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Former Member


Muslims today have a deep rooted Anti Semitic feelings and hatred towards Jews. This combined with the Palestinian issue and hatred towards a free and democratic western world, are responsible for more than they want to admit. Their Anti Semitic and Anti American sentiment is what unite muslims and their hate towards anyone or any religion that is different than theirs. This is indeed unacceptable but it is the fostering of hate that unites them.


Their lack of critical acceptance of the Holy Quran is what breed terrorists all over the muslim world. They need to think independently before they can understand the true meaning of the message of The Holy Prophet Muhamad (PBUH). 


Islam must first respect the rights of women, minorities and other religions and desist from seeing "their" God as the one and only God. God has many names including Christ and Krsna etc. Muslims refuse to accept that God has many names thus kill and persecute those who practice differently than Islam. Those who are different are seen as infidel. 


Tribal Islam based on fanatics from places like Saudi Arabia is responsible for creating and spreading terrorists. Take a close look at those who were responsible the attacks on the World Trade Centre.


Muslims must learn to speak up and speak out against basic violation of human rights, mistreatment of women and minorities and end discrimination and dictatorship under Shaira Law. These deep rooted islamic dictatorship shackles must be broken by muslims themselves.


It is time for muslims to reform or faced continued resentment towards Islam. They must first address what is wrong about Islam of today for the rest of the world to have a better understanding of true Islam.






Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The black Kaba stone is Shiva's Lingam. Just as the Hindus circumabulate (Pradakshina) Shiva's Lingam 7 times likewise the muslims. The Hindus were doing this long before Islam came into existance. Hence this form of worship predates Islam.

Yu saying Muslim kissing Shiva lolo now? Look out for a fatwah!
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The black Kaba stone is Shiva's Lingam. Just as the Hindus circumabulate (Pradakshina) Shiva's Lingam 7 times likewise the muslims. The Hindus were doing this long before Islam came into existance. Hence this form of worship predates Islam.

Yu saying Muslim kissing Shiva lolo now? Look out for a fatwah!

Yuh bess look out fuh de Cobra. He gonna seh dat yuh too graphic.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

TI, is the the Christian Lord not a Jew?

Ask any Christian. They still don't know who is their Lord. They say the Jews kill him, so they hate the Jews. They finally ship them off to Palestine to cause trouble. If their Lord ia a Jew, then how come they not Jews? This would mean giving up jerk pork and getting circumcised. The horror!
Originally Posted by TI:
Dem Muslim learn from the Christians!
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: 'by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Christian Lord.  .....Adolph Hitler 

That quote should have Christians burning mosques if they were afflicted with the same obsessive compulsive disorder as Muslims have that drive them to violence in honor of their religion of peace. Hitler was against  whom Christians fought and lost 40 million lives. 


Muslims can learn from Christians if they were ever to produce a Martin Luther who can take apart interpretation of Islamic tenets and make them  more to temperate and judicious expressions of the faith. But from where I sit, some things are apparently remotely too distant for Muslims comprehension in the present time. Temperate voices are drowned out and only mob prescriptions prevail


It is  a sense of freedom from ideology and religion that is as alien  for you, a modern western raised Muslim, to grasp  much less those backwoods OCD denizens of the Islamic world. As you seem to infer yesterday that lady Gaga is symptomatic of a disease and  an abomination rather than an artist expressing herself in song. And she is a damn good musician at that. She is no priestess of decadence replacing our prelature  or a fashion guru changing the direction of dress and modes of  behavior of our young people. She is entertainment.


Islam presently is a about insipid sameness. As alien as she is to you so would it be for a  Vidal Sassoon to produce his five point hair cut or for Mary Quant to invent her mini skirt in any place but here. That is what separates us from the Muslim world. It is not a thing we would want to lose and this ignorant prescription for violence at merest perception of slights should harden our resistance to defend what is our vision of life.


It is time we understand that no mediation or remedial action will make Muslims happy. They would only be happy if they hear the shadaha being recited from the white house and the capitol. We need to make the distinction that we are not them and what they are is what we do not like; at least the OCD part.


Last edited by Former Member

Muslims today have a deep rooted Anti Semitic feelings and hatred towards Jews.


Muslims are not Anti Semitic. Those two words the "Jews" uses to scare people. Infact most od the Isreali population who says that they are Jews are not Semitic The Palistinans are Semitic. The Jews who can claim to be Semitic are small in number.

