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Dude .... Just my opinion. I repeat for the 100th time.

Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to feel comfortable endorsing him for that position.

The APNU will not endorse him, so if he wants the speakership that badly, then I suggest he goes to the PPP to enquire about votes in his favor. I don't even know if the PPP will endorse him. In which case ... we are back to a PPP nominee as speaker of parliament.

Dude, this is hardball politics .... we're not playing in a sandbox in kindergarthen.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
what do you mean new kid on the block.does politican have to have certain amount of age in their party.mass grow thickess on dead wood.the ppp put him on ice because he is out want to tell me ramsroop is a good pick for APNU
Speaker is a position given to people who are well qualified and hold a senior position in the party (not 6 week newbies).

I say let the AFC go tie bundle with the PPP. They may get a better deal there. Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to endorse him for that slot.
what wrong with his qualification,he have 50 yrs experience in polictis.he is a lawyer,was a minister in the fact he is more experience than any one in the know that you is bucking for APNU for speaker but it will never happen in this next 5 yrs
Originally posted by Nuff:
Dude .... Just my opinion. I repeat for the 100th time.

Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to feel comfortable endorsing him for that position.

The APNU will not endorse him, so if he wants the speakership that badly, then I suggest he goes to the PPP. I don't even know if the PPP will endorse him. In which case ... we are back to a PPP nominee as speaker of parliament.

Dude, this is hardball politics .... we're not playing in a sandbox in kindergarthen.
as i say if APNU do not support AFC for the speaker is back to the field for black people,and that is the hard facts
Originally posted by warrior:
[what wrong with his qualification,he have 50 yrs experience in polictis.he is a lawyer,was a minister in the fact he is more experience than any one in the know that you is bucking for APNU for speaker but it will never happen in this next 5 yrs
Read my lips ... there is nothing wrong with his qualifications. He is too closely aligned to 32 voting PPP members in parliament.

Now concerning APNU not getting the speaker nod from the AFC, then the speaker nod will go to Ramkarran. It's that simple. This is not rocket science.

The consideration here is maybe you should put up another candidate and not one who is highly suspect like Moses. All Moses has done for the AFC so far is talk at a few rallies. 6 weeks ago he was a PPP stalwart.
Originally posted by warrior:
as i say if APNU do not support AFC for the speaker is back to the field for black people,and that is the hard facts
Then so be it. But let me clarify ... It's back to the fields for everyone, meaning all the races.

Are you threathening blacks if they don't give the nod to Moses. Big Grin

It ain't gonna work homey. Nice try.
I will end by stating this.

One commitment by AFC during the election was to stamp out corruption and politicians taking bribes etc. This is one of the reasons that people voted based on the AFC charter

Maybe APNU has concerns about how Moses will handle his 32 MP PPP comrades should their names come up in investigations in parliament and will he really do due diligence when pursuing the accusations against old friends he has acquired during 40 years in public office.

Let me say ... his sounding off "running to the PPP to get votes for the speaker position" doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Is he forgetting that he is the opposition?

Is he that tight with the PPP that he could get their vote after all that he went through with the PPP in Oct 2011? Or is he just bluffing?

I think he's bluffing!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
as i say if APNU do not support AFC for the speaker is back to the field for black people,and that is the hard facts
Then so be it. But let me clarify ... It's back to the fields for everyone, meaning all the races.

Are you threathening blacks if they don't give the nod to Moses. Big Grin

It ain't gonna work homey. Nice try.
you have to understand one thing i am a guyanese who love my country and still live there,i am a indian but not a racist and is a guyanese first before i am a indian.every thing i just say is what i belive is right for my country.guyana donot need aPPP OR APNU speaker in the house,we need a ref between these two racist distructive party.after 20 yrs guyana get a chance to bring peace and equality amount its people.and the AFC intend to see that happen,i hope APNU can see the light and do the smart thing
Originally posted by warrior:
you have to understand one thing i am a guyanese who love my country and still live there,i am a indian but not a racist and is a guyanese first before i am a indian.every thing i just say is what i belive is right for my country.guyana donot need aPPP OR APNU speaker in the house,we need a ref between these two racist distructive party.after 20 yrs guyana get a chance to bring peace and equality amount its people.and the AFC intend to see that happen,i hope APNU can see the light and do the smart thing
If that's how you feel ... get more than 7 seats in parliament the next time. This is hardball dude. Sorry I don't make up the rules.

