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Where is our manufacturing sector?

November 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 


By Dominic Gaskin AFC Treasurer

GuyExpo can fairly be described as an annual display, by individuals and businesses, of what is available to the Guyanese consumer. It attracts thousands of visitors and is therefore a good vending opportunity for many exhibitors and concessionaires. From all accounts it has become a successful ‘lime’, providing nights of entertainment for a broad cross-section of the local society. However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring. The familiar lament about the difficulty of finding locally-produced goods at this event rings louder every year, and at some point it must be acknowledged that we simply do not have much to offer in terms of locally-manufactured products. This is not an indictment of GuyExpo itself. It goes way beyond that to reveal our failure as a nation to nurture and develop a sustainable manufacturing industry, capable of bringing significant foreign earnings into our economy and providing much-needed jobs. Unfortunately this is not an easily reversible situation, as each passing year of neglect sets us further back in the league of global producers competing within a single market space. After twenty-one years in charge, the PPP-C Government must shoulder the blame for what currently prevails. A thriving productive sector cannot be wished into existence, and it is clear that the Government has given up on transforming the sector. This is evidenced by its reliance on platitudes and an accumulation of unapplied initiatives to indicate its “mek attempt” to encourage manufacturing in Guyana. It is unlikely that another twenty-one years of PPP-C rule will see the development of a modern local manufacturing industry. Fortunately, this scenario is an unrealistic one, as that Party’s dwindling electoral support provides a real chance for a change in Government; and the beginning of a new phase of democracy and development, from which a diversified economy can emerge according to a sensible long-term plan. The fact that many of the world’s strongest manufacturing centres were developed with the help of tariff protection and other subsidies in an era preceding WTO rules, should at least alert Government to the need for some effort on its part to jump-start the process here at home. It may also be useful to reflect on those earlier attempts to build a manufacturing base in durable goods such as radios, refrigerators, bicycles and even automobiles – in particular the sense of pride that came with finally having our own brands. This pride has all but disappeared, as we no longer consider the importance of producing what we consume or consuming what we produce. Who would have thought the day would come when imported lumber or fruit would be competing favourably with our local produce? It is imperative for Guyana’s long-term economic well-being that we increase our exports relative to our imports. Attempting to achieve this by simply exporting more gold, bauxite and rice is a demonstration of the Government’s lack of resolve when it comes to the, much chanted about, diversification of our economy. The hundreds of millions of US dollars worth of illegal narcotics exports that spike our economy each year, is a dangerous substitute for formal export earnings, and merely masks the failed policies of an inept government. The term value-added is often heard when we contemplate various alternatives to shipping out our unprocessed timber, gold and bauxite. Indeed it’s a shame that we have not been able to develop industries to process and add value to these primary products, however, the world has changed from the days when industries were centred around locally available resources, and there is no limit to what we, here in Guyana, can produce once we get our act together. However, it will take an ambitious government with conviction and determination to guide us onto the right path. A handful of sketchy projects will do nothing to create a truly multi-sector economy that can advance us towards Developed Nation status. In 1991, then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia unveiled that country’s Vision 2020 in which it set an almost thirty-year target for becoming a self sufficient, industrialized, developed nation by the year 2020. Today, twenty-two years later, Malaysia is on the way to achieving the status of Developed Nation by the year 2018, two years ahead of time. Guyana, in the meantime, has very little to show for the PPP-C’s loudly celebrated twenty-one years in office. There are two key elements which must form part of the way forward for a successful local productive sector, namely; competitiveness and marketing. These ought to have been comprehensively addressed, and the implementation stage of some master-plan should, by now, have been well underway. The seven-year-old National Competitiveness Strategy (NCS) could have been the solution. However, despite its G$1.8 billion price tag, the NCS has so far failed to make an impact on the productive sector. This IDB-funded program is scheduled to end next year and will no doubt suffer the same fate as our much revered, but unused, National Development Strategy. A government accustomed to tailoring its policies to achieve the most basic standards in the best of times, is hardly likely to harbour the ambition to formulate and implement strategies to be tested in the global marketplace. The unregulated economic swelling that has occurred during the PPP-C’s twenty-one years in power has not brought us any closer to penetrating external markets than when they first took office. The fact that in August of this year, at the National Economic Forum, stakeholders were still groping for creation stage solutions is evidence that we are not yet on a desirable trajectory. The AFC understands the importance of cultivating a formal business environment: where producers can compete on the basis of quality and efficiency; where there is a level playing field to inspire investor confidence; where there is a national export strategy in place to guide investors; where there are specific sectoral strategies in place for all industries with export potential; where incentives are used to effectively attract investments according to national priorities; where modern legislation is constantly drafted and amended to protect investors. Moreover, the AFC also has the ambition to place Guyana on the map and brand us as a quality provider. When it comes to manufacturing, the PPP-C has kept Guyana sitting on square-one for over two decades. One would have to be extremely optimistic to expect any sudden advancement in this regard without a change in government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Manufacturing sector takes creativity. This is stifled as those who can do this would have to compete with those who launder money. These folks prefer to buy what is needed with their excess loot and sell it off as reduced prices. Legitimate business cannot compete with an underground economy as big as the real one.


