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Ray posted:

and who are the leaders...

1. Slop Can Crew

2. Indo KKK

3. Low IQ

any group I missed


This is why many regard this site as being anti black.  Ask why there is ethnic imbalance among the posters here.

The Indo KKK are a band of racists who have historically made comments about blacks that would be seen on a white supremacist site.  They are given full carte blanche to do so.  And as a result few blacks are regular posters here.

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

and who are the leaders...

1. Slop Can Crew

2. Indo KKK

3. Low IQ

any group I missed


This is why many regard this site as being anti black.  Ask why there is ethnic imbalance among the posters here.

The Indo KKK are a band of racists who have historically made comments about blacks that would be seen on a white supremacist site.  They are given full carte blanche to do so.  And as a result few blacks are regular posters here.

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. Reading blacks on here would make dem cringe. If it was possible for low IQ blacks to post on here, it would be the Indo KKK in reverse.

This site is not anti-black, it has no substance. Professional black ppl won't waste their precious time on here.

One commentator said, this is a dysfunctional forum. And that is the truth. 

seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.

So sorry I will continue to put vinegar in the soup of any Indo KKK who posts their vile here.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.

So sorry I will continue to put vinegar in the soup of any Indo KKK who posts their vile here.

Tell dem rass to start their own website na. One former GNI member started his own and it failed, dead as door nail.

GNI is here to stay. 

Guyanese Blackman too thinned skin. 

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Ray posted:

and who are the leaders...

1. Slop Can Crew

2. Indo KKK

3. Low IQ

any group I missed


You are numba one bhai

Which group you belong to Billyboy ?

I belong to no group. I am loner who frequents this forum for fun, facts, and the joy of refuting the lies that are detrimental to the future of my people and my beloved country, Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.

So sorry I will continue to put vinegar in the soup of any Indo KKK who posts their vile here.

Carib, don't fool people, you target the Indian race, you demean Indians using Blacks as a catalyst . Sorry to say, your daily rant is to appease your people, kicking Indians calling them Indo KKK.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.

So sorry I will continue to put vinegar in the soup of any Indo KKK who posts their vile here.

Carib, don't fool people, you target the Indian race, you demean Indians using Blacks as a catalyst . Sorry to say, your daily rant is to appease your people, kicking Indians calling them Indo KKK.

Carib comes here with his anti Indo racist rants day in and day out. 

kicking Indians calling them Indo KKK.

Those who the cap fits wear it. I dont call Django, Ray, Demerara G or many other Indians Indo KKK. Even DG with his blind loyalty to Cheddi Jagan.

Those who I call Indo KKK are people who are of Indian descent who spread the same narrative of blacks as do the white hood folks.  You might be in this category as well.

yuji22 posted:

Carib comes here with his anti Indo racist rants day in and day out. 

rather than calling me an anti Indo racist maybe you should explain why you think I am. 

Is it because I am anti PPP.

Is it because I expose the fact that in the 60s the PPP was as violent as was the PNC. 

Is it because I expose the fact that the racism that exists in Guyana isnt just black on Indo, but also Indo on black.

Is it because I expose the hypocrisy of Jagdeo who was blatantly hostile to blacks when he and his stooge were president? 

And that in the 2015 election and its aftermath he deliberately fostered ethnic tensions because he feared that many Indians would vote for the coalition, and then boasted when it was discovered that they hadn't.

Go ahead.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.

So sorry I will continue to put vinegar in the soup of any Indo KKK who posts their vile here.

As a professional, I meet black ppl of all nationalaties in the technical profession, none of dem get involved wid stupidness and ignorance.

Dem who question why you on here is of your mentality-racist.

Dem cooolie boys playing wid you head. 

caribny posted:
kicking Indians calling them Indo KKK.

Those who the cap fits wear it. I dont call Django, Ray, Demerara G or many other Indians Indo KKK. Even DG with his blind loyalty to Cheddi Jagan.

Those who I call Indo KKK are people who are of Indian descent who spread the same narrative of blacks as do the white hood folks.  You might be in this category as well.

You are fortunate that only an Indo site tolerate your daily Indian bashing or are they using you as the Token Blackman just for you to expose how stupid some Blacks can be.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

You are fortunate that only an Indo site tolerate your daily Indian bashing or are they using you as the Token Blackman just for you to expose how stupid some Blacks can be.

Comfort yourself with your thoughts. I bet you think that Nehru is an example of high standards.

If that what you think ,it's ok by me.

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

Certainly fooled me when I look at the ethnic composition of the regular posters and the reasons why many black posters left.

No one controls who are willing to post here...people come and go for many reasons



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