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Originally posted by Nuff:
It appears Ramjattan made Moses an offer he couldn't refuse.

I feel Ramjattan promised Moses the Speaker post prior to elections thinking the AFC would have done much better than gain only 7 seats. It now appears Moses wants to be paid his 1/2 lb of flesh but the APNU wants no parts of that.

Let Moses push Ramjattan around until those ywo work it out. What Ramjattan promised Moses is of liyyle cobern to me. All these guys are power gready end egotistical.

Abie coolies tend to be like datt...didn't you know?
Originally posted by Nuff:
It appears Ramjattan made Moses an offer he couldn't refuse.

I feel Ramjattan promised Moses the Speaker post prior to elections thinking the AFC would have done much better than gain only 7 seats. It now appears Moses wants to be paid his 1/2 lb of flesh but the APNU wants no parts of that.

Let Moses push Ramjattan around until those ywo work it out. What Ramjattan promised Moses is of liyyle cobern to me. All these guys are power gready end egotistical.

CaribJ you need to understand "NO ONE WON THE ELECTIONS"
Not the PPP, Not the APNU............Nor not the AFC

They are all now Jockeying for Position.
No one is Super-power

TODAY....PPP + APNU + AFC = 100%
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Nuff:
It appears Ramjattan made Moses an offer he couldn't refuse.

I feel Ramjattan promised Moses the Speaker post prior to elections thinking the AFC would have done much better than gain only 7 seats. It now appears Moses wants to be paid his 1/2 lb of flesh but the APNU wants no parts of that.

Let Moses push Ramjattan around until those ywo work it out. What Ramjattan promised Moses is of liyyle cobern to me. All these guys are power gready end egotistical.

CaribJ you need to understand "NO ONE WON THE ELECTIONS"
Not the PPP, Not the APNU............Nor not the AFC

They are all now Jockeying for Position.
No one is Super-power

TODAY....PPP + APNU + AFC = 100%

Eh, dem bais tink Coolie gatt no right even running foa office. We Coolies muss rememba, we still indentured, temporary rent payers to the Afro massa.
All of you made some good points for and against Naga. Then I looked at statement Naga said, about getting help from the PPP, Trotmon's response, and Granger's response. My view is Naga should not have made that comment in public. That tells me that his heart is still with the PPP, and he might not be effective in stamping out corruption. Let the Speaker be a woman this time.
I like Naga, but to me he seems to want power too much. Frown
Happy New Year to you all. God Bless Guyana! cheers
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
All of you made some good points for and against Naga. Then I looked at statement Naga said, about getting help from the PPP, Trotmon's response, and Granger's response. My view is Naga should not have made that comment in public. That tells me that his heart is still with the PPP, and he might not be effective in stamping out corruption. Let the Speaker be a woman this .
I like Naga, but to me he seems to want power too much. Frown
Happy New Year to you all. God Bless Guyana! cheers

When Jagdeo said it you didn't believe him.

A Nimakaram like you always support other nimakarams. Moses is there to stay so deal with it.

If he supports Ralph for speaker there isn't anything that the AFC can do.. A recall is only for those who crossed the floor.
A happy New Year to Safraz and the rest of the GNI family.
Just a few words on the battle over who becomes Speaker.
Comrade Moses is indeed between a rock and a hard place. He fought to get the PNC dictators out and they see him as a traitor. And he fought to bring the corrupt Jagdeo clique down, so some of Jagdeo friends in the PPP see him as traitor.
Comrade Moses is in the middle of these two old parties, but he has enough support on the ground to make both the PPP and the PNC frighten him. They both want him off the scene.
If he is seen as AFC now, then so be it -- the AFC is holding the middle position and, with 7 seats, both PPP and PNC have to respect the AFC in parliament.
It was Ramjattan who said that Comrade Moses was the AFC man for the Speaker job. He did not put up himself and as I was told, he is only fighting for the AFC to name the candidate to be speaker. What's wrong with that?
The man cannot be condemned if he is fighting for a principle that the AFC should get the Speaker position once PNC get leader of the opposition, chief whip and chairman of big committees.
I think that it is fair that if the PNC does not support the AFC candidate that the AFC should talk to the PPP, and work this thing out.
I agree that AFC must not sell out to PPP, but AFC must not be a prisoner of PNC either.
The campaign against Comrade Moses is about personality. What about the principle that the AFC take the speaker position where the PNC take the Leader of Opposition and the PPP the Prime Minister?
Keep race out of this.
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
All of you made some good points for and against Naga.

