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Originally Posted by Kari:

Can you translate the above in plain English?    

Kari why don't you continue to defend your position that black people must grovel to Indians and stop busing like a market woman? 


Having done this for 20 years sadly so many think that this is all that life holds for them, and this according to David Hinds who spends a lot of time in the poorer communities.


Busing like a market woman doesn't suit you.  If you can't understand what stormborn wrote then you really need to question your ability to comprehend.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?

I started to post before him.


You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed.  We definitely have different points of view.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?

I started to post before him.


You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed.  We definitely have different points of view.

Over the years you and I have agreed on more things than we disagreed, the same can be said about D2.


I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.

OK I see that we have a problem of interpretation here.



1.  Black people are seen as "PNC" and are punished by influential Indians, just as in the Burnham era Indians were seen as "PPP", and therefore seen by influential blacks as unworthy of respect as human beings.  This as revenge for the Janet Jagan era of the early 60s.  We are currently  in Round 3.


2.  Black people are already being punished because some seek revenge for the PNC. So Indians were punished under Burnham because of what Janet did (Round 2).  Now in Round 3 blacks are being punished for what Burnham did.


3.  I suggest that this issue be dealt with because the cycle of revenge will continue if it isn't.   We are in Round 3.  Let us prevent Round 4 of revenge if the PPP ever loses.  D2 made mention of this, and that seemed to be a relevant comment.


Despite what you and Kari think the PPP and the PNC are tools used by both groups as they exercise their fears of dominance by the other.  You cannot separate either race from the party which the bulk of them support.


And indeed look at the AFC.  In 2006 when Trotman was at the head he pealed off some middle class black and mixed votes.  He didn't pull in too many Indians.  In 2011 with Nagamootoo and Ramjattan at the helm they pealed some Berbice Indian votes, but lost some of the African/Mixed votes.  So don't tell me that Guyanese are innocent of the racial angst which cripples Guyana.  That is a cop out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?

I started to post before him.


You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed.  We definitely have different points of view.

Over the years you and I have agreed on more things than we disagreed, the same can be said about D2.


I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.

not clever at all dude . . .


perhaps u should stop announcing your "last post on this topic" and DO SO! while you still have some dignity left

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are reduced to mirroring Nehru. If the grammar offends your, speak to it.  If the content galls you, point to the distaste. The above is just noninformational bilge.

noninformational bilge......  


Informational~ on going process of knowledge transfer

Bilge~ contaminated effluent from the bowels of ships ie waste.


Hopefully your skills at concatenation is not stunted as well.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?

I started to post before him.


You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed.  We definitely have different points of view.

Over the years you and I have agreed on more things than we disagreed, the same can be said about D2.


I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.

Firstly, the PNC is to the Indian, the archetype for the black man in Guyana as the PPP is to Indian. The fact that they oppressed all equally is never broached by the typical PPP supporter. To them the PNC banned dhal and flour to spite them. It is common parlance that Indian felt the PNC as the instrument of black people attempted to duglarize the population ie forcefully impregnate their daughters....I can go on listing the claims but I already listed them.


To say the PNC's apology would be to the Guyanese people is to say that pigs fly. To blacks it is irrelevant. To Indians it is affirmation to their claims against black people. It is essential food for their pathological state of chosen victims to the PNC.  It matters not what you say is is your intent or thesis for this apology. It will never serve that purpose.






I re-call on many occasions Dr. Jagan telling his supporters not to fight race. He  stated many times that the PNC dictatorship was an alliance between the Black Elite and the Wealthy Indians. He even went as far as attacking some Indians for judging Sam Hinds based on his race. PPP leaders often countered the racial argument by asking if, we as Indians can trust a man like Sir Lionel Luckhoo or Cammie Ramsaroop. 



Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I re-call on many occasions Dr. Jagan telling his supporters not to fight race. He  stated many times that the PNC dictatorship was an alliance between the Black Elite and the Wealthy Indians. He even went as far as attacking some Indians for judging Sam Hinds based on his race. PPP leaders often countered the racial argument by asking if, we as Indians can trust a man like Sir Lionel Luckhoo or Cammie Ramsaroop. 