You make it sound like the AFC is divine intevention. Sorry it ain't so!
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is just leave alone and sit back and watch. We are getting early signs of trouble in the AFC. Trotman is not a man of compromise as some people think. Moses will run into conflict with him and it seems like it already started.

Sit back and watch.
Why is it that Trotman isn't a man of compromise and not the other way around, that Moses isn't a man of compromise?

Why is it that Moses will run into conflict with Trotman and not the other way around?

Do you understand Moses has been in the party for 6 weeks. He can't call the shots. That's not the way political parties work. You have to earn leadership in a party. Trotman and Ramjattan are Moses' boss.

You guys need to take remedial Politics 101.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
you have to understand one thing i am a guyanese who love my country and still live there,i am a indian but not a racist and is a guyanese first before i am a indian.every thing i just say is what i belive is right for my country.guyana donot need aPPP OR APNU speaker in the house,we need a ref between these two racist distructive party.after 20 yrs guyana get a chance to bring peace and equality amount its people.and the AFC intend to see that happen,i hope APNU can see the light and do the smart thing
If that's how you feel ... get more than 7 seats in parliament the next time. This is hardball dude. Sorry I don't make up the rules.

You make it sound like the AFC is divine intevention. Sorry it ain't so!
for this election its a devine intervention for the APNU now they donot have to keep walking out of parlament.the AFC give them a voice so they can do good for their people,i hope they don blow it.if they do the next election they will have to change they name.when APNU see the AFC they is seeing a gifted horse and you know what they say about a gifted horse
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is just leave alone and sit back and watch. We are getting early signs of trouble in the AFC. Trotman is not a man of compromise as some people think. Moses will run into conflict with him and it seems like it already started.

Sit back and watch.
Why is it that Trotman isn't a man of compromise and not the other way around, that Moses isn't a man of compromise?

Why is it that Moses will run into conflict with Trotman and not the other way around?

Do you understand Moses has been in the party for 6 weeks. He can't call the shots. That's not the way political parties work. You have to earn leadership in a party. Trotman and Ramjattan are Moses' boss.

You guys need to take remedial Politics 101.

You are right.. Moses is not a man of compromise especially when it comes to leadership. He has not been with the party very long, but he brought votes. That's the key here. As Trotman lashes out at him one can expect him to defend. His ego and career are on the line more than ever before. Lets watch and see.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is just leave alone and sit back and watch. We are getting early signs of trouble in the AFC. Trotman is not a man of compromise as some people think. Moses will run into conflict with him and it seems like it already started.

Sit back and watch.
Why is it that Trotman isn't a man of compromise and not the other way around, that Moses isn't a man of compromise?

Why is it that Moses will run into conflict with Trotman and not the other way around?

Do you understand Moses has been in the party for 6 weeks. He can't call the shots. That's not the way political parties work. You have to earn leadership in a party. Trotman and Ramjattan are Moses' boss.

You guys need to take remedial Politics 101.
how long OBAMA was in the house,but he become the most powerfull man in the world.its not how long my friend it the moment that counts
Back in the days of the PNC, Fatboy had Roopnarine, Rohee, Naga, and many others running from lashes. The boys couldn't get a government job. Private business did not want to employ them fearing reprisal from the PNC> Travel through Timehri naturally comes with harrassment and lockup. Try demonstrating against anything and you are surely to be greeted by Burnham thugs. With all of this in mind it saddens me to see how the very people who fought against the tyranny of LFS are now fighting and squabbling among themselves while the threat of a return to PNC style rule never been so close.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Back in the days of the PNC, Fatboy had Roopnarine, Rohee, Naga, and many others running from lashes. The boys couldn't get a government job. Private business did not want to employ them fearing reprisal from the PNC> Travel through Timehri naturally comes with harrassment and lockup. Try demonstrating against anything and you are surely to be greeted by Burnham thugs. With all of this in mind it saddens me to see how the very people who fought against the tyranny of LFS are now fighting and squabbling among themselves while the threat of a return to PNC style rule never been so close.
it simple the ppp that the people fought for is not the same,the ppp of today thiefing too much,they cannot protect the people,they is a disgrace to indian people.a bunch of antiman that have no respect for the guyanese people ,you want me to go on
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses cannot come on the block 6 weeks ago and "demand" the speaker role. 2 months ago he was with the PPP. I don't know if I can trust him. After 40+ years with the PPP he may dislike Jagdeo, but I bet he is buddy buddy with those 32 PPP MPs.

