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caribny posted:
ronan posted:


the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

What a coward the PPP stooges are. That was a slap that friends give each other all the time.

I am also yet to see evidence of any bullying.  I hear begging.

Take off your blinders man, the man had to flee for his life.  Also you have given no credence to his reasoning for voting yes. Any reasonable person would agree with his vote. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:


the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Indeed it was heart breaking, the sound of 50% raises and fancy SUVs slipping away. 

No worries. When Anil, the man who received the highest salary ever for an AG comes in, nuff benefits for everyone.  "Ile" money. 75% raise for PPP MPs, 5% for everyone else.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:


the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Indeed it was heart breaking, the sound of 50% raises and fancy SUVs slipping away. 

No worries. When Anil, the man who received the highest salary ever for an AG comes in, nuff benefits for everyone.  "Ile" money. 75% raise for PPP MPs, 5% for everyone else.

Correction, Basil Williams is the highest AG ever in the history of Guyana. 

Drugb posted:

Take off your blinders man, the man had to flee for his life.  

Rodney was a hero and paid with his life.  Many others also did and faced arrest and/or torture.

Even Ravi Dev stood up for his principles, flawed though they were. This in the face of daily death threats from the PPP and when PYO thugs went to his house and stoned it when he was out but his wife was at home.

If Charrandass was this great martyr that you all scream that he is, he would have spoken out against APNU and the AFC since 2015. He would have mounted protest with David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis.  If that meant that he lost his MP salary so be it. That is what true heroes do.

But Judas money good.  The man is a coward or a Judas. These are the only boxes to check.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Correction, Basil Williams is the highest AG ever in the history of Guyana. 

Yes thanks to Anil.  In fact the whole issue of salary raises came because Anil was making more than the PM  and Nagamootoo kicked up a huge noise against this.

Anil screamed about how much he was making in the private sector and demanded to be paid the same. Now most leaving the private sector for gov't accept a pay cut.

Not Anil though!  He will NOT reduce his salary to that which it was before and neither with Jagdeo, who engineered a pension as much as the US president and more than the PM of T&T.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Rodney was a hero and paid with his life.  Many others also did and faced arrest and/or torture.

Even Ravi Dev stood up for his principles, flawed though they were. This in the face of daily death threats from the PPP and when PYO thugs went to his house and stoned it when he was out but his wife was at home.

If Charrandass was this great martyr that you all scream that he is, he would have spoken out against APNU and the AFC since 2015. He would have mounted protest with David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis.  If that meant that he lost his MP salary so be it. That is what true heroes do.

But Judas money good.  The man is a coward or a Judas. These are the only boxes to check.

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Take off your blinders man, the man had to flee for his life.  

Rodney was a hero and paid with his life.  Many others also did and faced arrest and/or torture.

Even Ravi Dev stood up for his principles, flawed though they were. This in the face of daily death threats from the PPP and when PYO thugs went to his house and stoned it when he was out but his wife was at home.

If Charrandass was this great martyr that you all scream that he is, he would have spoken out against APNU and the AFC since 2015. He would have mounted protest with David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis.  If that meant that he lost his MP salary so be it. That is what true heroes do.

But Judas money good.  The man is a coward or a Judas. These are the only boxes to check.




ronan posted:

the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Her wailing is truly heartbreaking. However, Charandas is within his right to vote as he feels. He reported that Volda Lawrence threatened to kill anyone who vote for the motion. If that is true, it would be more concerning than this woman's wailing.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Charandas is within his right to vote as he feels.

who said that he was NOT within his rights?

y'all keep grinding this nonsense . . . gawd knows why

what he did was dishonorable and he DESERVES to be called a Judas

all who support this kind of 'politics' should be ASHAMED

it was a mangy move, corrosive to inter-racial comity, and all y'all who are honest know it!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Charandas is within his right to vote as he feels.

who said that he was NOT within his rights?

y'all keep grinding this nonsense . . . gawd knows why

what he did was dishonorable and he DESERVES to be called a Judas

all who support this kind of 'politics' should be ASHAMED

it was a mangy move, corrosive to inter-racial comity, and all y'all who are honest know it!

