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@Mitwah posted:

I used to like to spread it on bread, back in the days. It's too salty.

It was banned in Denmark and now also here.

Really? I just bought one. Anyway, I love dunking Marmite sandwich in my coffee, you should eat it everyday man.

I trying hard to get yall back.

So Wildflower and Amral, yall tell me what you doan like so I tell you how fo cook it.


Hey, I like marmite. I recently bought it at Walmart.
I knew someone who used to make ‘tea’ with marmite and add milk,  also a fav in soup, on buttered crackers or toast.

I just boiled my cassava n breadfruit, kneaded dough for dumplings……will go to no frills in a bit ( forgot to get plantains)  


cainMan, I don’t care for karaila even though I am growing it. Will eat almost all veg.  Don’t eat beef. Will eat almost all wild animals, I know.. you don’t eat meat or eggs ( most likely those were gander eggs)  Don’t care for red sauce on pizza or sweet peppers due to upset stomach.

I curry anything….green apples, egg, ochro, fiddle heads😃

@cain posted:

Fiddle heads rock. I like that, too bad it's only out for a couple months, I wonder what it's like to grow.

A field of ferns, the ones that grow wild

saw lots of people harvesting at the trails/ parks


I bet none of you ever tried Puffball. I first saw it where I live, it's a huge mushroom almost the size of a soccer ball, if you were to burst it it would emit a puff of white dust. It has a steak like texture.

Mits, Marmite and IrnBru (Scottish drink) were seized and it caused some confusion for those who consume them. Othero foods from a Saskatchewan store were also seized for some strange reason but those foods are not banned here.

Last edited by cain

Chowmein is Wednesday cooking.

tomorrow I will cook some chicken curry n potato roti

i don’t have an air fryer but I am often treated to lots of stuff done in air fryer. Had air/fried cassava chips for lunch few days ago


I made the best homemade turkey burgers for dinner tonight.

Added shredded zucchini to make it nice and moist, along with crushed garlic, a small amount of wholewheat bread crumbs, salt and pepper.

Between wholewheat buns, topped with lettuce, tomato and red onions.

Grandsons ate 2 each!!!


I havin oral surgery tomorrow afternoon so no eating much through weekend, so I staying up an eat everything I could find. I opened a pkg of Maple smoked salmon an it jus about done. I had smash potato, steamed beets, corn an peas, vegetable patty an a bit of Jasmine rice, an pepper sauce.

VB if you see the amount of wild turkeys congregating where I am...I once counted forty just hanging around. My daughter saw a pic I took of it and remarked,  "Wow, lotsa sandwiches there"

Yesterday I saw a doe along with her fawn standing approx twenty feet from me, I turned to get my camera but they both bolted.

Last edited by cain

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