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Originally Posted by asj:

 Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds of thousands  and pose a threat to all Guyanese.


Slowly the aged are dying off in Guyana, whils't this Corrupt PPP/C government does not have a clue.

This should read that slowly, the Corrupt PPP/C who is clueless, is killing of the those elderly citizens (their own supporters) who is too feeble to fight this sickness with the diabetes and now chikungunya.


Clueless PPP/C


Mother, unborn baby die at GPHC – Relatives say doctors erred β€˜big time’

September 8, 2014 8:05 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By: Leroy Smith

Dead: Evita Singh

Dead: Evita Singh

[] – Evita Singh, a mother of two, died early yesterday morning, two days after her unborn child died inside her while she was a maternity patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

iNews in an interview with the dead woman’s relatives on Sunday learnt that the 34 – year – old went into the hospital on Monday last and by Wednesday she had started experiencing problems while in the care of doctors at the institution.

The woman who was not ready to deliver, according to relatives, was being treated at the hospital for the symptoms of the Chikungunya Virus.

Relatives told iNews that the woman died as a result of severe internal bleeding brought on by six Cytotec pills which were inserted into her to induce labour even though she did not indicate that she was having labour pains.

It was reported by relatives that the dosage which were administered to the woman was way above the normal amount and according to persons who are familiar with the use of the pill which is also administered to animals, six pills are not even administered to an animal under no circumstances.

The pills reportedly caused the woman to bleed internally and burst the baby’s head and her internal organs. Her uterus was reportedly split into half; relatives say they were told by at least one doctor.

iNews was told that a health worker who was in the room between Thursday night and Friday morning when the woman began experiencing severe discomfort told relatives that the pills were given to the woman for her to deliver so that they can treat her for the Chikungunya Virus.

They said that the pills were administered because the doctors were not willing to perform a C-Section on the woman although they knew she did not have enough passage for the baby.

β€œDoctors were not willing to do a C-Section and when they finally realized that the woman was still having a hard time after they administered the pills they decided to cut her. But by that time, when the woman was taken to the operation room she could not be operated on since someone was already in the room and on the machine,” iNews was told.

Doctors reportedly told relatives that they realized that the baby’s heart rate had dropped but there was nothing that they could have done since they had to get the machine to operate on her and remove the child. They had to wait fifteen minutes and by that time the child was believed to have already died inside the woman.

Family members are not taking the death lightly since according to them they have evidence and witnesses who can prove that doctors were misleading them on the condition of the woman and the events leading up to her death.

They told iNews that one doctor who telephoned them on Friday morning when the woman went into her distress informed them that β€œtheir relative loose her baby because of carelessness and laziness;” pointing to the failure and reluctance of the workers on shift at the time to have the woman do a C-T scan.


Guyana has highest suicide rate globally – WHO

September 4, 2014 2:01 pmCategory: CrimeA+ / A-



[] –


The World Health Organisation (WHO) in its first global report on suicide prevention revealed that Guyana is the country with the highest estimated suicide rate for 2012 globally with Suriname ranking as the sixth highest.

According to the report, β€œSuicide rates in this Region show a first peak among the young, remain at the same level for other age groups and rise again in elderly men. In high-income countries, hanging accounts for 50% of suicides, and firearms are the second most common method, accounting for 18% of suicides.”

The WHO further noted that the relatively high proportion of suicides by firearms in high-income countries is primarily driven by high-income countries in the Americas where firearms account for 46% of all suicides; in other high-income countries firearms account for only 4.5% of all suicides.

The report noted that more than 800, 000 people die by suicide every year – around one person every 40 seconds. Some 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Pesticide poisoning, hanging and firearms are among the most common methods of suicide globally. Evidence from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States and a number of European countries reveals that limiting access to these means can help prevent people dying by suicide.

The report noted that another key to reducing deaths by suicide is a commitment by national governments to the establishment and implementation of a coordinated plan of action.

Currently, only 28 countries are known to have national suicide prevention strategies. Globally, suicide rates are highest in people aged 70 years and over.

In some countries, however, the highest rates are found among the young. Notably, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year-olds globally.

β€œThis report is a call for action to address a large public health problem which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long” said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO.

According to the report, generally, more men die by suicide than women. In richer countries, three times as many men die by suicide than women. Men aged 50 years and over are particularly vulnerable.

Govt scraps Specialty Hospital contract with Surendra Engineering citing alleged fraud, lack of accountability

The Guyana government on Tuesday announced that it has scrapped the contract with an Indian company, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), to build the Specialty Hospital at Liliendaal after that...