It is actually heartbreaking.  But the behavior of the PNC towards the minor parties in the Coalition is what brought this on.  The AFC put the PNC in office and the PNC proceeded to treat them like trash.  Then after pissing off the AFC supporters causing them to lose, PNC arrogantly say go prove yourself in the LGE.  And what did you expect?

After the LGE Caribj ranting this prove the AFC brings nothing to the table.  I warned him then, they still have voting power, so be careful.  Well, here we are.  Don't say I didn't warn alyuh.  BJ smelled blood and went in for the kill!

There is enough heartbreak to go around.  Go talk to the Sugar workers and their families!  PNC so arrogant, you still don't understand the sensitivity of Indians towards your behavior.  When Volda openly say she hiring her own, well, the gloves are off!  Then to see the support she receives!

What's unfortunate, the PNC have some good approaches and policies, but you allow your arrogant. racist faction to screw it up!

I have sympathy and I don't have sympathy, if that makes sense!

caribny posted:
ronan posted:

the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

What a coward the PPP stooges are. That was a slap that friends give each other all the time.

I am also yet to see evidence of any bullying.  I hear begging.


Your comments, as well as Ronan above, compared to opposing reactions from PPP supporters on this board, clearly says to me, that this is probably how things are playing out in Guyana today. I wont pretend to say that I  know much about that. But politics in Guyana is a zero sum game....and it will continue to be so after this election.

I am also conscious about the fact that its not helpful when some people triumphantly claim victory. Regardless of who win the election not much is going to change regarding the division that exits in Guyana. If the expectation is that the PPP might win the upcoming election, and do its utmost best to create a multi-racial appearance, it will still not be convincing to Afros. The same opposing situation exists currently.

Guyana look like a country that is dying, and in need of heroes like Rodney. In the absence of such, we have to take what we get.

Charadass, if we are to take him at this words, is a hero, at least to some people, and yes a traitor (I wont use the word Judas) to others. But like, Hinds said, the coalition is to be blamed as well for this mess that the country is in. It has proven to be inept and incapable of reading the pulse of its own leaders and supporters.

Now regarding the is not about the slap on the wrist, its the threatening and menacing behavior that was directed towards the individual. He did say that he was threatened by Lady Volda and other coalition operatives. 


ksazma posted:

Is it more honorable for an MP to stand on the side of the country and its citizens or of his party?

what nonsense! he did NOT stand on the side of the "country" . . . he stood slyly on the side of the PPP! waiting his turn with the KNIFE

this foul creature even participated in support of the Government during debate on the budget, all the while DECEIVING his comrades in the AFC up till it was time to vote on Jagdeo's motion

you can admire this kind of 'cleverness' . . . that's your right

i venture on a different path . . . my moral compass is neither broken nor absent

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

the lady from APNU starting at around 0:42 plaintively calling on the cold-blooded Judas not to do this dishonorable thing

Charandas is within his right to vote as he feels.

who said that he was NOT within his rights?

y'all keep grinding this nonsense . . . gawd knows why

what he did was dishonorable and he DESERVES to be called a Judas

all who support this kind of 'politics' should be ASHAMED

it was a mangy move, corrosive to inter-racial comity, and all y'all who are honest know it!

It is actually heartbreaking.  But the behavior of the PNC towards the minor parties in the Coalition is what brought this on.  The AFC put the PNC in office and the PNC proceeded to treat them like trash.  Then after pissing off the AFC supporters causing them to lose, PNC arrogantly say go prove yourself in the LGE.  And what did you expect?

After the LGE Caribj ranting this prove the AFC brings nothing to the table.  I warned him then, they still have voting power, so be careful.  Well, here we are.  Don't say I didn't warn alyuh.  BJ smelled blood and went in for the kill!

There is enough heartbreak to go around.  Go talk to the Sugar workers and their families!  PNC so arrogant, you still don't understand the sensitivity of Indians towards your behavior.  When Volda openly say she hiring her own, well, the gloves are off!  Then to see the support she receives!

What's unfortunate, the PNC have some good approaches and policies, but you allow your arrogant. racist faction to screw it up!

