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Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian . . .

hence your topic header:




"Guyanian" . . . hmmm, where are U from again??


Har de har har har . . . ROTFLMFAO!

Originally Posted by Sammyj:


          You are a good person. A few spellng or wordings shuold not be  a problem for you as it was never never a complaint of your's in the past. The header meets my thoughts in all respect - It was mostly an Afro gatherining. 

So . . . you met a Black American who didn't like Indo-Guyanese (for whatever reason); you extrapolate from THIS and make the extravagant claim on GNI that Afro-Americans "hate" Guyanese Indians.


and you want to be taken seriously . . .

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.


Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.

I call it as I see it dude.


feel free to fall for the okie doke, arite

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.


I have friends too from a variety of cultures and origin. If Redux wants to let me alone (or thinking I am hate mongering), he will know when to do so. Unless, you have the privilege from him to brush off me and think it's ok.




Originally Posted by Sammyj:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.


I have friends too from a variety of cultures and origin. If Redux wants to let me alone (or thinking I am hate mongering), he will know when to do so. Unless, you have the privilege from him to brush off me and think it's ok.




LOL, I doan have privileges here, bai. But I learn this can be a tough place to be at times.  Not true redux?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.


I have friends too from a variety of cultures and origin. If Redux wants to let me alone (or thinking I am hate mongering), he will know when to do so. Unless, you have the privilege from him to brush off me and think it's ok.




LOL, I doan have privileges here, bai. But I learn this can be a tough place to be at times.  Not true redux?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

Sammy, this is not the midset of all Afro Americans. I have Black American friend and we get along just fine.
Redux, leff de banna alone.


I have friends too from a variety of cultures and origin. If Redux wants to let me alone (or thinking I am hate mongering), he will know when to do so. Unless, you have the privilege from him to brush off me and think it's ok.




LOL, I doan have privileges here, bai. But I learn this can be a tough place to be at times.  Not true redu



I am unble to find my debating skills. I was good back then. Now, I am a little puppy dog.





Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.


Sammy you will find that most Indians are afraid to discuss black on indian and vice versa racism. In neighborhoods where there is a high density of indians you will find other ethnic groups making snide remarks about them because they of various reasons :

1. They cant figure out how come they arrive in the USA and own in home in  a short time .

2. How come their kids do academically well.

3. How come thay can afford expensive cars .

4. How come they are so close with their extended families.

5. Why they drink so much , sport so much , make so much noise etc.

6.Why they kind of separate themselves from other ethnicities in their neighborhood.


There are good and positive sides to the indian which confuses other ethnic groups.

Once I was flipping a house in RH south and a neighbor who was Guyanese called me a stingy JEW because he wanted the house but I got it . He thought I was jewish so I infused some Guyanese lingo pun he backside and he was shocked . I threatened him I would sell the house to a blackman and we went beserk . Than again , I flippped a house in Jamaica and the black neighbor told me to make sure I sell the house to GUyanese because they keep their homes and property nice and would raise the value of the neighbors house . So it goes both way.

But you will only find this kind of ignorance where there are large populations of immigrants which is interpreted as a threat to other ethnicities .

These ethnic insecurities exist in Canada also but they are not overt about it.

Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






Sheer nonsense. I find black Americans actually like Guyanese Indos better than Guyanese blacks. You probably run into some low class people.
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






Sheer nonsense. I find black Americans actually like Guyanese Indos better than Guyanese blacks. You probably run into some low class people.

He ran into the buddies of Caribj and Redux.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.

The Goebbelsian descriptors used to characterize PNC rule are a good bet to stir passions, no? ["genocide" anyone?] The good Doktor would be proud.


But let's cut the bullshit . . . Your contempt for Afro-Guyanese AND Afro-Americans - indeed, all things BlackMan - is a (disturbing) matter of RECORD here on GNI!


So, wha happen now . . . U worried that Afro-Americans are reading GNI and might just get a peek at the true identity under your sheet and hood?


Better to resurrect and post as "Sledgehammer" you coward!


When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.

The Goebbelsian descriptors used to characterize PNC rule are a good bet to stir passions, no? ["genocide" anyone?] The good Doktor would be proud.


But let's cut the bullshit . . . Your contempt for Afro-Guyanese AND Afro-Americans - indeed, all things BlackMan - is a (disturbing) matter of RECORD here on GNI!