Christians say Hitler was not a Christian because he was a bad man, but Bin Laden had to be a Muslim because he was a bad man. No bad man can't be a Christian. When St. Peter cut off the soldier ears, they said he was a Jew because no Christian could be a bad man. When the Christians had the Inquisition and were killing people left, right, and center, they put on hoods because they not supposed to be a bad man. Muslims don't wear hoods because they are a bad man.
Muslims can learn from Christians if they were ever to produce a Martin Luther who can take apart interpretation of Islamic tenets and make them  more to temperate and judicious expressions of the faith. But from where I sit, some things are apparently remotely too distant for Muslims comprehension in the present time. Temperate voices are drowned out and only mob prescriptions prevail
Temperate voices remain so, temperate. Christianity was spread by the Roman sword and politics, so was the bloody purge of the Inquisition. The rift between Catholic and Protestant was no temperate matter. The Irish/British Catholic/Protestant wars was anything but temperate. Muslims learning from the Christians would sound laughable to any Muslims, even the kanta ones.
Originally Posted by TI:
Christians say Hitler was not a Christian because he was a bad man, but Bin Laden had to be a Muslim because he was a bad man. No bad man can't be a Christian. When St. Peter cut off the soldier ears, they said he was a Jew because no Christian could be a bad man. When the Christians had the Inquisition and were killing people left, right, and center, they put on hoods because they not supposed to be a bad man. Muslims don't wear hoods because they are a bad man.

 There is no defense of Benb laden and Hitler and while each were driven by ideology Hitler's was more akin to Nietchie's overman than Christian's imperative of being their brother keeper that evolved in the rise of the modern secular state. Osama was an ideologue driven by some presumptive revivalist Islam theology.


Both religion was spread by the sword and interpreted by centralized know it all who prescribed what must be followed and disobedience meant the a beheading, stoning or a barbequing at the stake. With the rise of free thinking philosophers from Bruno, to Galileo to Luther and rigid Knox, one saw a different Christianity emerging. Islam, unfortunately, remains steeped in medievalist dogmatism. One wished it had taken the path of the Al Andaluz tradition but fundamentalism extinguished that path of Islam.


Denying its toxic undercurrent is not being anti Islam but anti an abhorrent oppressive religious totalitarianism that rewards transgression with its brand of justice that is odious and barbaric. The idea of some idiot making a movie and a bad one at that, can drive so many muslims bat shit that they want to murder innocent people not associated with it is the disease.

Originally Posted by TI:
Muslims can learn from Christians if they were ever to produce a Martin Luther who can take apart interpretation of Islamic tenets and make them  more to temperate and judicious expressions of the faith. But from where I sit, some things are apparently remotely too distant for Muslims comprehension in the present time. Temperate voices are drowned out and only mob prescriptions prevail
Temperate voices remain so, temperate. Christianity was spread by the Roman sword and politics, so was the bloody purge of the Inquisition. The rift between Catholic and Protestant was no temperate matter. The Irish/British Catholic/Protestant wars was anything but temperate. Muslims learning from the Christians would sound laughable to any Muslims, even the kanta ones.

One sparrow does not a summer make. One or two or three or even four dozen fundamentalist Christians do not make for the vitrol and venom one saw in the street of even Sidney this week. That is the virus Islam needs a find a cure for. Otherwise it is just another oppressive totalitarian system seeking to enslave minds across the globe.

Originally Posted by yuji22:




It is time for muslims to reform or faced continued resentment towards Islam. They must first address what is wrong about Islam of today for the rest of the world to have a better understanding of true Islam.

There is nothing wrong with Islam.




It looks like most of these scoundrels have never read the Quran---or if they have they don't comprehend what is written in the Quran.


The Rev wishes to point all to SURAH XVI(THE BEE)


In the name of allah, the beneficient, the merciful


90. Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good(to others) and the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be mindful.




No way allah would approve of the violence we are seeing in the muslim world today; no way allah would have approved of the murder of the 4 Americans in Libya.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



I just received a email from a friend requesting clarification of Quran 47:4


Can you please translate since it appears that you have some knowledge of the Holy Quran ?


Let's check out 47:4

Surah XLVII(Muhammed)


4. So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make(them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom(themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if allah had pleased he would certainly have exacted whata is due from them, but that he may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of allah, he will by no means allow their deeds to perish.