I have sympathy and I don't have sympathy, if that makes sense!

baseman, i don't know where you get the idea that this is about "sympathy" . . . or anyone asking for "sympathy" from the likes of you

you need to read me more carefully

and, when you respond to me, please do so without scotch taping me to other posters just because you wish to beat a path around what i am actually talking about

it's cowardly argumentation on your part


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Is it more honorable for an MP to stand on the side of the country and its citizens or of his party?

what nonsense! he did NOT stand on the side of the "country" . . . he stood slyly on the side of the PPP! waiting his turn with the KNIFE

this foul creature even participated in support of the Government during debate on the budget, all the while DECEIVING his comrades in the AFC up till it was time to vote on Jagdeo's motion

you can admire this kind of 'cleverness' . . . that's your right

i venture on a different path . . . my moral compass is neither broken nor absent

I wish he was more vocal on Hamilton Green's awards and 84 year old Patterson's appointment.

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

who said that he was NOT within his rights?

y'all keep grinding this nonsense . . . gawd knows why

what he did was dishonorable and he DESERVES to be called a Judas

all who support this kind of 'politics' should be ASHAMED

it was a mangy move, corrosive to inter-racial comity, and all y'all who are honest know it!

It is actually heartbreaking.  But the behavior of the PNC towards the minor parties in the Coalition is what brought this on.  The AFC put the PNC in office and the PNC proceeded to treat them like trash.  Then after pissing off the AFC supporters causing them to lose, PNC arrogantly say go prove yourself in the LGE.  And what did you expect?

After the LGE Caribj ranting this prove the AFC brings nothing to the table.  I warned him then, they still have voting power, so be careful.  Well, here we are.  Don't say I didn't warn alyuh.  BJ smelled blood and went in for the kill!

There is enough heartbreak to go around.  Go talk to the Sugar workers and their families!  PNC so arrogant, you still don't understand the sensitivity of Indians towards your behavior.  When Volda openly say she hiring her own, well, the gloves are off!  Then to see the support she receives!

What's unfortunate, the PNC have some good approaches and policies, but you allow your arrogant. racist faction to screw it up!

I have sympathy and I don't have sympathy, if that makes sense!

baseman, i don't know where you get the idea that this is about "sympathy"

you need to read me more carefully

and, when you respond to me, please do so without scotch taping me to other posters

it's cowardly argumentation on your part


Well, good.  Just suck it up.  Election in 90 days!


It looks bad that an Indo joined with Indos to bring down an Afro gov't: the foul stench of racism. Why didn't Charan do something before, why only when the PPP needed that vote? As if that wasn't bad enough, ever since it happened we've been seeing Indos here gloating and dancing, rubbing it in the faces of Blacks and other races, blaring that they are on top now, no dignity whatsoever. Much as I don't like BJ, he said he welcomes everyone, Gilly knows what I'm speaking of. My advice is for folks to behave maturely or else Guyana may erupt in a race war, race riots, etc. like we had in the 60s.


This is my take on the matter. I read the posts on the NC motion. Regarding Speaker Barton Scotland, he allowed enough time after Charandass Persaud said “yes” to the NC motion for the the APNU/AFC MPs to verbally insult Charandass. The Speaker should have intervened earlier rather than allowed for a pause after he voted. 

Regarding the vote itself, if the man said that he voted his conscience. Not sure if he meant that the others who voted “No” had no conscience, or put their party first and country last.

My feeling is that Charandass was sick and tired of putting self and country last and party first and conscience last. Finally, he decided to vote for self and country first and party last. Hats off to those who put country first and party after.


ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Is it more honorable for an MP to stand on the side of the country and its citizens or of his party?

what nonsense! he did NOT stand on the side of the "country" . . . he stood slyly on the side of the PPP! waiting his turn with the KNIFE

this foul creature even participated in support of the Government during debate on the budget, all the while DECEIVING his comrades in the AFC up till it was time to vote on Jagdeo's motion

you can admire this kind of 'cleverness' . . . that's your right

i venture on a different path . . . my moral compass is neither broken nor absent

Calm down. That level of hyperventilating is not good for your health.

