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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Hoyte had a wonderful opportunity. His trust of Indian professionals and Indian economic ethic was already recognized.

Sorry I haven't followed the topic and checked all the responses but what is "Indian economic ethic?"

I meant to say economic ethos antabanta. The ethos that gives rise to a practice of deferring present gratification for future returns on investment. Hoyte understood investments rather than loans as an engine for growth, but his called for such deferment. Let me know if I can help[ you further understand this Indian mindset.

So you subscribe to the stereotype that Indians in general care more for future return/financial security while blacks only care for the next soiree?

Who talked about Blacks?


I mentioned Hoyte's admiration for an attribute of the Indians in Guyana. Does that speak to other races or ethnicities. You see race when you want to eh? I'm reminded of Jesse Jackson when he said that being pro-Black does not mean anti-White.

Carib J will never like the Jesse Jacksons of the world.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP never had to rig because they can rely on their spear carrying tribals like you to bend the knees and chant their racist creed. Awee pon tap.



The rant of a fool.  You just don't get it.  You talk too much.

Baseman just be honest.  If in 1964 the black population were 50% of the voters the PPP would have been very happy to rig the election and their Indian base would have supported them. 


So don't think that the fact that the PPP, up to now, hasn't rigged is because they have the moral high ground.  They got a rude shock in 2011, when they lost control of parliament, and you bet they will rig to get it back. 


The problem that they have though is the PNC, being riggers, will find them out, and hell will have no fury like a rigger being rigged against.



You are getting ridiculous with every post. 

Did the PPP ever rigged an election?

Stop assuming in a court of law the Judge will lock your sorry ass up.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many blacks are way better off that anytime under the PNC however,.

And of course you as an Indian are an expert on blacks?  Well they feel distinct hostility against them, and that is what matters.  In addition it is debatable about whether their relative position in Guyana is worse than it was prior to 1973.

Qusetion for you CaribJ.



Because in a polarized nation like Guyana people say things among their own that they will not say to others.


Your comments clearly indicate that there are certain conversations that you arent privy to.  Because if you were you would know that many blacks will interpret a PNC apology, not followed by a PPP apology, to be black people having to apologize to Indians.


There is an Indian narrative about politics in Guyana which clearly is th basis for asking for an apology.


There is also an African narrative which will equally see the need for an apology if a party which over 90% of them have supported in free and fair elections since 1992 is asked to apologize.


You didnt factor that, and if you were aware of certain conversations and sentiments you would have.

You response is rubbish!!!

Your narrow thinking is making you belch out that only a blackman can speak for a blackman and further you are saying that only a whiteman know of issues that affect a whiteman.

You should immediately leave the shores of America and go live in a cave.

You are missing the point. White folks cannot speak with the same intimacy to a life lived by another group.Addressing such issues will always come with a degree of insurmountable blindness. Instead, if one needs to speak of healing disputes they would be better served to address basic human needs. It is the point of convergence for all examinations that seek to address human problems.


You are diverging to nonsense. You need to read a bit on how nations like ours with problems like ours solved their problems. The world is full of successes and glaring failures as well. None of these nations ever began with saying one side need to apologize. That is the point.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are missing the point. White folks cannot speak with the same intimacy to a life lived by another group.Addressing such issues will always come with a degree of insurmountable blindness. Instead, if one needs to speak of healing disputes they would be better served to address basic human needs. It is the point of convergence for all examinations that seek to address human problems.


You are diverging to nonsense. You need to read a bit on how nations like ours with problems like ours solved their problems. The world is full of successes and glaring failures as well. None of these nations ever began with saying one side need to apologize. That is the point.

Agree, apology or not we have to move on as a nation.


However my beef with Carib J, you or anyone else is the notion that one has to belong to the race to know the race and speak on behalf of that race.Over the years all across the world we have witneesed folks who do not belong to a certain race or group but stood up side by side to assist them to fight thier battles.


 CaribJ assumption that ramblings by an ethnic group is only for that groups eras is nonsense.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are missing the point. White folks cannot speak with the same intimacy to a life lived by another group.Addressing such issues will always come with a degree of insurmountable blindness. Instead, if one needs to speak of healing disputes they would be better served to address basic human needs. It is the point of convergence for all examinations that seek to address human problems.