PNC & Granger point....
Moses fought against an illegal and Corrupt PNC Govt that was fully supported by the GDF who rigged the elections.....and Moses brought it down.
Now this is good for APNU supporters to know before we go to Parliarment.
IF Granger and the PNC cant trust Moses Nagamootoo
(a)how would they trust Rupert Roopnarine who burn down and Destroyed Congress Place or
(b) David Hinds who was Jailed for plotting to overthrow the PNC Govt.

So lets hope that is not the official position of APNU....
Because this would be exposing APNU before we even go to parliarment.

Roopnarine & David Hinds need to step forward and tell PNC if they are thinking like that then APNU will fail because Both David & Roopnarine were enemys of the PNC dictatorship.

Jagdeo and De Funny Fellas in the PPP point.... Moses fought against a Corrupt Jagdeo Govt and Brought it down....with all the Recycled PNC Thugs, Killers, Rapist, Murdurers and Ballot Box Riggers at Jagdeo's side.
Let us hope that is not President Ramotar official position
Navin, Indra, Komal, Ralph and all the others who fought against Jagdeo's policies need to know.
If this is The PPP and Ramotar's official position the supporters need to know Ramotar intends to continue and follow in Jagdeo Dictatorial and Corrupt steps. [/B]

Then I looked at statement Naga said, about getting help from the PPP,
I understand that the Guyanese Electorate has decided that the 3 Parties....PPP + APNU + AFC must work together.
So what is so wrong with working with the PPP ......especially if Granger and the PNC dont trust Moses because he fought with Jagan,Ramotar and others to bring them Down.

Trotmon's response,
Trotman seems to be sending Mixed signals.
Trotman went on the AFC platform and said forget the PNC and PPP....the Racial War is Over...
Now after the elections he seems to be Pandering to the PNC and Granger.
I hope I am wrong.... so he needs to come out and say clearly.....the PNC cannot muzzle AFC as they are Trying to do with will not work.
He also needs to say the 3 parties intend to work together......but if the PNC wants to continue Playing the Dangerous race Card they will not get any support from AFC....
and remind then what he said on the Platform before elections....."The Race War is Over"

and Granger's response.
De GDF Ballot Box Chief is not telling us why he cant trust Nagamootoo.
Further the PNC and Granger should not be talking about TRUST in Guyana.
APNU needs to live up to their agreement and let the AFC choose the Speaker.....if not there is no agreement to begin with.

My view is Naga should not have made that comment in public.Why????.....He should puss-sur puss-sur in private.....Nonsense.
That tells me that his heart is still with the PPP, and he might not be effective in stamping out corruption. Bhai yuh have to learn....Burnham and Jagan use to fight it out in Parliarment and on the Platform......
but they were still friends and talked outside of politices.
Jagan even Invented a term.....called..."CRITICAL-SUPPORT"

Let the Speaker be a woman this time.
No dont go back on the agreement to please the PNC or GrangerThis could only happen if Ramotar and the PPP join with the PNC.
APNU only has 26 Votes....(of which some are WPA and some are PNC)
Let us see which 7 from the PPP will vote for them.

I like Naga, but to me he seems to want power too much. Frown
Explain this PNC nancy story fuh abee.

Happy New Year to you all. God Bless Guyana! cheers
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
All of you made some good points for and against Naga. Then I looked at statement Naga said, about getting help from the PPP, Trotmon's response, and Granger's response. My view is Naga should not have made that comment in public. That tells me that his heart is still with the PPP, and he might not be effective in stamping out corruption. Let the Speaker be a woman this .
I like Naga, but to me he seems to want power too much. Frown
Happy New Year to you all. God Bless Guyana! cheers

When Jagdeo said it you didn't believe him.
Because ee only move vith dem PNC Recycled Thugs, Killers, Thieves & Rapist.
We dont believe anything that F@ggot say....eee say Navin is a drunk like you...
Jagdeo is a Liar and a Thief....eee tek the man research and parade all over like if is he wuk....den call de man a drunk.

