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hi Lynn, Guyana has some really scenic places. i heard much about Leguan but never visited. we lived a very sheltered life in Guyana, from home to school and church, occasionally parents took us to visit grandparents and attend faraway weddings. then we migrated in the 70s. maybe when i retire i'll go occasionally to see all the places we never saw if crime eases up

@Former Member posted:

hi Lynn, Guyana has some really scenic places. i heard much about Leguan but never visited. we lived a very sheltered life in Guyana, from home to school and church, occasionally parents took us to visit grandparents and attend faraway weddings. then we migrated in the 70s. maybe when i retire i'll go occasionally to see all the places we never saw if crime eases up

He Prezzo..

Yeah…i was sheltered too..just to school n back  home (n also to the backdam.)

I went to GT 3 times before I left high sc ;;once in 1966 whn i was 5 yrs old, my parents went to visit with an aunt n her fam who were migrating to Canada. Then again in 1969 whn my dad was in public hospital..then in 1970 or 71 on a sch tour(primary) to Museum, Pegasus n Promenade Gdn.  

After high sch i move to GT n taught for a yr then started UG.  After I graduated i was working with MOH  n my job took me all (almost) over GY but I  Never went to Bartica, Hogg Island, Fort Is nor Wakenaam ,( although I did go to Wakenaam on a sch trip whn I was in 5th form..but it was an overnight trip n i wasnt allowed to stay overnight , thus alli had was the baot ride n the bus ride up to the high sch..i had my late lunch n it was time to travel back ..)

my mom was born in Wakenaam n i went once with her to visit my mamoo who lived in a low-jee buti was maybe 4 yrs old n my memory is very vague.

Myjob took me to places ona month basis for 8 yrs..Linden, Wismar, Ituni , Kwakwani, all over  Berbice from NA to CWC including BBP n Canje.  All over GT, East Bank..up to Soesdyke, East coast all d way to Mahaica, West Caost from VH to Parika n also WEst bank, Esseq coast from Supenaam to Charity.   I was blessed to get such great opportunity to see many many places in GY thru my job!!

  I did visit my GF family in Pomeroon in 1980 n few relatives Esseq  coast as my didi was teaching there in the 70’s n took me twice ..also i did a short stint at Suddie hospital in 1980.

Being the baby in the family (spoilt) my maa didnt let-me out of her 3older sisters were allowed to travel n visit family n friends but I had to stay at home..!!

@Former Member posted:

hi Lynn, Guyana has some really scenic places. i heard much about Leguan but never visited. we lived a very sheltered life in Guyana, from home to school and church, occasionally parents took us to visit grandparents and attend faraway weddings. then we migrated in the 70s. maybe when i retire i'll go occasionally to see all the places we never saw if crime eases up

Youtube has some nice videos on Leguan n Wakenaam!  N many other i take β€˜trips’ with these videos. Nostalgic!!

Last edited by Lynn

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