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Will the Honchos within the PPP/C tells us of fraud uncover at the Herstelling NDC and how many millions were missing?


Will the Honchos within the PPP/C tells us of fraud uncover at he Peter's Hall NDC and how many milliions were missing?


And so this is just an example of some of the corruptions that are being perpetrated, and the villages are stifled for cash. NO GARBAGES ARE COLLECTED, DRAINS ARE LEFT TO BE INFESTED WITH MOSQUITOES, THE VILLAGE ROADS ARE LIKE THE ATLANTIC OCEAN WHEN RAIN FALLS, THE VILLAGE PLAYFIELD IS LIKE AMAZON JUNGLES:








Ministry of Housing:


Corruptions in another blatant way, there are thousands who needs house lots and who when given (if lucky) will build a house for about 10M Guyana Dollar

With PPP/C almost giving away the house lots to their friends and cronies, it means that every house they (developers) build that cost them less than 10M Guyana dollars will be selling to the Public for 25 Million Guyana would look at this and say that maybe the Minister of Housing even will get a cut back or a bribe of at least 5 Million Guyana Dollars per house.

And so poor people are deprived of house lots by the PPP/C Governments.


Poor people who has applications for over three years, are being told that they cannot have house lots yet. But on the same token, the PPP dishes out prime property to their cronies and friends without any waiting time.


With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C


The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

Mr Ramotar and Mr Jagdeo are the same. Ramotar is Jagdeo's puppet.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

amusing . . . ah wonder what u know now that u din know 'THEN'


hmmmmm . . . ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

You are funny. The biggest problem is the PPP cannot restrain its capacity for thievery. Notice even the fat one is building herself a mansion. I bet she has overseas help. Thievery is endemic in the PPP and reform cannot come from them.


You worry about the PNC thievery and indeed they did steal but not one of them ever ripped off the nation as this lot has done. Were is the PNC pradoville? Who was the PNC brazzington, Where is the PPP bobby or BK or Beharry or Geeta? When did the PNC give away 800K to a builder in exchange for future favors?


Father Morrison in his book had the biggest "stink" as the barge deal. In one instance of rebuilding a selling three times and still not having completed it as yet pales in contrast. Poor Corbin can never get over his empty barge but not one of you quarrel about the inability to complete a stelling in three tries. I bet you cannot point to a PNC Motilal? Did burnham ever receive 29 tons of swag form a party he was negotiating assets sale with? The man did not even have a house! That critter went through two worth millions and he was there only a decade!


But that is the problem. It is not the PNC thievery. It is the reality that race based voting means a black administration! It means you fear the something happening in reverse!

Originally Posted by asj:

Will the Honchos within the PPP/C tells us of fraud uncover at the Herstelling NDC and how many millions were missing?


Will the Honchos within the PPP/C tells us of fraud uncover at he Peter's Hall NDC and how many milliions were missing?


And so this is just an example of some of the corruptions that are being perpetrated, and the villages are stifled for cash. NO GARBAGES ARE COLLECTED, DRAINS ARE LEFT TO BE INFESTED WITH MOSQUITOES, THE VILLAGE ROADS ARE LIKE THE ATLANTIC OCEAN WHEN RAIN FALLS, THE VILLAGE PLAYFIELD IS LIKE AMAZON JUNGLES:







The problem is there is no brain left in the PPP. 


Indo Guyanese voters don't give damn about corruption by other Indians..

They will win  the next General election.

The AFC gave them the green light by being the most corrupt party in Guyana.  They betrayed the Berbicians who voted for them..

Hindu/Muslim unity has led to PPP victory in the past and they will win again. The indo christians have given them a clear cut majority. The Amerindians will enhanced their victory. 


The Indians in the PNC has no followers.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

amusing . . . ah wonder what u know now that u din know 'THEN'


hmmmmm . . . ?

Baseman is watching and "evolving".  Me ah watch dem!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The biggest political issue in Guyana is the strong influence of Jagdeo.  Not being answerable or accountable makes him more destructive.  He has his camp embedded in the PPP which thwart Ramotar's moves which he does not like.  His supporters and him will lead the PPP into defeat and pay a high price for their action.  When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana.

You are funny. The biggest problem is the PPP cannot restrain its capacity for thievery. Notice even the fat one is building herself a mansion. I bet she has overseas help. Thievery is endemic in the PPP and reform cannot come from them.


You worry about the PNC thievery and indeed they did steal but not one of them ever ripped off the nation as this lot has done. Were is the PNC pradoville? Who was the PNC brazzington, Where is the PPP bobby or BK or Beharry or Geeta? When did the PNC give away 800K to a builder in exchange for future favors?