A Nimakaram like you always support other nimakarams. Moses is there to stay so deal with it.
and a Drunk like U will continue to suk Jagdeo O'lo......even wen every other funny fella stop

If he supports Ralph for speaker there isn't anything that the AFC can do.. A recall is only for those who crossed the floor.
Ralph would never be elected as Speaker in the next Parliarment.
Moses will vote for whoever the AFC is supporting.....FULL STOP.
Rama if aya like Ralph suh much why aya did not mek him the Attorney General or Prime Minister.
The Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT), the unofficial youth arm of the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Friday night threatened to take to the streets to ensure Debra Backer becomes Speaker of the National Assembly

Source: Demerara Waves

Seems the YCT's mastermind A.P.N.U is instagating their stupid agenda...
The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

Trotman seems to be forced to take the back seat, as Nagamootoo, calls the spots
Originally posted by albert:
The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

Trotman seems to be forced to take the back seat, as Nagamootoo, calls the spots

Moses thinks that he is Ramjattan's friend. He does not know that he was used.
When they overlooked GR, sase and TK for that nimakaram, they signalled the begining of the end of the AFC.
Originally posted by albert:
Moses seems to be parting the members of the A.F.C....Trotman reluctantly give up his seat in parliament.....Moses seems to be using the big stick method in the A.F.C...
That is the PPP view. Lacking a sound basis for doing anything they have mentally stunted gnomes offering hapless suppositions here daily in hopes of planting seeds of doubt in the mind of the public. Alas, they will have to develop the habit of truth to make any difference in this new reality.
Originally posted by Jalil:

Jalil 7 seats only works if teh 26 seats or the 32 seats allows is it. Dont get ahead of yourself.

You know full well that the PPP is enraged with the AFC more than it is with APNU. And APNu is not going to let the AFC block them from their ambitions.

The AFC better do a better job in parliament than they did in the elections campaign...but unfortunately arrogance, despite your AFC powerlessness, seems something that you all cant give up. I told you that you all would fail because you focused only on the Corentyne, ignoring every one else. You all laughed at that, and now want to blame AfroGuyanese for your mediocre performance.

Now on to the soap opera battles between the GT sophisticates (who feel that they started the AFC so should continue to run it) and the Corentyne peasants (who feel that the saved the AFC from an embarrassing collapse into irrelevance). Just cant see both living in the same house for too long, based on what I know about Guyana.

Indeed Granger is probably setting out a welcome map for that G/twn faction given that he belongs to their club. That is assuming that he can control that Youth Group who seem to be morphing into a creature which will do what it wants.
Originally posted by albert:
"Mitwah" do you honestly believe that Trotman's withdrawal from Parliament was not influence by Nagamootoo?

You should focus on the internal fightings withing the PPP/C.

Nagamootoo should have been the presidential candidate for the PPP. He is much more talented and suitable than Ducky.
Originally posted by caribj:
Jalil 7 seats only works if teh 26 seats or the 32 seats allows is it. Dont get ahead of yourself

Now on to the soap opera battles between the GT sophisticates (who feel that they started the AFC so should continue to run it) and the Corentyne peasants (who feel that the saved the AFC from an embarrassing collapse into irrelevance).

APNU's 26 seats takes on significance only because of the AFC's 6. How difficult is that to understand? You now have some semblance of divided government in Guyana for the first time, instead of one-party rule until the next elections.

The GT "Sophisticates" and Courentyne "Peasants" framework is too simplistic and an abandonment of seriou analysis.
Kari was told that Trotman has decided to abide by his February 2011 position of staying clear of an adversarial parliamentary system, more so because of the results of the November 28 general elections and related issues. A party source, reading from an internal memo, said Trotman told the National Executive Council that he would serve as an advisor.