Just my view.

But the nature of the man means that he will demand the speaker role.
AFC went into the Elections as an independent party, not as a member of APNU!
The party (AFC) holds the balance of power and should leverage it in the best interest of the nation. This means it should co-operate with either APNU or PPP when the situation deserves it.
AFC must hold out for the Speakership, even if it has to negotiate with PPP. If AFC is to succeed in getting Constitutional changes, it would need help from PPP to get the required 2/3 parliamentary votes. So Trotman's rant about quid-pro-quo is dishonest at least.
It is perhaps a good thing Moses did not join AFC earlier and pull more votes from PPP. This might have allowed APNU to win the majority votes. Then we would have seen the full colours of APNC.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses is trying to threaten the APNU by talking about garnering votes from the PPP. Let him take the AFC back to the PPP fold. The citizens voted the PPP out for a reason. Let him run back to the comforts of his 40 year tenure with the PPP.

Like I said, I am for the APNU because I know what I am getting with the APNU opposition. The AFC is not surefooted.
all you getting with APNU right now is blackness,carefull your racist personalty will say is all that is being post here.let use our sence if guyana stay voting race the APNU will say in the fields,the AFC is the light at the end of the tunnel for black people.the APNU have no choice but to vote for moses.when i see APNU PUT UP RAMSROOP name i know they is only bluffing,this man is one of the biggist fool and thief in guyana politics.APNU have to think about the future of its people,to get indians to stay away from the ppp they have to show that they is supporting AFC.what better way to do so than to give moses the speaker of the house

warrior you need to stop with this AFC nonsense. 90% of the voters REJECTED them. Guyanese have no faith in them. Stop acting as if the AFc hasGod given rights. THEY DONT.

If 85% of Guyanese voted race that is because the AFC didnt convince them not to. You cannot accuse PPP or APNU Amerindians of voting race. More of them voted for those two parties than for the AFC. Check regions 1, and 9 which are almost exclusively Amerindian.

The AFC is like a broken down car. Rather than speaking from the mountain top you all need to ask yourself why a second election ha scome and gone and few Guyanese support them....and those who do only do so when enraged by the leadership of the party that they support.

Even Nagamootoo is showing symptoms of this now. Why is he running his mouth and not talking with other AFC leaders before making his views public. This is just what the PPP and APNU need to embolden their arrogance. A notion that the AFc is run by a bunch of comedians who fight in public.
Originally posted by warrior:
.only the true honest guyanese vote AFC.

So most Amerindians are racists or crooks as they voted PPP mainly, with more supporting APNU than the AFC.

You are like a quack doctor screaming about why he cant get any patients. faulty campaignning after a lack luster 5 years in parliament and yet the AFC thinks its entitled to votes.

Trotman and Ramjattan were members of the two parties that you condemn, and were quita happy until they tangled with the leadership.
Originally posted by warrior:
That's all I have to say! Big Grin
so if APNU is stupid not to know their friends then they must face their enemy alone[/QUOTE]

Guess what APNU will be able to handle the PPP much better than teh AFC can if it tries to on its own. 26 seats vs 7 seats, plus the ability to mobilize thousands when it needs to.
Originally posted by Nuff:

Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to feel comfortable endorsing him for that position.


Why is warrior crying. Trotman doesnt want Nagamootoo either. His recent outburst just shows fundamentally he remains a "PPP".

The AFC needs to find some one else. I mean its better that the PPP take the Speaker than to support a closet PPP for that post, and then have the PPP pretend as if this is a concession to the opposition.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
AFC went into the Elections as an independent party, not as a member of APNU!
The party (AFC) holds the balance of power and should leverage it in the best interest of the nation. .

Continue to think so and watch the PPP and APNu make deals and turn the AFC into what the TUF was in the last parliament.

