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Prashad posted:

Keffer take a look at the social studies curriculum that all Pakistani students have to learn in schools. It is a hatred of Hinduism and India. The first muslims to come to India were not invaders but Arab traders who were allowed to build a mosque in Kerala by the Hindus. Pakistan is engaged in a strategy of death by a thousand cuts towards India. Pakistani school children are brainwashed into hatred of Hinduism and India. It is if their ancestors were never hindus. The Indian government needs to give Kashmiris the option of instant termination of their Indian citizenship and leave the country.

Prashad, stop writing such vile, unadulterated and unsubstantiated BS !! Don't you have latrines to clean for your masters ? HCI operates numerous schools for children of various ages across both India and Pakistan. I have personally visited many of them and I have never seen or heard of anything to support the garbage that you posted above ! During visits, we are  almost always accompanied by officials from the relevant government ministries because they are in better positions to explain changes and proposed plans which will require external funding.  I have always made it a part of my routine to chat with such people, teachers, students as well as local residents of the areas I visited and not once have I ever seen, heard or suspected that comes even remotely close to the blatant shyte that you wrote above ! Do you really think or believe that the education ministries in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka will allow such atrocities to be foisted on their peoples ? With every word that you post, you tell other participants here that you are nothing but a jackass and a foul, shameless liar ! Given that many of the educational programs that HCI and other non-profit humanitarian/developmental bodies implement and run in these countries are partially funded through the UN, only a jackass named Prashad can come up with such unadulterated nonsense !

In the interest of truth and objectivity, I challenge you to provide evidence to support the baseless shyte that you posted ! We know that you have never come even close to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka so let everyone see if you have the balls to buttress your shameless lies ! If you have nothing of significance or value to add to the discussion, I suggest you keep your foul mouth shut as tightly as possible and stick to cleaning US army latrines ! 

Last edited by Keffer

The soldier in question, trashing him is nothing new from the locals. On the government side, he will have to be interrogated and made some deal or given information the Pak-Military wanted that he may not disclose. He is a combatant out of his territory. He is not a tourist in Pakistan. You don't have to like Pakistanis to speak ill of their rights. I would definitely eliminate the religious base of this argument. 

Prashad posted:

Keffer take a look at the social studies curriculum that all Pakistani students have to learn in schools. It is a hatred of Hinduism and India. The first muslims to come to India were not invaders but Arab traders who were allowed to build a mosque in Kerala by the Hindus. Pakistan is engaged in a strategy of death by a thousand cuts towards India. Pakistani school children are brainwashed into hatred of Hinduism and India. It is if their ancestors were never hindus. The Indian government needs to give Kashmiris the option of instant termination of their Indian citizenship and leave the country.

Prashad, you cannot differentiate your ass from your elbow ! You have never, ever been anywhere outside of Guyana and the latrines on the army base that you clean; in short, you know shit ! Via HCI, I have access to the programs and curricula of schools for children up to the age of 15 in both India and Pakistan. Except for kindergarten application, most of these are reviewed and approved through the UN and are funded and administered through NGOs like HCI. You do not know shit about the process via which these programs are administered and implemented so I strongly suggest you cease and desist from speaking through your anus ! I have been to Pakistan and India many times and have dealt with educational programs for students of a variety of ages; always via the local government and education administrators. I have never, ever come across anything that resembles or is even remotely related to the trash that you wrote above ! You have never been outside of the latrines that your white masters make you clean from dawn to dusk but you suddenly know everything about Pakistan, don't you !! I have never ever seen anything to even weakly support the trash that you asserted about Pakistani children learning to hate Hindus and Hinduism in Pakistan so I can only conclude that is a bold-face lie ! I saw large mandirs and gurdwaras in Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and several other towns. You have never been in Pakistan or India, you can neither read, write or speak a word of Urdu or Hindi but you suddenly profess to know so much about children being  taught to hate Hindus !! Once again, I have to suggest to you that it is always better to keep your yap shut and let others believe you are a jackass than to open it and confirm their suspicion ! Furthermore, the first Muslims to arrive in India were not Arab traders. Stop posting rubbish from your dreams; the Mughals were the first and they did not arrive from the sea ! Despite the fact that you have never been to India, you seem to think you are an authority ! I have personally seen drainage and irrigation facilities which were put in place by the Mughals many centuries ago at various places on the Deccan plain to support agriculture and these are still functioning quite efficiently to this day. So what if one's ancestors were white, blue, brown or else ? What is the significance of that in the context of where people are located and earn their livelihoods ? The answer is NIL, you ignorant dingbat ! You keep hollering at the top of your voice about Hindus and Hinduism; how many Hindi words do you know ? I am willing to bet, that in this regard, you do not know your ass from your elbow !! Let us hear what or how much of a Hindu you are ! The reality is that you are nothing but a loudmouth !! There is not a Hindi book that I cannot read and there is not a Hindi word that I cannot write ... so shut your yap and go back to cleaning latrines for your masters !!