Father Morrison in his book had the biggest "stink" as the barge deal. In one instance of rebuilding a selling three times and still not having completed it as yet pales in contrast. Poor Corbin can never get over his empty barge but not one of you quarrel about the inability to complete a stelling in three tries. I bet you cannot point to a PNC Motilal? Did burnham ever receive 29 tons of swag form a party he was negotiating assets sale with? The man did not even have a house! That critter went through two worth millions and he was there only a decade!


But that is the problem. It is not the PNC thievery. It is the reality that race based voting means a black administration! It means you fear the something happening in reverse!

Many people say, PPP boys tief and build big mansions and estates in Guyana.  PNC tief and buy mansions abroad and keep their stash in foreign banks.  Whenever the PPP leaves power, all the stolen property will revert to the people.  Not the same with the PNC.  So, who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP).  Take your pick

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many people say, PPP boys tief and build big mansions and estates in Guyana.  PNC tief and buy mansions abroad and keep their stash in foreign banks.  Whenever the PPP leaves power, all the stolen property will revert to the people.  Not the same with the PNC.  So, who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP).  Take your pick

baseman, the enormity of PPP crimes and betrayal of Guyana must truly frighten you. You're now in a sad mental state, crudely turning reality on its head, projecting . . . your vile inner bigotry overwhelming dignity and common sense 


i will not waste time rebutting the putrid essence of your racist lies and foolishness, it's been done to death elsewhere


but your meek surrender to illiterate sloganeering and incoherence is instructive: "who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP)" . . . huh?


dude, do you even want to maintain a façade of interest in intelligent conversation or simply aspire to give drugabeer stiff competition for GNI's jackass-in-chief seat?


Private housing developers given

preference over poor Guyanese – APNU

October 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Party wants inquiry into Housing Ministry


Parliament’s largest Opposition faction, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), has joined calls for a review of the system used by the administration to allocate large tracts of lands, across the country, to private developers.

APNU MP, Joe Harmon

APNU MP, Joe Harmon

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader,
Khemraj Ramjattan

Yesterday, APNU Member of Parliament, Joseph Harmon, who overlooks public infrastructure development, said that the coalition has been studying the issue for awhile now and has prepared a list of questions to be tabled in the National Assembly which reconvenes this month.
Harmon’s disclosure comes one day after Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, revealed that his party is finalizing a number of questions on Government’s housing programme.
The questions have to do with lands earmarked for housing that have been placed under the control of several private developers who are reportedly building gated communities and other homes. The homes are selling for millions.
Government has said that the public-private partnership initiative is to ensure that the level of housing standard is improved with the introduction of new players.
But there has been an absence of information as to what system was used by the Ministry of Housing to allocate the lands.
The tracts are located in prime areas and there have been complaints that ordinary Guyanese were pushed to take up house lots located further behind these.
According to Harmon, the entire housing allocation process has been engaging the attention of APNU.
“We have received complaintsâ€Ķ from persons who have purchased a number of those small, turn-key homes at Providenceâ€Ķ about the quality of works done. We don’t know who built these homes. We don’t know what kind of supervision was carried out. We don’t know how the contracts were tendered. What we do know is that people have been complaining.”
Large tracts of lands, on the East Bank and West Bank of Demerara are under development. At Leonora, West Coast Demerara, an area reportedly under the control of embattled US-based Guyanese real estate entrepreneur, Edul Ahmad, is under construction.
From Eccles to Providence, hundreds of acres have been allocated to several individuals for the purpose of private development. Still more land has been earmarked or allocated to private individuals, between Herstelling to Little Diamond.

One of the private housing schemes under development on the East Bank of Demerara.

One of the private housing schemes under
development on the East Bank of Demerara.

With the East Bank of Demerara becoming one of the hotspots for housing in the country, the demand for house lots there has been growing in leaps and bounds.
Persons have been complaining that they have waited for years for house lots. Government has already announced plans to open new housing areas in the Soesdyke/Linden area.
“So yes, we are not clear how these private developers got the land. More importantly, if there was a demand for house lots and you go ahead and give these lands to friends and persons close to the Government, then how can this be explained? You are saying that private developers have been given preference over our people, poor Guyanese who badly want a piece of land?”
Like the AFC, Harmon said that questions will include what price Government was paid, when it was paid, and who were the players that have been granted tracts of lands to develop.
APNU will also be joining Ramjattan in asking the Housing Ministry to indicate when the decisions were taken to allocate lands to private developers and whether the process was advertised to allow other interested persons or companies to take part

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many people say, PPP boys tief and build big mansions and estates in Guyana.  PNC tief and buy mansions abroad and keep their stash in foreign banks.  Whenever the PPP leaves power, all the stolen property will revert to the people.  Not the same with the PNC.  So, who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP).  Take your pick



Tell you what if the PNC stole as much in their days as the PPP does today the likes of Corbin, and Carl Greenwich wouldnt be as ordinary middle class as indeed they are.


