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The ontological rejection of African headship of the Guyana Government

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Ronald Bulkan wrote that he has been transfixed at the transmogrification of a number of Indian Guyanese who just months ago found the PPP regime to be characterized by cascading incompetence, corruptibility, unpleasant functionalism and other unacceptable motifs.
Bulkan listed a few– Ralph Seeram, Shaun Samaroo, Peter Ramsaroop, Asgar Ally, the ousted PPP mandarin from years back and Leon Suseran. These names are in the same category with people like Dolly Hassan, Immigration Lawyer in Richmond Hill. They have been joined by some huge surprises. The line-up includes Hindu priest, Aksharanandan who stayed away from politics for a long time; literary figure, Ryhaan Shah; Varshnie Singh, former common law wife of Bharrat Jagdeo, and the good friend of Eusi Kwayana who is in advanced age and lives in the United States, P.D. Sharma
The sudden transformation of these people is no puzzle at all. Once Bulkan had looked hard enough he would have seen the philosophical foundation for the attitudinal departure – election time and the strong likelihood that Indian rule would end.
There have been millions of statements throughout the past sixty years in Guyana that Africans and Indians appreciate each other, see the kindness in each other, desire the continuation in the warmth of the relationships but at election time, ontology takes over.
Since elections are racial competition for the administration of Guyana, racial instincts take over and Guyanese vote for politicians who belong to the same ethnicity they do. A break with this tradition first came in the 2006 elections when substantial numbers of African Guyanese defected from the PNC edifice and voted for the overtly multi-racial Alliance For Change.
The Indians did emulate their African counterparts in 2011 and gave Moses Nagamootoo a vote of confidence but the numbers were much smaller than what the African Guyanese gave the AFC in 2006 and the emulation was confined to Berbice with input from middle class urban Indians in Region Four.
The May 11 elections will decide whether the Guyanese nation, particularly Indians, have finally accepted that the PPP is not synonymous with the Indian race in Guyana. But there will always be an Indian mind-set whose ontological make-up prevents them from accepting African leadership and control of the state in Guyana.
What is important to note is that character wise, these are not bad people and in fact, may be decent humans who probably are not racist in the sociological sense; (though philosophically they are but that is a complexity, a discussion of which space constraint will prevent). If you look at these people’s perception of the PPP’s tenure before the prorogation of Parliament, it would include severe condemnation of some of the terrible forms of PPP’s misbehaviour. In fact, Bulkan did cite some of those condemnations and identified who made them.
Even after the announcement of the date for general elections, these folks were still irritated with the corrupt and depraved nature of many of the PPP’s monarchs. The reason for this is because they felt their criticism would not harm the PPP’s election chances because in another three-way race, the PPP will still win the presidency and the government.
Once an Indian government was in place, the Indian names cited above feel that they could take the liberty of castigating the PPP’s misbehaviour. All hell broke loose and paranoia took over after the opposition parties entered into a coalition and its image and its political capital expanded phenomenally. For the Indian names cited above, the control of the state by an Indian party was about to end and an African presidency is likely to happen.
It is important to understand that the substance of the fear is not loss of power by the PPP. All the names mentioned above couldn’t be bothered with the current PPP leadership many of whom they despise or dislike. The coalition is likely to remove an Indian party and by extension, Indian hegemony over state and society in Guyana.
The Indian personalities identified above would probably have voted for a Nagamootoo/Ramjattan ticket and dump the PPP. But a victory for the coalition is going to bring a Blackman into the presidency and other African Guyanese will have strong control over the state machinery. This Indian mind-set has an ontological aversion to Black people in control over the total governmental machinery even though there will be an AFC input into the governance of the country.
This explains the unexpected ideological embrace of the PPP. I hope this short analysis puts an ends to Bulkan’s bewilderment.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddy's right!

Look at the yugi's here, there must be a number of that type. I would love to see yugi walk through a JA area in Toronto. That banna would probably look straight ahead and walk down the middle of the street where he feels less intimidated my cars whizzing by, rather than walk next to black people.


Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Actually, Freddy is helping to maintain a strong democracy in Guyana. If you don't have a lose cannon shooting off, what would Guyana be like. Is people like Al Sharpton that put pressure on Police brutality against Blacks in America. You may hate him and some will love him. Today, he works with MSNBC. So, you have to give Freddy his space to play.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Most Indians are insufferable racist.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Most Indians are insufferable racist.

In a Democracy even a STUPID RACIST is entitled to his opinion!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Most Indians are insufferable racist.


According to D2. The irony of you stigmatizing all Indians in the name of fighting racism isn't lost on anyone.


It is becoming clearer by the day that Indians should not deliberately place themselves at the mercy of people who hate them.


We should at least refuse to consent to our destruction.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

In a Democracy even a STUPID RACIST is entitled to his opinion!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you've just proved it.

And I does tell everyone on GNI that you are one of the smartest person in the World.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

When reasoning is failing, I would expect armed conflicts. So far, we have had quiet conflicts. 


U know after this elections, Black people knows there is no hope in hell. So, they could be open discrimination by Black people. The likes u have never seen before.


