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Former Member

The Honorable Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, former President and current opposition leader of Guyana.

We can’t take the De-facto Guyana Government for granted anymore! After One year, since May 2015 … The Change!

Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting for an update on the Current state of Affairs in Guyana with Keynote Speaker Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Former President of Guyana and Leader of the Opposition.         

Come share your Questions and Views!
On Friday, May 6th, 2016 at 7 Pm at the Naresa’s Palace.
116-14 Rockaway Boulevard, South Ozone Park, Queens.

Other Speakers includes Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, former Minister of Health and Agriculture and Dr. Dev Rawana, Economist and Professor. Moderated by WICR’s Radio Broadcaster Robert Mohamed and Presented by the International Center for Democracy- New York.

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I am asking every members, guests and visitors on GNI to come out and join the Honorable, Dr. Jagdeo in a Town Hall Meeting on the state of affairs of Guyana, especially on the escalating crime that's taking a heavy toll on the Guyanese people at home. It's time to speak up and let your voice be heard loud and clear that enough is enough from the PNC regime.

This is the dishonorable minister of security, Khemraj Ramjattan in his own words to the people of Guyana.

Prashad posted:

The President is meeting the people.

Two term democratically elected President Bharat. Long Live Bharat !

Unlike the current clueless clown who was elected through allegations of rigging.

Jagdeo is paving the way for free and fair elections to remove these AFC/PNC clowns.

Last edited by Former Member

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . In fact he is very religious !  He is here for a conference on climate change. Unlike Jagdeo who as president  was always visiting the clubs and nite spots on Liberty Avenue and elsewhere. He even came over for duck curry competitions in the past when he was president. Jagdeo never made any effort to meet the people in the past. Why at this time ?  The youths of the PPP are stifled and soon will seek other political avenues for their satisfaction.

comrade posted:
alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . In fact he is very religious !  He is here for a conference on climate change. Unlike Jagdeo who as president  was always visiting the clubs and nite spots on Liberty Avenue and elsewhere. He even came over for duck curry competitions in the past when he was president. Jagdeo never made any effort to meet the people in the past. Why at this time ?  The youths of the PPP are stifled and soon will seek other political avenues for their satisfaction.

Must tell lies for change. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Prashad posted:

I don't like this business of saying Dr. Jagdeo. The man is the President so we should say President Jagdeo.

This is your angst.  He is NOT president.  He is the leader of the opposition!

comrade posted:
alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . In fact he is very religious !  He is here for a conference on climate change. Unlike Jagdeo who as president  was always visiting the clubs and nite spots on Liberty Avenue and elsewhere. He even came over for duck curry competitions in the past when he was president. Jagdeo never made any effort to meet the people in the past. Why at this time ?  The youths of the PPP are stifled and soon will seek other political avenues for their satisfaction.

The climate change conference was two weeks ago!  Does Jagdeo drink?  I have never seen him drink.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

I don't like this business of saying Dr. Jagdeo. The man is the President so we should say President Jagdeo.

This is your angst.  He is NOT president.  He is the leader of the opposition!

But it is customary to address a past President of a country as President.  Don't Americans say President Clinton when addressing Bill??!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

I don't like this business of saying Dr. Jagdeo. The man is the President so we should say President Jagdeo.

This is your angst.  He is NOT president.  He is the leader of the opposition!

But it is customary to address a past President of a country as President.  Don't Americans say President Clinton when addressing Bill??!!

Big difference. No one ever says that Clinton is the president. That would be absurd. Prashad stated that Dr. Jagdeo is the president. He is not a doctor and he is certainly not the president.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

I don't like this business of saying Dr. Jagdeo. The man is the President so we should say President Jagdeo.

This is your angst.  He is NOT president.  He is the leader of the opposition!

But it is customary to address a past President of a country as President.  Don't Americans say President Clinton when addressing Bill??!!

Is President Clinton still functioning in the US gov't?  NO!  Once a president's term is finished, he is done!  That is his last office in gov't.

Jagdeo is not functioning as the president, so the best that you can call him is the former president.  He is the Leader of the Opposition.  THAT is his title!


Folks, the big day is tomorrow. There is no time to undermine the character of the honorable, former president, or to be jealous of his portfolios.

GNI is NOT big enough to handle his experience and global imagery.


Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo is the President of the East Indian people of Guyana. The largest group presently in Guyana. East Indians of Guyana must never allow race haters to rule over them.


Granger is the President of Guyana, whether you like it or not.

But the PPP is welcome to continue to see itself as the "coolie people party".  This attitude, and the fact that 60% of the population do NOT identify as Indians, ensures their demise.

Prashad posted:

Caribbeanj granger is your president. As an East Indian President Jagdeo is my President so get with it.

Oh yes, this imaginary "Indesh" where your non Indo wife and dougla kids are barred from.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

A blow below the belt by the carib.


Why?   You demand a separate homeland for Indians, this being very hypocritical for a man whose kids are part Indian, African, and I assume European. 

I would have thought that you would be a loud advocate for a celebration of the cultural diversity of Guyana, and demanding that no one be excluded based on ethnicity, religion, class, or geography.

But you scream your a racial homeland as loudly as do the KKK.  That's as nonsensical as if a KKK married Halle Berry, and then demanded a white homeland.

comrade posted:
alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . .

Since when "splurge" refers to drinking?  I think you referring to "slurp", and that's not what Alena said!

This current administration is one of the least useful in recent history!



Friday, May 6th, 2016 at 7 Pm at the Naresa’s Palace.
116-14 Rockaway Boulevard, South Ozone Park, Queens.

Speaker: Honorable, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Fmr president of the Republic of Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Why should my mulatto wife who love me unconditionally and my mixed race children prevent me from seeing President Jagdeo as my President. It is my porogative. 

Your screams for an Indo homeland.  They aren't Indian.

Cobra posted:


Friday, May 6th, 2016 at 7 Pm at the Naresa’s Palace.
116-14 Rockaway Boulevard, South Ozone Park, Queens.

Speaker: Honorable, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Fmr president of the Republic of Guyana.

Hey, hey, the devil is there.

Chief posted:


How much milk you walking with tonight to wash President Jagdeo feet?

Jagdeo will demand a tongue washing of a very private area from an idiot like cobra.  The thing is cobra will do it too, as he is very enslaved by the Devil.

alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

Alena, Jagdeo is concerned about the crime in Guyana. While he can't do much in Guyana in his opposition capacity, he's definitely reaching out to the diaspora in person to update them about the current situation in Guyana. Reading the dailies is not enough, but listening to the honorable gentleman in person can give us inside intelligence of the real scope that the media is not privileged to tell us. 

Cobra posted:

Alena, Jagdeo is concerned about the crime in Guyana. .

Oh Yes I remember when he went to RH a decade ago and people screamed at him about crime, he wailed that crime exists every where, and that Indians aren't the only victims.

Now that he is no longer Emperor of Guyana, he sings the same tune that Ravi Dev used to. 

No wonder they are good friends now.  They can both wail "blackman a kill ahbe".

caribny posted:

Now that he is no longer Emperor of Guyana, he sings the same tune that Ravi Dev used to. 

No wonder they are good friends now. They can both wail "blackman a kill ahbe".

Nah, we see the police taking up combat positions against the Stabroek vendors!!  And according to Granger, the bandits are being snuffed out!!


He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party.  And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.   I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!"

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party.  And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.   I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!"

Thanks,did he paint a true picture of the "assumed" dwindling economy and crime,or used spin to get the attention of the attendees which i assumed the majority are Indians.


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