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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

such nonsense


where is the reciprocal call for a PPP "apology"?


one remembers Raphael Trotman apologizing . . . where is the dividend?


for y'all . . . this man of mixed race remains eternal blackman, eternal PNC, eternally cursed, unfit!


spare me the apology foolishness which only seems to interest those PPP 'clever' bais of a certain age making sure that the PNC-as-bogeyman flame burns brightly for a generation of Indians who knew not Burnham . . . and otherwise couldn't care less

What you have said above is the trap almost every Guyanese is caught in.


We are speaking about the PNC here so leave the PPP out of this. Many of us including Kari are concerned about the well being of a major political party that can make a difference in the future of our beloved Guyana.   

more nonsense


it is y'all who have designed and, as we see today, carefully prune & cultivate the "trap"


let me be clear . . . what y'all are really calling for is an apology by Afro-Guyanese to Indo-Guyanese and, given our history, THAT is truly offensive!


and, as to "leave the PPP out of this" . . . u have clean lost your freakin mind!

So be it!!!


You are subscribing to  the cruel cycle of " It's awwee time now"

please explain how i'm "subscribing" to that!

An apology from the PNC will clear the air. As we are seeing the current Gov't is singing your song, oh the PNC did not hold local Gov't elections so why blame.


wITHOUT AN APOLOGY FROM THE  current and all future Government will continue with lawlessness  that was perpetuated by the PNC.


A very CASE IN POINT is the way the PPP is holding on to the rigged Burnham/PNC constitution. Today we have seen where President Jagdeo milked that constitution for it's every dollar's worth and literally the $$$ .


So my friend it's not blacks apologizing to Indians it's about an apology to the entire nation. Indians alone did not suffer under the Burnham dictatorship but people of every color.


Again, Indians no-trust of PNC = no-support for APNU = PPP laughing its way to the bank (literally and figuratively).


Strong APNU/AFC = nice PPP = either PPP Govt or Coalition Govt.


Strong APNU means PNC losing this distrust brand.


How best to achieve it? That's our dialog Redux, not that Granger apologizes for Burnham and coolie hang mala on him. Granger owes an apology to Blacks too for impoverishing them.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

Responsibly said Kzaaazzz.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Have you seen the behavior, attitudes and actions of the PNC on the Streets and in Parliament over the last few years??  What exactly makes the PNC a NEW, moral, caring and compassionate Group?? Is there something you are aware of that the rest of us are missing?  I asked these questions because many, many of us ARE aware of the PNC conduct and behavior both on the Streets and in Parliament.

Far from what you think I believe in Pavi, the PNC HASN'T changed in the eyes of Guyanese. What has changed is the reality on the ground that Indian businesses have private armies and they have more firepower than slo-fiah, mo-fiah can conjure up. That fight is over with. The PNC has no ability to relive the 60s, 70s and 80s. That's why their whole existence has changed organically. Given that they have to rebrand themselves to what they are today. They are not that monster living in your mind. That's the reality I speak of and the PPP will continue to not give its best as long as they can get away with the general mistrust of the PNC. Ii would like to see government up its game, whether its the PPP or the PNC or AFC or whomever. That is not happening because the PNC seems determined to make folks like you Pavi think they are the PNC of the the Burnham era.

Only because they don't have the upper hand now. The last time they had it, they took over even the British people businesses. Who is to say they wouldn't resort to nationalizing these private businesses again. Unfortunately, the PNC don't have a good track record.

beyond cant . . . wandering into illogic, hysteria, low-minded race baiting and ignorance now


Kari and Chief, please come in

Redux I do not see anything racist with what Kza wrote.

Remember Burnham surrounded himself with intelligent  Indians such as Ramphal and Shahbudeen in order to write a constitution to enslave the masses.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was present in an official capacity - President of Richmond Hill Economic Development Council.
We welcomed APNU to Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide
Originally Posted by Chief:

The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.


I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.


I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.


Who want to hear in what role you were there.

Tell us what the man said.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??


more to the point . . . when will Ramotar "come clean" and apologize for the crimes committed against the Guyanese people this past decade


the silence is deafening . . . and illuminating

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Have you seen the behavior, attitudes and actions of the PNC on the Streets and in Parliament over the last few years??  What exactly makes the PNC a NEW, moral, caring and compassionate Group?? Is there something you are aware of that the rest of us are missing?  I asked these questions because many, many of us ARE aware of the PNC conduct and behavior both on the Streets and in Parliament.