“At this time, I believe that I can serve best in an advisory and supportive role to the new Members, and to foster better inter-party relations. I also plan on being involved in working with our Parliamentary team to ensure that we caucus regularly, engage the executive, and ensure that there are complementary teams to every important sector and MP,” he said.

The source declined to provide more details from the memo and insisted that it was a confidential missive
Excerpts from Demwaves

The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

After reading those stories from the media, its easy to conclude Trotman and Nagamootoo and not seeing eye to eye...
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Jalil:

Jalil 7 seats only works if teh 26 seats or the 32 seats allows is it. Dont get ahead of yourself.

You know full well that the PPP is enraged with the AFC more than it is with APNU. And APNu is not going to let the AFC block them from their ambitions.

The AFC better do a better job in parliament than they did in the elections campaign...but unfortunately arrogance, despite your AFC powerlessness, seems something that you all cant give up. I told you that you all would fail because you focused only on the Corentyne, ignoring every one else. You all laughed at that, and now want to blame AfroGuyanese for your mediocre performance.

Now on to the soap opera battles between the GT sophisticates (who feel that they started the AFC so should continue to run it) and the Corentyne peasants (who feel that the saved the AFC from an embarrassing collapse into irrelevance). Just cant see both living in the same house for too long, based on what I know about Guyana.

Indeed Granger is probably setting out a welcome map for that G/twn faction given that he belongs to their club. That is assuming that he can control that Youth Group who seem to be morphing into a creature which will do what it wants.[/QUOTE]

CaribJ first we have to admit that the electorate has taken us back to 1964 where we had a similar result'

PPP 48%-------> INDIAN
PNC 40%-------> African
UF 10%-------> Multi Ethnic/Mixed

We have seen the 10% party joining with the PNC to form the Govt....only to be Outfoxed by Burnham and his Corrupt Cabal .......We know what happen during the next 28 years....and we followed the (UF)10 percent party who shrink...shrink and shrink.....until they finally disappear in 2011.

Between 1964 and 2011....the (UF) 10 percent party survived as a Prostitute to the two Pimps (PNC and later PPP) until it died from disease.

Just like 1964 we are back to the same results.
PPP ........48% ---------> INDIAN
PNC/APNU....40% ---------> Blacks
AFC ........10% ---------> Multi-Ethnic, Mixed

[B]For all those who cant see the difference......THE AFC is Growing .....ahd the AFC is INDEPENDENT of the RACIAL PARTIES.
We are Back to 1964.....and the AFC will continue to Grow because the RACE WAR IS OVER.
The tide has turn....The Raceial Politices that kept the Indian and Black parties gone for good

CaribJ you need to understand the AFC is not a Prostitute.....both the PPP and your friends in the APNU/PNC are discovering this now.[/B]

CaribJ carry your Race Hate arguments and discussion to PPP and APNU.....they can accomodate your line of BACKWARD & COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE THOUGHTS.

Happy New Year....this is 2012 seem to be stuck in 1964 ......48 years ago
Originally posted by albert: was told that Trotman has decided to abide by his February 2011 position of staying clear of an adversarial parliamentary system, more so because of the results of the November 28 general elections and related issues. A party source, reading from an internal memo, said Trotman told the National Executive Council that he would serve as an advisor.

“At this time, I believe that I can serve best in an advisory and supportive role to the new Members, and to foster better inter-party relations. I also plan on being involved in working with our Parliamentary team to ensure that we caucus regularly, engage the executive, and ensure that there are complementary teams to every important sector and MP,” he said.

The source declined to provide more details from the memo and insisted that it was a confidential missive
Excerpts from Demwaves

The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

After reading those stories from the media, its easy to conclude Trotman and Nagamootoo and not seeing eye to eye...
you right one have cock eye and one have one eye and you blind like a bat
Originally posted by Nehru:
Kari, Please explain the pride Roopnarine is feeling that he joined the People that KILLED DR Walter Rodney.
Originally posted by Kari:
No moh one-liners, repeating de same schlock, Al- Butt?
roopnarine is soulless. there's a special raging inferno with his name emblazoned on it awaiting him in hell.

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