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kp posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted: 

Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Last time I checked, Granger can still move his lips to give a statement or dictate a letter to a 3rd party to issue a presidential decree.   

Granger is sicker than the public is aware, his priority is his health. Harmon is calling the shots, you notice Harmon never made a statement about Volda, unlike Trotman. Perhaps, he was the one to tell Volda to make an apology.

They can fight as much as they want. We don't care about their internal problems. What we care about is the survival of democracy beyond 2020.  The early moves of the Granger admin. has signaled to the people that the days of rigging national elections will return to this country. We can no longer sit back and allow this government to violate the constitution and push this country back into the dark ages where people's rights are flagrantly violated.  Carib's lethal weapon of whipping up hate of the Indians  instilling in the minds of the Afros that Indians are as bad as the American KKK. What a comparison!  This guy is like Malema who charged that the Indians in Kwazulu Natal are more racist than the Africaner.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They can fight as much as they want. We don't care about their internal problems. What we care about is the survival of democracy beyond 2020.  The early moves of the Granger admin. has signaled to the people that the days of rigging national elections will return to this country. We can no longer sit back and allow this government to violate the constitution and push this country back into the dark ages where people's rights are flagrantly violated

You lying, sack of shit! How has the Granger admin "signaled to the people that the days of rigging...." will return? We just got thru LGE which was free and fair wid yuh mattie "coolie man party" as they call themselves winning in a so called "landslide".

You are nothing but a dutty mouth LYING sack of shit! Every post of yours is replete with LIES, or maybe you're full of dementia and not accountable for the faaat yuh duz write hay!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted: 



They can fight as much as they want. We don't care about their internal problems. What we care about is the survival of democracy beyond 2020. The early moves of the Granger admin. has signaled to the people that the days of rigging national elections will return to this country. We can no longer sit back and allow this government to violate the constitution and push this country back into the dark ages where people's rights are flagrantly violated.  Carib's lethal weapon of whipping up hate of the Indians  instilling in the minds of the Afros that Indians are as bad as the American KKK. What a comparison!  This guy is like Malema who charged that the Indians in Kwazulu Natal are more racist than the Africaner.

What moves did Granger make to signal this to you? smoke signals?


Nehru posted:

I agree and remember many times I had to request Jagdeo and Rohee to take classes in PR and basic communication.,


LMFAO! Now here's the freaking joke of the century. Jabba man Nehru who "basic communication" is limited to a steady stream of words like "ass kissing", "batty washing", "shit eating", "parasite", "crabdaag" is ADVISING Jagdeo and Rohee to take classes in "PR and basic communication".


Ray posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted: 



They can fight as much as they want. We don't care about their internal problems. What we care about is the survival of democracy beyond 2020. The early moves of the Granger admin. has signaled to the people that the days of rigging national elections will return to this country. We can no longer sit back and allow this government to violate the constitution and push this country back into the dark ages where people's rights are flagrantly violated.  Carib's lethal weapon of whipping up hate of the Indians  instilling in the minds of the Afros that Indians are as bad as the American KKK. What a comparison!  This guy is like Malema who charged that the Indians in Kwazulu Natal are more racist than the Africaner.

What moves did Granger make to signal this to you? smoke signals?


I guess you just started to learn about Guyana.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Ray posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted: 



They can fight as much as they want. We don't care about their internal problems. What we care about is the survival of democracy beyond 2020. The early moves of the Granger admin. has signaled to the people that the days of rigging national elections will return to this country. We can no longer sit back and allow this government to violate the constitution and push this country back into the dark ages where people's rights are flagrantly violated.  Carib's lethal weapon of whipping up hate of the Indians  instilling in the minds of the Afros that Indians are as bad as the American KKK. What a comparison!  This guy is like Malema who charged that the Indians in Kwazulu Natal are more racist than the Africaner.

What moves did Granger make to signal this to you? smoke signals?


I guess you just started to learn about Guyana.  

Apologies to KP....but you didn't say what moves Granger made. SInce you seem to know so much about Guyana, what did Granger do to convince you they will rig the election.

Ray posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger argued that he will interpret the constitution and decide how the head of GEcom should be appointed.  Interpreting the constitution is the duty of the courts and not the duty of the commander in chief.  Constitution 101

that is it? very weak

Your words carry little weight and need not be taken seriously.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 


Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Hey hey hey...yuh pullin a fass one pon dem bais. Hey hey hey...Jagdoe didnt say that. He didnt seh we gon tek back Guyana from blackman. He seh we gon tek it back. Which news paper seh doh? Post de link and I will believe. Jagdoe seh nuff race bait tings, but nat dat one. Hey hey hey...

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

I agree and remember many times I had to request Jagdeo and Rohee to take classes in PR and basic communication.,


LMFAO! Now here's the freaking joke of the century. Jabba man Nehru who "basic communication" is limited to a steady stream of words like "ass kissing", "batty washing", "shit eating", "parasite", "crabdaag" is ADVISING Jagdeo and Rohee to take classes in "PR and basic communication".


