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Originally Posted by ksazma:

Since you were so involved at the time, why didn't you find out why they thought that Hoyte gave the country away to coolie?

I don't indulge in intellectual masturbation the way you do.  Walking around G/town these are the comments that were being made.  In the stores, in the vans, on the streets, EVERY WHERE!

Originally Posted by Chief:


Every ethnic group   suffered under the PNC. Many intelligent blacks had to run and some even lost their lives including Dr Rodney.


And yet TODAY black people are being persecuted because of what Burnham did, or allegedly did. So why will they think that an apology by the PNC isn't seen as black people apologizing to Indians.


the average voter in Guyana is 35.  To ask them to ignore the world they see today and to remember the world when they were BABIES is NONSENSE!


If the PPP and its supporters acknowledge that not only Indians suffer then WHY ARE THEY PUNISHING BLACK PEOPLE TODAY!!!!!!!!!


You ought to have figured this out by now but just your demand for an apology has fired up our usual racially divisive confrontation.


The GT people did not come out in their numbers to vote - but the thugs did.





Makes my point.  So many black people stayed home and Hiyte LOST!


As to black people not feeling marginalized.  Well that is YOUR opinion.  Our racially polarized voting suggests otherwise.  Do you think that any one votes APNU because they think that they will guarantee better governance?   No they support them for the same reasons that Indians support the PPP. RACIAL INSECURITY!  The minute that the think that PNC leadership is selling them out they STAY HOME!

Originally Posted by Kari:

I'll tell ya one thing....the status quo is not winning the Presidency for APNU, and the party with the most seats IS the PPP.



And if the black support base see the PNC groveling to Indians the PNC still loses.  In fact it all but guarantees that the PPP gets that one seat that they need to be 100% in control!


BUT if the PNC got out of parliament and behaved like a govt in waiting, and demonstrates to the people that they have the capacity to improve conditions for the average Guyanese maybe enough might give them support to at the very least further reduce the PPPs seat count.


As of now the APNU/AFC control gives them rthe leverage to get the various stakeholder groups to at least meet with them.  This they never had before. So they ought to meet.  They ought to share ideas.  They ought to develop plans.  They ought to sell these plans to the people. If the PPP blocks then they ought to tell the people so.


If Indians still don't want the PNC well they will get the PPP which they deserve!  And a restive black lumpen proletariat and the growth of black garrison communities.


This business of "racial" apologies is a nonstarter.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Since you were so involved at the time, why didn't you find out why they thought that Hoyte gave the country away to coolie?

I don't indulge in intellectual masturbation the way you do.  Walking around G/town these are the comments that were being made.  In the stores, in the vans, on the streets, EVERY WHERE!

So speculating that blacks will resort to street justice is not intellectual masturbation? Your reluctance to address this question leaves me no other option but to resort to my earlier position that a future PNC government will see a re-emergence of elections rigging in Guyana.  

Originally Posted by redux:

if there is a genuine appetite to discipline the PPP by moving them to the opposition benches, i suggest y'all stop investing in dividing the people with sly appeals for sanctification of victimhood and expend your energies educating folks about the benefits of change, strong/independent institutions, coalition building, and divided government under a proper constitution



  When caught in their poorly executed plan to have black people apologize to Indians, Kari and Chief (who present themselves as open race blind people) then squeal that it is about the PNC apologizing to everybody.


Yet their earlier assertion was that this will reduce Indian suspicion of the PNC (black people).


So clearly this is about the PNC (black people) groveling to Indians in the HOPE that this will earn forgiveness.  No mention is made of what blacks will think of such a one sided apology, not accompanied by an acknowledgement of the extreme racism aimed at their economic extermination by the Indian political and economic elites.

Originally Posted by caribny:

But back to my earlier question. Why did you think that blacks thought that Hoyte gave the country to coolie?

1.  They called him Desi Persaud.


2.   They refused to support him in 1994 so the PNC lost in its biggest base.


If the reasons for this really interest you do your own research.

I wanted to hear it from you, oh great advocate of black peoples' rights in Guyana. If they think that Hoyte gave the country to coolies, they must have thought that the PNC owned the country. If they really think that the PNC owned the country, they don't deserve to be taken seriously. But you know that already but can't bring yourself to separate your racist agenda from what is morally right.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So speculating that blacks will resort to street justice is not intellectual masturbation? Your reluctance to address this question leaves me no other option but to resort to my earlier position that a future PNC government will see a re-emergence of elections rigging in Guyana.  

This isn't speculation when there have already been protests by people from Agricola, Linden, and elsewhere, and increasing anger in Albouystown, Tiger Bay and elsewhere.  I even showed you two youtube videos in case you doubted.


Your other babble and rant about the PNC shows what a sick and demented man you are.  You say you are race blind but show no attempt to understand that the PPP has been as guilty of atrocities as the PNC.


Guyana is now an armed camp of PPP sanctioned militias populated with assorted criminals, and that doesn't bother you.  Note that the criminals are  free lancers.  they shoot for whoever pays them the most and engage in other robberies when not needed for those assignments.  


PPP Guyana.  Many hungry people who will do as they are told by any one who wants to flex their power, and willing to pay.  The going price to commit murder is US$200, something that most of us have in our wallets on any given occasion.


The PPP is riding a monster that they think they can control, but in actuality cannot.