Where are the palaces that the Burnham daughters live in?  It seems to me as if what they have is consistent with the fact that most of them are either doctors or lawyers, or married to people who are.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Tell you what if the PNC stole as much in their days as the PPP does today the likes of Corbin, and Carl Greenwich wouldnt be as ordinary middle class as indeed they are.


Where are the palaces that the Burnham daughters live in?  It seems to me as if what they have is consistent with the fact that most of them are either doctors or lawyers, or married to people who are.

You very well know that there was nothing to steal in PNC time, they ran the country into the ground. Now I don't know of your unsubstantiated claims of widespread stealing by PPP, however let me humor you and pretend that you are correct, at least the PPP bring prosperity. In PNC time, it was black tea and shine rice. ahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Tell you what if the PNC stole as much in their days as the PPP does today the likes of Corbin, and Carl Greenwich wouldnt be as ordinary middle class as indeed they are.


Where are the palaces that the Burnham daughters live in?  It seems to me as if what they have is consistent with the fact that most of them are either doctors or lawyers, or married to people who are.

You very well know that there was nothing to steal in PNC time, they ran the country into the ground. Now I don't know of your unsubstantiated claims of widespread stealing by PPP, however let me humor you and pretend that you are correct, at least the PPP bring prosperity. In PNC time, it was black tea and shine rice. ahahah

Every child in Guyana knows about PPP theft so do not even try to pretend that you dont.  You like the gang of PPP theives because they protect your family who clearly are part of the Indo elite.


Guess what though.  In no country can the elites survive if the masses are disenchanted.  The very PPP grass roots supporters are now tired of these blatant displays of PPP wealth and all those who were quite poor before they became ministers suddenly showing displays of wealth.  This when every one knows that the official salary earned by ministers is only enough to be comfortably upper middle class.


In Haiti the rich are  very rich so if the PNC folks were as corrupt as are the PPP folks they would have figured it out.


What is apparent is that their greed no way matches what we see today with the PPP.  A huge maga airport when Guyana cannot even attarct proper airlines service.  A hotel which is not needed and which no private investors is willing to put in money without guarantees.  And many can name other examples of PPP vulgarity.


Druggie yesterday the PM of Bdos warned his airport officials to "protect" Barbadis from unwanted visitors, meaning Jamaicans and Guyanese.  Well Jamaica has no gold but then Guyana has.  Barbados is in a serious mess.  So why are Guyanese still trying to sneak into the people's country?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Every child in Guyana knows about PPP theft so do not even try to pretend that you dont.  You like the gang of PPP theives because they protect your family who clearly are part of the Indo elite.


Guess what though.  In no country can the elites survive if the masses are disenchanted.  The very PPP grass roots supporters are now tired of these blatant displays of PPP wealth and all those who were quite poor before they became ministers suddenly showing displays of wealth.  This when every one knows that the official salary earned by ministers is only enough to be comfortably upper middle class.


In Haiti the rich are  very rich so if the PNC folks were as corrupt as are the PPP folks they would have figured it out.


What is apparent is that their greed no way matches what we see today with the PPP.  A huge maga airport when Guyana cannot even attarct proper airlines service.  A hotel which is not needed and which no private investors is willing to put in money without guarantees.  And many can name other examples of PPP vulgarity.


Druggie yesterday the PM of Bdos warned his airport officials to "protect" Barbadis from unwanted visitors, meaning Jamaicans and Guyanese.  Well Jamaica has no gold but then Guyana has.  Barbados is in a serious mess.  So why are Guyanese still trying to sneak into the people's country?

So this is your evidence, "every child in Guyana knows"? Its a good thing the international community don't listen to the likes of you who hurl unsubstantiated accusations. My family provide gainful employment to hundreds of Guyanese, what have you and yours done? Nothing, just badmouth the doers and become consummate sour pusses. 


The pnc and you are intent on destroying the nation, you preach to your people the life of entitlement and slacking off while others break their back working for what they achieve. You then turn around and tell your people that they were robbed of their birthright and they should kill and maim Indian because they deserve it. Sounds familiar? Yes Hitler did the same to the Jews. 


The PNC/afc operatives will continue to flock to Barbados to push drugs and rob and kill. That is why the Bajans want them out. Guyana has lots of opportunity that is why we see all the housing boom and labor shortages. Life is good, only pnc/afc types will cry out that they are suffering because they are too lazy to work and prefer to rob.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 Where are the palaces that the Burnham daughters live in? 

BGurd: You very well know that there was nothing to steal in PNC time, they ran the country into the ground. Now I don't know of your unsubstantiated claims of widespread stealing by PPP, however let me humor you and pretend that you are correct, at least the PPP bring prosperity. In PNC time, it was black tea and shine rice. ahahah

Well said!




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