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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Well it seems that APNU couldn't after all get past their psychological barrier of legalisms to negotiate an electorally attractive document..

APNU negotiated a document which suits its purposes.


1. The AFC couldn't provide proof that they have sufficient votes to bring to the table.  APNU knows that they good for their 40%.


2.  APNU was very magnanimous in given the AFC 1/3 of the likely seats and 40% of the cabinet positions, but ensuring that all decisions remain subject to the president's will.


Its the AFC who had to take what is offered and to prove that they are relevant by convincing Indians that they shouldn't fear a Granger presidency because Nagamootoo as PM, will be "strong" enough to protect them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
APNU negotiated a document which suits its purposes.


1. The AFC couldn't provide proof that they have sufficient votes to bring to the table.  APNU knows that they good for their 40%.


2.  APNU was very magnanimous in given the AFC 1/3 of the likely seats and 40% of the cabinet positions, but ensuring that all decisions remain subject to the president's will.


Its the AFC who had to take what is offered and to prove that they are relevant by convincing Indians that they shouldn't fear a Granger presidency because Nagamootoo as PM, will be "strong" enough to protect them.

yours is a weird kind of 'reverse' triumphalism


this hostility to the AFC ["Indo PartyII"] borders on racial paranoia . . . i say that respectfully since i am not stupid enough to count you in the base ideological class of sick minds such as yujii, KP, dondadda or skeldon_man


take care

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
APNU negotiated a document which suits its purposes.


1. The AFC couldn't provide proof that they have sufficient votes to bring to the table.  APNU knows that they good for their 40%.


2.  APNU was very magnanimous in given the AFC 1/3 of the likely seats and 40% of the cabinet positions, but ensuring that all decisions remain subject to the president's will.


Its the AFC who had to take what is offered and to prove that they are relevant by convincing Indians that they shouldn't fear a Granger presidency because Nagamootoo as PM, will be "strong" enough to protect them.

yours is a weird kind of 'reverse' triumphalism


this hostility to the AFC ["Indo PartyII"] borders on racial paranoia . . . i say that respectfully since i am not stupid enough to count you in the base ideological class of sick minds such as yujii, KP, dondadda or skeldon_man


take care

If every single stratagem of the AFC was (until now) based on how the Indian population will react, ignoring that at least 50% of those who will vote aren't Indian, then that does make them Indo party II, just as the PPP is Indo party I and APNU is Afro party I.


Even now Nagamootoo is operating on the assumption that he can keep the votes which he got in 2011, even though when Ramotar prorogued parliament, he was afraid to stand on what was the largest protest against this, and offer his comments to the majority black crowd which showed up.


The excuse for the absence of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, and the presence of Hughes and Patterson (how can one not note the ethnic games being played here) was that the PPP would rubbish Nagamootoo in PPP strongholds.


Well the PPP will definitely do so now.  Let us hope that Nagamootoo has an extremely aggressive strategy to indicate to these disaffected PPP supporters that he will be strong enough within that gov't to protect them against the fears that they have with the return of the PPP to power.


FACE it, while many Indians are ready for the end of the PPP rule, whether they are ready for the return of the PNC is debatable. 


Nagamootoo just removed their ability to reject the PPP without voting for the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Well it seems that APNU couldn't after all get past their psychological barrier of legalisms to negotiate an electorally attractive document..

APNU negotiated a document which suits its purposes.


1. The AFC couldn't provide proof that they have sufficient votes to bring to the table.  APNU knows that they good for their 40%.


2.  APNU was very magnanimous in given the AFC 1/3 of the likely seats and 40% of the cabinet positions, but ensuring that all decisions remain subject to the president's will.


Its the AFC who had to take what is offered and to prove that they are relevant by convincing Indians that they shouldn't fear a Granger presidency because Nagamootoo as PM, will be "strong" enough to protect them.


If this was the only deal on offer (as it now seems), the AFC should have walked and it would have retained the opportunity to gain from the ever present Indo Civil War.


I cannot conceive of any credible anti-PPP opinion leader among Indos from the great and mighty to the local village talk man who can or even wants to risk trying to sell this to his fellow Indos.


Personally, I now see the PNC is not serious about shared governance. It's still all about hegemony. The AFC was not negotiating the future role of the AFC in the government of Guyana but also the future of Indian political power in Guyana in a very hostile racial environment (hostile to everyone) that has no mercy for the race that does not "win." Anything less than legal parity of coercive power between the PNC and the AFC in a Coalition was not worth it.


One cannot ask the Indians to turn on the Indian political party (PPP/C) (their sole form of "insurance") without some serious guarantees.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. . . Personally, I now see the PNC is not serious about shared governance. It's still all about hegemony. The AFC was not negotiating the future role of the AFC in the government of Guyana but also the future of Indian political power in Guyana in a very hostile racial environment (hostile to everyone) that has no mercy for the race that does not "win." Anything less than legal parity of coercive power between the PNC and the AFC in a Coalition was not worth it.



even accepting that Moses Nagamootoo as the presidential candidate would have been the best choice, and an earthquake on the political landscape that would have concretized democracy in Guyana if elected, this is duplicitous, hysterical, fearmongering nonsense


is it then true that the PPP has had "no mercy" on Black people since it captured the executive in 1992?


what are Afro-Guyanese to think of this kind of 'revelation'


i think we owe the APNU people respect as the party representing a majority of Afro-Guyanese . . . their weakness does not deserve this kind of contempt


we are after all speaking of an arrangement where more than 2/3 of MPs in a Granger Presidency would be either PPP or AFC.


with the Indian demographic advantage and dominance in the economy, not to mention the PPP, for the forseeable future, the most well-financed and organized single political party in Guyana, an APNU Executive will have to rely on an awful lot of Indo goodwill to function and govern


we should be viewing this as opportunity to change governing structures in a sustainable manner so that all feel secure


shameful and unfreakinbelievable!

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