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Former Member

Why and what are we celebrating?

Dear Editor,
In reading and observing all the pomp and planned celebration for Guyana’s 50th Independence anniversary one often ponder and struggle to understand exactly why are we celebrating.
Guyana gained independence in 1966 with the PNC at the helm. May 26, 1966 marked a new beginning, positive optimism for many and a long march through a gauntlet of hopelessness, oppression, degradation and exclusion from the national dialogue for many. It marked the beginning of a process of mass migration making Guyana (relatively) one of the most exited countries in modern history. We can reference very few nations with such a record. Yet many nations have gone through major convulsions and are today beacons of hope for their people.

Between 1966 and 1992, Guyana was taken from a stable budding nation with a sound economy and decent social fabric to the brink of abyss. The economy collapsed, the physical infrastructure crumbled, the social structure was decimated.
Strife and mistrust grew, families thrown in disarray as they split up and rushed helter-skelter to other countries seeking refuge.
Many females sought the path of early marriage as a means to exit the nation, forgoing higher education and their dreams. Many men rushed through dangerous back-track means to find a way out of Guyana. Social and moral decay set in.

Between 1992 and 2015 the economy and physical infrastructure was rebuilt. However, continued fear and uncertainty prevailed as politically inspired ethnic violence, strife and mistrust ensured no let-up in migration. The brashness of criminal gangs ensured no one lived without fear.
For a small nation like Guyana, politicians can hardly agree on anything as everything becomes mired in one-up-man-ship. The heroics of our leaders seem to be etched on successfully stymying and thwarting the agendas of each other at the expense of the nation’s interest.
Since May 2015, we see more of the same. The much touted “Change” government ascended to power and immediately embarked on a process of discrimination, ethnic cleansing of the civil service ranks and political gimmicks. They immediately voted themselves massive salary increases drawing a caution from international lenders.

The current government was voted in on a platform of change, transparency and people first. However, instead they immediately embarked on an agenda of “me-first” ensuring the good life for themselves.
The masses, on all sides, watched in dismay united only in their mutual distrust of each other, while their leaders “laugh all the way to the bank”. Furthermore, the much feared and suspect historic alliance between the political and military establishment reared its ugly head again. If there was hope in May 2015, it was shattered this time around in the shortest of orders ever since May 1966.
In 50 years, looking at the rest of the world, many nations went to hell and back while Guyana continues to languish in political purgatory by a government who say what you want to hear but do what they want to do.

Migration remains high, crime is out of control, corruption is rife, Guyana has the “gold medal” in suicides, ethnic divisions and mistrust remains as it was prior to 1966. The economy is again teetering on the brink while politicians go about their business as usual. Looking back over the past 50 years, Guyana seems stuck in quick sands of change with progress stymied by political partisanship. Even the 50th anniversary “stadium” seems a disgrace with the quality and workmanship that could only be described as laughable if it was not for such a waste of precious resources. Is this the best of Guyana after 50 years?
Guyana continues to straddle between measured hope and hopelessness. This is emblematic by the fact that the educated, progressive, and ambitious youths continue to cast their eyes upward but outward.

In looking, one is forced to ask, what are we celebrating, apart from the passage of time? What is needed at 50 is some serious national therapy, political reconciliation and soul searching by the leadership on all sides as to what type of nation they want to build and how to get there. Not a big celebration of show and tell of nothingness and waste of the nation’s resources.

Gautam Naraine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

cain posted:

Gautam haul yo arse. You like some of the other losers here are still wincing in pain because PPP LOST.

Typical putagee jackass. Yuh braying so much, the contents of the letter flew pass yuh.

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

seignet posted:

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

Unless some one buys into your narrative that the only victims of racism in Guyana are Indians, they are racist in your eyes.

Were you not blinded by YOUR racism, you would admit that, at various times, every single ethnic group has been victimized.

In fact YOU are engaging in racial victimization right now by using that racial epithet.

Cobra posted:

The jubilee is year long planned event for wasteful spending, drink rum and stink up the city with sweat from gijja foot dancing.

