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Trotman is fooling himself with his political rhetoric
Written by T. KING
Sunday, 08 January 2012 23:56
RAPHAEL Trotman unlikely for 10th Parliament "Kaieteur News dated Saturday January 7, 2012": “I will not be involved in the business of playing politics or being in the Chamber for the sake of being here knowing that my ability to offer genuine representation is stymied or non-existent.” Trotman had told the House that “we desperately need a President, (and a government), who demonstrates the capacity, ability and willingness to bridge the ethnic and political divide to confront and address legacy issues that spurn hate and revenge; to forge a culture of accountability and acknowledgement that creates the atmosphere for forgiveness and reconciliation; and to put Guyana and all of its people first, and not ego, blind ambition, ethnicity, gender, religious belief, age, and even sexual orientation, if I am to be politically correct.”

Raphael Trotman could only be fooling himself with his political rhetoric.
Maybe he is looking for sympathy and wants others in the AFC to go on their knees begging him to stay on and fight the good fight with his political bosses in the PNC.
Most Guyanese see Raphael Trotman as an opportunistic politician as when things do not go his way he cries and wants to pick up the ball and leave the play ground spouting, ranting and raving about fairplay.
When Raphael Trotman and his cohort sidekicks in AFC tried to push Ramjattan out of an agreed rotation agreement, Trotman was enjoying it until the people of the street started asking what happened to rotation.
Trotman and his AFC cohorts tried to wiggle their way out by saying "rotation would occur only if AFC had won the 2006 election" what a load of crock.
Trotman refused to play second fiddle to Ramjattan after Trotman and his AFC cohorts were trapped into making Ramjattan presidential candidate of AFC for the 2011 election.
AFC then named Sheila Holder as prime ministerial candidate, but unfortunately she got sick and died.
It was only after the lady's death that Trotman's AFC cohorts begged him to work as second fiddle to Ramjattan which Trotman could not refuse, since Moses came over from the PPP/C to join AFC.
Why do Guyanese think Trotman and his AFC cohorts never bothered to campaign heavily in PNC strongholds?
Trotman wanted Ramjattan to fail, but it backfired on him and his AFC cohorts when AFC gained seven seats in Parliament.
Yes, I repeat what I said. Trotman wanted Ramjattan to fail so Trotman’s cohorts in the AFC would beg him to lead the AFC again because of rotation.
Trotman said: "We desperately need a President." Well I have news for you Trotman. Donald Ramotar is yours and President of all Guyanese like it or not, since the Guyanese people spoke on elections day.
Trotman said we need a president and government, who will demonstrate the capacity, ability and willingness to bridge the ethnic and political divide"
Deadly questions for Raphalel Trotman now! I wish he would be given space to respond.
Why was Chantalle Smith sitting in Parliament over Gaumattie Singh?
Was it for as what you said, "wages"?
Were you not playing the race card with Chantalle Smith an Afro-Guyanese woman picked over Gaumattie Singh, an Indian woman?
Were you Trotman putting all Guyanese first when you did that to Gaumattie Singh, or because Indian Gaumattie Singh is not considered Guyanese in your thinking capacity?
Trotman, you are indeed politically correct because you chose Afro first and foremost as Guyanese and none Afros as not Guyanese.

Source: Guyana Chronicle
Originally posted by Jalil:
Happy New Year....this is 2012 seem to be stuck in 1964 ......48 years ago[/b]

jalil got your ethnic composition wrong. Indian 40%+, African 30%, Amerindian 10%. The rest are mixed with a smattering of Portuguese, Chinese and Brazilians.

Let me know when your fire rage with the PPP is over and you exact revenge on the wrongs that Jagdeo did to you. I expect to see you cheering the PPP not too long from now.

Poor AFC used like an ugly woman desperate for a husband. Used by PNC supporters in 2006 in their fight with Corbin. Now by Nagamootoo and other PPPite sin their fight with Jagdeo.
Trotman return to Assembly up in the air
By Stabroek staff | 33 Comments | Local | Monday, January 9, 2012

AFC leader Raphael Trotman’s return to the National Assembly is up in the air despite the party identifying him soon after the November 28 general elections as one of its representatives in the new Parliament.