If the AFC wanted to play powerful it should have had a smarter campaign and won at least 20 seats. It got a scant 7 because Nagamootoo has a fire rage against Jagdeo. Now he wants to go back to the PPP.

All the AFC can do is listen to the PPP and listen to APNU and decide which one makes the most sense. If you think it can force these two to do what they do not wish to do you dream. APNU will NEVER support Nagamootoo and I dont see why the AFC should either, unless they plan to become part of the PPP.

Obviously there is dissension in the ranks as I predicted with all of these PPP refugees. Apparently APNU and the PPP are doing a better job in keeping their internal conflicts contained.

And I really dont understand your rage against APNU. APNU is strong because the AFC made them strong for reasons that I stated since August...and was proven RIGHT!!! The AFC CREATED the current APNU.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:

Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to feel comfortable endorsing him for that position.


Why is warrior crying. Trotman doesnt want Nagamootoo either. His recent outburst just shows fundamentally he remains a "PPP".

The AFC needs to find some one else. I mean its better that the PPP take the Speaker than to support a closet PPP for that post, and then have the PPP pretend as if this is a concession to the opposition.

Why did they offer him the Vice presidency?
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Back in the days of the PNC, Fatboy had Roopnarine, Rohee, Naga, and many others running from lashes. The boys couldn't get a government job. Private business did not want to employ them fearing reprisal from the PNC> Travel through Timehri naturally comes with harrassment and lockup. Try demonstrating against anything and you are surely to be greeted by Burnham thugs. With all of this in mind it saddens me to see how the very people who fought against the tyranny of LFS are now fighting and squabbling among themselves while the threat of a return to PNC style rule never been so close.
it simple the ppp that the people fought for is not the same,the ppp of today thiefing too much,they cannot protect the people,they is a disgrace to indian people.a bunch of antiman that have no respect for the guyanese people ,you want me to go on

You can go on but not with that anti-man thing. this is holiday season and we don't anything vile to spoil it. Big Grin
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by warrior:
how long OBAMA was in the house,but he become the most powerfull man in the world.its not how long my friend it the moment that counts

Obama ran for the highest office in the land and campaigned for 11 months. He was voted in by the masses.

Moses didn't run for anything, in fact it appears he reluctantly dragged himself over to the AFC with less than 4 weeks to go prior to the elections. He seemed rather confortable being a PPP stawart until Oct 2011.

Maybe ... just maybe, he and Ramjattan had a gentleman's deal concerning the speaker position up front before elections, but 7 seats isn't sufficient to seal the deal now.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
That's all I have to say! Big Grin
so if APNU is stupid not to know their friends then they must face their enemy alone

Guess what APNU will be able to handle the PPP much better than teh AFC can if it tries to on its own. 26 seats vs 7 seats, plus the ability to mobilize thousands when it needs to.[/QUOTE]you want your your people to be second class citizen.and what will you mobilize and do.protest more you protest the more the black people go hungry.what will you do overtrow the government the guyanese black people is a bunch of cowards.your best chance is to stop being a bully and join the AFC IN PARLAMENT.its funny how a little party like the AFC is giving the two giants go to show that right is might
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:

Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to feel comfortable endorsing him for that position.


Why is warrior crying. Trotman doesnt want Nagamootoo either. His recent outburst just shows fundamentally he remains a "PPP".

The AFC needs to find some one else. I mean its better that the PPP take the Speaker than to support a closet PPP for that post, and then have the PPP pretend as if this is a concession to the opposition.
warrior do not cry the warrior is a thoroughbred.we do not cry we run and die
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Back in the days of the PNC, Fatboy had Roopnarine, Rohee, Naga, and many others running from lashes. The boys couldn't get a government job. Private business did not want to employ them fearing reprisal from the PNC> Travel through Timehri naturally comes with harrassment and lockup. Try demonstrating against anything and you are surely to be greeted by Burnham thugs. With all of this in mind it saddens me to see how the very people who fought against the tyranny of LFS are now fighting and squabbling among themselves while the threat of a return to PNC style rule never been so close.
You make it sound like the PNC kept indians down

Go ask Jagdeo where his first job was and under whom? The leadership was Hoyte and he worked at The Min of Finance. There has always been opportunity for indians in Guyana. Don't believe the hype. Yes Jagdeo got his first break under Hoyte.