You are diverging to nonsense. You need to read a bit on how nations like ours with problems like ours solved their problems. The world is full of successes and glaring failures as well. None of these nations ever began with saying one side need to apologize. That is the point.

Agree, apology or not we have to move on as a nation.


However my beef with Carib J, you or anyone else is the notion that one has to belong to the race to know the race and speak on behalf of that race.Over the years all across the world we have witneesed folks who do not belong to a certain race or group but stood up side by side to assist them to fight thier battles.


 CaribJ assumption that ramblings by an ethnic group is only for that groups eras is nonsense.


One cannot speak intimately about things they have not experienced. One can  only abstract  if one is able to parallel with similar experiences. Whitefolk cannot speak truly of the slave or colonial experience  with any intimate knowledge. It is always a different story line from those that lived it.


It is a problem addressed as the absence of "worldliness" by the brilliant Islamic scholar Edward Said in his seminal book "Orientalism". It is not a matter of being comrades in arms in a struggle. It is not presuming to define for other what they ought to do in order to reconcile a picture of  your sense of grief.


To reconnect as humans you have to address human needs from a basic needs viewpoint. All humans have the same needs for love, family, Sense of belonging, security etc even if these come with contextual differences. That alone is our common thread and where we must always begin

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
, and hell will have no fury like a rigger being rigged against.



You are getting ridiculous with every post. 

Did the PPP ever rigged an election?

Stop assuming in a court of law the Judge will lock your sorry ass up.

Chief do you think that the fact that the PPP didnt rig speaks to a moral high ground on their part?  NO. Our tribalism allowed them to win without rigging. 


The true test will be with a younger Indian voter being less reliably PPP, combined with a declining % of the voter base being Indian.


  Will the PPP accept the risk of further codifying thir loss of control over parliameny by getting less than 50% of the votes? 


The PPP knows fully well that, if they lose, some folks will be forced to explain unexplained disappearance of billions (GY$) of government funds, and its collaboration with certain drug connected entities.


Do you really think that they will risk an electoral loss?



So the notion that you imply that the PPP didnt rig excuses them from having to apologize is a JOKE. Were the ethnic dynamics reversed the PPP would have done the same,and the Indians would have supported this for the same reasons that blacks excused PNC rigging until the late 70s.



If you want an apology you should suggest that Indians and Africans each need to decide on which non political leader from each community need to apologize to the other for allowing our mutual ethnic insecurities of each other to do the tremendous damage that it has done.  You want to get over bad blood with some symbolic gesture well that is what you do!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

 CaribJ assumption that ramblings by an ethnic group is only for that groups eras is nonsense.


Chief y6our silly incessant braying for an apology show3s that you are greatly ignorant about how many Africans will react to that.


I will be charitable and say that you do this out of ignorance of how people are thinking.  If you are aware of this then you are wilfully being disrespectful to the feelings of black people.


Take your pick.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Your narrow thinking is making you belch out that only a blackman can speak for a blackman and further you are saying that only a whiteman know of issues that affect a whiteman.

You should immediately leave the shores of America and go live in a cave.

  Are you STUPID or just pretending to be.  I spoke of ACCESS to information.  The things that white people say about blacks isnt some thing that I am privy to.  I know what they say in front of my face.  I have no idea what they say behind my back. 


You chief know what blacks tell you.  You have NO IDEA what they say behind your back.  Given the realities of Guyana where we are deeply polarized I will be fooling myself if I thought that I knew every thing that Indians were saying. YOU would be fooling yourself if you think you know every thing that blacks are saying.



Now how you tie that to any claim about whether you can empathize with blacks is a mystery.


BTW your incessant ranting shows that you do NOT empathize with blacks.  Many people here have told you and Kari why a PNC apology will not work.  Even basemen understands why, so what is preventing you and Kari from understanding why your idea is a silly one within the context of Guyana in 2014?


If you were intent for an apology you should have asked for one before 1998, when every one understood that the state that Guyana was in was due mainly to the PNC, as the PPP had not been in power long enough to have a sordid track record of its own.


