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Former Member

Ok folks


The final announcements will be made today.


Let me put it bluntly, the PPP has lost the election. It might be difficult for you but that the way democracy works. ABC countries and the International observers have so far declared that the process was free and fair.


You must respect the will of the people and respect the results.


The Coalition ran a campaign of change and Guyanese have endorsed that change, you cannot deny them  change. The young, old and mixed population and Guyanese of all races want change and they have exercised their right to elect a government of change.


Let me say this, this is the chance to break the racial divide in Guyana. It will never happen again. Let us be a part part of this change.


Congrats in advance to President Granger and Prime Minister Moses. 


Brother Granger and Brother Moses will now lead our country and both major races are now represented. No need for fear.


As for the PPP, it is time to rebuild. 


As for APNU, we must give them another five years to fully implement their plans. They ran on accountability, transparency and racial equality. We must hold them to these promises. 


Many other promises were made and the people of Guyana will have to judge their government after five years.


Let us now set side our differences and be humble winners and losers, in the end the people of Guyana won today.








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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The final announcements will be made today.


Let me put it bluntly, the PPP has lost the election. It might be difficult for you but that the way democracy works. ABC countries and the International observers have so far declared that the process was free and fair.


You must respect the will of the people and respect the results.


The Coalition ran a campaign of change and Guyanese have endorsed that change, you cannot deny them  change. The young, old and mixed population and Guyanese of all races want change and they have exercised their right to elect a government of change.


Let me say this, this is the chance to break the racial divide in Guyana. It will never happen again. Let us be a part part of this change.


Congrats in advance to President Granger and Prime Minister Moses. 


Brother Granger and Brother Moses will now lead our country and both major races are now represented. No need for fear.


As for the PPP, it is time to rebuild. 


As for APNU, we must give them another five years to fully implement their plans. They ran on accountability, transparency and racial equality. We must hold them to these promises. 


Many other promises were made and the people of Guyana will have to judge their government after five years.


Let us now set side our differences and be humble winners and losers, in the end the people of Guyana won today.





Shouldn't your headline be .... We lost the elections? Since when you jump ship?


Ramsammy and Jagdeo are intent on destroying Guyana they tried very hard the past 23 years and they were fairly successful but they job is not complete. The country is still barely standing they want to continue their mission to burn the entire country and its social fabric to the ground. Aided of course by loyal idiots.



I would like to thank all our supporters for their strong support for the PPP/C. We are confident of victory, in spite of continued cheating in elections by the PNC (represented in these elections by APNU+AFC). Their thieving of votes, reprehensible as it is, would not succeed in their winning these elections.

Guyanaโ€™s election was not without fear. Many people were intimidated. In Guyanaโ€™s case, it is not the government that intimidates people; it is usually the present opposition. So fearful were people that the PPP/C had to forego sending polling agents to certain polling stations on May 11th. In some instances, polling agents were so fearful, they abandoned polling stations. In some cases, they became so fearful that they abandoned the stations after the count without ensuring that ballot boxes were secured. 
Some PPP/C candidates and supporters were beaten, their properties destroyed etc. Kwame McCoy is in ICU with a broken jaw. One PPP/C supporter lost his home. Some lost their vehicles. 
Whatever the results of these elections, one thing is certain - APNU+AFC stole many votes. They orchestrated multiple voting and in some instances they did so with cooperation from GECOM staff. GECOM should have ensured that these staff were vetted before. For this reason GECOM must bear some responsibility. There were cases of people who claimed to be persons listed and were allowed to vote.

The PPP/C will win these elections, but we must continue to fight for elections that are free and fair and without fear. Now that the elections are over and the results are imminent, we must all accept the results. The fact is that should they lose, APNU+AFC, the ones that stole votes, would not accept the results. They have so convinced their supporters that they have won and then turned around and say if their supporters become violent because they lose, APNU+AFC would not be able to restrain them.

The PPP/C will never support violence. We are always a peaceful party. We endured the most rigged elections in the world between 1968 and 1992 and never once did we become violent or incited our supporters to become violent.

I wish that all political parties would commit to peaceful pre-and post elections behavior. The PPP/C before 1992 and since then and in the future will continue to work for free and fair elections and elections without fear.

I support the call that this is our country and we must move on peacefully. But the call made by some from APNU+AFC only applies if they win. They say should they win we must all be peaceful and love each other. But should they lose, we must be prepared to face violence because they will not be able to restrain their supporters, reminding us that those who own the dogs are the only ones who could call them off. This is reprehensible.
We say win or lose all should accept the results gracefully and move on with peace and love.

May 13, 2015

Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
They will all jump ship - it's in their DNA - all the real honorable PPP members have been gone since Cheddi Jagan died


WPA...yes, i did



anyone who has to comment on what I just said can go jump off a short pier


Sis Cham,


Those who choose to remain with the PPP will have to help rebuild it, it is an outdated model.


My post is all about accepting defeat and being humble in defeat.

Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
They will all jump ship - it's in their DNA - all the real honorable PPP members have been gone since Cheddi Jagan died


WPA...yes, i did



anyone who has to comment on what I just said can go jump off a short pier


Where is Bharrat Jagdeo? Like he abandon ship.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22 says: "Brother Granger and Brother Moses will now lead our country and both major races are now represented. No need for fear."

That part of my acceptance of defeat was added to confirm your earlier prediction about the Brother acceptance. You always read me like a book.

Bhaiya, I have the patra on you. Rev too. It says Rev was born when wutlissness ruled the heavens.