I have spoken to several people from the Sindh and they have told me the same thing.  The Sindh where Pakistani Hindus are mostly based has its own unique cultural identity.  A Sindh Muslim would view a Pakistani Sindh Hindu as closer to him than a Muslim who came to Pakistan from India to live. That person would be viewed as a Mujibar.

Prashad posted:

I have spoken to several people from the Sindh and they have told me the same thing.  The Sindh where Pakistani Hindus are mostly based has its own unique cultural identity.  A Sindh Muslim would view a Pakistani Sindh Hindu as closer to him than a Muslim who came to Pakistan from India to live. That person would be viewed as a Mujibar.

Total BS !! I have no care or interest in what you claim you have been told; your statement is total BS ! The trouble with you and a few others who consistently post rubbish here is that you are loaded with prejudice,  no doubt from your upbringing, so you come here and spew trash that is completely devoid of truth or reality ! To make matters worse, given that you have a significant language deficiency (Hindi and Urdu), you lack the decency and honesty of acknowledging your shortcoming so, to preserve your image/reputation, you often resort to posting lies and garbage !  If you truly wish to understand the issues and realities of life in the Indian sub-continent; and elsewhere for that matter, honesty and a reasonable level of comprehension of their culture, including religion, and their  political circumstances are essential. So to you and the other bigoted ignoramuses here, I say ... be honest and open about your humanity and lack of knowledge because each of us has a moral obligation to  treat all people, even strangers of different faiths and ethnicities with respect and tolerance as human beings ! 

Prashad posted:

I have spoken to several people from the Sindh and they have told me the same thing.  The Sindh where Pakistani Hindus are mostly based has its own unique cultural identity.  A Sindh Muslim would view a Pakistani Sindh Hindu as closer to him than a Muslim who came to Pakistan from India to live. That person would be viewed as a Mujibar.

Prashad, not only are you dunce and annoying; you are abysmally ignorant of just about every subject that you attempt to discuss ! There is no word like mujibar, you fugging dingbat ! It is downright stupid to attempt using words that you do not know/understand ! When India was partitioned in 1947, some people had no choice but to relocate. Such people had to literally travel to their new homes or places of residence; in other words they had to move from one place to another; they had to relocate; in practical terms they had to migrate. Such people were/are referred to as Muhajir; is that clear now enough for you ?

Last edited by Keffer

What the Pakistanis are doing is telling the Indian Kashmiris that they have no connection to India because they are white skin and Indians are black skin therefore they the Indian Kashmiris come from the Arabs. If the Pakis had known their real history then they would have known that when the Turkmongolians invaded India many of them would go to Kashmir and seek out the fairest Hindu girls and offer her parents payment in gold to marry her. Keffer is ashamed to be a brown man. It is like those North Sudanese Brown Arabs who would hide their black grandmothers in their homes when they are visited by Egyptians and Lebanese visitors. Prashad is proud to be a brown man.

Prashad posted:

What the Pakistanis are doing is telling the Indian Kashmiris that they have no connection to India because they are white skin and Indians are black skin therefore they the Indian Kashmiris come from the Arabs. If the Pakis had known their real history then they would have known that when the Turkmongolians invaded India many of them would go to Kashmir and seek out the fairest Hindu girls and offer her parents payment in gold to marry her. Keffer is ashamed to be a brown man. It is like those North Sudanese Brown Arabs who would hide their black grandmothers in their homes when they are visited by Egyptians and Lebanese visitors. Prashad is proud to be a brown man.

