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seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana days were always dark. It all started when D'Augiar conceived the idea to keep Indians down. 

Black people are good good people, they easily get persuaded though. They look up to white values and the Putagees had them with lies.

Shut your lying rass

A "Putagee" man deflowered the Indian girl he was supposed to marry and left him heartbroken.

Typical of *****h blood, yuh gotta bring our wimen folk into the discussion. Yuh just like a monkey-imitator.

Another racist moron who thinks that anyone who opposes the PPP has to be black. Nice words you're using there to display your hatred of black people. And folk like you have to nerve to call religious. Do you even understand what it takes to act like a Christian? Repent you wicked ole man as your time on this earth is not unlimited. 

I am not a Christian. I fear God and He says many things about fools. Yet I must refrain from calling u so. Black people razz seys dispicable things about Indians. Duh fuh duh nah obeah. Bare yuh chafe and doan bring we wimen in the disagreement. That trait shows up as Redux.

You will know when I gone home. My posting will stop. But doan hold ur breadth. Ur one trane of thought has always been about ole people. I am not old. I could still slap yuh skont. 


You're right that you are not a Christian. Living the Christian way means that you have to love your neighbor. You have nothing but race hate in your heart for people who are not like you. Why would you curse me about n1ggah blood and behaving like a monkey? I understand that's how you feel about blacks but that has nothing to do with me.

I just love how you think that you could just go around slapping people without any repercussions. First of all, it is highly unlikely that I would ever find myself in the company of a moron like you. Added to that, you have at least a good fifteen years on me. Do you really think that I'd just stand idly by and let you slap me? I'd just have to give you a good push and your old ass would be on the ground.  

seignet posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Had D'aguiar got into office it is possible the country would be prospering, many of us would have stayed and made a life there but unfortunately the man was too intelligent for the backward Guyanese, he did not stand a chance for there were many. 

This I agree, both PNC and PPP ruined the country with their support of communism. 

Guyana going through growing pains. The putagees never consider Guyana as a country. They were in it for the profits. They been stealing from the emancipated Africans for generations.

I am so glad you speak for the Putagees, they never consider Guyana as a country, hmmmm. I have already said in another thread, the Putagees would have stayed as well as others who left Guyana to better themselves. We know nothing of being "Portuguese" far as I know, we were all Guyanese. Now you got that in your craw tell me something, (I am not asking about the entire race just the backward ones, some of you on the forum know who you are)

How about the coolies who place India before Guyana?

How about the backward coolies who's mindset is stuck in a backward country (India) they have never seen and will never see?

How about the racist Indians who can never come to terms they are living in a country with five other races?

How about the backward racist coolies who hate others of their own race because of their religious beliefs?

For a country to be progressive, it has to have an entrenched national spirit. We never had that, never in our history.

I do not know how old u r.

AS early as 1950, Peter D'Aguair took a stance against nationalism. He undermined it in all forms. He worked for the CIA. and that is what the CIA does best, erode nationalism. He had the logistics carry out the CIA agenda. There were film shows, printed pamphlets and ll manner of written material. Every weekend

the trucks would rolled into villages and disiminate propaganda.

D'Auguiar needed to engage the Indian voters, but instead he consider them stupid.

There is more that could be told. 

I have a personal feeling that white people can build any country wherever they live. However, the putagees and Janet Jagan was a disappointment. They fail the country. Besides, the leadership of the putagees were never of the political persuasion, business was their main goal. They wrecked the ventures of the blacks at Stabroek market. Further raided the farms forcing them to stop farming. Not to mention the forcing out of Blacks from the trading businesses.

These are not to cast blames, but it is what was has happened. And from the 50's onwards the putagee sought to bring the Amerindians into their camp of supremacy. This catholic community felt taht hinduism and communism were pagan.

Nationalism embraces all. For the putagees, influence was important to correct pair of ears.

Guyana needs to build on nationalism. People must know there is a common thread regardless of race, color or creed. No leader past or present understands that value of nation building.



D'Aguiar was fighting against the spread of Communism, nothing to do with Nationalism. He was working with the Americans and the PPP were with the Russians. It was in the midst of the Cold War and the Americans were trying to prevent BG from falling to the Russians. It turned out that he was correct as the country fell apart after Burnham and Cheddi kicked out the British and the Americans and tried to instill their brand of Communism.

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Had D'aguiar got into office it is possible the country would be prospering, many of us would have stayed and made a life there but unfortunately the man was too intelligent for the backward Guyanese, he did not stand a chance for there were many. 

This I agree, both PNC and PPP ruined the country with their support of communism. 

Guyana going through growing pains. The putagees never consider Guyana as a country. They were in it for the profits. They been stealing from the emancipated Africans for generations.

They came before Indians, poor, impoverished and contracted to the land as any. Their early entrance give them a chance to complete their indentureship and go on their own. These were not an underclass as those from India. These were free and and hardy trades people; most educated and can read and write but who suffered misfortune in Maderia.

They therefore took advantage of the opportunity to become the merchant class when their contracts came to an end.  It was a natural niche. No one begrudge Indians who did the something in some numbers after their contract period. I am truly disgusted with everyone claiming to be the most victimized. Everyone suffered.

I also do not know where or how you came to the conclusion that Portuguese never considered Guyana a country. I wished we had as many come in as Indians and we would have had a better chance and be in a better place than we are in now with the constant bickering  tribes of Indians and Africans. We are in the hole we are in because of these endless quarrels.

History records a different story AND IT DEPENDS HOW ONE READS IT. 

From your posts it seems you may have a reading deficiency.

cain posted:

Siggy must have quite a long nose with the lies that guy comes up with.

Cain, observations and personal opinions do not constitute lies. Siggy is a good man. It's just that his political beliefs do not concur with yours. 

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Siggy must have quite a long nose with the lies that guy comes up with.

Cain, observations and personal opinions do not constitute lies. Siggy is a good man. It's just that his political beliefs do not concur with yours. 

"personal opinions do not constitute lies."

It sure does.


Here is my personal opinion. Burnham was the best thing since sliced bread.

True or not?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Siggy must have quite a long nose with the lies that guy comes up with.

Cain, observations and personal opinions do not constitute lies. Siggy is a good man. It's just that his political beliefs do not concur with yours. 

"personal opinions do not constitute lies."

It sure does.


Here is my personal opinion. Burnham was the best thing since sliced bread.

True or not?

For you and many of his admirers, this is the truth. For most of the world he was a brutal dictator.


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