as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring. The familiar lament about the difficulty of finding locally-produced goods at this event rings louder every year, and at some point it must be acknowledged that we simply do not have much to offer in terms of locally-manufactured products. This is not an indictment of GuyExpo itself. It goes way beyond that to reveal our failure as a nation to nurture and develop a sustainable manufacturing industry, capable of bringing significant foreign earnings into our economy and providing much-needed jobs.


Anything Irfan Ali does is associaited wid liming and Ramotar is right there EVERYTIME urging him on. Ramotar should check Ali's time card, he has not been giving the ppl Guyana value for his paycheck.




That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.

Originally Posted by Rev:



That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.

I agree Rev. I call the the Bla Bla Bla of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I agree Rev. I call the the Bla Bla Bla of Guyana.



The PNC/AFC opposition and their weird followers are like a herd of goats----like you said Bla Bla Bla----morning, noon and night----you hear nothing constructive from these miscreants.




That's all they are good at.



Originally Posted by Rev:



That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.

Thanks. But you have not answered the question:Where is our manufacturing sector?



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Thanks. But you have not answered the question:Where is our manufacturing sector?



You cannot have a large scale manufacturing sector or a large scale value added sector until Guyana develops a cheap and reliable source of energy.


So all this growling and bleating about manufacturing is just futile babble and prattle from the blowhards in the opposition.




A thriving productive sector cannot be wished into existence, and it is clear that the Government has given up on transforming the sector. This is evidenced by its reliance on platitudes and an accumulation of unapplied initiatives to indicate its “mek attempt” to encourage manufacturing in Guyana. It is unlikely that another twenty-one years of PPP-C rule will see the development of a modern local manufacturing industry.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

A thriving productive sector cannot be wished into existence, and it is clear that the Government has given up on transforming the sector.



The government is still hell-bent on developing Hydro in Guyana.


If a hydro project that is technically, socially and financially feasible is ever developed in Guyana----the manufacturing and value added sectors in the country will skyrocket and boom.




In 1991, then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia unveiled that country’s Vision 2020 in which it set an almost thirty-year target for becoming a self sufficient, industrialized, developed nation by the year 2020. Today, twenty-two years later, Malaysia is on the way to achieving the status of Developed Nation by the year 2018, two years ahead of time. Guyana, in the meantime, has very little to show for the PPP-C’s loudly celebrated twenty-one years in office.

Originally Posted by Rev:



That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.

You are truly a nutjob. The premise is there is dearth on manufacturing. You can only find fault with the premise. Either it is or it is not true. It is clear we have no manufacturing base. There are suggestions as to why there is not.


But on you go with your same nonsense about winners and losers and talking as though you do not talk and you are a winner! Dude you are the most loudmouthed of crows. Speaking to an issue is not a complaint but a statement of fact or not. Address that you silly cow.

Originally Posted by Rev:



That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.


Mr. Gaskin is a successful businessman in Guyana and not the PPP NEPS prototype who is into running drugs and washing its proceeds. He gave up a thriving company in the UK to return to Guyana and establish his own business which is doing quite well. His family has been involved in the business sector in Guyana for decades now so he is well qualified to comment on manufacturing in Guyana. As opposed to you spewing racist bullshit from behind a keyboard, all day on GNI. It is quite obvious that Mr. Gaskin is the doer and you the talker in relation to manufacturing in Guyana.