Had the PPP won, there would have been duck curry fetes up and down Guyana, and in North America as well.  Huge chutney shows and Jagdeo presiding as if he was Lord. All funded by the taxpayers.

And you would have run and kissed his toes, just as you did when the PPP squandered thousands of tax payer dollars in its 2011, and 2015 campaigns.  Too bad that it lost 2015, and the coalition gov't refused to pay the vendors for printing PPP paraphernalia.

You scream and wail because you vex that you lost.

Well cease running around screaming that the PPP is the "coolie people party, which is consolidating its East Indians support base", and maybe you might win next time.

cain posted:

Gautam haul yo arse. You like some of the other losers here are still wincing in pain because PPP LOST.

Cain, please address the issues raised by the writer of the letter instead of hauling your  crass comment. Or, does he not have a right to express his opinion? you might know more about the writer that I do. 

Unfortunately, many Guyanese have the view (right or wrong) that there is nothing to celebrate, that independence, political freedom has not brought noticeable improvement in Guyana and in people's lives. you might disagree with them but it is a position that they hold and your comment seems to generalize about them, something that might be incorrect. 

Zed posted:

Unfortunately, many Guyanese have the view (right or wrong) that there is nothing to celebrate, that independence, political freedom has not brought . 

Guyana is a divided nation.  Had the PPP won Indians would be celebrating the perception that they continue to dominate Guyana.

African and mixed Guyanese, define themselves primarily as Guyanese, and would have still celebrated being Guyanese.  This being what the Jubilee is about, even if they refused to attend PPP sponsored events.

It says much about a people if they are in such self hate, that they cannot see anything within them to celebrate.

I do recall many Indians, prior to 1992, denying that they were Guyanese.  I have yet to meet the African, who denied being Guyanese between 1992 and 2015, even though they were fundamentally opposed to the PPP.

You can ponder why one group considers themselves to be Guyanese, regardless as to whether the party which they support is in power.  While the others can only celebrate if "ahbe pan tap". 

Because  you know full well that had the PPP won last year, all of these people who claim that there is nothing to celebrate, would have been throwing mala on Jagdeo and Ramotar.

Cobra posted:

The jubilee is year long planned event for wasteful spending, drink rum and stink up the city with sweat from gijja foot dancing.

You think it would smell better if they got nuff coconut ail pon their heads with nuff lice and instead of singing and dancing to what we all know "English" they play shit they themselves doan know the meaning. Carry yo stupid rass da side too yeh.

Last edited by cain
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Gautam haul yo arse. You like some of the other losers here are still wincing in pain because PPP LOST.

Typical putagee jackass. Yuh braying so much, the contents of the letter flew pass yuh.

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

Still wincing in pain eh, ah feel for you, you dumb bumba rass.

caribny posted:

Guyana is a divided nation.  Had the PPP won Indians would be celebrating the perception that they continue to dominate Guyana.

African and mixed Guyanese, define themselves primarily as Guyanese, and would have still celebrated being Guyanese.  This being what the Jubilee is about, even if they refused to attend PPP sponsored events.

It says much about a people if they are in such self hate, that they cannot see anything within them to celebrate.

I do recall many Indians, prior to 1992, denying that they were Guyanese.  I have yet to meet the African, who denied being Guyanese between 1992 and 2015, even though they were fundamentally opposed to the PPP.

You can ponder why one group considers themselves to be Guyanese, regardless as to whether the party which they support is in power.  While the others can only celebrate if "ahbe pan tap". 

Because  you know full well that had the PPP won last year, all of these people who claim that there is nothing to celebrate, would have been throwing mala on Jagdeo and Ramotar.

You are incorrect, I know many AfroG's who try to pass themselves off as Bajans and even Americans.  As for mixed people, which survey did you get this bit of information? I know many mixed Guyanese who similarly try to disassociate themselves from the country on account of the mismanagement under the PNC. 

Drugb posted:

You are incorrect, I know many AfroG's who try to pass themselves off as Bajans and even Americans.  As for mixed people, which survey did you get this bit of information? I know many mixed Guyanese who similarly try to disassociate themselves from the country on account of the mismanagement under the PNC. 