Prashad, despite being incapable to differentiate your ass from your elbow, you think you know everything about everything, don't you ! Where and when did Pakistan tell anyone about complexion, you dingbat ? Can you provide evidence to support your trash ? Since being allowed into the USA to clean latrines, you have never been anywhere so ....please do everyone a huge favour and restrict your activity here to reading. You should indeed be proud .... of being a loudmouth gadha !!

Leonora posted:

Keffer, on page 1 of this thread someone said most terrorists come from Pakistan. Before the Partition, everyone lived in harmony enjoying the different religions and cultures. After the Partition, Pakistan became the breeding ground of Terrorists. Do you agree?

I have always had great difficulty in defining 'terrorist' and I am certain that you have heard it said before that 'one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter'! Are the Americans, the British and their supporters terrorists for what they have perpetrated on numerous peoples, many of which were defenseless, across the world ? How many did the USA slaughter in Vietnam (which one of the most profound bigoted loudmouths at GNI was completely ignorant of !) all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did the USA and Britain kill in Iraq and how many trillions of dollars worth of Iraq's resources did they steal, all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did Britain kill in the Indian sub-continent, how many did they wipe out in the Falklands and even in little Grenada in the Caribbean; simply because they disapproved of what they perceived as Eric Gairy's relationship with Fidel Castro and Cuba ? Your question is a good one because it reminds me of a statement made by Stokely Carmichael who famously said some years ago 'there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood'. Based on that and the actions of the USA, Britain, France and a few others who have slaughtered and decimated hundreds of thousands of defenseless people, one can quickly and easily conclude that the USA and Americans are unquestionably the most notorious terrorists that humankind has known to date ! 

Last edited by Keffer

All of this crap stemmed from the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The Mujaheeden  could not have won without the American support.  Of course, Islamist are taking full credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union which is bull.  The US wanted revenge for their defeat in Vietnam, so they gave blindly all the support they could to the Islamists just to return the favor to the Soviet Union.  What happened in the aftermath of Soviet withdrawal is worse than what happened in Indo-China. These radicals turned Pakistan into a springboard of terrorism.  Terror struck Kashmir in 1990 and continues up until this day.  America, Russia, China, and India has a big job to rid the world of Islamic terror. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:

Keffer, on page 1 of this thread someone said most terrorists come from Pakistan. Before the Partition, everyone lived in harmony enjoying the different religions and cultures. After the Partition, Pakistan became the breeding ground of Terrorists. Do you agree?

I have always had great difficulty in defining 'terrorist' and I am certain that you have heard it said before that 'one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter'! 

So the terrorists who blew up the WTC were freedom fighters?  The terrorists who carried out the Bombay massacre were freedom fighters. 

Whose freedom were they fighting for?  The Bombay terrorists came from deep inside Pakistan, not Kashmir!

Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:

Keffer, on page 1 of this thread someone said most terrorists come from Pakistan. Before the Partition, everyone lived in harmony enjoying the different religions and cultures. After the Partition, Pakistan became the breeding ground of Terrorists. Do you agree?

I have always had great difficulty in defining 'terrorist' and I am certain that you have heard it said before that 'one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter'! Are the Americans, the British and their supporters terrorists for what they have perpetrated on numerous peoples, many of which were defenseless, across the world ? How many did the USA slaughter in Vietnam (which one of the most profound bigoted loudmouths at GNI was completely ignorant of !) all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did the USA and Britain kill in Iraq and how many trillions of dollars worth of Iraq's resources did they steal, all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did Britain kill in the Indian sub-continent, how many did they wipe out in the Falklands and even in little Grenada in the Caribbean; simply because they disapproved of what they perceived as Eric Gairy's relationship with Fidel Castro and Cuba ? Your question is a good one because it reminds me of a statement made by Stokely Carmichael who famously said some years ago 'there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood'. Based on that and the actions of the USA, Britain, France and a few others who have slaughtered and decimated hundreds of thousands of defenseless people, one can quickly and easily conclude that the USA and Americans are unquestionably the most notorious terrorists that humankind has known to date ! 