Far from what you think I believe in Pavi, the PNC HASN'T changed in the eyes of Guyanese. What has changed is the reality on the ground that Indian businesses have private armies and they have more firepower than slo-fiah, mo-fiah can conjure up. That fight is over with. The PNC has no ability to relive the 60s, 70s and 80s. That's why their whole existence has changed organically. Given that they have to rebrand themselves to what they are today. They are not that monster living in your mind. That's the reality I speak of and the PPP will continue to not give its best as long as they can get away with the general mistrust of the PNC. Ii would like to see government up its game, whether its the PPP or the PNC or AFC or whomever. That is not happening because the PNC seems determined to make folks like you Pavi think they are the PNC of the the Burnham era.

Only because they don't have the upper hand now. The last time they had it, they took over even the British people businesses. Who is to say they wouldn't resort to nationalizing these private businesses again. Unfortunately, the PNC don't have a good track record.

beyond cant . . . wandering into illogic, hysteria, low-minded race baiting and ignorance now


Kari and Chief, please come in

Redux I do not see anything racist with what Kza wrote.

Remember Burnham surrounded himself with intelligent  Indians such as Ramphal and Shahbudeen in order to write a constitution to enslave the masses.

That is always his delusional out of control emotional breakdown. I try to choose my words carefully and I don't mix up black/coolie with PNC/PPP identities. There were several Indian Vice Presidents in the PNC government. Just like there is a black prime minister in the PPP government. But Redux like to see things in black coolie contexts because that give him his necessary cover. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was present in an official capacity - President of Richmond Hill Economic Development Council.
We welcomed APNU to Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide
Originally Posted by Chief:

The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.


I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.


I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.


Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide


Vish, you've been to Flatbush and Church. Why make an assertion like that?


Anyhow I'll have to call you as I've been provided by credible sources of an attempt yesterday championed by you that is below par. I'll explain.


Vish is living in his own little world.

No wonder almost every GNIer is saying he need to get polish if he wants to run for office.

Last night I met someone from the Phagwah parade and he had some very choice words for Vish.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??

That will come next. First let us get past the first abuse and then we will demand that the PPP do the same. See I said it. Now are you big enough to do the same? 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Kari agree with you 100%.  Mr. Granger is a decent man.  TOO decent for politics against the PPP.  That is why the PPP continues to crush him politically.


The records show that he was a low level officer in 1973 and had no part to play in the murder of the Ballot Box Martyrs.



However he is on record defending the GDF actions on that fateful day when PPP supporters were murdered.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was present in an official capacity - President of Richmond Hill Economic Development Council.
We welcomed APNU to Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide
Originally Posted by Chief:

The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.


I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.


I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.


Who want to hear in what role you were there.

Tell us what the man said.

Did you think you can count on Vishnu doing anything other than patting his own back.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??

That will come next. First let us get past the first abuse and then we will demand that the PPP do the same. See I said it. Now are you big enough to do the same? 

the abuse of the past decade is continuing and the players are alive and active in their evil


only in the mind of a moron or someone completely stripped of any moral moorings could the wickedness of those long dead be a priority over the crimes of those even more wicked being committed TODAY!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was present in an official capacity - President of Richmond Hill Economic Development Council.
We welcomed APNU to Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide
Originally Posted by Chief:

The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.


I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.


I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.


Who want to hear in what role you were there.

Tell us what the man said.

Did you think you can count on Vishnu doing anything other than patting his own back.  

I always tell that chap that he self destructs.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.

Burnham is dead . . . "come clean" about what?


alyuh dishonest fellas very selective about who should "apologize" and for what

 Apologize for every ill that the PNC committed against the Guyanese puclic.

really now?


sounds to me like u drinking deep from a certan cup, and channeling PPP powah hay . . . hmmmm?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Even I am not pleased with the actions of the PPP Chief but one thing has been constant since 1992. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

 That is why the PNC need to come clean with an apology.



After the 1992 elections, Ted Kennedy apologized to Cheddie Jagan for his brother's and the US' role in the PNC abuse between 1964 & 1992. Obama before being elected president gave a race speech following his pastor's rants. Apology is what decent people do to mend fences. Burnham isn't here anymore but he has successors. It is that person's responsibility since he accepted the role as successor.

where is your call for the PPP to apologize ("to mend fences")!??

That will come next. First let us get past the first abuse and then we will demand that the PPP do the same. See I said it. Now are you big enough to do the same? 

the abuse of the past decade is continuing and the players are alive and active in their evil


only in the mind of a moron or someone completely stripped of any moral moorings could the wickedness of those long dead be a priority over the crimes of those even more wicked being committed TODAY!

The wickedness of today does not out weigh that of the past. It only look that way today because the country is richer now than when the PNC drove it down the drain. The PPP are getting rich at the expense of the Guyanese people but that can change at the next elections because the PPP has preserved that open and free opportunity to all. That was not possible under the PNC until the US put pressure on them in 1992.

Noted is your confirmation that you are not big enough to do the same.


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