Recently when Lawrence made her racist comment, many posters who usually agree with you were critical of her comments. Rather than honestly seeing her comments as divisive you promptly got into fights with folks because of their criticism. You kept repeating ad nausea that they need to stick with the program as you see it. That is textbook blind following. According to Charrandas, that same kind of indoctrination was expected from the 33 members of the Coalition. He also said that they were threatened with death if they voted for the motion. He continued that he became concerned that the government were not acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana so he decided to vote yes. He had one vote and the only time that vote would be beneficial to the people of Guyana was if it was used to have the current government cease to exist. That is clever. Now the government needs to be reelected and the people of Guyana will get another chance to decide who they wish to be their government.

From your recent outbursts over Lawrence racist comments, I am surprised you would bring anything about your moral compass (or lack thereof). I would have though that you were smart enough to let that stay buried.

Leonora posted:

It looks bad that an Indo joined with Indos to bring down an Afro gov't: the foul stench of racism. Why didn't Charan do something before, why only when the PPP needed that vote? As if that wasn't bad enough, ever since it happened we've been seeing Indos here gloating and dancing, rubbing it in the faces of Blacks and other races, blaring that they are on top now, no dignity whatsoever. Much as I don't like BJ, he said he welcomes everyone, Gilly knows what I'm speaking of. My advice is for folks to behave maturely or else Guyana may erupt in a race war, race riots, etc. like we had in the 60s.

Yes lady...but the knife cuts both ways. 

You right....bringing down the government does not solve the race problem, it will further divide Guyana. 

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a ---- Indian".

Leonora posted:

It looks bad that an Indo joined with Indos to bring down an Afro gov't: the foul stench of racism. Why didn't Charan do something before, why only when the PPP needed that vote? As if that wasn't bad enough, ever since it happened we've been seeing Indos here gloating and dancing, rubbing it in the faces of Blacks and other races, blaring that they are on top now, no dignity whatsoever. Much as I don't like BJ, he said he welcomes everyone, Gilly knows what I'm speaking of. My advice is for folks to behave maturely or else Guyana may erupt in a race war, race riots, etc. like we had in the 60s.

As a Black person you would love a race riot. Keep addressing Indos as KKK it shows the black in you.


“I am not Burnham” – Granger tells overseas Guyanese in Queens


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
[] â€“ Responding to concerns by Guyanese in the Diaspora at the weekend, Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC Coalition David Granger made it clear that he has no intention of reverting to systems of the late President Forbes Burnham, but will instead take the country forward, with Moses Nagamootoo by his side.

Granger and Nagamootoo are both in Queens, New York raising funds as they continue to intensify their elections campaign ahead of the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections.

“I am not Burnham, I am David Granger, Burnham died 30 years ago in 1985, I am the President of the future, I am leading Guyana into the future, I am not leading Guyana back into the past, I have by my side Moses Nagamottoo and both of us are looking to the future not to the past. The PNC is a part of a coalition; I am not a lone ranger, I am not going to be able to dictate the policy of a six Party coalition, we sit down at the table and we agree on policies in a consensual manner, we’re moving forward we’re not moving backwards,” Granger told a meeting in Queens, New York.

He also added that constitutional reform is another area that is high on their agenda should they win the upcoming elections and outlined a number of areas where reform will take place.

“Can a President prevent the holding of local government elections for 21 years? The answer is no, Obama cannot do it and Ramotar must not do it and we must ensure that the constitution is strengthen not by cherry picking of few issues but by having a holistic approach to the issues which we have discovered,” Granger stressed.

Meanwhile, the Coalition’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo, told concerned supporters that the AFC has taken all measures needed to protect itself.

Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
“We’re not saying this as a threat but we’re saying that we hold a guarantee that if things don’t go well, David and you and I have to file legal proceedings for a divorce. I am taking my property with me, 12 seats and when he end up in a minority, I go over to the other side and you’re getting the no confidence motion all over again.”

Meanwhile, a few persons protested the meeting which was held on Sunday March 22. They identified themselves as supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, (PPP/C).

According to reports coming out of Queens, the PPP supporters stood outside the meeting for almost two hours with placards as they shouted, “Granger is danger’ and also called Nagamootoo ‘ungrateful’.