Well wealthy Indians are definitely with the PPP now, as are fewer than 10% of the black and mixed voters.


Of course Cheddi didn't tell you why he kept all the blacks like Sam Hinds in a Bantustan called Civic, to ensure that the PPP remained in Indian hands, that is aside from Luncheon.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP was astonished at the amount of money the opposition spent in the last elections. They were able to buy TV time on a record scale. Where they get all of this money is anyone's guess

The opposition spent very little money last time, and had to do almost nothing until the last minute.


The PPP trucked in thousands, had concerts all over the place, monopolized coverage on state owned media, ignoring the fact that 50% of the population have NEVER supported them, and yet their taxes support these entities. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?

I started to post before him.


You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed.  We definitely have different points of view.

Over the years you and I have agreed on more things than we disagreed, the same can be said about D2.


I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.

Firstly, the PNC is to the Indian, the archetype for the black man in Guyana as the PPP is to Indian. The fact that they oppressed all equally is never broached by the typical PPP supporter. To them the PNC banned dhal and flour to spite them. It is common parlance that Indian felt the PNC as the instrument of black people attempted to duglarize the population ie forcefully impregnate their daughters....I can go on listing the claims but I already listed them.


To say the PNC's apology would be to the Guyanese people is to say that pigs fly. To blacks it is irrelevant. To Indians it is affirmation to their claims against black people. It is essential food for their pathological state of chosen victims to the PNC.  It matters not what you say is is your intent or thesis for this apology. It will never serve that purpose.



After the Rodney inquiery is over more than likely the commission will find the  PNC responsible for his murder. Some 30 years after Burnham's death where does his party stands. Is the PNC the same outfit it was in the 70's and early 80's? They have to redefine themselves and how can they do that.


You are saying with an apology the blacks will think it is irrelevant and the Indians will confirm their claim of fear, well too bad what they think because their sorry asses have not been thinking beyond race.The blacks and Indians in Guyana cannot see for themselves other than through colored glasses. That is why today Guyana is what it is, poor and still racially divided.

Two  intelligent attorneys made the first move by forming the AFC. iT WILL NOT BE AN EASY ROAD AS WE HAVE SEEN HOW THE ppp IS DOING EVERYTHING TO SMEAR THE OPPOSITION. bUT IT IS A start. Sorry for the caps.


The PNC need to clear their name now more than ever.


CaribJ and D2


Both of you are saying that the PNC is basically a black party and the PPP is an Indian party. Caribj went at length to prove his point by providing figures of racial voting from the last 3 elections.


So if the PNC is holding on to that amount of support then obviously they have a certain amount of control. What harm can be done to come clean , admit mistakes of the past and set a new agenda to move on?

Originally Posted by Chief:

After the Rodney inquiery is over more than likely the commission will find the  PNC responsible for his murder. Some 30 years after Burnham's death where does his party stands. Is the PNC the same outfit it was in the 70's and early 80's? They have to redefine themselves and how can they do that.


You are saying with an apology the blacks will think it is irrelevant and the Indians will confirm their claim of fear, well too bad what they think because their sorry asses have not been thinking beyond race.The blacks and Indians in Guyana cannot see for themselves other than through colored glasses. That is why today Guyana is what it is, poor and still racially divided.

Two  intelligent attorneys made the first move by forming the AFC. iT WILL NOT BE AN EASY ROAD AS WE HAVE SEEN HOW THE ppp IS DOING EVERYTHING TO SMEAR THE OPPOSITION. bUT IT IS A start. Sorry for the caps.


The PNC need to clear their name now more than ever.

mr chief, you know better . . . but rather than spend time educating people, u FEED THE FEAR and THE LIES!


they say truth is the first casualty of war . . . indeed!


you are simply another barefoot spear carrier in Guyana's low-intensity race war some of y'all of a certain age NEVER STOPPED FIGHTING


riding that mangy Robb Street dankey up and down GNI must give u quite a thrill

Last edited by Former Member

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