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Sri Lankan bakey also carry a bread we had in Guyana...small loves with white sugar sprinkled in top. I also used to get their fish tarasss but after nyamin down two my mouth was so numb I could eat nuff more.


Cainski, u ever went to the Sri Lankan restaurant  I posted above?

I will tell my son to ask about the buns next time. We used to call the  small loaf with white sugar on it ‘putagee bread’ . Not sure if u knew the bakery on Vic park called Busket, the used to make it.


No I never went there nor did I remember it being putax bread, perhaps my people dem started that delicious white sugar terrible bread.

Before your son ask about the buns make sure is a nice big bamsie girl at the counter, he could give it a pinch, tell her it's from Cain, just checkin de buns.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

No I never went there nor did I remember it being putax bread, perhaps my people dem started that delicious white sugar terrible bread.

Before your son ask about the buns make sure is a nice big bamsie girl at the counter, he could give it a pinch, tell her it's from Cain, just checkin de buns.

Ya rasssssssssss, you like stupidness and I am still giggling….thank you😁😄😃

@Amral posted:

This weekend I going by the sweet woman and cook some fish curry. Afterwards we going to eat lol

Lemme quote u quick quick before u delete the post about u goin by sweet woman to eat fish😆

Last edited by Wildflower

Today breaky was boil n fry channa and  papaya with lions mane coffee

Lunch veg samosa, crackers with marmite n butter w condense milk in same coffee

Dinner will be aloo curry n roti with hot milk n pc Norman Sue salara


Well i had to fast for blood wrks n then had to go to chiropodist.

i had lil black bean salad in between n after I came home  I ate lil left over cookup rice, the last piece of zucchini bread n drank a cup of red rose tea.
will have my usual kefir with chia/sunflower/pumpkin seeds n blackberries around 830 with cup of stovetop-brewed chai( cinnamon/clove/cardamom/ginger)…

@Amral posted:

This weekend I going by the sweet woman and cook some fish curry. Afterwards we going to eat lol

Eheh like u bin hiding BM

well ayuh enjoy eating ayuh  fish curry.. btw catfish curry or gilbakka ? 😳

@Lynn posted:

Well i had to fast for blood wrks n then had to go to chiropodist.

i had lil black bean salad in between n after I came home  I ate lil left over cookup rice, the last piece of zucchini bread n drank a cup of red rose tea.
will have my usual kefir with chia/sunflower/pumpkin seeds n blackberries around 830 with cup of stovetop-brewed chai( cinnamon/clove/cardamom/ginger)…

First you go learnin fo chirp.You then eat lil bread, various seeds an berries....

You ever thought of changin your nic to Kiskadee?

@cain posted:

First you go learnin fo chirp.You then eat lil bread, various seeds an berries....

You ever thought of changin your nic to Kiskadee?

Great idea!! Ask sunil to change it fuh me!!

i like d name -kiss..ka..dee


da iz wan nice nice bird


I had a friend named Kiskadee….I heard he did some awful things…haven’t seen him in over 40 yrs…maybe gone

I like birds…like all wild animals as long as they don’t bother me or try to invade my space….I have bird feeders in my yard and spend all my pocket pc on bird food.  I bring feed whenever I go to the trails for my hikes.

Jane, what’s your fav bird?

@Wildflower posted:

I had a friend named Kiskadee….I heard he did some awful things…haven’t seen him in over 40 yrs…maybe gone

I like birds…like all wild animals as long as they don’t bother me or try to invade my space….I have bird feeders in my yard and spend all my pocket pc on bird food.  I bring feed whenever I go to the trails for my hikes.

Jane, what’s your fav bird? dad used to mind birds..all kind…he-had them in cases upstairs n in the bottom house…we had to sweep house several times a day..too much bird seeds in the house…he spent an hr cleaning cages n refilling water bowls every night..

but we had 2 talking parrots n i loved them..1 grieved to death 2 months after my dad died as it stopped eating..called for ‘paapa, paapa’ all day long …it only allowed my dad to feed him but whn iw as at home..i used to feed pecked at everyone else’s hands whn they tried to feed it ..very sad..we called him Palaatu.  He called his own name..he called Paapa so sweetly how he had emphasis pn PAA..he called for Margaret( our gf Min used to come calling for us to buy eggs as she was scared of our bad dogs..Palahtu used  to imitate her her by repeating ‘margaret..n then laughed.  OMG that girl used to think it was us teasing her..she wud cry n go back home until she found out 1 day that it was the parrot). He was such a lovely would greet my dad in the morning..n danced on 1 foot in the cage.he blew kisses at my dad n whn my dad was leaving home, it used to say ‘going to work, going to work? .  Whn i was in primary used to say ‘going to school, going to school’ whn we were leaving. It used to imitate the chickens too which was very annoying..n laughed abt it whn he knew it annoyed us.  We had it  for 11 yrs ..was left with us whn my aunty left GY for Canada in dad died march 1977 n Palahtu died June 1977.  1 of my bro’s took it to his home aftermy father died because it kept calling for Paapa non-stop n my mom couldnt take it..the poor bird refused to sad

There were plenty birds n butterflies flying around our  flowers (hibiscus, oleander etc) in the yard ..oh what a beautiful site to sit in the hammock n watch them ‘light’ on the flowers n suck d nectars..the kiskadees  lined  the barbed wire fence in the back yard..what a glorious sight

…robins, humming birds..wrens ..dont even rem the names

lot of gaulins in the backyard with the cows too ..

pS I am  not familiar with Canadian birds though.

@Wildflower posted:

I have egg and aloo curry, green apple curry and one pc stew fish ….will cook more paratha later

Never had green apple curry but 2 wks ago i made chutney with green to eat with bara

@Wildflower posted:

I have egg and aloo curry, green apple curry and one pc stew fish ….will cook more paratha later

dOu  fry the boiled egg for yr egg curry.??

.my mom did it on the fireside..but the oil ‘pitched’ far n scared me.

.so ive never ever tried to do that..soi havent eaten egg curry that way since i left GY in 1990

@Lynn posted:

dOu  fry the boiled egg for yr egg curry.??

.my mom did it on the fireside..but the oil ‘pitched’ far n scared me.

.so ive never ever tried to do that..soi havent eaten egg curry that way since i left GY in 1990

Yep, eggs must be golden brown. I have a mesh thingy big enough to cover eggs as they brown ( dollar store ) also I like to smash up 1-2  boiled but not browned eggs to cook into ‘surwa’


Today, boil n fry chicken…yes u read that right…

I does throw in all the seasonings and chicken ina pot with some milk and let it boil then heat a tiny bit of oil in a frying pan brown quickly in high heat…just to:crisp the outside.  Yes I know, I should use the air fryer that my kids gave me and I gave away to my ‘tenant’

also made some salmon…reverse to how I cook chicken

i mix up some dill and garlic with Caribbean seasoning into the salmon with fresh squeeze lemon then dust in flour and brown on high heat add milk and let it simmer down. I ate that with corn on the cob and a bit of cookup rice


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