One man who identified himself to protesters as the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s cousin, told the PPP supporters that Dr. Jagan would never approve of what is taking place in Guyana since the PPP has strayed from the ideologies of the founder of the Party.

Leonora posted:

It looks bad that an Indo joined with Indos to bring down an Afro gov't: the foul stench of racism. Why didn't Charan do something before, why only when the PPP needed that vote? As if that wasn't bad enough, ever since it happened we've been seeing Indos here gloating and dancing, rubbing it in the faces of Blacks and other races, blaring that they are on top now, no dignity whatsoever. Much as I don't like BJ, he said he welcomes everyone, Gilly knows what I'm speaking of. My advice is for folks to behave maturely or else Guyana may erupt in a race war, race riots, etc. like we had in the 60s.

Babes, the only person talking about black this and coolie that is my buddy Carib. We are certainly happy that the government was brought down because we don't like it. But we are not talking about blacks and coolie. I actually saw a lot of blacks on the PPP side and a lot of Indians on the Coalition side. Regarding riots, etc., Carib stated that Afros will react if there is any PPP dictatorship against them, I posted the following and asked him where was the PPP dictatorship on election day in 1992. Unfortunately he did not respond to it. Indians are being unfairly maligned on GNI while Afros are given a pass. That is not honesty.


Remembering Guyana's 1992 Elections, an excerpt from 'Beyond the White House,' by Jimmy Carter


In 2007, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter wrote "Beyond the White House," about his post-presidency work with The Carter Center. In it, he reflected on a number of election observation missions, including the Center's first to Guyana, in 1992. An excerpt from the book, published by Simon and Schuster, is reprinted here.

The most personal danger I have felt since leaving the White House was in Guyana in 1992. This small nation on the northern coast of South America was then and still is the most completely divided that I know. About 9 percent of its citizens are Amerindians living mostly in the vast forests, and another 80 percent are divided between descendants of indentured servants from India and descendants of African slaves, both brought in by the British during colonial times. The major political parties are largely separated along these racial lines, as are many of the basic professions.

The Indo-Guyanese hold a slight majority, but the Afro-Guyanese and their People's National Congress (PNC) party were able to control the government from the time of national independence in 1966, assisted by the government of Great Britain and the CIA, both of which considered Cheddi Jagan, leader of the opposition People's Progressive Party (PPP), to be a Marxist.

President Desmond Hoyte welcomed President and Mrs. Carter during a visit to Guyana in October 1990. (Photo: The Carter Center/K. Moore)

In 1990, Mr. Jagan came to The Carter Center, claimed that previous elections had been fraudulent, and asked us to help ensure that the next one would be honest and fair. We agreed, provided the ruling party would also accept our presence as observers. For several months, President Desmond Hoyte objected strongly, but public opinion became so greatly aroused that he finally agreed, just one month before the election was scheduled. Bob Pastor and his team developed a list of minimal election standards, and I went to Guyana to discuss them with the president and others. Three of the most important were to have an accurate voters' list, a politically balanced election commission, and votes counted at the polling places.

These issues had been hotly debated for almost thirty years and were very difficult for the ruling party to accept. Finally, as I was preparing to leave the country and declare that we could not participate, President Hoyte accepted all our provisions. The election was delayed until October 1992, and government officials also invited observers of the British Commonwealth, with whom they had enjoyed a close and friendly relationship.

As usual, we deployed our two-person teams throughout the country before Election Day, and I went west along the coast toward the border with Venezuela to visit a few polling sites in a riverine area inhabited by Arawak Indians, traveling from one village to another in a small boat. On the way back to Georgetown, the capital, we flew over the famous site of the 1978 mass suicide of Jim Jones and more than nine hundred of his cult followers. When we arrived at the airport, our small plane was surrounded by members of the security forces, who informed me that riots had broken out all over Georgetown, and that I must go to the U.S. Embassy, where I would be safe.