Wonders never cease.   

Labba posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


It is a disgrace that Granger did not say a word of condemnation and this woman chose to do a (lie lie) apology on Facebook. 


Riddled with chemo, or whatever treatment that he is on how can Granger do anything but deal with his own problems.

But you merely deflect from Jagdeo scream "we gun tek back from black man".  This in RH.  And dont wail out of context as at that same event he ranted that the PPP support base are rural Indians, so when he screamed about "tek back" clearly he meant that he wanted Guyana back for Indians.

You agree so I expect no apology or condemnation from you.  Feel free to continue with your homoerotic love/hate emotional reactions about Afro Guyanese men.  I do understand that your inferiority complexes because you feel less manly that black men has you in this state.  You, skeldon and the rest of your Indo KKK gang.

Hey hey hey...yuh pullin a fass one pon dem bais. Hey hey hey...Jagdoe didnt say that. He didnt seh we gon tek back Guyana from blackman. He seh we gon tek it back. Which news paper seh doh? Post de link and I will believe. Jagdoe seh nuff race bait tings, but nat dat one. Hey hey hey... only credible newspapah in guyana is Stabroek and Demerara Waves. If is not Denis or SN doan post it. Doan post podunk hey hey...


Bai Labba, dem bais suffering from schizophrenia. I challenged them to prove what they posted regarding their fake claim about what Jagdeo said and they all run for cover.

You fish up de man deh. You on a roll lately putting licks on PPP PNC and AFC.

I like I like.

Guyana is screwed. I don’t see any leader with a vision to move Guyana forward and beyond this race based politics. 

Hey Hey Hey.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Yes, it is important. Don’t rub PNC filth on the PPP.

Shame on Granger for having the blatant racist in his cabinet. They pledged to end all forms for of discrimination. They are a pack of liars. 

So I see that even you think that the PNC is less racist than the PPP. The PNC has a racist IN its cabinet.  The PPP is LED BY a racist!

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nothing short of a resignation is acceptable. 

while I agree ( didn't see you make such demands when Jagdeo said similar stuff)..what yuh gon do if she don't?

When did Jagdeo said similar stuff- post it 

Exactly. Jagdeo made no such statement. KN and Chris Ram misrepresented what Jagdeo said. The courts threw out the case because they lied. 

I will not tolerate rubbing PNC filth on the PPP.


Jagdeo did threaten to take back Guyana for Indians. Even an Indian, Ramkarran, had to admit this. 

Then of course the lot of you screamed that Ramkarran is a black loving traitor, confirming indeed that the PPP is a racist party.

Jagdeo said that the PPP base is rural Indian. Rohee screamed that Jagdeo was right to call the PPP "a coolie people party" because its base and its leadership was almost entirely Indian.  Then in the 2016 LGE Jagdeo boasted that the PPP had "recaptured" its Indian base.

All PUBLIC statements made by Jagdeo but we also know of the bottom house remarks made to Indians and Amerindians about "de police and GDF gun rape and kill straight hair people if de PNC win".

Next to Jagdeo Volda looks like a saint.  She didn't say that the PNC is "black man party".  She said that if the PNC is to win they need to get people who look like Jagdeo!

yuji22 posted:

Bai Labba, dem bais suffering from schizophrenia. I challenged them to prove what they posted regarding their fake claim about what Jagdeo said and they all run for cover.



Fake claim?  Ralph Ramkarran burst your bubble on that one with Jagdeo's screams "we gun tek back de country for us", at an event in Queens to mourn the loss by the PPP.  And to wail "black man gun kill ahbe".  Rohee's daughter put on FB about "black people being low class" and her father screamed that he didn't see what she did that was wrong.

All public statements.  Scroll back in GNI and the proof is all there.


Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...yuh pullin a fass one pon dem bais. Hey hey hey...Jagdoe didnt say that. He didnt seh we gon tek back Guyana from blackman. He seh we gon tek it back. Which news paper seh doh? Post de link and I will believe. Jagdoe seh nuff race bait tings, but nat dat one. Hey hey hey...

Did Volda say "she ain gun hire any coolie?"  No.  But you see her remarks as racist.  Where she used racial imagery is when she said that Jagdeo used candidates who looked like the crowds present so the PNC should find candidates who look like Jagdeo!

Jagdeo stated that the PPP base is rural Indian. He then stated his intention to take back Guyana for "US".  Now who is "US".  RURAL INDIANs.  So he did say "I gun tek back Guyana from black man", because he did NOT define blacks among the people who he included as "us".

I have been quite explicit about what I think about Volda's remarks. Cease being the cowardly black hating dog that we know you to be by admitting that Jagdeo's comments were MORE racist because he did NOT say that the PPP needs to attract more people who look like Granger!


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