What nonsense you chatter. Most black Guyanese laugh at Bajans, and look down their noses at black Americans.   If you want to lie concoct something more credible.

As to red people. Hmmm.  All of them in Canada packing up "Last Lap" and being fiercely Guyanese, even though they hate both the PPP and the PNC. With many swearing that they would never set foot in Guyana, because its not like it was in 1968.

Many Guyanese, who think nothing of Guyana, draw pride in being Guyanese.  Are you ashamed to be Guyanese? 

Do you share the view of many of your fellow ethnics, that being Trini is better?  Because that was quite frequent before 1992.

Some Corentyne lady, with a BRAALING Guyanese accent, claiming to be from Caroni. used to be a laugh. Nuff of them didn't even know where Caroni is. 

I mean at least they should learn that Trinis don't say "waal" (wall).  They say "wawl", with a tone that conveys 5 octaves in one sentence.  That is exactly how the Trini immigration use to find all of those PPP supporters who tried to flee Jagdeo. 

That plus when some rude Guyanese would scream "haal you sku#&t" when they were discovered.  This when every Trini knows that the letter "s" is not needed. Ditto for the letter "r", unless its the first letter in a word.  Whereas Guyanese will pack three "r"s together, if its in the middle of the word.

But they still claimed to be Trini.

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Baseman you know we Guyanese always look for a reason to party.  We are celebrating being  a little ahead of our Haitian bruddas, wait a sec, are we

I guess after 23 years of PPP rule Guyana still remains a little ahead of Haiti.  Even though the PPP ruled Guyana for 23 of the past 25 years, and there is no evidence that the economy has imploded in one year.

This is what I like about Jamaicans.  A deeply tribal island, where supporters of one party will literally kill supporters of the other. Routine violence at a level that Guyana hasn't seen since 1964.

Yet when they celebrated their 50th, EVERY Jamaica was proud to be JAMAICAN.  Because at the end of the day, if they didn't see anything positive about being a Jamaican, then they would be stating that they as INDIVIDUALS, are worthy of nothing.

Pity Guyanese cannot accomplish that.  Come Olympics you will see fierce Jamaican pride because they are JAMAICANS!


Did I mention that all who take part in celebrating 50th jubilee will be dancing alongside with the new batch of pardoned criminals? Yes, Granger is expecting to release his third and biggest batch of criminals yet. This is really going to be a big party.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

Unless some one buys into your narrative that the only victims of racism in Guyana are Indians, they are racist in your eyes.

Were you not blinded by YOUR racism, you would admit that, at various times, every single ethnic group has been victimized.

In fact YOU are engaging in racial victimization right now by using that racial epithet.

The KING of Racism is giving a lesson, you are the one that labels all Indians as Brown KKK and Coolies and other stuff.

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

The jubilee is year long planned event for wasteful spending, drink rum and stink up the city with sweat from gijja foot dancing.

Had the PPP won, there would have been duck curry fetes up and down Guyana, and in North America as well.  Huge chutney shows and Jagdeo presiding as if he was Lord. All funded by the taxpayers.

And you would have run and kissed his toes, just as you did when the PPP squandered thousands of tax payer dollars in its 2011, and 2015 campaigns.  Too bad that it lost 2015, and the coalition gov't refused to pay the vendors for printing PPP paraphernalia.

You scream and wail because you vex that you lost.

Well cease running around screaming that the PPP is the "coolie people party, which is consolidating its East Indians support base", and maybe you might win next time.

Taxpayers don't fund coolie people party.  You can bet on that!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
alena06 posted:

Baseman you know we Guyanese always look for a reason to party.  We are celebrating being  a little ahead of our Haitian bruddas, wait a sec, are we

I guess after 23 years of PPP rule Guyana still remains a little ahead of Haiti.  Even though the PPP ruled Guyana for 23 of the past 25 years, and there is no evidence that the economy has imploded in one year.