Contacted yesterday, Trotman said that he was not prepared to speak on the issue at the moment. He pointed out that he had put several proposals to the AFC leadership including one which would see him return to the National Assembly and another which would see him out and these are to be discussed. “I cannot speak definitively right now,” he said.

Raphael Trotman

AFC co-leader, Khemraj Ramjattan in a brief comment told Stabroek News that he would like Trotman to return to the National Assembly as one of the two remaining founding members of the party.

He said that Trotman knew the parliamentary work, is a good speaker and can argue his cases.

An AFC source told Stabroek News that Trotman has said he will not return to Parliament citing the “adversarial” nature of the body. The source said that Trotman is holding this position despite pleading from fellow members to reconsider. “All of us are pleading that he get back in Parliament,” the source said while adding that they hope that he will reconsider.

The AFC had initially identified Ramjattan, Trotman, Moses Nagamootoo and parliamentary newcomers Cathy Hughes, Veerasammy Ramayya and youth representative Trevor Williams as its representatives in the National Assembly for the 10th Parliament with the final representative undecided.
Originally posted by caribj:

"traitorous dog of the worst kind who sold out his people to "blackman"".

It is not per chance that Indians have a healthy fear of the Blacks in Guyana. They were raped, beaten and robbed many times by the Blacks, hence their distrust. On the other hand the PPP give milk to the Blacks as appeasement and an olive branch, but instead the Blacks bite the hands that feed them.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
Trotman seems to have a bone to pick with Moses...

Now I have proof. Nagamootoo has begun secret negotiations with the PPP sohe is no longer a "traitorous dog of the worst kind who sold out his people to "blackman"".

But then only silly Ramjattan doesnt know this.

Nah, me nah tink dem bais ah traita and all datt shyte. Dem bais a juss geh frustrated and cyarry away ova PPP bad waayz. But abie see, coolie a juss bait fao datt big fish, da PNC. Dem PNC bais naily pull all abie rass unda.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Kari, Please explain the pride Roopnarine is feeling that he joined the People that KILLED DR Walter Rodney.
Originally posted by Kari:
No moh one-liners, repeating de same schlock, Al- Butt?

Nehru, I have not commented on Roopnarine, so I'm not sure why you're asking me about this APNU member. I do not dispute the killing of Walter Rodney by the PNC, and yes the PNC is the dominant part of APNU. Care to explain the question?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
They were raped, . .

This phallic obsession with black men that you and sledge have. Please examine the underlying reason for this.

Any way slave masters used to complain how ungrateful slaves were as they were getting fed. This is the PPP and its attitude to blacks.

Mi cyan't talk foa da man BGurd, but me can seh, me nah want get feed to di daggs man. PNC rule natt datt worrisome if natt foa dem wicked alliance wid da GDF. PNC + GDF = EVIL.
Originally posted by albert:
Trotman seems to have a bone to pick with Moses...

How can trotman forgive Moses for what he said against the PNC and all their leaders?.

You can forgive but you can't forget.

trotman is a crook. All he wanted was to split the PPP by accepting Moses as a member. He signed the acceptance papers..

One shouldn't forget how he cheated gaumattie out of a Parliamentary seat in 2006.

What was two dead men doing in his office?
Is that really true?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
APNU/PNC do not want Moses. Also Trotman does not want him either. The nimakaram can't take a hint.. Nobody wahts him..
you right the ppp did not want the man,now he is with AFC and doing some good for his country,why the rass you ppp soup drinkers is mad.what the matter you never miss the water until the well run dry
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
APNU/PNC do not want Moses. Also Trotman does not want him either. The nimakaram can't take a hint.. Nobody wahts him..
you right the ppp did not want the man,now he is with AFC and doing some good for his country,why the rass you ppp soup drinkers is mad.what the matter you never miss the water until the well run dry

he was useless in the PPP for ten years..

What is he doing for his country?

Trotman just kicked his black ass....

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