There are two key elements which must form part of the way forward for a successful local productive sector, namely; competitiveness and marketing. These ought to have been comprehensively addressed, and the implementation stage of some master-plan should, by now, have been well underway. The seven-year-old National Competitiveness Strategy (NCS) could have been the solution. However, despite its G$1.8 billion price tag, the NCS has so far failed to make an impact on the productive sector. This IDB-funded program is scheduled to end next year and will no doubt suffer the same fate as our much revered, but unused, National Development Strategy. A government accustomed to tailoring its policies to achieve the most basic standards in the best of times, is hardly likely to harbour the ambition to formulate and implement strategies to be tested in the global marketplace. The unregulated economic swelling that has occurred during the PPP-C’s twenty-one years in power has not brought us any closer to penetrating external markets than when they first took office. The fact that in August of this year, at the National Economic Forum, stakeholders were still groping for creation stage solutions is evidence that we are not yet on a desirable trajectory.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

In 1991, then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia unveiled that country’s Vision 2020 in which it set an almost thirty-year target for becoming a self sufficient, industrialized, developed nation by the year 2020.

Mahatir is a remarkable visionary and note he set forth a 30 year plan for Malaysia.


Now, it has only been 21 years since the PPP took over a country that was ruined and bankrupted by the PNC.


But Guyana has come a long way in those 21 years and once the country is able to develop a cheap and reliable energy source, hopefully in the next 10 years, Guyana's economy will be turbocharged---it will BOOM----like Mahatir's Malaysia.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are truly a nutjob.



You are good at calling names and berating others using derogatory terms---maybe it's that mediocre Howard University education that has severely handicapped you.


Hopefully in your next life you'll be a DOER and not a blabbermouth TALKER.






Read this:



You're a bright guys Mitts----no need for cutting and pasting mindless, nonsensical prattle from Dominic Gaskin----share your own thoughts and ideas.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are truly a nutjob.



You are good at calling names and berating others using derogatory terms---maybe it's that mediocre Howard University education that has severely handicapped you.


Hopefully in your next life you'll be a DOER and not a blabbermouth TALKER.



I am giving you a dose of your own medicine. Are you not speaking of doers and talkers as though you have defacto knowledge of those here who talk as oppose to do? Get real. The point above is with respect to a lacking of a manufacturing base given 20 years of the PPP in office and their constant celebration of malls, fast food joints hotels etc. Why no evolution of manufacturing?


Hopefully you will learn not to brag and like an addled brain twit speak to your supposed ability to do as opposed to others you do not know a damn about when all of that is incidental to the question at hand. You are truly a nut job.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are truly a nutjob.



You are good at calling names and berating others using derogatory terms---maybe it's that mediocre Howard University education that has severely handicapped you.


Hopefully in your next life you'll be a DOER and not a blabbermouth TALKER.



Jagan graduate from that place.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are truly a nutjob.



You are good at calling names and berating others using derogatory terms---maybe it's that mediocre Howard University education that has severely handicapped you.


Hopefully in your next life you'll be a DOER and not a blabbermouth TALKER.



Jagan graduate from that place.

No wonder he was a dunce. He let the PNC push him around, Jagdeo turned thing around when he phantomized these bastards. ahahah

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Rev:



That's what LOSERS and TALKERS like Dominic Gaskin are good at.


People like Dominic Gaskin who know little and have never achieved anything substantive in life---they are usually great TALKERS---they love to blame, complain, condemn and criticize.


The Rev has never heard a DOER denigrate businesses and the business sector in Guyana.






PS. There you go Mitts---the Rev has turbocharged your thread by telling the god honest truth.


Mr. Gaskin is a successful businessman in Guyana and not the PPP NEPS prototype who is into running drugs and washing its proceeds. He gave up a thriving company in the UK to return to Guyana and establish his own business which is doing quite well. His family has been involved in the business sector in Guyana for decades now so he is well qualified to comment on manufacturing in Guyana. As opposed to you spewing racist bullshit from behind a keyboard, all day on GNI. It is quite obvious that Mr. Gaskin is the doer and you the talker in relation to manufacturing in Guyana.

OI Rev I heard someone say you're a talker, not a do'er. Dat seems true Rev.

Originally Posted by cain:

OI Rev I heard someone say you're a talker, not a do'er. Dat seems true Rev.



Given your contempt, hatred and disdain for the Rev and his politics---if someone says to you the Rev is a mass murderer---you would gleefully agree and celebrate.







Originally Posted by Rev:



Read this:



You're a bright guys Mitts----no need for cutting and pasting mindless, nonsensical prattle from Dominic Gaskin----share your own thoughts and ideas.



Rev, you are very patronizing. FYI,  Mr. Gaskin is a successful businessman in Guyana. His family has been involved in the business sector in Guyana for decades.