The fanatics and extremists would misconstrue surah 47:4 as allah giving them permission to kill and murder.




The 4 American diplomats who were recently murdered---they were not disbelievers--and they were not in a battle against muslims.





Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

TI, is the the Christian Lord not a Jew?

Ask any Christian. They still don't know who is their Lord. They say the Jews kill him, so they hate the Jews. They finally ship them off to Palestine to cause trouble. If their Lord ia a Jew, then how come they not Jews? This would mean giving up jerk pork and getting circumcised. The horror!

In eternity-heaven or hell yuh will know who is Lord. And you will know. Death comes in many ways, but it is death which ever you analyze it. And no living thing escapes it. The bones lie in a grave, but the soul............

Originally Posted by yuji22:



I just received a email from a friend requesting clarification of Quran 47:4


Can you please translate since it appears that you have some knowledge of the Holy Quran ?

This is the most cliched and ignorant argument non-Muslims like to quote that reveals a childish attempt at attacking the Quran. Any idiot, even the most Islamophobic opponent, if they read the Quran will tell you that this was aimed SPECIFICALLY at the warring Meccans who were attacking, killing, and torturing the early Muslims. It was a call to self defense against the marauding Meccans. Any reader of the Quran, from an enemy to the Roman Catholic Pope will tell you that. This question on this verse has exhausted itself in all debating circles. Even little children would laugh at someone who uses that as an argument against Islam. To me it shows childish simplicity. I would advise people to read and educate themselves instead of revealing such paucity of religious education.
Originally Posted by Chief:


Like any other religion you have a few who becomes fanatical and do nonsense in the name of the religion.

The few are just the tip.  Many quietly support some extreme actions.  Many had no problem with the taliban blowing up the buddah statues in the Hindu Kush.  The entire islamic world was mum and not until the US pushed hard on Pakistan did they make a half-hearted statement against the act.

Bear in mind that the Taliban comprised remnants of the US financed fighting forces in the fight against the Russians. Bear in mind also that the Taliban was fighting the Muslims ever since the Russians left. People seem to forget that the Muslims were always the victims of the Taliban. Since the Americans did such a poor job in Afghanistan, the Taliban has grown stronger and are still fighting the Muslims. To say Muslims support the Taliban when they are getting killed by the Taliban is stretching it a little far.
Originally Posted by TI:
Bear in mind that the Taliban comprised remnants of the US financed fighting forces in the fight against the Russians. Bear in mind also that the Taliban was fighting the Muslims ever since the Russians left. People seem to forget that the Muslims were always the victims of the Taliban. Since the Americans did such a poor job in Afghanistan, the Taliban has grown stronger and are still fighting the Muslims. To say Muslims support the Taliban when they are getting killed by the Taliban is stretching it a little far.

Correct, the US did a poor job, Bush should have gone with his emotional urge, nuke Kandahar and Kabul.

Actually, more and more I look at it, I don't think Bush wanted to get bin laden, his old man business partner. I think Bush wanted a live bogeyman to stir up American support when he went after Iraqi oil. Iraq was on the list way before 9/11. Think about it. If the US had captured bin and the Taliban mullah, you think he would have gotten any support for his Iraq war?
Originally Posted by TI:
Actually, more and more I look at it, I don't think Bush wanted to get bin laden, his old man business partner. I think Bush wanted a live bogeyman to stir up American support when he went after Iraqi oil. Iraq was on the list way before 9/11. Think about it. If the US had captured bin and the Taliban mullah, you think he would have gotten any support for his Iraq war?

Bush was lil wutliss, he should have left Sadaam there and today Iran would be watching their Ps an Qs.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I just received a email from a friend requesting clarification of Quran 47:4


Can you please translate since it appears that you have some knowledge of the Holy Quran ?

This is the most cliched and ignorant argument non-Muslims like to quote that reveals a childish attempt at attacking the Quran. Any idiot, even the most Islamophobic opponent, if they read the Quran will tell you that this was aimed SPECIFICALLY at the warring Meccans who were attacking, killing, and torturing the early Muslims. It was a call to self defense against the marauding Meccans. Any reader of the Quran, from an enemy to the Roman Catholic Pope will tell you that. This question on this verse has exhausted itself in all debating circles. Even little children would laugh at someone who uses that as an argument against Islam. To me it shows childish simplicity. I would advise people to read and educate themselves instead of revealing such paucity of religious education.