This is what I like about Jamaicans.  A deeply tribal island, where supporters of one party will literally kill supporters of the other. Routine violence at a level that Guyana hasn't seen since 1964.

Yet when they celebrated their 50th, EVERY Jamaica was proud to be JAMAICAN.  Because at the end of the day, if they didn't see anything positive about being a Jamaican, then they would be stating that they as INDIVIDUALS, are worthy of nothing.

Pity Guyanese cannot accomplish that.  Come Olympics you will see fierce Jamaican pride because they are JAMAICANS!

So then buy a one way ticket to Jamaica because me nah think you and President Trump will rally out either.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

Unless some one buys into your narrative that the only victims of racism in Guyana are Indians, they are racist in your eyes.

Were you not blinded by YOUR racism, you would admit that, at various times, every single ethnic group has been victimized.

In fact YOU are engaging in racial victimization right now by using that racial epithet.

Carib uses the racial epithet "coolie" all the time.

Billy Ram Balgobin
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Gautam haul yo arse. You like some of the other losers here are still wincing in pain because PPP LOST.

Typical putagee jackass. Yuh braying so much, the contents of the letter flew pass yuh.

Or is it ur racism that dull ur senses. 

Dat Putagee guy really hates Indos. He is right behind Carib. The putagee guy can no longer mask his resentment for Indos.

His translation PPP Lost = Scre* Indos.

Yes, that is the level of his resentment for Indos.


Burnham selected this day to humiliate Indos. His disciple Granger is celebrating.

Negromootoo and Rumjattan will go down in the history books as the biggest traitors.

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Baseman you know we Guyanese always look for a reason to party.  We are celebrating being  a little ahead of our Haitian bruddas, wait a sec, are we

Baseman just posted an article.  Do I agree with every sentiment?  Maybe not however, much of the observation seem on point.  The key question still remains, what are we celebrating, just getting older?  Is Guyana a more whole nation, a more peaceful, a more trusting, a more developed nation??  Well we do have a couple of bridges and miles of roads, but the humanity of the nation remains worse off than 1966!  And the latter is how you define success and failure!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

You are incorrect, I know many AfroG's who try to pass themselves off as Bajans and even Americans.  As for mixed people, which survey did you get this bit of information? I know many mixed Guyanese who similarly try to disassociate themselves from the country on account of the mismanagement under the PNC. 

What nonsense you chatter. Most black Guyanese laugh at Bajans, and look down their noses at black Americans.   If you want to lie concoct something more credible.


Isn't it something that Black Guyanese feel it appropriate to laugh at Bajans and look down their noses at Black Americans.  I mean, who the hell do you people think you are?  Black Bajans built a nation way better than the PNC and Black Americans fought and died so YOU could come here and use your Blackness and get benefits they were denied (me included).

But then again, the Black Americans were leading the fight against Apartheid in South Africa while YOUR lot was practicing Apartheid in Guyana.  Today YOUR PNC even denied their role in the assassination of Rodney!!

And YOU and YOURS have the gall to "laugh" at Bajans and "look down" at Black Americans.  Look, gwan da-side you racist clown!!

kp posted:

The KING of Racism is giving a lesson, you are the one that labels all Indians as Brown KKK and Coolies and other stuff.

I don't label all Indians as brown bai KKK.  Just the same ones that TK did.  People like you who rant all day about blacks being savages, and who blame all the ills of Guyana on blacks.

I suggest  that you have a chat with Jagdeo and Rohee about the use of "coolie".  Rohee was quite happy to claim that Jagdeo was right for calling the PPP the "coolie people party"

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Isn't it something that Black Guyanese feel it appropriate to laugh at Bajans and look down their noses at Black Americans.  I mean, who the hell do you people think you are?  Black Bajans built a nation way better than the PNC and Black Americans fought and died so YOU could come here and use your Blackness and get benefits they were denied (me included).

But then again, the Black Americans were leading the fight against Apartheid in South Africa while YOUR lot was practicing Apartheid in Guyana.  Today YOUR PNC even denied their role in the assassination of Rodney!!