The term value-added is often heard when we contemplate various alternatives to shipping out our unprocessed timber, gold and bauxite. Indeed it’s a shame that we have not been able to develop industries to process and add value to these primary products, however, the world has changed from the days when industries were centred around locally available resources, and there is no limit to what we, here in Guyana, can produce once we get our act together. However, it will take an ambitious government with conviction and determination to guide us onto the right path. A handful of sketchy projects will do nothing to create a truly multi-sector economy that can advance us towards Developed Nation status.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

In 1991, then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia unveiled that country’s Vision 2020 in which it set an almost thirty-year target for becoming a self sufficient, industrialized, developed nation by the year 2020.

Mahatir is a remarkable visionary and note he set forth a 30 year plan for Malaysia.


Now, it has only been 21 years since the PPP took over a country that was ruined and bankrupted by the PNC.


But Guyana has come a long way in those 21 years and once the country is able to develop a cheap and reliable energy source, hopefully in the next 10 years, Guyana's economy will be turbocharged---it will BOOM----like Mahatir's Malaysia.



Truth however, the PPP seems not to have a vision regarding manufacturing.  Almost everything is imported, even ceramic tiles.   I now a guy in Guyana produces such things and did well but never was able to breakout.  I think Guyana has a lot more cottage industry under the PNC than under the PPP.  The PNC "go-local" campaign spawned much innovation which is lacking under the PPP.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, you are very patronizing. FYI,  Mr. Gaskin is a successful businessman in Guyana. His family has been involved in the business sector in Guyana for decades.

There are hundreds of successful businessmen and business women in Guyana.


* There is a guy who sells water coconut at Bourda market---he is a successful business man.


* There is a lady who sells fish at Mon Repos market---she is a successful business woman.


* There is man who sells rice at Stabroek market---he is a successful businessman.


But being a successful businessman or businesswoman doesn't make you and expert on economic and overall business development.


Gaskin's article will impress followers of the AFC and PNC.


But any intelligent person knows that you cannot have value added industries and large scale manufacturing in Guyana unless the country develops a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity.


Another thing---Gaskin was critical of GUYEXPO!


He was just being a sourpuss---maybe jealous and resentful of the businesses that took part in that event.


GUYEXPO has been a remarkable success over the years---the event has grown immensely---it's a hit with the public--- and no real businessman---no successful business man would condemn it the way Gaskin did.





Originally Posted by baseman:

Truth however, the PPP seems not to have a vision regarding manufacturing. 



You're right! Vision and the PPP should not be placed in the same sentence.


But lemme say this----the day Guyana develops a cheaper and more reliable source of energy---watch large scale manufacturing BOOM----it's the business sector that will catalyze the EVOLUTON(thanks for that word Danyael) of the manufacturing and valued added sectors after hydro is developed.


The good news is Uncle Ramo is hell-bent on developing hydro---hopefully he'll get some sense next time and involve the opposition parties in discussions.


NO MORE SECRETS---the PNC was right to kill the Sithe Global deal.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, you are very patronizing. FYI,  Mr. Gaskin is a successful businessman in Guyana. His family has been involved in the business sector in Guyana for decades.

There are hundreds of successful businessmen and business women in Guyana.


* There is a guy who sells water coconut at Bourda market---he is a successful business man.


* There is a lady who sells fish at Mon Repos market---she is a successful business woman.


* There is man who sells rice at Stabroek market---he is a successful businessman.


But being a successful businessman or businesswoman doesn't make you and expert on economic and overall business development.


Gaskin's article will impress followers of the AFC and PNC.


But any intelligent person knows that you cannot have value added industries and large scale manufacturing in Guyana unless the country develops a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity.


Another thing---Gaskin was critical of GUYEXPO!


He was just being a sourpuss---maybe jealous and resentful of the businesses that took part in that event.


GUYEXPO has been a remarkable success over the years---the event has grown immensely---it's a hit with the public--- and no real businessman---no successful business man would condemn it the way Gaskin did.





Gaskin is calling a spade a spade. That expo was like a flea market.  You can't stand a black man being successful in business.

 A thriving productive sector cannot be wished into existence, and it is clear that the Government has given up on transforming the sector. This is evidenced by its reliance on platitudes and an accumulation of unapplied initiatives to indicate its “mek attempt” to encourage manufacturing in Guyana. It is unlikely that another twenty-one years of PPP-C rule will see the development of a modern local manufacturing industry.


Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev:


GUYEXPO has been a remarkable success over the years---the event has grown immensely---it's a hit with the public--- and no real businessman---no successful business man would condemn it the way Gaskin did.





