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Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Keffer no one is talking about HCI or other NGOs I am talking about the deliberate brainwashing of young students by the state to hate hindus and India. So when they are adults they are boiling with hate.

My advice to you has always been: When you are unfamiliar with a subject, keep your big mouth shut ! You make statements that you are completely incapable of supporting or justifying; exactly like your deceitful, ignorant friend who tells us that he was in India for many years but appears to know next to nothing except for his blind hatred of Muslims ! !

Ohh don't blow a fuse.  I never said "many", I said several!

My observation, many Muslims in India are peaceful and open minded.  I saw Muslims sat at Pujas and listened attentively!  Muslims in India are also very respectful of Hindu holidays!  But there are those like you too!

Furthermore, I met Muslims from Pakistan who came to India for meetings and they are moderate and open.  What struck me, they brought lists from their wives of items to purchase.  The # 1 on their list were Bollywood movies!

The Wahabs messed up Islam and the Islamic world!  You are possessed by Wahab hatred!  You need to attend a Maha Kali temple and get that wicked demon exorcised!

What about me ? Do you think you are more familiar with the history of India than I am ? Is there any Hindi book that you can read and I cannot ? Is there any Hindi word that you can write and I cannot ? If you wish to challenge me, put your money where your bigoted foul mouth is ! Let everyone see how much balls you really do have !          You evidently think you do yourself a favor by mentioning 'Wahabs'; tell us what the word 'Wahabs' means and how the 'Wahabs' 'messed up Islam' ! Spit it out; let everyone benefit from the vast knowledge and wisdom of GNI's  most prominent and knowledgeable bigot ! Share your knowledge and wisdom with us; the uneducated plebes ! Ask the cultural attache in the Indian High Commission in Guyana which student beat the shit out of all the learned pandits and Gurus at the Hindi exams; levels 1, 2, and 3 ! 

People who are looong winded over a simple question are avoiding the question.  Here you go.....again;

- Whose freedom were the 9/11 and Bombay terrorists fighting for?

I don’t need a dissertation of 700 years of history!

Bigots like you are in dire need of education so it becomes necessary to provide details when writing to you ! If you have limited understanding of English; say so I will be glad to write to you in Hindi; if you can read, write and understand that. In virtually everything you post one can sense your bigotry ! Since it would be completely inappropriate for me to ask you to account for the numerous acts of burning, maiming, killing and destruction that were carried out by Hindus against other peoples in India, why ask me to account for indiscretions which were committed on 9/11 and other places ? Is there no limit to your bigotry or are you really stupid ? Why ask me about the actions objectives of the people who carried out acts of terror ? Did I tell you that I agree or support for their actions ? You are quite evidently far more ignorant that I originally thought and, added to that, you are in dire need of some lessons in history ! With respect to your question; how, why and when did I become accountable for the actions of others ? Are you really that dumb or is it a case of your bigotry being so entrenched that you no longer have the capability of thinking rationally ?

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Keffer no one is talking about HCI or other NGOs I am talking about the deliberate brainwashing of young students by the state to hate hindus and India. So when they are adults they are boiling with hate.

My advice to you has always been: When you are unfamiliar with a subject, keep your big mouth shut ! You make statements that you are completely incapable of supporting or justifying; exactly like your deceitful, ignorant friend who tells us that he was in India for many years but appears to know next to nothing except for his blind hatred of Muslims ! !

Ohh don't blow a fuse.  I never said "many", I said several!

My observation, many Muslims in India are peaceful and open minded.  I saw Muslims sat at Pujas and listened attentively!  Muslims in India are also very respectful of Hindu holidays!  But there are those like you too!

Furthermore, I met Muslims from Pakistan who came to India for meetings and they are moderate and open.  What struck me, they brought lists from their wives of items to purchase.  The # 1 on their list were Bollywood movies!

The Wahabs messed up Islam and the Islamic world!  You are possessed by Wahab hatred!  You need to attend a Maha Kali temple and get that wicked demon exorcised!

What about me ? Do you think you are more familiar with the history of India than I am ? Is there any Hindi book that you can read and I cannot ? Is there any Hindi word that you can write and I cannot ? If you wish to challenge me, put your money where your bigoted foul mouth is ! Let everyone see how much balls you really do have !          You evidently think you do yourself a favor by mentioning 'Wahabs'; tell us what the word 'Wahabs' means and how the 'Wahabs' 'messed up Islam' ! Spit it out; let everyone benefit from the vast knowledge and wisdom of GNI's  most prominent and knowledgeable bigot ! Share your knowledge and wisdom with us; the uneducated plebes ! Ask the cultural attache in the Indian High Commission in Guyana which student beat the shit out of all the learned pandits and Gurus at the Hindi exams; levels 1, 2, and 3 ! 

People who are looong winded over a simple question are avoiding the question.  Here you go.....again;

- Whose freedom were the 9/11 and Bombay terrorists fighting for?

I don’t need a dissertation of 700 years of history!

Bigots like you are in dire need of education so it becomes necessary to provide details when writing to you ! If you have limited understanding of English; say so I will be glad to write to you in Hindi; if you can read, write and understand that. In virtually everything you post one can sense your bigotry ! Since it would be completely inappropriate for me to ask you to account for the numerous acts of burning, maiming, killing and destruction that were carried out by Hindus against other peoples in India, why ask me to account for indiscretions which were committed on 9/11 and other places ? Is there no limit to your bigotry or are you really stupid ? Why ask me about the actions objectives of the people who carried out acts of terror ? Did I tell you that I agree or support for their actions ? You are quite evidently far more ignorant that I originally thought and, added to that, you are in dire need of some lessons in history ! With respect to your question; how, why and when did I become accountable for the actions of others ? Are you really that dumb or is it a case of your bigotry being so entrenched that you no longer have the capability of thinking rationally ?

