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I get attacked by PNC defenders and so do others at GNI who do likewise to condemn the racist PNC. This woman is openly racist who is the head of party which has a history of discrimination and racism and one which has a history of post election violence.

It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 

I am deeply worried what the future holds for Guyana with these violent racist PNC Ministers and a President who fails to condemn these evil PNC Ministers. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I get attacked by PNC defenders and so do others at GNI who do likewise to condemn the racist PNC. This woman is openly racist who is the head of party which has a history of discrimination and racism and one which has a history of post election violence.

It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 

I am deeply worried what the future holds for Guyana with these violent racist PNC Ministers and a President who fails to condemn these evil PNC Ministers. 

Nothing new when it comes to some PPP or PNC people who are racist....only now you worried?

Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:

I get attacked by PNC defenders and so do others at GNI who do likewise to condemn the racist PNC. This woman is openly racist who is the head of party which has a history of discrimination and racism and one which has a history of post election violence.

It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 

I am deeply worried what the future holds for Guyana with these violent racist PNC Ministers and a President who fails to condemn these evil PNC Ministers. 

Nothing new when it comes to some PPP or PNC people who are racist....only now you worried?

Don’t try to rub PNC filth on the PPP.

yuji22 posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:

I get attacked by PNC defenders and so do others at GNI who do likewise to condemn the racist PNC. This woman is openly racist who is the head of party which has a history of discrimination and racism and one which has a history of post election violence.

It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 

I am deeply worried what the future holds for Guyana with these violent racist PNC Ministers and a President who fails to condemn these evil PNC Ministers. 

Nothing new when it comes to some PPP or PNC people who are racist....only now you worried?

Don’t try to rub PNC filth on the PPP.

you have to be joking if you think only one side has elements who are racist


PNC has a history of blatant racism and racial discrimination, electoral rigging, two dictators, murder of opposition leaders etc, etc. I can put together a very long list. 

Volda has ignited and opened old wounds. She is telling PNC girls that they own Guyana and that Only PNC members will get jobs under her leadership.

Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

while I agree ( didn't see you make such demands when Jagdeo said similar stuff)..what yuh gon do if she don't?

When did Jagdeo said similar stuff- post it 

Exactly. Jagdeo made no such statement. KN and Chris Ram misrepresented what Jagdeo said. The courts threw out the case because they lied. 

I will not tolerate rubbing PNC filth on the PPP.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

while I agree ( didn't see you make such demands when Jagdeo said similar stuff)..what yuh gon do if she don't?

When did Jagdeo said similar stuff- post it 

Exactly. Jagdeo made no such statement. KN and Chris Ram misrepresented what Jagdeo said. The courts threw out the case because they lied. 

I will not tolerate rubbing PNC filth on the PPP.


You just said Jagdeo's statement was taken out of context and now you say he made no such statement?

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

while I agree ( didn't see you make such demands when Jagdeo said similar stuff)..what yuh gon do if she don't?

When did Jagdeo said similar stuff- post it 

Exactly. Jagdeo made no such statement. KN and Chris Ram misrepresented what Jagdeo said. The courts threw out the case because they lied. 

I will not tolerate rubbing PNC filth on the PPP.


Bai Jaggie do de  race ting different. Jaggie strategy was scare coolie of blackman to reinforce ole stereotype. He seh how dem blackman go kick down ayoo door if dem win. Den dem PPP bais come up wid de wuss race bait editorial ever done in de Chronic. Hey hey hey...dem should close it rass down. Jaggie know dem coolies gat to be scare so he and and he mattie go control de economy. But meh give he credit foh gat more blackman close up. And ayoo never doubt dat Jaggy like he blackwoman dem. Jaggie give more cross racial patronage than dem dis bad mind set. hey hey hey. Dis Volda lady seh she doan have any fren outside blackman. Den Granger gat de gaul foh put up wan Minista who na know wah a diwali and pahwah...hey hey hey. 

Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, are you equating "Take back Guyana" to "I am a PNC and only PNC gun get wuk"????

These folks all speak in codes...basically, his supporters knew what he meant.