But after 22 years of PPP rule, where they now embrace the WORST of the PNC.  The very thugs who give some a reason to demand an apology.


YOU ARE CRAzy!  The PPP NO LONGER has any moral HIGH GROUND!  They are as thuggish as was the PNC in its WORST days.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP never had to rig because they can rely on their spear carrying tribals like you to bend the knees and chant their racist creed. Awee pon tap.



The rant of a fool.  You just don't get it.  You talk too much.

Baseman just be honest.  If in 1964 the black population were 50% of the voters the PPP would have been very happy to rig the election and their Indian base would have supported them. 


Pure conjecture on your part.  You are creating your own music to dance.  The fact of the matter, the PPP did not, never did, IF and IF anf IF THEN is irrelevant as it NEVER happened.  So don't justify the PNC's fraud and the Afro condoning it by creating a false scenario.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Pure conjecture on your part.  You are creating your own music to dance.  The fact of the matter, the PPP did not, never did, IF and IF anf IF THEN is irrelevant as it NEVER happened.  So don't justify the PNC's fraud and the Afro condoning it by creating a false scenario.

I see so the same people who "friken black man" wouldnt have been relieved if the PPP rigged elections to ensure that there would be no blackman rule.


yeah right!  I know you lie because they condoned Jagdeo allowingt a drug dealer to kill young blacks, innocent or not, and FEW had anything to say about it.  I assume that they arent evil so clearly it was based on the principle that the end justifies the means and too bad if there was some collateral damage.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Pure conjecture on your part.  You are creating your own music to dance.  The fact of the matter, the PPP did not, never did, IF and IF anf IF THEN is irrelevant as it NEVER happened.  So don't justify the PNC's fraud and the Afro condoning it by creating a false scenario.

I see so the same people who "friken black man" wouldnt have been relieved if the PPP rigged elections to ensure that there would be no blackman rule.


yeah right!  I know you lie because they condoned Jagdeo allowingt a drug dealer to kill young blacks, innocent or not, and FEW had anything to say about it.  I assume that they arent evil so clearly it was based on the principle that the end justifies the means and too bad if there was some collateral damage.

As I said, you are out of argument, so you off building sand castles.


Them Gang member killed off each other and the forces intervened and you try to point finger at them.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Pure conjecture on your part.  You are creating your own music to dance.  The fact of the matter, the PPP did not, never did, IF and IF anf IF THEN is irrelevant as it NEVER happened.  So don't justify the PNC's fraud and the Afro condoning it by creating a false scenario.

I see so the same people who "friken black man" wouldnt have been relieved if the PPP rigged elections to ensure that there would be no blackman rule.


yeah right!  I know you lie because they condoned Jagdeo allowingt a drug dealer to kill young blacks, innocent or not, and FEW had anything to say about it.  I assume that they arent evil so clearly it was based on the principle that the end justifies the means and too bad if there was some collateral damage.

As I said, you are out of argument, so you off building sand castles.


Them Gang member killed off each other and the forces intervened and you try to point finger at them.

he is not out of arguments. There are no rational beings listening. The PPP are no different. You are arguing against an  existential reality that played out over and over in many places. It matters not who is there in Office. In the event of potential loss of power, those in power, do any and everything necessary to retain power.


Just look at the PPP. We  have a resurrection of Rodney, IMCs left and right, the scolding of Amerind leaders to toe the line etc. The PPP is doing everything they can to get an edge. They will not stop there if the evidence points to a loss. The last election spooked them and we almost had someone "mistakenly" giving them a majority!


You are the one bereft of substance and so cling to the notion of the "righteous Indian". Alas, they are crooks and act like any of a naturally brewed despot. They will steal office if they can.

Originally Posted by caribny:
  Many people here have told you and Kari why a PNC apology will not work.  Even basemen understands why, so what is preventing you and Kari from understanding why your idea is a silly one within the context of Guyana in 2014?



And your strategy for APNU winning an election outright is?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
  Many people here have told you and Kari why a PNC apology will not work.  Even basemen understands why, so what is preventing you and Kari from understanding why your idea is a silly one within the context of Guyana in 2014?