How many bruddahs got their break under the PPP whilst Jagdeo was in power if they were from a different political party?
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Back in the days of the PNC, Fatboy had Roopnarine, Rohee, Naga, and many others running from lashes. The boys couldn't get a government job. Private business did not want to employ them fearing reprisal from the PNC> Travel through Timehri naturally comes with harrassment and lockup. Try demonstrating against anything and you are surely to be greeted by Burnham thugs. With all of this in mind it saddens me to see how the very people who fought against the tyranny of LFS are now fighting and squabbling among themselves while the threat of a return to PNC style rule never been so close.
You make it sound like the PNC kept indians down

Go ask Jagdeo where his first job was and under whom? The leadership was Hoyte and he worked at The Min of Finance. There has always been opportunity for indians in Guyana. Don't believe the hype. Yes Jagdeo got his first break under Hoyte.

How many bruddahs got their break under the PPP whilst Jagdeo was in power if they were from a different political party?
nuff,that man is a racist pig
Originally posted by warrior:
you want your your people to be second class citizen.and what will you mobilize and do.protest more you protest the more the black people go hungry.what will you do overtrow the government the guyanese black people is a bunch of cowards.your best chance is to stop being a bully and join the AFC IN PARLAMENT.its funny how a little party like the AFC is giving the two giants go to show that right is might

Get used to this fact. AfroGuyanese decided on Nov 28th that the AFC is too weak to defend their interests. Now that the AFC has only 7 seats and a Nagamootoo factor to deal with they are even more confident in this belief.

How exactkly will the AFC defend blacks when they will be afraid that the Nagamootoo factor will atempt to block any overtures made by the AFC to deal with the specific interests of AfroGuyanese.

The AFC has enough serious internal problems because it has a very weak core support base.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
you want your your people to be second class citizen.and what will you mobilize and do.protest more you protest the more the black people go hungry.what will you do overtrow the government the guyanese black people is a bunch of cowards.your best chance is to stop being a bully and join the AFC IN PARLAMENT.its funny how a little party like the AFC is giving the two giants go to show that right is might

Get used to this fact. AfroGuyanese decided on Nov 28th that the AFC is too weak to defend their interests. Now that the AFC has only 7 seats and a Nagamootoo factor to deal with they are even more confident in this belief.

How exactkly will the AFC defend blacks when they will be afraid that the Nagamootoo factor will atempt to block any overtures made by the AFC to deal with the specific interests of AfroGuyanese.

The AFC has enough serious internal problems because it has a very weak core support base.
you is one of those fortune teller around,how you know NAGA will block anything that is in the intrested of the AFRO.this is a AFC man and if you look at the history of guyana only afc people is honest putting the cart in front of he horse
Originally posted by warrior:
]you is one of those fortune teller

And a good one too. I told you that the AFC will be punished because they ignored the black vote. Now FReddie Kissoon and Gerhard have told you the same thing.

If my predictions were faulty it was in over estimating how many Indo votes that Nagamootoo would bring and how successful ASPNU wouold have been. I thought that the AFC could have pulled at least 20%....instead they crashed to 10%.

Naga is not there to represent Afro interests and if he is seen to be doing so he jeopardizes his own Indo support base. Naga will not do this. Naga has ZERO support among Afros so he has no reason to represent their interests.
Originally posted by warrior:
you is one of those fortune teller around,how you know NAGA will block anything that is in the intrested of the AFRO.this is a AFC man and if you look at the history of guyana only afc people is honest putting the cart in front of he horse

Who is an AFC man? NAGA?

Dude he is like a fetus in terms of being born into the AFC. Even a baby ostrich egg takes longer than 6 weeks to incubate.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Who is an AFC man? NAGA?


Trotman who is a power house in the AFC doesnt trust Naga for the same reasons that we dont and all these naive AFCites do. They will soon leave the AFC totally disillusioned as baseman did after he saw how right I was.

Nigel Hughes and other AFC lawyers have been known to defend major drug lords. Draw your own conclusions from this.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
]you is one of those fortune teller

And a good one too. I told you that the AFC will be punished because they ignored the black vote. Now FReddie Kissoon and Gerhard have told you the same thing.