Because East Indians failed to condemn Jagdeo's rhetoric of Racism. Instead their quiet of it paints them as racist. And not having the rights of supporting the PPP - the party of their choice.   

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

When reasoning is failing, I would expect armed conflicts. So far, we have had quiet conflicts. 


U know after this elections, Black people knows there is no hope in hell. So, they could be open discrimination by Black people. The likes u have never seen before.


Because East Indians failed to condemn Jagdeo's rhetoric of Racism. Instead their quiet of it paints them as racist. And not having the rights of supporting the PPP - the party of their choice.   

I think you are making a strong case for Voting PNC.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Repu Daman Persaud dead, dey still have racists in the PPP?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

In a Democracy even a STUPID RACIST is entitled to his opinion!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you've just proved it.

And I does tell everyone on GNI that you are one of the smartest person in the World.

Thank you my good buddy, thank you.

May you live until you die.

Thanks again bud.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Most Indians are insufferable racist.


According to D2. The irony of you stigmatizing all Indians in the name of fighting racism isn't lost on anyone.


It is becoming clearer by the day that Indians should not deliberately place themselves at the mercy of people who hate them.


We should at least refuse to consent to our destruction.

I am not stigmatizing Indians. I am stating what they have defined themselves to be over the years by operand conditioning. It is a cultural thing that emerged in reaction to competition in the society gone wrong.  No other culture in our society has an entire epistemological construct that defines the insider outsider behavior.  Lets not blame others for self crafted pathologies pathologies. No one hates Indians.   Amerinds or Blacks or Portuguese  have no cultural prohibitions to intermarrying or mixing. Indian does. The term dougla did not fall out of the culture of others. It is a designation wrought  of Indian need to prohibit intermarrying and to prevent such  offspring from inheriting by designating them "bastard". Indians are at the mercy if their own cultural cocooning.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should he not comment on what to many is surprising? Varshne was abused, Asgar almost got locked up in Canada and no one could come to his aid. Note we here did by writing to the Canadians to reiterate the fact he is of good character and his story of the forgotten gun had to be a mistake. The PPP refused to send embassy personnel to his aid. Peter Ramsaroop is the same. He said he lost tens of millions of dollars US. He claimed they tried to frame him using some girl that was a  friend of jagdeo. There is no explanation for their return to their abuser except they hate black people more.


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?


There is no question of race at play (on both sides) but not necessarily racism. These people mentioned (two of whom I know quite well) do not hate Black people. They simply recognize facts. The Guyanese State's permanent institutions are overwhelmingly skewed in favor of Afro-Guyanese. There is no Indian power center in the State except in the Presidency and the Cabinet, which is an extension of the Presidency.


By the unhappy coincidence, Indians holding the Presidency and Cabinet gives them overall control of the rest of the State despite the numerical dominance of Blacks in the other subordinate power centers. Actually, the entire State bends to the will of the Presidency.


I don't think this is a desirable place for us to be. I do not want ethnic census elections any more than you do. But Indians are being asked to hand over this system to the PNC and hope for the best. I'm not sure that's how power works. Anywhere.


And please spare me the nonsense of how the AFC is the new champion of coolie people. They're not. Just a bunch of Jaganites living out a fantasy and chomping at the bit to get their faces in the Consolidated Fund.


P.S...I do not doubt for a second that the PPP has in its ranks people who just hate Black people and the PNC has within its ranks people who just hate Indian people.

Most Indians are insufferable racist.

In a Democracy even a STUPID RACIST is entitled to his opinion!!!!!!!!!!!

that good fight for your rights,they think because you stupid you have no rights

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?



How come blacks are so powerful in Guyana if they control every thing as you and Jay Bharat scream.  If blacks were powerful the PPP would have to negotiate with them, and would have to be aware of and have strategies to deal with the African ethnic angst.


But Africans are NOT powerful because they don't have an economy.  They are in the main mid and low level workers.  They have no source of power to force others to recognize them.  Indeed they are so powerless that blacks will be paid by Indians to shoot down other blacks.


Any Indian who thinks that Indians can live in an ethnic bubble and ignore other ethnicities, and not strategize how to build bridges to others who are desirous of working with them, are institutional racists.  Institutional racists because the cannot think beyond mono racial domination of governance and of the economy.


I will ask those who think like this.  How long can they exclude other ethnic groups.  How long can they insult other ethnic groups.   Don't they understand that this creates a backlash.


So what happens when Indians are 35% of the population and have convinced others that they are an ethnically exclusive group who don't care the slightest about others?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is becoming clearer by the day that Indians should not deliberately place themselves at the mercy of people who hate them.


We should at least refuse to consent to our destruction.

You don't seem to understand that as Indians continue to live in an ethnic bubble, excluding others, generating the notion that they are racist and clannish, and not to be trusted.  As they shrink in numbers (maybe 35% by 2020 and maybe 40% of the voters).........they risk exactly that.


Now an intelligent man like you will know.


1. Not every Indian can leave Guyana, or even wants to.


2. In a multi ethnic society a collection of minority groups, which Guyana clearly is, can only survive and thrive to the extent that there are bridges connected these groups,  with a level of trust.


So how does Jagdeo screaming apaan jhat, and making the African look like a demon, help Indians when the mixed and African group becomes much larger?


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