Ok.  Whose freedom were the fighting for?


The Qur'an states, "an do not let the hatred of others to you cause you to be unjust". It also states that "fight with those who fight with you but do not exceed your limit". There is no shame in people defending themselves or even engaging others as they seek a resolution to their grievances. However, their actions become illegal if they extend to those innocent of those disputes. I don't know or can't remember much about the Bombay bombing so I will refrain from commenting on that. Regarding nine eleven, it had nothing to do about fighting for any kind of freedom. According to the reports, Bin Laden did not take lightly to the US being in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war so he planned and executed the attacks in 2001. No one should blame the US if another country will allow them to strut their stuff in that country. He should have voiced his opposition with Saudi Arabia and not with the US. The US is not fair with how they deal with the Israel/Palestinian issue so opposition directed at the US is fair game on that but Bin Laden never claimed to be fighting for Palestinian rights.

ksazma posted:

The Qur'an states, "an do not let the hatred of others to you cause you to be unjust". It also states that "fight with those who fight with you but do not exceed your limit". There is no shame in people defending themselves or even engaging others as they seek a resolution to their grievances. However, their actions become illegal if they extend to those innocent of those disputes. I don't know or can't remember much about the Bombay bombing so I will refrain from commenting on that. Regarding nine eleven, it had nothing to do about fighting for any kind of freedom. According to the reports, Bin Laden did not take lightly to the US being in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war so he planned and executed the attacks in 2001. No one should blame the US if another country will allow them to strut their stuff in that country. He should have voiced his opposition with Saudi Arabia and not with the US. The US is not fair with how they deal with the Israel/Palestinian issue so opposition directed at the US is fair game on that but Bin Laden never claimed to be fighting for Palestinian rights.

Kudos brother.

Prashad posted:

Keffer take a look at the social studies curriculum that all Pakistani students have to learn in schools. It is a hatred of Hinduism and India. The first muslims to come to India were not invaders but Arab traders who were allowed to build a mosque in Kerala by the Hindus. Pakistan is engaged in a strategy of death by a thousand cuts towards India. Pakistani school children are brainwashed into hatred of Hinduism and India. It is if their ancestors were never hindus. The Indian government needs to give Kashmiris the option of instant termination of their Indian citizenship and leave the country.

Prashad, you really need to focus on your latrine-cleaning routine because you have no other knowledge or skills ! Furthermore, stop posting such unadulterated trash ! Your insinuation that Human Concern International promotes hatred for Hindus/Hinduism is noting but a figment of your under-developed, diseased brain ! It is easy for you, or anyone for that matter, to make accusations but, as they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating; most certainly NOT in latrine cleaning and maintenance, you dumb-ass ! What do you know about the curriculum of any Pakistani school ? You have never been there and you know absolutely NOTHING of what is taught in schools there so, once again, my advice to you is stop speaking through your anus ! Human Concern International has been working in close relationships with several departments of the United Nations in a variety of areas and in several countries since 1979; only an ignorant shit-brained, latrine-cleaner named Prashad, who has never been anywhere since the USA rescued his sorry ass from Guyana, would be stupid and ignorant enough to make such an asinine accusation ! I challenge you here and now; provide evidence to support your statement or tuck your mouth in your backside and run away !

HCI is presently working in 15 countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Syria, Palestine and several others, including Guyana, you dumb-ass ! This organization has ignoramus and it has never, ever been reprimanded by any department of the United Nations or any foreign government, you shit-head ! Prove me wrong by providing  evidence that contradicts my statement ! With respect to the curriculum of Pakistani schools, I challenge you to show one iota of evidence that they foster hatred towards Indians or Hindus ! For the benefit of your diseased  brain nad warped thinking is a Canadian organization and all aspects of its activities and programs, local as well as external, are subject to audit by  the Canadian government. Not once has there ever been any sanctions or reprimand for the work that it does or has done ! Because of HCI's relationship with the United Nation and periodic fiscal support that it has received from that body, financial as well as other support from local organizations has been increasing annually ! For your information, I have visited numerous schools in Pakistan and not once; repeat ...not once have I ever seen any evidence of hate or antagonism with respect to India. Remember, Prashad, that is always advisable to shut your mouth and let others think you are a jackass than to open it and remove all doubt !

Last edited by Keffer
ksazma posted:

The Qur'an states, "an do not let the hatred of others to you cause you to be unjust". It also states that "fight with those who fight with you but do not exceed your limit". There is no shame in people defending themselves or even engaging others as they seek a resolution to their grievances. However, their actions become illegal if they extend to those innocent of those disputes. I don't know or can't remember much about the Bombay bombing so I will refrain from commenting on that. Regarding nine eleven, it had nothing to do about fighting for any kind of freedom. According to the reports, Bin Laden did not take lightly to the US being in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war so he planned and executed the attacks in 2001. No one should blame the US if another country will allow them to strut their stuff in that country. He should have voiced his opposition with Saudi Arabia and not with the US. The US is not fair with how they deal with the Israel/Palestinian issue so opposition directed at the US is fair game on that but Bin Laden never claimed to be fighting for Palestinian rights.

I sympathize with the Palestinians!

Leonora posted:

Keffer, on page 1 of this thread someone said most terrorists come from Pakistan. Before the Partition, everyone lived in harmony enjoying the different religions and cultures. After the Partition, Pakistan became the breeding ground of Terrorists. Do you agree?

In my opinion there is more than enough blame to be allocated to each of these two nations. With respect to β€˜breeding ground for terrorists’, I believe both should have exercised far greater care and vigilance; particularly since they each possess nuclear weapons and nuclear technology. 


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