And YOU and YOURS have the gall to "laugh" at Bajans and "look down" at Black Americans.  Look, gwan da-side you racist clown!!

We laugh at Bajans because of their accent. We also acknowledge that Bajan blacks are our cousins.  Every black Guyanese identifies with a Bajan connection.

Interesting that they run their island properly.  Did it dawn on you that maybe if Guyana had the same ethnic composition as that island, we would have done the same, given that we are the same people?   Just look at the last names of many black Guyanese.......pure Bajan!

Black Guyanese used to be very respected in other parts of the Caribbean. We were respected as skilled tradesmen, and in the educational and healthcare fields.  Many headmasters in other parts of the Caribbean were black Guyanese. 

But for this racial nonsense in Guyana Guyanese blacks would have been perfectly fine, as Burnham wouldn't have seen the light of day. But living alongside a clannish group of people, alas that wasn't to be, as survival among a people who wanted to turn Guyana into Little India was necessary.

Black Americans and black Caribbean people both look down on each other.  But rest assured BOTH groups actively cooperated in the Civil Rights movement. 

Shirley Chisholm was of part Guyanese origin.  Her mentor was a Guyanese, who used to be king maker for the black politicians in Brooklyn, and there is even a street named after him.  There are many names of black Caribbean people who advanced the cause of blacks in the USA.

Now describe at length the contributions of Indo Guyanese to the Civil Rights movement.


Wesley "Mac" Holder was the dean of black politics in Brooklyn in the 50s.  He set the stage for the election of many blacks into political office, Chisholm being but one of them.  He was a Guyanese.

Baseman dig into the civil rights struggle in NYC and you will see Caribbean blacks all over.

Unlike you and your folks, we aren't "Johnny Came Latelies", feasting on the civil rights struggles of others.

In fact in the 50s Caribbean blacks dominated black politics in NYC, despite the fact that the population was quite small.

So haul your skinny ass with the notion that we didn't play strong roles in the civil rights struggle.  We played important roles and earned our keep!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Isn't it something that Black Guyanese feel it appropriate to laugh at Bajans and look down their noses at Black Americans.  I mean, who the hell do you people think you are?  Black Bajans built a nation way better than the PNC and Black Americans fought and died so YOU could come here and use your Blackness and get benefits they were denied (me included).

But then again, the Black Americans were leading the fight against Apartheid in South Africa while YOUR lot was practicing Apartheid in Guyana.  Today YOUR PNC even denied their role in the assassination of Rodney!!

And YOU and YOURS have the gall to "laugh" at Bajans and "look down" at Black Americans.  Look, gwan da-side you racist clown!!

We laugh at Bajans because of their accent. We also acknowledge that Bajan blacks are our cousins.  Every black Guyanese identifies with a Bajan connection.

But for this racial nonsense in Guyana Guyanese blacks would have been perfectly fine, as Burnham wouldn't have seen the light of day. But living alongside a clannish group of people, alas that wasn't to be, as survival among a people who wanted to turn Guyana into Little India was necessary.

Now describe at length the contributions of Indo Guyanese to the Civil Rights movement.

Now you double taking and talking shyte!!  You laff their accent.  What stupidity!!

Now, you vote for Bunnham because there were Indians who kept a bit of their traditions.  If not, Burnham and the rest would not have seen the light.  And how has these changed or not changed?  I guess you still feel that way!!

Now, where did I say Indians contributed to the Civil Rights Movement?  I said, be benefited.

Now, why you feel it necessary to "Look down" at Black Americans?

Caribj, you talk sheer shyte!!

caribny posted:
kp posted:

The KING of Racism is giving a lesson, you are the one that labels all Indians as Brown KKK and Coolies and other stuff.

I don't label all Indians as brown bai KKK.  Just the same ones that TK did.  People like you who rant all day about blacks being savages, and who blame all the ills of Guyana on blacks.