If you don't know this about Guyana I suggest that you cease commenting about a country of which you are plainly ignorant.  Guyana is not the country that it was in the 70s.  A whole new generation.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This business of "racial" apologies is a nonstarter.

I agree. Any apology from the PNC is useless. No one owns Guyana and if the blacks thought that the PNC did, then they got what they deserve.

I guess this comment is an example of you being race blind.


Well glad you showed you truly colors, so don't accuse others of being "obsessed" with race again.  Because it is clear that blacks, and not Indians, are the ones who you place 100% of the blame for all of this.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I wanted to hear it from you, oh great advocate of black peoples' rights in Guyana. If they think that Hoyte gave the country to coolies, they must have thought that the PNC owned the country. If they really think that the PNC owned the country, they don't deserve to be taken seriously. But you know that already but can't bring yourself to separate your racist agenda from what is morally right.

  How about if they think that the PPP didn't have a right to own the country either.  Indeed their very race based fears have been realized, so you ought to be proud of yourself.



It takes a racist person to think that demanding that BOTH races ought to be considered is a racist demand. 


No you want ONE race to grovel to the other, when BOTH are to blame!


CaribJ's opinion that Georgetown, Buxton, Agricola, Linden, etc. will become garrison-towns like Kingston, Jamaica has no currency. Look what happened in Enmore in the 2002-03 FF vs Phantoms. Regular folks had ways to bypass the burning tires. You know what Indians will think of such garrison towns, CaribJ?. Like Laventille in Trinidad, they will say, have your garrison towns black people. Indians will live in their rural areas and in urban areas with their 2nd Amendment-style means. This is not the 70s CaribJ. You are condemning Blacks to a garrison life and proudly so. Is that what you want?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This business of "racial" apologies is a nonstarter.

I agree. Any apology from the PNC is useless. No one owns Guyana and if the blacks thought that the PNC did, then they got what they deserve.

I guess this comment is an example of you being race blind.


Well glad you showed you truly colors, so don't accuse others of being "obsessed" with race again.  Because it is clear that blacks, and not Indians, are the ones who you place 100% of the blame for all of this.

I have never heard an Indian say that someone give Guyana to another. That is what you said that blacks think Hoyte did. I have a right to recognize those as racists and you are also since you felt that way also. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I wanted to hear it from you, oh great advocate of black peoples' rights in Guyana. If they think that Hoyte gave the country to coolies, they must have thought that the PNC owned the country. If they really think that the PNC owned the country, they don't deserve to be taken seriously. But you know that already but can't bring yourself to separate your racist agenda from what is morally right.

  How about if they think that the PPP didn't have a right to own the country either.  Indeed their very race based fears have been realized, so you ought to be proud of yourself.



It takes a racist person to think that demanding that BOTH races ought to be considered is a racist demand. 


No you want ONE race to grovel to the other, when BOTH are to blame!

Indians don't own Guyana so why would blacks think that they do?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually we were better off with Burnham than with caribny and his racist mob mentality and street violence ultimate alternative.



I just love it when people kill the messenger.  I warn you where Guyana is headed and you dip yourself like an ostriches with your archaic notion of how that country operates.


Note to you.  Guyanese are now more like Jamaicans than like those Guyanese who you knew who passively followed the Comrade Leader.


You do know what downtown Kingston is like!  Georgetown and certain EBD, and ECD communities are headed in that direction, as is Linden.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Indians don't own Guyana so why would blacks think that they do?

Funny, when this is one issue where BOTH blacks and Indians agree, even if blacks don't like it.


The problem though is that an elite 5% of Indians own Guyana, and the remaining 95% need to understand this and stop supporting them.  This 5% have bought out the PPP and are attempting to run Guyana like some feudal estate.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
I warn you where Guyana is headed and you dip yourself like an ostriches with your archaic notion of how that country operates.


Note to you.  Guyanese are now more like Jamaicans than like those Guyanese who you knew who passively followed the Comrade Leader.

Headed where? To garrison-style townships like Trenchtown and Laventille?


You amuse me, political neophyte and social studies irrelevancy. You know Guyana like I know high-rise architecture.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
I warn you where Guyana is headed and you dip yourself like an ostriches with your archaic notion of how that country operates.


Note to you.  Guyanese are now more like Jamaicans than like those Guyanese who you knew who passively followed the Comrade Leader.

Headed where? To garrison-style townships like Trenchtown and Laventille?


Carry on fooling yourself Kari.  The only debate is whether these communities haven't already reached that point. 


Now when a Guyanese, who went back to set up a business, fled when some person offered to kill a competitor if he was paid US$200, I know that it is headed in that direction.  He fled because he was afraid that if the competitor offered $300 he would be the target instead.


Let us hope for your sake that it isn't fully there yet.


And Kari you know who will do this.  The very same mercenaries who you boast are "protecting" the rich Indian business men.  Thanks to them guns are easy to find in Guyana, as are people so lacking in morality that they will kill for pocket change!


Kari sometimes its good not to pretend as if you know every thing, when you actually know very little.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Indians don't own Guyana so why would blacks think that they do?

Funny, when this is one issue where BOTH blacks and Indians agree, even if blacks don't like it.


The problem though is that an elite 5% of Indians own Guyana, and the remaining 95% need to understand this and stop supporting them.  This 5% have bought out the PPP and are attempting to run Guyana like some feudal estate.

You are a very confused person. You do more harm to black people than you would ever know.


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