Good points, Keff.

Just a small observation: What Stokely said was a paraphrase of a verse in the Holy Bible, Hebrews 9:22. Secondly, regarding Grenada you actually mean Maurice Bishop, not that dingbat Eric Gairy.

Gilbakka posted:
Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:

Keffer, on page 1 of this thread someone said most terrorists come from Pakistan. Before the Partition, everyone lived in harmony enjoying the different religions and cultures. After the Partition, Pakistan became the breeding ground of Terrorists. Do you agree?

I have always had great difficulty in defining 'terrorist' and I am certain that you have heard it said before that 'one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter'! Are the Americans, the British and their supporters terrorists for what they have perpetrated on numerous peoples, many of which were defenseless, across the world ? How many did the USA slaughter in Vietnam (which one of the most profound bigoted loudmouths at GNI was completely ignorant of !) all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did the USA and Britain kill in Iraq and how many trillions of dollars worth of Iraq's resources did they steal, all on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did Britain kill in the Indian sub-continent, how many did they wipe out in the Falklands and even in little Grenada in the Caribbean; simply because they disapproved of what they perceived as Eric Gairy's relationship with Fidel Castro and Cuba ? Your question is a good one because it reminds me of a statement made by Stokely Carmichael who famously said some years ago 'there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood'. Based on that and the actions of the USA, Britain, France and a few others who have slaughtered and decimated hundreds of thousands of defenseless people, one can quickly and easily conclude that the USA and Americans are unquestionably the most notorious terrorists that humankind has known to date ! 

Good points, Keff.

Just a small observation: What Stokely said was a paraphrase of a verse in the Holy Bible, Hebrews 9:22. Secondly, regarding Grenada you actually mean Maurice Bishop, not that dingbat Eric Gairy.

Many thanks; you are correct about it being Bishop and not Gairy.

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Never trust a Fullahman!!

Shut yuh poke. 

Leave him alone to wallow in his ignorance, bigotry and woeful lack of humanity; One is left to wonder what values and principles such morons impart to their children !  

How about the questions I posed above?  Whose freedom were they fighting for?

Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Oh wow ! The most famous latrine cleaner in the US army is providing his superiors with important and invaluable advice !! We should all be very  impressed with his knowledge, skill and oratory, shouldn't we .... despite the fact that, apart from Guyana, he has never, ever set foot in another country !! Hip, Hip, Hip ...Cheers for the US Army's numero uno  latrine cleaner !!!  

Last edited by Keffer
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Prashad, at some point, in 15 or 20 years down the road maybe, you will grow up and hopefully a few individuals, digbats like yourself, might  take you seriously. Until then, I strongly suggest you keep your yap shut as tightly as you can because your contribution to discussions such as this one are of no value or interest to anyone .... run along and play with yourself !! If you wish to indulge in bigotry, I suggest you get together with the likes of Yuji, Baseman and others of that puerile mindset. 

Last edited by Keffer
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Stop writing rubbish, you ignorant jackass ! My travels to countries outside of Canada have to do solely with the work of Human Concern International, a charitable humanitarian organization that was registered under the laws of Canada since 1979. That is probably much too difficult for an uneducated dingbat latrine cleaner to understand but it is 100% factual. Now that you have posted something, run along and continue playing with yourself, you imbecile !!   

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Stop writing rubbish, you ignorant jackass ! My travels to countries outside of Canada have to do solely with the work of Human Concern International, a charitable humanitarian organization that was registered under the laws of Canada since 1979. That is probably much too difficult for an uneducated dingbat latrine cleaner to understand but it is 100% factual. Now that you have posted something, run along and continue playing with yourself, you imbecile !!   

Did you know and worked with Omar Khadr's dad Ahmed?

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Factual indeed ! The US army must be in total dis-array and should be advised to immediately promote you from your existing latrine cleaner role to their primary military and political adviser and strategist !!       Oh yes,  indeed I do have contacts in the Pakistan army. I really should take you along with me on my next  Pakistan trip; the only difficulty is that PIA does not allow gadha in the passenger areas of their aircraft !