If my predictions were faulty it was in over estimating how many Indo votes that Nagamootoo would bring and how successful ASPNU wouold have been. I thought that the AFC could have pulled at least 20%....instead they crashed to 10%.

Naga is not there to represent Afro interests and if he is seen to be doing so he jeopardizes his own Indo support base. Naga will not do this.
in guyana history,its the best 10% votes that count.that 10% vote will change guyana political landscape for ever.its a 10% THAT WILL make all the difference in black people life in guyana.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Who is an AFC man? NAGA?


Trotman who is a power house in the AFC doesnt trust Naga for the same reasons that we dont and all these naive AFCites do. They will soon leave the AFC totally disillusioned as baseman did after he saw how right I was.

Nigel Hughes and other AFC lawyers have been known to defend major drug lords. Draw your own conclusions from this.
i know you losing it now.i feel for you my brother,its all because APNU future depend on AFC.its karama a party with 10% make all the difference in guyana politics.the lord reward goodness and truth
Originally posted by warrior:
]in guyana history,its the best 10% votes that count.that 10% vote will change guyana political landscape for ever.its a 10% THAT WILL make all the difference in black people life in guyana.

And if the PPP and APNU decide they "like it so" what will your 7 seats do to stop them.

Understand this if the PPP decides to work with APNU to ensure that more Afros are involved in decision making, more Afros get contracts, and more Afros benefit economically where does that leave the AFC?

Do you really think the 10% will make a difference without jeopardizing the AFCs ability to attract Indian votes?
Originally posted by warrior:
[]i know you losing it now.i feel for you my brother,its all because APNU future depend on AFC.its karama a party with 10% make all the difference in guyana politics.the lord reward goodness and truth

I am not losing it. You are if you think that Granger wioth 26 seats is going to be led by the AFC with 7 seats and a brewing war between its Georgetown black/brown elites and Nagamootoo and his band of IndoBerbicians. You really dont know Georgetown people.

I will let you into a secret. Trotman and Granger come out of the same socio cultural section of Guyanese society and both regard people like Nagamootoo as a threat. Much as both look down on people like Corbin.

Corbin is history. He knows his role is to keep quiet. I hope you have the intelligence to figure out the rest.

AS we speak I will not be surprised if the PPP hasnt begun to quietly speak to Nagamootoo knowing the socio cultural realities he will face with those GT black/brown elite folks.

To put it crudely my man its between those who have known how to use knives and forks since age 5 vs those who still werent too comfortable with it as adults, though may have since mastered the skill.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
[]i know you losing it now.i feel for you my brother,its all because APNU future depend on AFC.its karama a party with 10% make all the difference in guyana politics.the lord reward goodness and truth

I am not losing it. You are if you think that Granger wioth 26 seats is going to be led by the AFC with 7 seats and a brewing war between its Georgetown black/brown elites and Nagamootoo and his band of IndoBerbicians. You really dont know Georgetown people.

I will let you into a secret. Trotman and Granger come out of the same socio cultural section of Guyanese society and both regard people like Nagamootoo as a threat. Much as both look down on people like Corbin.

Corbin is history. He knows his role is to keep quiet. I hope you have the intelligence to figure out the rest.

AS we speak I will not be surprised if the PPP hasnt begun to quietly speak to Nagamootoo knowing the socio cultural realities he will face with those GT black/brown elite folks.

To put it crudely my man its between those who have known how to use knives and forks since age 5 vs those who still werent too comfortable with it as adults, though may have since mastered the skill.

Tell dem, coolies too stupid to undastaan Afros. As you soo elequently put it, is all about Indo and Afro, forget about al what Nagamootoo and Ramjattan was preaching during elections. You relfect all wah is wrong down hey, except you shouting yuh big mouth from America.
It appears Ramjattan made Moses an offer he couldn't refuse.

I feel Ramjattan promised Moses the Speaker post prior to elections thinking the AFC would have done much better than gain only 7 seats. It now appears Moses wants to be paid his 1/2 lb of flesh but the APNU wants no parts of that.

Let Moses push Ramjattan around until those ywo work it out. What Ramjattan promised Moses is of liyyle cobern to me. All these guys are power gready end egotistical.

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