The day-long siege of the Elections Commission headquarters in Georgetown by a violent and angry crowd claiming they were not allowed to vote nearly caused Guyana's elections to collapse. (Photo courtesy of Guyana Chronicle)

Instead, I went to my hotel room and called President Hoyte, who assured me that the police were in charge and order would soon be restored. Bob Pastor informed me that the PNC were obviously losing the election, and that some of their supporters had been induced to disrupt the process. I decided that the election should continue if possible and sent word to our observers to monitor events and, after the polls closed, to go to their assigned places to gather quick count results. Our senior observer, Jennifer McCoy, told me that the election center had come under attack by an angry mob, some of whom claimed to have been denied a ballot. She had visited the building and tried to work out a solution with the PNC party chief, but the riot continued.

Police cordoned off Robb Street in Georgetown, Guyana, after dispersing a stone-throwing crowd in front of the Freedom House, headquarters of the People's Progressive Party. (Photo courtesy of Guyana Chronicle)

The election center was where all of the communication equipment and computers, on which election results would be tabulated, were located. It was a two-story wooden building with many windows, with the electronic equipment housed in an isolated central room on the second floor. When I arrived, accompanied by three Secret Service agents, the building was surrounded by several hundred rioters, who had already broken all the windows with clubs and stones. There was only one Guyanese police office present, a woman wearing a uniform but without sidearms.

We went upstairs and found that all the computers had been transferred to one of the more isolated hotels for safekeeping. I phoned the hotel manager, who told me that the computers could not be operated there unless "a battalion of troops is sent to protect us against the mobs trying to stop the vote count." I called the president again. I told him that I was in the unprotected building and that there was no way to complete the election unless the workers could return with their computers. Also, I told him that our Secret Service would contact the White House if I didn't receive immediate protection from the mob outside.

Calm was restored after another hour, and the computers were tabulating returns by midnight. Our quick count showed that the ruling party would lose by about 14 percent, and early the next morning I went to visit both presidential candidates. They agreed to refrain from any public statements and to accept the final results, which were announced three days later. Cheddi Jagan was sworn in as president after what was considered to be the country's first free and fair election since independence. After his death five years later, his wife, Janet Jagan, became president, but she resigned in 1999 because of poor health.

The Carter Center has remained in close contact with the people of Guyana and has helped them to work out a long-range plan for economic and political development. A young deputy finance minister, Bharrat Jagdeo, was assigned by the Jagans to work with us on this project, and he performed this duty superbly. When Mrs. Jagan became ill, Jagdeo was chosen to succeed her as president, and he was elected and then reelected in 2001 and 2006. Unfortunately, many of the divisions in Guyana remain.


ksazma posted:

Calm down. That level of hyperventilating is not good for your health.

Recently when Lawrence made her racist comment, many posters who usually agree with you were critical of her comments. Rather than honestly seeing her comments as divisive you promptly got into fights with folks because of their criticism. You kept repeating ad nausea that they need to stick with the program as you see it. That is textbook blind following. According to Charrandas, that same kind of indoctrination was expected from the 33 members of the Coalition. He also said that they were threatened with death if they voted for the motion. He continued that he became concerned that the government were not acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana so he decided to vote yes. He had one vote and the only time that vote would be beneficial to the people of Guyana was if it was used to have the current government cease to exist. That is clever. Now the government needs to be reelected and the people of Guyana will get another chance to decide who they wish to be their government.

From your recent outbursts over Lawrence racist comments, I am surprised you would bring anything about your moral compass (or lack thereof). I would have though that you were smart enough to let that stay buried.

your strange characterizations, athwart reality, about "calm down," "hyperventilating," "outbursts" and the like represent a poor effort at steering the conversation to your 'let's pretend' world where you are wise and reasonable rather than tendentious and STUPID

must be something about your ego under siege

sorry, not playing

Leonora posted:

It looks bad that an Indo joined with Indos to bring down an Afro gov't: the foul stench of racism. Why didn't Charan do something before, why only when the PPP needed that vote? As if that wasn't bad enough, ever since it happened we've been seeing Indos here gloating and dancing, rubbing it in the faces of Blacks and other races, blaring that they are on top now, no dignity whatsoever. Much as I don't like BJ, he said he welcomes everyone, Gilly knows what I'm speaking of. My advice is for folks to behave maturely or else Guyana may erupt in a race war, race riots, etc. like we had in the 60s.

Who ever said that a no confidence vote is about race?  This Afro woman is getting crazy now.

Bibi Haniffa

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