So, wha happen now . . . U worried that Afro-Americans are reading GNI and might just get a peek at the true identity under your sheet and hood?


Better to resurrect and post as "Sledgehammer" you coward!

I openly referred to Guyana as quasi Apartheid when I lived there.  Actually, once when LFSB visited Venez in the late 70's the protest signs read "Welcome leader of the South Africa of South America".  Apartheid was not genocide, just overt racism.  And of course there were Guyana Afros who did not embrace the PNC policies towards Indians.  It's the PNC should not rule over Guyana again.  I don't mind an Afro as head of the PPP or AFC for president, nor do I care for an Indian as head of the PNC.


You have no clue of my relations with Afro-Americans.  I deal with Afros all over the world, never an issue, i found the forthright and honest.


I don't know who the hell "sledge" is.  You dreaming.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.

The Goebbelsian descriptors used to characterize PNC rule are a good bet to stir passions, no? ["genocide" anyone?] The good Doktor would be proud.


But let's cut the bullshit . . . Your contempt for Afro-Guyanese AND Afro-Americans - indeed, all things BlackMan - is a (disturbing) matter of RECORD here on GNI!


So, wha happen now . . . U worried that Afro-Americans are reading GNI and might just get a peek at the true identity under your sheet and hood?


Better to resurrect and post as "Sledgehammer" you coward!

I openly referred to Guyana as quasi Apartheid when I lived there.  Actually, once when LFSB visited Venez in the late 70's the protest signs read "Welcome leader of the South Africa of South America".  Apartheid was not genocide, just overt racism.  And of course there were Guyana Afros who did not embrace the PNC policies towards Indians.  It's the PNC should not rule over Guyana again.  I don't mind an Afro as head of the PPP or AFC for president, nor do I care for an Indian as head of the PNC.


You have no clue of my relations with Afro-Americans.  I deal with Afros all over the world, never an issue, i found the forthright and honest.


I don't know who the hell "sledge" is.  You dreaming.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah we know . . . some of your best friends are Blackman!


I guess this means that you're just a "quasi" bigot, rite?


Don't worry, that was caribJ passing himself off as a Black American. In general I find Black Americans to hold no animosity to IndoGuyanese. Instead they hate Caribbean Blacks because they feel that they are a threat to their jobs and entitlement opportunities reserved for Blacks. Get your facts straight instead of speaking out of your rear.   


About fifteen years ago, there was an article in the Miami Herald about the growing Caribbean population in the city of Miramar. It went on to say that American blacks did not really like Caribbean blacks because Caribbean blacks were more hard working and successful than they were. But all together, I believe blacks identify with other minority groups because they usually have the same struggles.


American (as well as Caribbean) blacks usually see Indians as bright people.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

In the sixties, Jamaicans living in Toronto Canada often looked at Indo-Guyanese as a race of ppl who discrimnate against Guyanese Blacks. I wonder how dey come to that conslusion. That Burnham, brain-washed Caribbean Blacks and dat is y they never interfere is the marginalization of the indoes in Guyana.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

In the sixties, Jamaicans living in Toronto Canada often looked at Indo-Guyanese as a race of ppl who discrimnate against Guyanese Blacks. I wonder how dey come to that conslusion. That Burnham, brain-washed Caribbean Blacks and dat is y they never interfere is the marginalization of the indoes in Guyana.

in the 1960's . . .?!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

In the sixties, Jamaicans living in Toronto Canada often looked at Indo-Guyanese as a race of ppl who discrimnate against Guyanese Blacks. I wonder how dey come to that conslusion. That Burnham, brain-washed Caribbean Blacks and dat is y they never interfere is the marginalization of the indoes in Guyana.

in the 1960's . . .?!!

Black power propanganda considered every race anti-black. No matter how much they rise in the world(which they do), there will always be that percentage that feels they are discriminated against. While every other race is comfortable in their skin, blacks are not too acceptable of it. They are a ppl that is everywhere on the globe, speaks a variety of language, highly educated, endowned in the arts of the white man -but yet insecure.


Will Blacks ever say, "Obama is a mixed race president," for them he will always be an Afro-American President. Whatever happen to the race of his white mamma?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

In the sixties, Jamaicans living in Toronto Canada often looked at Indo-Guyanese as a race of ppl who discrimnate against Guyanese Blacks. I wonder how dey come to that conslusion. That Burnham, brain-washed Caribbean Blacks and dat is y they never interfere is the marginalization of the indoes in Guyana.

in the 1960's . . .?!!