And your strategy for APNU winning an election outright is?

He has NO strategy. He simply want an AfroGuyanese to be the Leader despite he himself claims that for 28 years he suffered under an Afro Leader. Which leaves everyone to conclude that he will forever be bitter as long as an Afro is not the Leader. You can waste your time continuing to engage him or leave him to choke in the RACIST, IGNORANT way.

Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, you are out of argument, so you off building sand castles.


Them Gang member killed off each other and the forces intervened and you try to point finger at them.

No you are displaying your usual hatred of blacks.  they are black so must be criminals.


Well who killed Sat Sawh and why haven't the people who ordered that hit been arrested.  His family tie that murder to the same criminal who also killed hundreds of blacks.  With PPP protection.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
  Many people here have told you and Kari why a PNC apology will not work.  Even basemen understands why, so what is preventing you and Kari from understanding why your idea is a silly one within the context of Guyana in 2014?



And your strategy for APNU winning an election outright is?

He has NO strategy. He simply want an AfroGuyanese to be the Leader despite he himself claims that for 28 years he suffered under an Afro Leader. Which leaves everyone to conclude that he will forever be bitter as long as an Afro is not the Leader. You can waste your time continuing to engage him or leave him to choke in the RACIST, IGNORANT way.

neroo, pls review what u have written here . . . it is contradictory, confused and makes no sense in the context of the exchange on this thread


jeeez, must be the effects of cheap likker

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
  Many people here have told you and Kari why a PNC apology will not work.  Even basemen understands why, so what is preventing you and Kari from understanding why your idea is a silly one within the context of Guyana in 2014?



And your strategy for APNU winning an election outright is?

I spent lots of time telling you, and even you began to add this to your repertoire, though without attributing it to me.

  You will remember the bit about outreach to ALL constituencies, listening to them, adopting some of their ideas and making them partners.



This is what you are saying.  The GOP (the party of Angry White Males) must pander to blacks and Hispanics in order to get an edge, while turning off the AWMs.  Well it will take a long time for blacks, and immigrants of color especially to trust the GOP, but AWMs will swiftly abandon them if they feel that they are betrayed.  The only people who will be happy will be the Democrats who will keep their black and immigrant base, while the AWMs stay home angered by a betrayal.


You are telling the PNC to turn off its black grass roots base, in the HOPE that an apology will add a few Indian vote.


Granger goes to RH and even yuji is drooling behind him and this even as he said that he has nothing to apologize about because both sides have done bad things (big of him to admit that).


People like attention and warm to those who give it to them. People like it when others listen to them, validate their ideas and promise to adapt those ideas that seem workable. 


Imagine if the most ardent advocate for rice farmers against the millers was APNU. Yes the same PNC which was very destructive to the rice industry in the 70s when they put incompetent people like Saul to run it. Now if APNU does this and they can't get some people to at least pause, then they is nothing that can be done.


TK and GR did a very good analysis of the PNC part 1 and part 2.  Well they need to CONTINUE the part 2 which Hoyte began, and move beyond being the party of "NO".



Kari we are in our late 50s and are a MINORITY of the voters in Guyana, even though our age cohort clearly dominates GNI.  The average 35 y/o doesn't care two hoots about the 70s.  The old hard backs APNU will never get, so why waste time with them?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
as long as an Afro is not the Leader. You can waste your time continuing to engage him or leave him to choke in the RACIST, IGNORANT way.

Nehru are you saying that there will NEVER be an Afro leader?  That only Indos will lead Guyana.  Hmmm...who is the racist now.


Nehru druggie ran away from this site, tired of being bashed by us every day.  You have become my new toy, so post on with your ignorance.

Originally Posted by Chief:

The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.


I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.


I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.

These political jokers want to wash this reality away with some anal concept of PNC part 1 and PNC Part 2.  Boy I laugh at this dotishness so much, I cannot stop laughing.


They really think the People of Guyana have shallow memory.


HOYTE was the worst rigger of Guyana - he was KING RIGGER in 1985 and today Hammie and Carbin controls the PNC and APNU Leadership.


These Krulli will be used, chewed and spit out.


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