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Government inciting physical violence against opposition – Harmon

February 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A misuse of state funds to launch an attack on its own citizens by inciting violence, were the words used to describe the fact that Office of the President, has been funding full page advertisements in the daily newspapers calling on Guyanese to “Let us stop the opposition from destroying Guyana now.”

APNU’s Joseph Harmon

APNU’s Joseph Harmon

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Those who forget the past twenty years of escalating murders, wilful mismanagement, rampant corruption, and unchallenged drugs handling are destined for even more blatant political ineptitude by the PPP.


The dailts from UP and Bihar like am suh! Just look at how dem run tings in Bihar and UP


From all appearances, Conscience is implementing a PPP/C strategy aimed at terrifying the people and turning them away from the joint political opposition.

One prong of the PPP strategy is to equate the AFC with the PNC/APNU, to suggest that a vote for the AFC is a vote for APNU.

The second prong is to hark back to the pre-1992 years of the PNC regime, to suggest that if the PNC/APNU wins the next elections there will be food shortages, long queues for basic goods, electricity blackouts, etc.

Well, after controlling government for 21 years the PPP/C hasn't ended electricity blackouts.

Secondly, no APNU or AFC leader in his/her sane mind will adopt and duplicate past PNC economic and social programs.

Thirdly, today's voters are more informed, enlightened and sophisticated than those in the 1960s - 1980s.

All Guyanese between the voting age of 18 years and the 21 PPP/C years are witnessing firsthand the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism practised by the PPP/C regime.

And most of the older folks don't care a damn about the Burnham years. They are focused on the here and now.

The PPP/C strategy which Conscience and others are implementing will fail  and will backfire on Freedom House.

The AFC and APNU can post numerous newspaper clippings here and on their websites to show the dark and undesirable sides of PPP/C governance.

For starters, clippings and photos on violent crimes and police brutality since Bharrat Jagdeo became president alone tell a horrendous tale of PPP/C incompetence and misrule.

Originally Posted by albert:

It has to be the biggest joke that the party which owns the copyright to political violence in Guyana is now complaining about violence being incited against them lol

albert is the first time i hear you say some thing with sense.the opposition have to stop complain like little bitch and pick up the guns     


Dont it bother any of you folks here that we are speaking of supposed indiscretions of 30 years ago as reasons to keep these crooks when they cannot formulate one post of their transformative benefits to us?


Instead we have the failing sugar industry that is under performing even 1964 era.We have GPL where we must subsidize it to some 30% annually because management cannot control loss. We have fishing producing more than the massive extraction of lumber, no mines running at a profit and PPP fat cats growing by the dozens. 


In a democracy they murdered more and stole more and are stealing more. Actually, they demand the dictators prerogative in a democracy! One thing we know for sure that no burnham official exist with riches grafted from the nations purse than the least of the PPP minister and  in less time.

Last edited by Former Member

The Nazis are gone forever yet the Jews talk about them. The PNC is still here and threatening to take Guyana back to where it was. Why should we not talk about them? Does this make any sense? This D2 man is no use to the people who cherish freedom, democracy, fairness, and the rule of law. He is GNI marathoner who has step out yet in a real race.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Nazis are gone forever yet the Jews talk about them. The PNC is still here and threatening to take Guyana back to where it was. Why should we not talk about them? Does this make any sense? This D2 man is no use to the people who cherish freedom, democracy, fairness, and the rule of law. He is GNI marathoner who has step out yet in a real race.



* The crimes committed by the PNC against the good people of Guyana must never be forgotten.


* The great news is the PNC has never won a free and fair election in Guyana, and there is a 99.99999% chance they will never win a free and fair election in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Nazis are gone forever yet the Jews talk about them. The PNC is still here and threatening to take Guyana back to where it was. Why should we not talk about them? Does this make any sense? This D2 man is no use to the people who cherish freedom, democracy, fairness, and the rule of law. He is GNI marathoner who has step out yet in a real race.

Imagine that! And you will tell me what it is to be free while standing on the wall for the crooks in office! Whatever the PNC has done (and definitelyu outdone by these crooks in office) is 30 in the rear view. Also, the nazi metaphor is being abused here. I do not know they practiced apartheid or racial supremacy.


I will state flatly you are woefully deficient in your understanding of democracy. It certainly was not what we anticipated in the struggle against the PNC dictatorship. It was  not to replace it with an ethnic based autocracy. The PPP did very little to transition us into democracy. Like the good communists they are they redesigned the vanguard party concept by replacing dialectical materialism with the racist dog whistling we see from all of you. Those evil PNC ( euphemism for black people)  can never get back into office. The murder, the thievery of the PPP notwithstanding.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Nazis are gone forever yet the Jews talk about them. The PNC is still here and threatening to take Guyana back to where it was. Why should we not talk about them? Does this make any sense? This D2 man is no use to the people who cherish freedom, democracy, fairness, and the rule of law. He is GNI marathoner who has step out yet in a real race.



* The crimes committed by the PNC against the good people of Guyana must never be forgotten.


* The great news is the PNC has never won a free and fair election in Guyana, and there is a 99.99999% chance they will never win a free and fair election in Guyana.



You are the only on on record on this site who sees merit in segregation. I believe we have the past month of your appeal to racial segregation to keep one half of the population from office. To highlight the line above as labeling the PNC Nazis is your natural habit to massage race hate. No one in the PNC ever advocated the practiced of segregation

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Danyael is working in the propaganda department of the PNC helping them with building a nice image. He has become a cosmetician for Granger and the rest of the pigs. The man is as bogus as paiwarie made in China.

I think you just drank too much of the PPP cool aid. If to you, me addressing the rot of the PPP is to be deemed pro PNC t hen so be it. To me rot is rot.


And as I said earlier; of piwari is made the same way in China as natives make it in Guyana, why would the Chinese version not be called piwari. Trinis and Guyanese call their flat breads roti. I do not see anyone complaining it is inauthentic  since it was not made in India. You need to be more creative.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Danyeal aka APNU/AFC damage controller is at full throttle trying to paint the APNU/AFC are saints. The Guyanese populace are no fools, his desperate attempts as can be seen are all in vain.

I have not even put a brush stroke on the AFC/PNC canvas. I am too concerned with painting the PPP in as vibrant colors of  their crookedness . I can do that  since they are more bountiful with the color palette.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

In 1988 the then Minister of Finance Carl Greenidge stood up in the National Assembly and declared that the National Treasury was empty. Today many goons wanna paint him among other in his political gathering as Sunday school boys.

So it was empty, what is wrong with him saying t hat. The US and its client financial institutions blacklisted them.




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