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@cain posted:

Dunno if this is considered adding substance to the thread .....I forgot what I had for dinner, dah was so long ago.

Cain, chk google for all the foods that aid memory and have that at every meal😁

today I ate, dhal, rice, pumpkin, bajee,  channa curry, potato curry, katahar curry, puri and sweet rice….even brought home puri and katahar curry😋


Yesterday we did a harvest….picked 7 of the 21 butternuts, 9 acorn, 2 pumpkins, about 10 lbs hot pepper, few lbs beans and  4 five gallon buckets of tomato plus all the bigan on the two plants I have ( enough to cook and share with my ‘tenants’  and neighbours.  
so I cooked 1/4 of the beans with salt fish n tomatoes in turmeric n  masala….fry up the bigan with  🍅 n 🥔 / had a bit of both with rice for lunch


Lunch - made cheese and tomato sandwich for hubby with a salad. For me - my usual salad with shredded Gouda cheese.

Cooking dinner now..... dhaal, rice, ochra, bora/potato and bunjal big shrimps.

@cain posted:

I made corned beef Curry once, didn't go over well.

Never heard of curry corn beef…although I have curried sardine😀 well I curried potatoes and put the sardine on top. I have not made that in over seven yrs. oh wait I have also curried potatoes and add corned mutton to that. Those are foods my hubby requested.

today I made salt fish with lots of tomatoes and sweet bakes for some ppl and garlic n pepper bakes for me and my son

now it’s time for 🍷 movie and rest


Got some homegrown, fresh, organic sieme from a Trini friend

Curried it with eddoes, shrimp and a lil bit coconut was soooooo good.

Don't usually get sieme in my area so it was a treat.


VB I cannot remember the last time I had Sieme curry…that’s nice food.

I grew some whitish beans…I googled it and it showed up as moon bean and also grew some flat purple beans which I cut up and cooked together with salt fish and tomatoes…it kinda reminded me of seime


Dinner today.....

Chicken drumsticks seasoned and cooked in air fryer. (my son gave me air-fryer for mother's day and I thought I would never use it.  well, I am using it all the time.  It is ideal to cook for 2 people.

Sides to go with it - string beans cooked with garlic and red onions.  Potatoes and cauliflower mashed with plain yogurt.


I have not cooked since last week when I made bakes with salt fish n tomatoes😳

During the week I had steak n burgers from elk, moose, bison and deer….tried something wild and different every day…had poutine with elk gravy….plus some junk food.  I also saw all those animals except bison.

Last edited by Wildflower

So what’s on the menu these days?
yesterday I made fry aloo n tomato choka with sada roti….had it for lunch today too.  Not sure what to have for dinner today. I am home alone so maybe I fry ups some tomatoes with onion garlic pepper and crack eggs over to go with left over roti.


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