while I am strongly against the PNC, I will never tell anyone not to vote for them. I don't even tell people who to vote for in America.  

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

If Jagan was alive today and the PPP needed him to broaden their base or attract voters, Jagan would be out there just like Jagdeo strongly advocating for the party and candidates.


see Comrade post. He is the second person i have asked that question, both gave the same answer.

I also knew Jagan. I remember many meetings with him and Janet at their Bel Air home and have commented that they were both nice, warm and likeable people (well, Carib don't like them). Jagan supposedly stating in 1997 that he would step aside and allow a new leader to grow would have to be taken in that context. He was not faced with a party in decline so no one can really say what he would have done had the PPP turned into what it became under Ramotar. One would have expected Obama to go enjoy his retirement like W did but the Democratic party was do damaged that he had to reappear. Circumstances sometimes drive actions and no one can really know what Jagan would have done if he was faced with the same circumstance of 2015. The PPP is Jagan's baby so it would be strange that he would just sit back in his rocking chair and watch it burn to the ground.

ksazma posted:
I did like the AFC's role in 2010 and 2011 though because I thought it provided a check for the PPP and PNC.
Unfortunately the AFC squandered their goodwill when they became an auxiliary of the PNC.

Here is my take on the AFC partnering with APNU in 2015, it was needed to remove continuous one Party rule for 23 yrs, i considered such rule as not Democratic.


Hey hey hey...lemme tek Harrish Singh word and assume Charrandas na get wan house and money fram dem businessman who lehleh leakin foh de contracts foh dem mattie. Me assume Charrandas vote pon principle. In dat case me hope dem PPP supporta start vote conscience and call foh reform de party. How about abie get foh elect abie presidential candidate? Hey hey hey...oh wait me chacha pua son cyant wait foh he contract from Jagdoe. Meh blackman neighba already gat all he fake proposal foh get smallbusiness loan from de PNC. leh leh leakin fram all sides. Hey hey hey...

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

If Jagan was alive today and the PPP needed him to broaden their base or attract voters, Jagan would be out there just like Jagdeo strongly advocating for the party and candidates.


see Comrade post. He is the second person i have asked that question, both gave the same answer.

I also knew Jagan. I remember many meetings with him and Janet at their Bel Air home and have commented that they were both nice, warm and likeable people (well, Carib don't like them). Jagan supposedly stating in 1997 that he would step aside and allow a new leader to grow would have to be taken in that context. He was not faced with a party in decline so no one can really say what he would have done had the PPP turned into what it became under Ramotar. One would have expected Obama to go enjoy his retirement like W did but the Democratic party was do damaged that he had to reappear. Circumstances sometimes drive actions and no one can really know what Jagan would have done if he was faced with the same circumstance of 2015. The PPP is Jagan's baby so it would be strange that he would just sit back in his rocking chair and watch it burn to the ground.

Jagan gave the PNC 28 years.  Jagdeo gave them 3.  That's the difference.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

 Jagan supposedly stating in 1997 that he would step aside and allow a new leader to grow would have to be taken in that context.

He was not faced with a party in decline so no one can really say what he would have done had the PPP turned into what it became under Ramotar. 

The decline in support for the party are two fold,one their supporters are dwindling due to migration and two some of the current leaders are corrupted and kleptocratic.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

If Jagan was alive today and the PPP needed him to broaden their base or attract voters, Jagan would be out there just like Jagdeo strongly advocating for the party and candidates.


see Comrade post. He is the second person i have asked that question, both gave the same answer.

I also knew Jagan. I remember many meetings with him and Janet at their Bel Air home and have commented that they were both nice, warm and likeable people (well, Carib don't like them). Jagan supposedly stating in 1997 that he would step aside and allow a new leader to grow would have to be taken in that context. He was not faced with a party in decline so no one can really say what he would have done had the PPP turned into what it became under Ramotar. One would have expected Obama to go enjoy his retirement like W did but the Democratic party was do damaged that he had to reappear. Circumstances sometimes drive actions and no one can really know what Jagan would have done if he was faced with the same circumstance of 2015. The PPP is Jagan's baby so it would be strange that he would just sit back in his rocking chair and watch it burn to the ground.

Jagan gave the PNC 28 years.  Jagdeo gave them 3.  That's the difference.

Jagan did not give anyone anything. He was politically scuttled by the Brits and Americans and left in the out house for years. The Americans resurrected him. Do you think the PNC give Jagdeo anything? Remember the Americans also took out the PPP twice. Their gleeful knee bending to the Chinese and Russians will not earn them favors in the coming election. Some one will have to let them win. Without the Americans the PNC have your cake....( now that may elicit negative connotation but I do not mean to insult PNCites)

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...lemme tek Harrish Singh word and assume Charrandas na get wan house and money fram dem businessman who lehleh leakin foh de contracts foh dem mattie. Me assume Charrandas vote pon principle. In dat case me hope dem PPP supporta start vote conscience and call foh reform de party. How about abie get foh elect abie presidential candidate? Hey hey hey...oh wait me chacha pua son cyant wait foh he contract from Jagdoe. Meh blackman neighba already gat all he fake proposal foh get smallbusiness loan from de PNC. leh leh leakin fram all sides. Hey hey hey...

Hai bai.  Tek you chalk board and go draw some charts and show AFC how them conscience ratio is low.  You still bitter that they didn't give you a job? Get over it. Move on. Politics is a shaart time thing.  Unless you are a GrandMaster like Jagdeo.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


see Comrade post. He is the second person i have asked that question, both gave the same answer.

I also knew Jagan. I remember many meetings with him and Janet at their Bel Air home and have commented that they were both nice, warm and likeable people (well, Carib don't like them). Jagan supposedly stating in 1997 that he would step aside and allow a new leader to grow would have to be taken in that context. He was not faced with a party in decline so no one can really say what he would have done had the PPP turned into what it became under Ramotar. One would have expected Obama to go enjoy his retirement like W did but the Democratic party was do damaged that he had to reappear. Circumstances sometimes drive actions and no one can really know what Jagan would have done if he was faced with the same circumstance of 2015. The PPP is Jagan's baby so it would be strange that he would just sit back in his rocking chair and watch it burn to the ground.

Jagan gave the PNC 28 years.  Jagdeo gave them 3.  That's the difference.

You mixing up apples and oranges.  Jagan existed in the Cold War era.  As soon as that was lifted, PPP was in power.  If the PNC had continued their rigging with the full support of the USA, and not needed partners to rule, this would never have occurred!

Diss time nah lang time!  That's the difference!

cain posted:

I am very much in agreement with the opening article. my gibson ES 125 cherry sunburst archtop for Christmas. Already have a vintage but I need this one to play outside. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
comrade posted:

The PPP needs to be cleansed from the anti Jaganite curse which now infests the leadership !

Question for you, would Cheddi Jagan (if he was alive ) after his two term Presidency be in the shoes of past two term President Bharat Jagdeo.

A very good marning Django, thanks for saying President Bharrat Jagdeo. 

That was applicable to my question and need to be addressed appropriately.He is still a Rat, he became that due to greed.

Last edited by Django

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