Volda obviously not smart enough to speak in code

I agree and remember many times I had to request Jagdeo and Rohee to take classes in PR and basic communication.,

Recommending that to Vulga would be throwing wata on Duck's , I mean PIG's back.

GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

while I agree ( didn't see you make such demands when Jagdeo said similar stuff)..what yuh gon do if she don't?

When did Jagdeo said similar stuff- post it 

Exactly. Jagdeo made no such statement. KN and Chris Ram misrepresented what Jagdeo said. The courts threw out the case because they lied. 

I will not tolerate rubbing PNC filth on the PPP.


You just said Jagdeo's statement was taken out of context and now you say he made no such statement?

I made it clear that me made no such statement and that his statement made was taken out of context in connection with the false claim by KN and Chris which the courts agreed and threw out the case flied because Chris Ram and KN lied.

Times have changed for Chris Ram, the PNC shoved a stick in his rear after they used him. They should kick him in the Nu** now. 

I just can’t wait to see those Gandha Indos kicked again and again. 


Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

No way would  PNC put a Indian for presidential candidate. 


Given the importance of GT the PNC selecting an Indian to occupy that role says much for it.  This, plus Volda's contrite apology places them as being open minded than the PPP.

Where is Elisabeth Harper?  Why did their Prime Ministerial candidate just vanish into thin air?    This is the issue about the PPP.  The select black tokens, people with no support base of their own, so 100% vulnerable to Jagdeo.  This is why they remain rejected by blacks.

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  Nice try but only a FOOL will even try to compare a gadaha to jagdeo!!!

I assume yuh talking about Burnham as a gadaha. Well that "gadaha" manners yuh good. Yuh only got mouth now. When yuh was a stinkin' civil servant teefin' from yuh mattie in Guyana yuh DARE not seh shit about he! Right YAWK bai? Doan let dem black man at YAWK see wha yuh writin' hay!

This is the issue with these PPP ancient racists.  They play big hero behind a PC, but he will grovel to his black bosses and whine that he wishes that he was a black man.  Like most of them "he frikken black man bad, bad bad!"

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  Nice try but only a FOOL will even try to compare a gadaha to jagdeo!!!

I assume yuh talking about Burnham as a gadaha. Well that "gadaha" manners yuh good. Yuh only got mouth now. When yuh was a stinkin' civil servant teefin' from yuh mattie in Guyana yuh DARE not seh shit about he! Right YAWK bai? Doan let dem black man at YAWK see wha yuh writin' hay!

This is the issue with these PPP ancient racists.  They play big hero behind a PC, but he will grovel to his black bosses and whine that he wishes that he was a black man.  Like most of them "he frikken black man bad, bad bad!"

Carib, you need to find another tune. We feed up with your Blackman dis and Blackman dat. Dat tune is now like stale bread.

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  Nice try but only a FOOL will even try to compare a gadaha to jagdeo!!!

I assume yuh talking about Burnham as a gadaha. Well that "gadaha" manners yuh good. Yuh only got mouth now. When yuh was a stinkin' civil servant teefin' from yuh mattie in Guyana yuh DARE not seh shit about he! Right YAWK bai? Doan let dem black man at YAWK see wha yuh writin' hay!

This is the issue with these PPP ancient racists.  They play big hero behind a PC, but he will grovel to his black bosses and whine that he wishes that he was a black man.  Like most of them "he frikken black man bad, bad bad!"

Carib, you need to find another tune. We feed up with your Blackman dis and Blackman dat. Dat tune is now like stale bread.

Admin Ray has a term for that - Gotay Dhall.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:


It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 


Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 


Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Chemo starting on Wednesday.  Today is Monday.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted: 

Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Last time I checked, Granger can still move his lips to give a statement or dictate a letter to a 3rd party to issue a presidential decree.   

Drugb posted:
caribny posted: 

Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Last time I checked, Granger can still move his lips to give a statement or dictate a letter to a 3rd party to issue a presidential decree.   

Granger is sicker than the public is aware, his priority is his health. Harmon is calling the shots, you notice Harmon never made a statement about Volda, unlike Trotman. Perhaps, he was the one to tell Volda to make an apology.


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