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Factual indeed ! The US army must be in total dis-array and should be advised to immediately promote you from your existing latrine cleaner role to their primary military and political adviser and strategist !! 

Kef did you ever work for "Blessed Relief" ?. 

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Factual indeed ! The US army must be in total dis-array and should be advised to immediately promote you from your existing latrine cleaner role to their primary military and political adviser and strategist !! 

Kef did you ever work for "Blessed Relief" ?. 

No Prash, I never even heard of them. My career has been primarily in banking. I joined Royal Bank in Guyana many years ago at the main branch at Water Street in Georgetown. I subsequently had assignments in several branches in the city before being moved to Linden and then to New Amsterdam as manager of the bank's 'Berbice operation'. After almost four years in that role, I was moved to Barbados to head up the internal audit function for RBC's Eastern Caribbean division and therefore, with a small team of support staff, had to do internal reviews and audits of all the branches in the Caribbean. During that period of time, the political and economic situations in Guyana worsened significantly (the Burnham years) so I headed out to Canada. I completed my education in business, accounting and audit and re-joined RBC in Toronto. As you know, I am now retired and spend a good part of my time doing the work of Human Concern International; a registered Canadian charity that does humanitarian work in a number of countries, e.g India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Guyana, etc. I was chairman of the board of directors of HCI for four years. Quite a bit of the work that HCI does is under the auspices of the United Nations so I have done quite a lot of travel to view and confirm  conditions, ascertain needs and implement a wide range of HCI relief and educational programs. It is interesting but sometimes quite painful to see the severity of human suffering; much of which I know can be minimized or sometimes prevented completely if politics is not allowed to get in the way.  

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Factual indeed ! The US army must be in total dis-array and should be advised to immediately promote you from your existing latrine cleaner role to their primary military and political adviser and strategist !! 

Kef did you ever work for "Blessed Relief" ?. 

No Prash, I never even heard of them. My career has been primarily in banking. I joined Royal Bank in Guyana many years ago at the main branch at Water Street in Georgetown. I subsequently had assignments in several branches in the city before being moved to Linden and then to New Amsterdam as manager of the bank's 'Berbice operation'. After almost four years in that role, I was moved to Barbados to head up the internal audit function for RBC's Eastern Caribbean division and therefore, with a small team of support staff, had to do internal reviews and audits of all the branches in the Caribbean. During that period of time, the political and economic situations in Guyana worsened significantly (the Burnham years) so I headed out to Canada. I completed my education in business, accounting and audit and re-joined RBC in Toronto. As you know, I am now retired and spend a good part of my time doing the work of Human Concern International; a registered Canadian charity that does humanitarian work in a number of countries, e.g India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Guyana, etc. I was chairman of the board of directors of HCI for four years. Quite a bit of the work that HCI does is under the auspices of the United Nations so I have done quite a lot of travel to view and confirm  conditions, ascertain needs and implement a wide range of HCI relief and educational programs. It is interesting but sometimes quite painful to see the severity of human suffering; much of which I know can be minimized or sometimes prevented completely if politics is not allowed to get in the way.  

Keffer take it easy before you get high blood pressure. I am just kidding with you.


Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

The US made a massive blunder in Afghanistan with the Soviets. Clinton and Bush Jr continued to make blunders by taking advice from an ISI mole planted in the CIA. The result is now Pakistan has over 100 F16 multirole fighter planes in addition to the latest Chinese fighter and bomber plane technology. Keffer has contacts within the Pakistan Army hence the ISI so I guess he likes what is going on in Indian kashmir.

Stop writing rubbish, you ignorant jackass ! My travels to countries outside of Canada have to do solely with the work of Human Concern International, a charitable humanitarian organization that was registered under the laws of Canada since 1979. That is probably much too difficult for an uneducated dingbat latrine cleaner to understand but it is 100% factual. Now that you have posted something, run along and continue playing with yourself, you imbecile !!   

Did you know and worked with Omar Khadr's dad Ahmed?

No, I never met or knew him.


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