Perhaps, u should heed the same advice. Ur rants about Christ is illogical as well.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TI:
Bear in mind that the Taliban comprised remnants of the US financed fighting forces in the fight against the Russians. Bear in mind also that the Taliban was fighting the Muslims ever since the Russians left. People seem to forget that the Muslims were always the victims of the Taliban. Since the Americans did such a poor job in Afghanistan, the Taliban has grown stronger and are still fighting the Muslims. To say Muslims support the Taliban when they are getting killed by the Taliban is stretching it a little far.

Correct, the US did a poor job, Bush should have gone with his emotional urge, nuke Kandahar and Kabul.

Baseman, your view on Kandahar and Kabul is extreme. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Perhaps, u should heed the same advice. Ur rants about Christ is illogical as well.


I don't rant about the great prophet Jesus. Both the Quran and Bible show he was a very gifted and spiritual man, who had red blood.  You can even analyse the human DNA if the blood was available. It's the Romans who made him a God and the brainwashed followers accept that nonsense. I always say if the DNA proves he was a black man, Christianity will collapse overnight. 

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Perhaps, u should heed the same advice. Ur rants about Christ is illogical as well.


I don't rant about the great prophet Jesus. Both the Quran and Bible show he was a very gifted and spiritual man, who had red blood.  You can even analyse the human DNA if the blood was available. It's the Romans who made him a God and the brainwashed followers accept that nonsense. I always say if the DNA proves he was a black man, Christianity will collapse overnight. 

The Orthodox churches claim The Christ to be Black. The Coptic Church of Eygpt have a foot print of Him as a child. Also a painting of what He supposed to be like in features. Now, when He lived in Eygpt He blended in the society-he was no blue blonde child - He would have stuck right out. Joseph blended in Eygpt as well-he was Prime Minister. And Abraham was entertained by Pharoah. My point, this society is a dark skin people-and that was long before marauding white skin ppl came to the middle east and brought islam with them. Today, in the middle east there are dark skin ppl along with white skin ppl. The original people of the region has to black and the white ones came from somewhere else.


On the topic of Christ being a God, u lack the knowledge on that subject and merely fooling urself what u mullahs tell u. Jesus was not a prophet-and that is the fundamental problem with islam, they want to lower the esteem of the The Christ. Perhaps, that is y the devil wants to discredit mohammad and his doctrines.


If u can read the Book of Jude, please do. It is dangerous to besmirch celestial beings.  






During the demonstration which was held in front of the American Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday, 9/11, a Muslim cleric named Abu Islam tore and burned the Holy Bible in front of thousands of Muslims. His action was met with applause and anti-Christian cheers from the demonstrators. Before leaving the demonstration and getting into his car, he told the crowds “next time I will urinate on it.”



Will Christians want to kill and murder because the bible was shredded by a muslim cleric ?




Christians are more civilized!




Originally Posted by Rev Al:




During the demonstration which was held in front of the American Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday, 9/11, a Muslim cleric named Abu Islam tore and burned the Holy Bible in front of thousands of Muslims. His action was met with applause and anti-Christian cheers from the demonstrators. Before leaving the demonstration and getting into his car, he told the crowds “next time I will urinate on it.”



Will Christians want to kill and murder because the bible was shredded by a muslim cleric ?




Christians are more civilized!




Each year these ppl become less civilized. The laws of Entropy predicts that unless a body is in constant review and maintanace it will resort to its original chaotic condition.


As for the celebration of the clerics anti-christian stance, I am certain Mohammad had alot of negativity towards the faith as well. In 1950's, one Haddad drew large muslim crowds at his lectures, each ridicule of The Christ met with thunderous applause. And yet, these ppl cannot live in peace among themselves, but find unity in besmirching a Celestial Being. 


For the benefit of the ignorant and islamophobians!


Quran 3:84:

 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."


Muslims have respect for all holy books.



They do not put people in Abu Gharaib and bugger them while they burn their holy books in front of them, as the civilized nations do. Civilized folk seem to have a penchant for sexual deviation coupled with religious propagation. Any civilized folk here?

Originally Posted by Chief:


Like any other religion you have a few who becomes fanatical and do nonsense in the name of the religion.

And you have a few more who become skilled at manipulating the fanatics in order to accomplish certain geopolitical objectives. Anyone here know where the world's largest library of Islamic literature is located?


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