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The Guyana government on Tuesday announced that it has scrapped the contract with an Indian company, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), to build the Specialty Hospital at Liliendaal after that company allegedly failed to account for public funds and allegedly engaged in fraud.
Demerara Waves Online News was told that the company has already drawn down US$3,636,000 as a mobilization advance. India has provided a US$18 million line of credit to construct the facility that has failed to gain support from Guyana’s opposition for, among other reasons, SECL’s track record in building Specialty Hospital compared to another bidder, Fedders Lloyd that was unsuccessful.
In a statement, the Guyana government The Government of Guyana said it has written SECL β€œabout its deep concerns about its execution of the contract for the design and construction of the Specialty Hospital.”
Despite publicly advocating the merits of the project and continuing to lambaste the opposition for its non-support, the Donald Ramotar administration broke its silence and said that its own concerns date back to June of this year. β€œSince late June 2014, the Government of Guyana had been engaging SECL on a number of issues regarding allegation of fraud and financial irregularities.”
Government said that initially, the Government’s concerns related to delayed milestones and inadequate accountability by SECL for public funds the company had received on signing the contract with the Ministry of Health.
But subsequently, the Government of Guyana said it discovered that SECL’s representative in Guyana had allegedly submitted a fraudulent document purporting to emanate from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.
Since the allegedly fraudulent Act by SECL was confirmed by the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago, the Government said it has written SECL informing the Company of its intention to terminate the contract, pursue legal action against the company for alleged fraud and recover public funds from SECL for which it has allegedly failed to account fully.


Aussie mining company calls out Guyana government on bribes


Stagnant water increases Chikungunya virus concerns in Region Three

September 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

 β€“ Region benefiting from training to tackle health challenge

Stagnant water at the Vreed-en-Hoop junction is a cause for concern for persons

A child is seen manoeuvering the flooded section of the Vreed-en-Hoop junction.

A child is seen manoeuvering the flooded section of the Vreed-en-Hoop junction.

living in the Region Three area. This is due to the fact that the water stinks and pedestrians are sometimes forced to walk closer to the middle of the thoroughfare to get about their business.
This is particularly in light of the fact that Guyana is battling to reduce the prevalence of the Chikungunya virus which was first detected in Guyana in May. The virus is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which easily breeds in stagnant water.  Like many other parts of the country, there have been many clinical cases of the virus reported in the Region Three locale, and Alliance for Change (AFC), Region Three Councillor, Harry Narine Deokinanan is adamant that the situation at the junction is doing nothing to help improve the prevailing Chikungunya situation.
Deokinanan, who has in recent times taken a proactive stance to ensure that value for money is had in the Region, informed this publication that it was a few months ago that he brought the situation to the attention of the Best/Klien/Pouderoyen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC). The NDC, he noted, has responsibility for the Vreed-en-Hoop junction and should have long addressed the situation even before reports surfaced of the mosquito-borne virus.
β€œThe situation that obtains is that there is an indentation at a section of the junction which results in water accumulating for prolonged periods every time it rains. There is no proper drainage, therefore, when the rain falls the water floods the road and people walk onto the road and this even causes traffic congestion at the busy junction,” informed the AFC Councillor.
Director of the Ministry of Health’s Vector Control Services Unit, Dr. Reyaud Rahman in an invited comment yesterday said that β€œstagnant water is and will continue to be a breeding site for mosquitoes that transmit disease.” It is for this reason, he said, that persons are constantly advised to eradicate such sites to ease the disease burden.
Currently, the Director and other officials of the Vector Control Unit are facilitating training for environmental officers in Region Three to put them in a better position to tackle the Chikungunya virus. And according to Dr. Rahman, efforts will be made to encourage regional officials to address the stagnant flood water situation.
Meanwhile, another evident challenge at the same junction is what has been described as an inoperable traffic lights system which was installed a few years ago. While the lights worked well for a period, they have been continuously flashing red for a prolonged period. And the absence of the fully functioning lights has been particularly upsetting to a number of motorists who are required to traverse that section of the roadway during the congested periods of the morning.
In fact, it was the state of congestion that forced police ranks from the Vreed-en-hoop Police Station to direct traffic at the junction in order to ensure that there is free flow.
However, the efforts at ensuring this free flow is however at times affected by the large puddle created by the accumulated water at the junction as pedestrians and motorists, at times, struggle to use the same section of the roadway.
The traffic light dilemma is one that was raised during a recent Regional Democratic Council meeting by Deokinanan, who was promptly informed that the fact that the lights are flashing red suggest that they are working.  This, according to the AFC Councillor, suggests that the administration of the Region has no intention of taking the necessary actions to ensure that the traffic lights work effectively.


Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

Originally Posted by asj:

Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

The above enumeration makes no difference come election time. After the elections, Jalil will run and hide behind Kwame and Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

The above enumeration makes no difference come election time. After the elections, Jalil will run and hide behind Kwame and Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery

Skellydon Man, you mean you and the PPP are advocate of Kwame and BeeTee action?  Shame on Mr Bharat Kwame.


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