I suggest  that you have a chat with Jagdeo and Rohee about the use of "coolie".  Rohee was quite happy to claim that Jagdeo was right for calling the PPP the "coolie people party"

Caribj, stop talking shyte again.  You can never say an Indian leader who is worthy to rule Guyana.  You like TK because he pour cow dung on his mattie.  However, for you his name would still be too "Indian sounding" to accept!!

caribny posted:

What nonsense you chatter. Most black Guyanese laugh at Bajans, and look down their noses at black Americans.   If you want to lie concoct something more credible.

As to red people. Hmmm.  All of them in Canada packing up "Last Lap" and being fiercely Guyanese, even though they hate both the PPP and the PNC. With many swearing that they would never set foot in Guyana, because its not like it was in 1968.

Many Guyanese, who think nothing of Guyana, draw pride in being Guyanese.  Are you ashamed to be Guyanese? 

Do you share the view of many of your fellow ethnics, that being Trini is better?  Because that was quite frequent before 1992.

Some Corentyne lady, with a BRAALING Guyanese accent, claiming to be from Caroni. used to be a laugh. Nuff of them didn't even know where Caroni is. 

I mean at least they should learn that Trinis don't say "waal" (wall).  They say "wawl", with a tone that conveys 5 octaves in one sentence.  That is exactly how the Trini immigration use to find all of those PPP supporters who tried to flee Jagdeo. 

That plus when some rude Guyanese would scream "haal you sku#&t" when they were discovered.  This when every Trini knows that the letter "s" is not needed. Ditto for the letter "r", unless its the first letter in a word.  Whereas Guyanese will pack three "r"s together, if its in the middle of the word.

But they still claimed to be Trini.

You don't speak for Black Guyanese, so stop making up stories to cast your lot in a favorable light.  Most people when they hear Black Guyanese,  they think choke and rob and criminal behavior.  A survey of the US prison system will find a disproportionate # of Black Guyanese compared to the likes of RK and other IndoG criminals. In fact Brooklyn is know as ground zero for Black Guyanese criminal enterprise. 

yuji22 posted:

Burnham selected this day to humiliate Indos. His disciple Granger is celebrating.

Negromootoo and Rumjattan will go down in the history books as the biggest traitors.

Forbes was mimicking his idol, Idi, who committed worst atrocities against the Indians in Uganda.

RiffRaff posted:
george dasilva posted:

This is the reason why we should not celebrate.


This picture is one of weakness, not strength

This exposes the rape, torture and murder of Indos.

caribny posted:
alena06 posted:

Baseman you know we Guyanese always look for a reason to party.  We are celebrating being  a little ahead of our Haitian bruddas, wait a sec, are we

I guess after 23 years of PPP rule Guyana still remains a little ahead of Haiti.  Even though the PPP ruled Guyana for 23 of the past 25 years, and there is no evidence that the economy has imploded in one year.

This is what I like about Jamaicans.  A deeply tribal island, where supporters of one party will literally kill supporters of the other. Routine violence at a level that Guyana hasn't seen since 1964.

Yet when they celebrated their 50th, EVERY Jamaica was proud to be JAMAICAN.  Because at the end of the day, if they didn't see anything positive about being a Jamaican, then they would be stating that they as INDIVIDUALS, are worthy of nothing.

Pity Guyanese cannot accomplish that.  Come Olympics you will see fierce Jamaican pride because they are JAMAICANS!

The PPP accidents were fender benders. The current PNC accidents are massive train wrecks.

As for the Jamaicans, that's nothing new among Negroes, they practise this all over the world. Look in your backyard, black on black killings. What's new?

Sparky posted:

No doubt racism exists among the major races in Guyana. But damn it, the stuff that I read from some of y'all is extremely obscene and vulgar. 

This site brings out the worst in most posters.

yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
george dasilva posted:

This is the reason why we should not celebrate.


This picture is one of weakness, not strength

This exposes the rape, torture and murder of Indos.

In a few hours I will be visiting a family who suffered dearly at the hands of PNC thugs at Wismar 1964.  Three of their homes were burnt down. They were lucky to have survived.  Thanks to the people at the Canadian Bauxite Company who took them in the compound and protected them the marauding thugs. Their accent is vintage McKenzie. The father is Hindu and the mother is Muslim. Very nice people.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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