However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring. The familiar lament about the difficulty of finding locally-produced goods at this event rings louder every year, and at some point it must be acknowledged that we simply do not have much to offer in terms of locally-manufactured products.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gaskin is calling a spade a spade. That expo was like a flea market.  You stand a black man being successful in business.



The Rev no longer engages in race baiting on GNI!


Another thing---that successful businessman I mentioned selling water coconut at Bourda---he is a blackman.





Ramon Gaskin is a political loser manufacturing excuses to blame the PPP---that's OK.


But when Ramon Gaskin starts to take cheap shots at Guyanese and foreign businesses that look forward to partaking in the GUYEXPO event---he crosses the line---his attacks on GUYEXPO reeks of envy, jealousy, resentment and grudgingness.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gaskin is calling a spade a spade. That expo was like a flea market.  You stand a black man being successful in business.



The Rev no longer engages in race baiting on GNI!


Another thing---that successful businessman I mentioned selling water coconut at Bourda---he is a blackman.





Ramon Gaskin is a political loser manufacturing excuses to blame the PPP---that's OK.


But when Ramon Gaskin starts to take cheap shots at Guyanese and foreign businesses that look forward to partaking in the GUYEXPO event---he crosses the line---his attacks on GUYEXPO reeks of envy, jealousy, resentment and grudgingness.




It attracts thousands of visitors and is therefore a good vending opportunity for many exhibitors and concessionaires. From all accounts it has become a successful ‘lime’, providing nights of entertainment for a broad cross-section of the local society. However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring.

Originally Posted by cain:

So MIts what you're sayin here is, GuyExpo is a showing of Chinese goods? I hope not banna.

It does not highlight what Guyana has to offer. It's a nice event to "lime"  and for entertainment.

You could set up a concession there for your "Tennis Rolls". That's manufacturing.


"However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring." Gaskin


This is why the Rev labeled Gaskin a TALKER and a LOSER.


GuyExpo is an event that the Guyanese public anxiously look forward to; it's an event many Guyanese businesses look forward to. It has become a huge success.


But here you have this AFC LOSER Ramon Gaskin finding a silly and trivial excuse to blame, complain, condemn and criticize---he says "GUYEXPO is disturbingly uninspiring."








Originally Posted by Rev:

"However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring." Gaskin


This is why the Rev labeled Gaskin a TALKER and a LOSER.


GuyExpo is an event that the Guyanese public anxiously look forward to; it's an event many Guyanese businesses look forward to. It has become a huge success.


But here you have this AFC LOSER Ramon Gaskin finding a silly and trivial excuse to blame, complain, condemn and criticize---he says "GUYEXPO is disturbingly uninspiring."








It is quite evident that the AFC Mantra: What is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC. The AFC is burning in envy and greed since GuyExpo has become a huge success.

The AFC should be happy because GuyExpo gives them a chance to take a breather after allegations of fraud and corruption that rocked the core of the AFC with major defections.

The AFC boys are quite good at cut and paste and cannot present some innovative ideas and programs to move Guyana forward.

Originally Posted by Rev:

"However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring." Gaskin


This is why the Rev labeled Gaskin a TALKER and a LOSER.


GuyExpo is an event that the Guyanese public anxiously look forward to; it's an event many Guyanese businesses look forward to. It has become a huge success.


But here you have this AFC LOSER Ramon Gaskin finding a silly and trivial excuse to blame, complain, condemn and criticize---he says "GUYEXPO is disturbingly uninspiring."








Rev, you are the talker and loser. Gaskin is very successful in his business.


The familiar lament about the difficulty of finding locally-produced goods at this event rings louder every year, and at some point it must be acknowledged that we simply do not have much to offer in terms of locally-manufactured products.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

"However, as a showcase of what Guyana has to offer, GuyExpo is disturbingly uninspiring." Gaskin


This is why the Rev labeled Gaskin a TALKER and a LOSER.


GuyExpo is an event that the Guyanese public anxiously look forward to; it's an event many Guyanese businesses look forward to. It has become a huge success.


But here you have this AFC LOSER Ramon Gaskin finding a silly and trivial excuse to blame, complain, condemn and criticize---he says "GUYEXPO is disturbingly uninspiring."








It is quite evident that the AFC Mantra: What is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC. The AFC is burning in envy and greed since GuyExpo has become a huge success.

The AFC should be happy because GuyExpo gives them a chance to take a breather after allegations of fraud and corruption that rocked the core of the AFC with major defections.

The AFC boys are quite good at cut and paste and cannot present some innovative ideas and programs to move Guyana forward.

You are a nincompoop.


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