Originally Posted by Chameli:



the only way the PP lost is because of AFC

and I salute AFC for bringing change


Yes..that is why the people will always need a third party. There is a ready 15% market which can possibly expand depending on how well they govern and how much the PPP keeps its old backward political structure. Even though AFC will be in govt, I hope they will maintain some independent political activities.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22 says: "Brother Granger and Brother Moses will now lead our country and both major races are now represented. No need for fear."

That part of my acceptance of defeat was added to confirm your earlier prediction about the Brother acceptance. You always read me like a book.

Bhaiya, I have the patra on you. Rev too. It says Rev was born when wutlissness ruled the heavens.



Rev will surprise all of you. He will support this alliance and criticize it when necessary.


In fact, he endorsed change and defeat a lot sooner than I did.


Anyway, I have a busy day today and will be in and out of GNI all day today.


I hope the PPP mudheads (Registered, thanks to Shaitaan bahi) stop making a bunch of fools of themselves and pick up the phone and contact President Granger and PM Moses and congratulate them.


The AFC must immediately appoint a transition team.


All ports of exit and entry must be closely watched.  


Let us see some civility in the process of transition. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
They will all jump ship - it's in their DNA - all the real honorable PPP members have been gone since Cheddi Jagan died


WPA...yes, i did



anyone who has to comment on what I just said can go jump off a short pier


Where is Bharrat Jagdeo? Like he abandon ship.

what does he have  to do with what i posted?????

You are a PPP/C grass root member. You don't have a say.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Chameli:



the only way the PP lost is because of AFC

and I salute AFC for bringing change


Yes..that is why the people will always need a third party. There is a ready 15% market which can possibly expand depending on how well they govern and how much the PPP keeps its old backward political structure. Even though AFC will be in govt, I hope they will maintain some independent political activities.

At first I was not in favor of the Alliance. Full credit goes out to you for helping me to decide to support the call for national unity.

Originally Posted by HM_ReduxPP new jingle..........cheated not defeated

Ramsammy and Jagdeo are intent on destroying Guyana they tried very hard the past 23 years and they were fairly successful but they job is not complete. The country is still barely standing they want to continue their mission to burn the entire country and its social fabric to the ground. Aided of course by loyal idiots.



I would like to thank all our supporters for their strong support for the PPP/C. We are confident of victory, in spite of continued cheating in elections by the PNC (represented in these elections by APNU+AFC). Their thieving of votes, reprehensible as it is, would not succeed in their winning these elections.

Guyanaโ€™s election was not without fear. Many people were intimidated. In Guyanaโ€™s case, it is not the government that intimidates people; it is usually the present opposition. So fearful were people that the PPP/C had to forego sending polling agents to certain polling stations on May 11th. In some instances, polling agents were so fearful, they abandoned polling stations. In some cases, they became so fearful that they abandoned the stations after the count without ensuring that ballot boxes were secured. 
Some PPP/C candidates and supporters were beaten, their properties destroyed etc. Kwame McCoy is in ICU with a broken jaw. One PPP/C supporter lost his home. Some lost their vehicles. 
Whatever the results of these elections, one thing is certain - APNU+AFC stole many votes. They orchestrated multiple voting and in some instances they did so with cooperation from GECOM staff. GECOM should have ensured that these staff were vetted before. For this reason GECOM must bear some responsibility. There were cases of people who claimed to be persons listed and were allowed to vote.

The PPP/C will win these elections, but we must continue to fight for elections that are free and fair and without fear. Now that the elections are over and the results are imminent, we must all accept the results. The fact is that should they lose, APNU+AFC, the ones that stole votes, would not accept the results. They have so convinced their supporters that they have won and then turned around and say if their supporters become violent because they lose, APNU+AFC would not be able to restrain them.

The PPP/C will never support violence. We are always a peaceful party. We endured the most rigged elections in the world between 1968 and 1992 and never once did we become violent or incited our supporters to become violent.

I wish that all political parties would commit to peaceful pre-and post elections behavior. The PPP/C before 1992 and since then and in the future will continue to work for free and fair elections and elections without fear.

I support the call that this is our country and we must move on peacefully. But the call made by some from APNU+AFC only applies if they win. They say should they win we must all be peaceful and love each other. But should they lose, we must be prepared to face violence because they will not be able to restrain their supporters, reminding us that those who own the dogs are the only ones who could call them off. This is reprehensible.
We say win or lose all should accept the results gracefully and move on with peace and love.

May 13, 2015





* We will support the new government when they make decisions that are good for Guyana and Guyanese.


* Let's give them ample time to get settled in---and then we'll compare stats under the PPP to stats under APNU/AFC.


* Remember these guys made some huge promises to the Guyana people. Let's see if they keep those promises.


* One last thing--I don't want to see any PPP supporter bombarding this forum with negative news about Guyana----that's what the PNC/AFC supporters here did during the PPP reign----they took great delight in bad news emanating from Guyana----let's not emulate them.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* The Guyana electorate made their choice. And over the next 5 years we'll see if the APNU/AFC coalition will do a better job of running the country than the PPP.


* There is an old saying, "winning an election is one thing, but governing is another."


* For now we'll wish the coalition great success.





I agree. 


Let us give APNU the first 100 days of Honeymoon and then be critical of policies etc.


My wish list for the first 100 days include (APNU Promises during the campaign)


A policy in fighting and reducing crime.

A reduction of VAT

A reduction of Berbice Bridge Toll

Increased wages 

Increase for pensioner.

A policy in dealing with Government awarded contracts. No friends of Politicians must be awarded contracts.


The big ticket items will then follow after 100 days.


KN is in the business of selling Newspapers, let us see how their relationship with APNU goes.


This will be an exciting five years.





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