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@Rochelle posted:

Stacey Abrams. Remember her name. She helped register over 800K voters in Georgia mostly from African American and Hispanic communities.

Black women have once again saved the Democracy of America. Give me this moment to celebrate. Trump is going down.

Just like Granger went down. Thanks for making it possible for that "Coolie gyal" becoming Vice_President elect. You should rejoice for registering dead people in Georgetown according to Donald Trump.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Who is the best con artist in the world?

I will give them a run for their money.

Run after Barrat, the best con in the world.  But first, let him finish your oil rub down by the swimming pool. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Just like Granger went down. Thanks for making it possible for that

"Coolie gyal" becoming Vice_President elect.

You should rejoice for registering dead people in Georgetown according to Donald Trump.

It's Douglah Gyal .

@Rochelle posted:

Stacey Abrams. Remember her name. She helped register over 800K voters in Georgia mostly from African American and Hispanic communities.

Black women have once again saved the Democracy of America. Give me this moment to celebrate. Trump is going down.

Agree. Black women once again showed that they are the backbone of the Democratic party. Similarly they were instrumental in resurrecting Biden's candidacy in the South Carolina primary.

As I went through the data I found that the various demographic groups aligned mostly as you would expect from the broad narratives. But one number that I found surprising was that 18% of Black men voted for Trump. I don't think demographic groups are monolithic but given this candidate and his actions over the past four years I have to admit this was puzzling.

@Rochelle posted:

Stacey Abrams. Remember her name. She helped register over 800K voters in Georgia mostly from African American and Hispanic communities.

Black women have once again saved the Democracy of America.

Give me this moment to celebrate.

Trump is going down.

Perhaps, Trump will be down for a long time.

People are making great memes out of an awkward photo of Donald Trump crawling up a hill


Trump Wants To Fight Election, But 'It's Dawning On Him,' Former Adviser Says


Mr. Trump,  the people said you are a loser, but the system said you lost.  So quit being a jerk and concede the election. So the division of the people in America, could begin healing with President Biden.

@Django posted:

Trump Wants To Fight Election, But 'It's Dawning On Him,' Former Adviser Says

Trump believes that he is as an untouchable way above the skies who can do every thing much much better that any one.

@Tola posted:

Mr. Trump,  the people said you are a loser, but the system said you lost.  So quit being a jerk and concede the election. So the division of the people in America, could begin healing with President Biden.

It is soooo close, one can conclude it was rigged against him. He suspected it would happen. From day one of his Presidency the LIberals were ganging up against him. In the history of the Americans, he has fulfilled his purpose. The Supreme Court he has stacked with Conservatives, they would try to save America from the Liberalism of the Democrats.

The progess of Biden is tied in with Obama. Kamala Harris is for the shelf.

The Liberals awaits and the Rednecks thinks America is due for another civil war. The votes speaks of a division.

@seignet posted:

It is soooo close, one can conclude it was rigged against him. He suspected it would happen. From day one of his Presidency the Liberals were ganging up against him. In the history of the Americans, he has fulfilled his purpose. The Supreme Court he has stacked with Conservatives, they would try to save America from the Liberalism of the Democrats.

The progress of Biden is tied in with Obama. Kamala Harris is for the shelf.

The Liberals awaits and the Rednecks thinks America is due for another civil war. The votes speaks of a division.

The challenges regarding a close election is the division among the people, that might take  a long time to resolve.

Trump was good at a limited  economy and some jobs, but his other policies caused division and isolation of allies, more than any other president in the history of the United States. If this was allowed to continue it would have caused a further degrading attitude of people towards the USA. He was a one-man show and no government, especially the USA, could operate in this manner.

If Trump or the Republicans feel the election was rigged against them. They have every right to take it to the courts with  their evidence, because most likely his stacked supreme court might vote in his favour. But where is the physical evidence ?   


No speaking bad about past presidents, media, etc. No boasting except one mention on receiving the most votes in history (which for a change is true) they both made great speeches. America and the world need a change..reallll bad and this is it.

Now for trump


@cain posted:

No speaking bad about past presidents, media, etc. No boasting except one mention on receiving the most votes in history (which for a change is true) they both made great speeches. America and the world need a change..reallll bad and this is it.

Now for trump


Biden will never encourage his supporters to say anything negative about Trump. The Obama/Trump transition was tense, cause Trump ego was working overtime and I don't believe Trump will make it easy for Biden at the transition. 

It is not surprising that Biden/Harris got more votes in the history of the US. Because I believe Biden is driven by his faith and empathy for others.

It seems when  a person goes through severe trauma in life for a  person they love very much. They often look for a positive meaning and personal message of the death, that gives them strength to empathizes with others.  There is often a positive message in severe challenges, if we look hard enough to finding it. Most times its a message for us to grow and to be a better person, often for others.   

@Former Member posted:
@Tola posted:

The more Trump resist to leave the White House, the more negative, history will record him. But he is already so far down the pit, that it will no longer bother him.

It is a very simple process.

1. Trump's term of office ends on January 20, 2021.

2. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn-in as President and Vice President that day.

Now .... Indeed Trump can refuse to leave and remain in the White House after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn into office.

Briefly, this is how things will proceed should Trump refuses to leave the White House.

1. He will immediately lose the power to demand/direct protection from the Secret Service and other federal agents to protect him.

2. Federal Agents will be directed to immediately remove him.

3. As a private citizen, Trump will lose all immunity from criminal actions again him and will face charges for trespassing in the White House.

Last edited by Former Member

Romney is first GOP senator to congratulate Biden on winning presidential race

UNITED STATES - MARCH 17: Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, leaves the Senate Republican Policy luncheon in Russell Building on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin attended to discuss the coronavirus relief package. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

© Getty UNITED STATES - MARCH 17: Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, leaves the Senate Republican Policy luncheon in Russell Building on…

November 8 ,2020

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney became the first GOP senator to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden on his projected win.

“Ann and I extend our congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. We know both of them as people of good will and admirable character. We pray that God may bless them in the days and years ahead,” Romney, a frequent Trump critic, wrote on Twitter.

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The Utah Republican revealed last month that he didn’t vote for Trump, but didn’t say who won his vote.


Last edited by Django

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