Black power propanganda considered every race anti-black. No matter how much they rise in the world(which they do), there will always be that percentage that feels they are discriminated against. While every other race is comfortable in their skin, blacks are not too acceptable of it. They are a ppl that is everywhere on the globe, speaks a variety of language, highly educated, endowned in the arts of the white man -but yet insecure.


Will Blacks ever say, "Obama is a mixed race president," for them he will always be an Afro-American President. Whatever happen to the race of his white mamma?

Actually [in Bold], not true . . . but let's roll with it


suh why U blaming Burnham? . . .  just askin


BTW, the part hilighted in red is an 'assessment' of yours so ignorant and uneducated that I am compelled to let it slide on the grounds of your obvious senility.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






Sheer nonsense. I find black Americans actually like Guyanese Indos better than Guyanese blacks. You probably run into some low class people.


       Tell me how you are able to see one's class. What class are you.


Originally Posted by kidmost:

Sammy you will find that most Indians are afraid to discuss black on indian and vice versa racism. In neighborhoods where there is a high density of indians you will find other ethnic groups making snide remarks about them because they of various reasons :

1. They cant figure out how come they arrive in the USA and own in home in  a short time .

2. How come their kids do academically well.

3. How come thay can afford expensive cars .

4. How come they are so close with their extended families.

5. Why they drink so much , sport so much , make so much noise etc.

6.Why they kind of separate themselves from other ethnicities in their neighborhood.


There are good and positive sides to the indian which confuses other ethnic groups.

Once I was flipping a house in RH south and a neighbor who was Guyanese called me a stingy JEW because he wanted the house but I got it . He thought I was jewish so I infused some Guyanese lingo pun he backside and he was shocked . I threatened him I would sell the house to a blackman and we went beserk . Than again , I flippped a house in Jamaica and the black neighbor told me to make sure I sell the house to GUyanese because they keep their homes and property nice and would raise the value of the neighbors house . So it goes both way.

But you will only find this kind of ignorance where there are large populations of immigrants which is interpreted as a threat to other ethnicities .

These ethnic insecurities exist in Canada also but they are not overt about it.

Kismost, I hear you. Thanks.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

In the sixties, Jamaicans living in Toronto Canada often looked at Indo-Guyanese as a race of ppl who discrimnate against Guyanese Blacks. I wonder how dey come to that conslusion. That Burnham, brain-washed Caribbean Blacks and dat is y they never interfere is the marginalization of the indoes in Guyana.

I don't think Burnham brain washed Caribbean Blacks. Let us not forget that Eric Williams allowed thousands of blacks and Chinese into trinidad from the smaller islands to prevent indians from becoming the majority in Trinidad. 


When I took some courses at UG in the early 1970s I found a book in the UG library about the history of indians in Jamaica and in that book it explained that indians had a long history of being discriminated against by the British in Jamaica and smaller Caribbean islands.  The blacks in Jamaica and other smaller caribean islands copied the British and continued to ill treat the Indians in Jamaica and the other smaller islands after independence.  It was only until the leadership of Michael Manley that the situation for indians improved a little and they got some free education.  Nevertheless, they continue today to be the poorest of the poor in Jamaica.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't worry, that was caribJ passing himself off as a Black American. In general I find Black Americans to hold no animosity to IndoGuyanese. Instead they hate Caribbean Blacks because they feel that they are a threat to their jobs and entitlement opportunities reserved for Blacks. Get your facts straight instead of speaking out of your rear.   

DRUGB U bad fo dayze no. Chill while I get on the the horn for Nuff.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The blacks in Jamaica and other smaller caribean islands copied the British and continued to ill treat the Indians in Jamaica and the other smaller islands after independence.  It was only until the leadership of Michael Manley that the situation for indians improved a little and they got some free education.  Nevertheless, they continue today to be the poorest of the poor in Jamaica.

This foolishness was exposed on GNI a few years back as retarded and ahistorical. But no facts/logic can kill something THIS close to your beating heart, eh? . . . must be existential.


You know . . . this is WHY I flagged the creation of this thread as pure mischief-making . . . just an excuse to give the crackpot 'Indo-rights' thumb suckers a platform to 'air off' their most outrageous and stupid concoctions, and beat the tired, 'oppressor Blackman' drum one mo time.



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